Sunday, June 27, 2021

Season 5: Tyris Flare (Golden Axe) vs Vivian (The Vagrant)


Greetings and Welcome to another edition of my Who Would Win Series and it is going to be a clash between Tyris Flare from Golden Axe vs Vivian from the Vagrant

On a forthright, I will mainly use the Classic Version of Tyris Flare for this blog since it is the original and of course, more feats were achieved. That said, supplement skills from the reboot game "Beast Rider" will be included for composition purposes. Though, Classic Tyris is going to be the main portrayal of the character.

As for Vivian, her info is virtually the same from her previous match up "Vivian vs Icey" since nothing has changed since that blog was made. 

So, with all that out of the way, I will go into Stats, Weapons, Skills, Abilities, Feats, Weaknesses and Finally, who I personally believe will win this battle of "Sword and Sorcery" Warriors.

Now, let us begin :D!!!

Tyris Flare



Tyris was the former princess of the Firewood Kingdom, where she lived happily with her parents, the king and the queen. On her 17th birthday  an evil army led by Death Adder invaded the Firewood Kingdom. Her father and the kingdom's army tried to fight them off, only to be defeated

After the downfall of the Firewood Kingdom, Tyris joined a group of Amazons and trained in the arts of swordsmanship and fire magic.

Six years later, Tyris, Ax Battler and Gilius Thunderhead find their friend Alex wounded in the Old Firewood Kingdom. He tells them that the king and the princess from the Southwood Kingdom have been taken by Death Adder and asks to avenge him before passing away. Thus began an epic quest of Revenge against Death Adder and his minions. Ultimately, Tyris and her comrades succeeded, and this led to the rescue of the King and the Princess from Death Adder's Grasp.

Afterwards, Tyris and her friends had another battle on their hands against another evil warlord known as Dark Guld. However, his reign of terror was short lived, as, you guessed it, Tyris and friends defeated him once and for all.

Now, this is the canonical story arc for Tyris Flare. There is an alternate version when she is part of a sisterhood, who was eventually killed off by Death Adder with Tyris as the only survivor. But, as it became pretty predictable at this point, Tyris defeated Death Adder cleanly and efficiently.

That's the general background of Tyris Flare. Now, let's see what this amazonian warrior is capable of that would make Wonder Woman very proud :D!!!

Physical Stats










By all means of logic, Tyris Flare is actually, one of the most powerful characters in Golden Axe. 


Though she may not be as strong as Gilius or Ax Battler in terms of Physical Strength, her Speed is already a huge edge over those two, and since they attack foes at Faster than the Eye can track speeds, Tyris' Speed actually does exceed that level pretty easily. 


Here is the general rundown for Strength, Speed and Durability 




  • Can lift Giants above her shoulders and throw them 10 feet across.
  • With her Sword, Tyris can cut through thick armor like butter. Essentially, it is as sharp as a Lightsaber
  • With a flying super kick, Tyris can kick enemies with strong knock back. She is also able to kick multiple enemies at once and the amount of force to generate this is equal to that of a Truck's Ramming Speed. That's right, Tyris' flying Kick can kill you in one hit and turn you into mince. And she does this casually!!!!!
  • In Beast Rider, Tyris can grapple foes and then kick them from behind, sending them into the air at long distances.


  • Is the fastest character in terms of running and attack speed. For comparison purposes, Gilius is able to run as fast as an Olympic Athlete. However, Tyris can run as fast as a Cockatrice and Ridable Dragons
  • Can swing her sword at Faster than the eye can track speeds.
  • Can dodge or jump over charging enemies
  • Can chase down Blue and Green Thieves. In Golden Axe 2, they are replaced by Sorcerers.


  • Can take blows from Giants, Minotaurs, Knights, Dragons and Cockatrice. All of which are more than capable of inflicting heavy damage.
  • Took spell blasts from sorcerers. 
  • Can tank multiple spell attacks from Death Adder, whose most powerful spell can summon a huge Dragon to use its fire breath to engulf the entire area with flames. Also, Death Adder uses spells from all of the Heroes with unlimited usage
  • Can survive multiple strikes from both sides at once.
  • Took strikes from Skeletons, who are much stronger than the regular grunts in Golden Axe.
  • Can take multiple strikes from Dark Guld. It is also worth noting that Dark Guld can use spells without any fear of losing magic reserves. Some spells in particular can destroy entire armies at once
The Mighty Sword!!!!


Tyris' signature weapon is the Sword. A very dangerous weapon, Tyris uses the Sword for hacking and slashing, and even uses the hilt as a weapon also. So really, Tyris can use all of the sword's materials and components as a weapon. Very efficient and crafty indeed :D!!!!!

But of course, Tyris is not just a Melee Fighter, which also means......


Natsu Dragneel is becoming a role model at this point XD!


Tyris may be a highly skilled melee fighter, but she truly shines with her mastery of Fire Magic.

With the use of Magic Potions, Tyris can unleash powerful Fire Spells that decimate Armies without missing their intended targets. Here is the list of Spells Tyris has used for combat.

Fire Spark: A Level 1 Spell that requires 1-4 Magic Potions, Tyris creates a large stream of Fire that turns into a circular loop of Flames that engulfs the battlefield and burns every enemy. The Sparks never miss their intended target

Fire Spark

Pillars of Fire: A Level 2 spell that requires 5 Magic Potions to Unleash, The Pillars of Fire are actually huge Fountains of Flame that burst from the Ground beneath every enemy and, like Fire Spark, Doesn't Miss any intended target. It also has more damage output than Fire Spark and it's wider area of effect is also a bigger advantage. That's Hot!!!!

Pillars of Fire

Fire Ghost: A Level 3 Spell that Requires 6 Magic Potions, Fire Ghost initially summons two Fiery Ghosts that spin around the battlefield, eventually, one of them grows larger and gives out a final scare, and of course, damaging every intended target without missing......... Are you getting the theme of "Doesn't Miss"? Yeah, Tyris' Spells rival character's who never miss their target.......... XD!!!!!

Casper, the Friendly Ghost!!!! Oh wait, this ghost ain't Casper!!!!!

Running Flames: A Level 4 Spell that Requires 7 Magic Potions, Running Flames is Tyris' most standard fire spell that is, well, at this point, so powerful and, once again, never misses intended targets. It creates a row of Flames that engulf the battlefield and travel at high speeds.

Why are Tyris' Spell not missing any targets? She is an absolute badass!!!!

Eruption: A Level 5 Spell that Requires 8 Magic Potions, Eruption unleashed a Volcano that spits out Fireballs that never...... Ok I think we get the idea that "All" of Tyris' spells never miss XD!!!!.


Tyris is literally a walking Natural Disaster!!!!


The Volcano literally deals immense power and the damage output is so powerful, it can end boss fights very quickly if given the chance. It is Tyris' Second most powerful spell, right behind.....

Dragon's Breath!!!!!!!











The Final and Ultimate Spell that Tyris Flare can unleash, Requiring 9 Magic Potions, Dragon's Breath summons a huge dragon that uses it's Fire Breath to destroy all enemies in the battlefield. While characters with Strong enough Durability can endure it, the spell alone deals so much damage that it is already a game changing factor regardless. It is godlike in every sense of the word, and the Dragon is awesome!!!! But, what always puzzles me is, why couldn't Tyris Flare summon the Dragon to ride it across Yuria and go to Death Adder and Dark Guld's Door immediately? XD!!!! 



And of Course, Tyris can imbue her Sword with Fire, increasing it's Damage potency and cause Burns to her enemies



Wow!!! That is Hot!!!








Tyris riding a Cockatrice











Tyris can ride Bizzarians, or generally speaking, Mounts, to increase her mobility and combat efficiency to greater heights. Here is a list of Mounts Tyris has ridden. 

Cockatrice: The Cockatrice, also known as "Chicken Leg" is a chicken like creature that is used for travel and even combat. The beast itself is able to swing it's tail to deliver powerful damage. It can also charge towards it's enemies for knockback 

Dragons: Dragons in Golden Axe have numerous abilities depending on the type they are. Blue Dragons breath fire, Red Dragons project fireballs at great distances and Green Dragons attack at close range combat. Like the Cockatrice, all dragons can charge for knockback damage.
Tyris riding a Red Dragon









A dinosaur that can literally shoot fire from it's mouth, The Abrax is actually quite a docile reptillian, with a tremendous capacity for bloodshed if provoked or commanded. Tyris can ride the Abrax and use it's Fire Breath for devastating burn damage and a tail whip for melee combat











The Lynth is one of the few domesticated creatures of Yuria, though it's resemblance is a mixture of many creatures, mostly a chameleon because it can do this.... 



I am Invisible!!!

Yep, The Lynth can turn both itself and Tyris invisible for Stealth and ambush purposes. Though doing so does drain it's own life. However, if used strategically and creatively, it is a powerful asset :D!!!!

Also, the Lynth can unleash Lightning bolts in front of it for electrical damage. Quite impressive :D

Lighting Fan unleashed by The Lynth












Tyris' ultimate and most powerful mount, The Megabrax is actually, the most unstable creature Tyris has ever ridden. While previous creatures tend to obey Tyris without question, the Megabrax actually has a "Bloodlust" meter in that if it is drained, it will let go of Tyris and attempt to eat her once more, unless Tyris stuns her. 


The Megabrax can Eat enemies impaled on her tail, which also means, her tail is a strong melee weapon :D!!!! Also, it can Roar..... Obviously, do you think a very scary monster like Megabrax simply does chicken sounds? (Remembers that Chickens are related to the Tyrannosaurus Rex) Oh my!!!! XD!!!!


The Roar is so powerful, it stuns enemies, leaving them open to a killshot for Tyris and the Megabrax to take advantage of.


Overall, The Megabrax is powerful and clearly Tyris' best mount in terms of power and durability. Very intimidating :D!!!!





What about the Giant Turtle and Eagle?

Ahhh, these creatures were indeed ridden by Tyris and her friends. However, they are mainly used for transport and not for combat. So, unfortunately, as cool as they both are, they are not relevant to the match up XD!!!! 





Tyris Flare is one of the most skilled warriors in Golden Axe. And the fact she is very well balanced in the use of Sword and Sorcery, her versatility is greater than Gilius Thunderhead and rivaled by Ax Battler. While her Melee Combat proficiency is the lowest of the three original heroes, by no means Tyris is outmatched. Infact, she is just as capable at taking down anyone using melee attacks alone.

But of course, Tyris' mastery of Fire Magic is unrivaled by anyone in Golden Axe. With a vast knowledge of spell casting, Tyris' Magic is powerful and very versatile. This makes the Amazonian Warrior "Super Hot!!!!" XD!!!!!

Feats by Tyris

Being one of the main characters of Golden Axe, and having her own stand alone game "Beast Rider", Tyris has quite alot of feats to behold. Here is a list of notable feats achieved by the might Amazon

  • Has officially, and cleanly, defeated Death Adder and Dark Guld
  • Successfully rescued the Southwood Kingdom's King and Princess from Death Adder. 
  • Took on armies of Death Adder's and Dark Guld's forces on a regular basis
  • Avenged her father and the Kingdom of Firewood
  • Saved the land of Yuria multiple times.
  • Is part of the ending of the Arcade version of Golden Axe....................... XD!!!!!  
  • Is my favorite character in Golden Axe. Yep, I have a very soft spot for Amazonian Warriors. But Tyris takes it up a notch by being a powerful spell caster!!!! That is badass!!!!!



Despite Tyris' incredible versatility in close range and magical combat, there are a couple of flaws to consider.

Tyris has the shortest melee range out of all the three playable characters from the original games. While Beast Rider does give her a melee range boost by having a longer sword, Tyris still has some faults

In order to use her magic, Tyris needs to have Magic Potions at all times, and, if she uses all of those magic potions at once, she cannot use magical spells again unless she gets Magic Potions as pick ups or by slaying Goblins and Sorcerers, who drop  Magic Potions when defeated.
Also, Tyris' durability may be impressive, but she is extremely easy to knock down, leaving powerful opponents to take advantage of a "Downed Tyris" and attempt to finish her off, which is quite scary for Tyris, luckily her nimble skills do counter this drawback so she is likely gonna be alright when she gets knocked down and get up again (Just like the song  Tubthumping by Chumbawamba hahahah)

However, despite her faults, Tyris Flare is a true Amazonian Warrior and an absolute badass in every sense of the word. Tyris is Cool, beloved and extremely "Hot" :D!!!!


Vivian is the daughter of a middle class family which also happens to have another daughter named Valerie, who is of course, Vivian's sister. 

Vivian lived a pretty tragic life in her childhood, her father left the family to continue his research, and her mother died while Vivian was still young.

After the incident, Vivian was eventually tutored by Valerie to use Runecraft. Although Valerie was highly abusive to Vivian, Vivian still loved Valerie regardless of the mistreatment. Sadly, her time with her last remaining family member was cut when a league of Wizards known as "The Academy" came by, seeking The Art of Runecraft and striking down Valerie when she refused to share her knowledge with them.

Afterwards, Vivian became a Sellsword, a Mercenary, and a Vagrant. The Ground was her bed and the Sky was the blanket..... Yes, Vivian was pretty much a wandering nomad at this point......

Vivian, despite all of her hardships, still had the urge to try and find her father. Eventually, Vivian set sailed on a Ship in search for him. Unfortunately, the Vessel was destroyed by a severe storm, and Vivian was washed ashore in a nearby beach bed. As fate would have it, Vivian eventually embarked on a quest to attempt to help others in need....... even if it has involved in her being a pet to a powerful witch named Holborn.

Since then, Vivian has achieved quite a impressive resume, ranging from defeating Undead Kings, Giant Monsters, Gods, Holborn and the most powerful entity of the Universe known as "Magnus". 

That is a straight forward backstory of Vivian. Now, let's see what this badass combatant is capable of. 



Vivian is without a doubt, one of the most physically impressive characters for her power level in terms of Strength. Here is a list of Vivian's amazing Strength capabilities

  • Slices Armor like butter
  • Can slice through Golem Skin, which are covered entirely by rocks, which, using real life physics, can weigh as much as 30-200 tons worth of weight.
  • Can kick enemies 15ft backwards. Some of them wear plate armor
  • Can slice through Ice Armor
  • Has Sliced through the Headless Horseman's Armor, which is Thicker than even Plate Mail.
  • Can use her heavy attacks to break through shields, some of which are crafted with Magical steel, which is much tougher than regular steel.
  • Can slice Wood with just one swipe like butter.


In terms of Speed, Vivian is also extremely fast. Here is a list of a surprising amount of feats for Speed for Vivian.

  • Can slice her enemies around her in a time span of just 3 seconds at most
  • Has dodged point blank laser like energy beams from enemies.
  • Dodged a beam attack that is comparable to Light speed by Holborn and Magnus. 
  • Has dodged and even avoided Lightning entirely
  • Can dodge, and I kid you not, bypass point blank fire blasts from statues and enemies.
  • Can equally match her Clone, who is virtually identical to Vivian in terms of capabilities. The Clone herself could be faster because her attacks can be quicker to execute compared to Vivian. The feat for Vivian however is that she defeated this Clone so it is entirely possible Vivian herself would either be evenly matched or even slightly faster than the Clone.
  • Dodge Ice Spikes coming from the ground that travel at Mach 1-2 speeds.
  • Can dodge traps
  • Dodged multiple attacks from a group of Wraiths and Ghosts, some of which can ambush Vivian from the edge of the screen.


Okay, in terms of Durability, Vivian is a badass. What is interesting here, Vivian's durability does rely on her armor.... Even though Vivian is wearing, well, a bikini after all....... That said, Vivian is absolutely superhuman in terms of Durability. Here is a list of feats for her amazing Durability

  • Survived multiple Elemental attacks that can melt through steel, break armor and even electrocute her.
  • Can keep fighting at full power despite getting poisoned, burned, slowed down and even suffering from electrical surges flowing around her body
  • Can survive Petrification, which is amazingly impressive since Petrification usually results in the victim instantly dying.
  • Took Holborn's attacks, which are magical in nature and can bypass defenses.
  • Tanked attacks from the Mother Bear, who can one shot her foes with a claw swipe and her elemental attacks
  • Took multiple arrows and keeps fighting..... Take that Boromir!!!
  • Tanked attacks from her Evil Clone. Who also has the same Strength Capabilities as Vivian herself (as said before)
  • Survived Impalement from traps, spears, swords and pole-arms 


Runes in The Vagrant are powerful artifacts that boost the capabilities of the users equipment. Here is a list of Rune types used by Vivian:

Ur: Increases Attack Power

Sigel: Increases Critical Hit Damage

Rad: Increases Defense

Hagal: Increases Critical Hit Chance

Daeg: Adds additional Fire Damage

Tyr: Adds Additional Lightning Damage

Is: Adds additional Ice Damage

Lagu: Immunity to Dizziness

Gifu: Increases Health

Wyn: Increases Rage

Peorth: Increases Combo Attack Power

Ehwaz: Allows improved Combo Rage Regain

Eoh: Allows improved Combo Hitpoints Regain

Feoh: Allows improved Critical Rage Regain





Vivian is armed with a huge variety of Swords and Daggers. These range from Broadswords, Long Swords, Broken Swords (Yes, Vivian used a broken sword with deadly efficiency), Rapiers, Ice swords and even Swords that are as thick and heavy as Cloud Strife's Buster Sword from Final Fantasy....... Oh yes, Vivian is a Sword master indeed.


Vivian is not just armed with swords and daggers, she is also protected by armor. While Vivian wears....... well, a Bikini and two leggings that somehow are missing the groin cover (Sexy!!!!) Vivian herself is actually wearing armor. As usual, Armor grants Vivian a substantial Defense boost, especially considering that adding Runes to the Armor provides them superior capabilities.



Vivian also wears certain accessories that provide different benefits.The list of benefits from these Accessories include:

  • Increased attack power
  • Increased Defenses
  • Increased Health
  • Increased Rage
  • Increased Gold and Mana pick up
  • Immunity to Negative effects
  • Allows Vivian to gain Health by attacking her opponent. Aka "Life Draining" 



Vivian can also carry a huge amount of Potions, food and even materials that give her certain benefits. She also can cook food that boost her stats. Here is a list of useful and surprising consumables that Vivian uses:

Health Potions: Heals Vivian..... Obviously XD

Rage Potions: Replenishes Vivian's Rage meter

Elixirs: Completely Heals Vivian and restores Rage. They can even be used to maximum effect during the cool down period.

Strength Potions G: Increases Vivian's Attack power

Speed Potions G: Increases Vivian's Speed

Ironskin Potions G: Increases Vivian's Durability

Critical Potions: Increases Critical Hit Chance

Luck Potions: Increases the Amount of Gold found

Antidote Potions: Completely removes all negative effects from Vivian.

Adrenaline Potions: Allows Vivian to have an infinite supply of Rage for a few seconds

Armour Potions: Substantially increases Vivian's Defenses, making her much more difficult to put down.

 Elemental Control

Vivian may be a powerful fighter, but of course, she is also able to wield elemental effects using specific weapons. The Three main elements that Vivian has wielded are:

Fire: Increased Damage Potential and Creates Fire attacks for devastating effects

Ice: Slows the enemies, severely reducing their combat and travel speed

Lightning: Creates Electrical attacks that Pierce through Enemies and even create a chain of lightning that can damage an entire group at once 

Skill Tree/Ability

Of course, The Vagrant is an RPG game. So, Vivian has a leveling system that allows her to spend Mana points to increase her capabilities in both Combat and Exploration such as Increasing Attack, Defenses, Barter skills, Pick up benefits and even increasing Skill damage and Elemental control effects.

What's more, Vivian can spend mana points to unlock combos that can break through defenses such as:

Whirling Slash
Whirling Slash: A two hit combo with Vivian ending the combo with a large sweeping motion.

Rising Attack
Rising attack: A three hit combo that ends with Vivian using a
uppercut motion, this combo is great against enemies on the air

Fierce Attack

Fierce Attack: A four hit combo with Vivian ending the combo with a thrust.

It should be noted that all of the three main combos do not require Rage in order to execute them, making them extremely reliable for any situation.


Vivian is a sword master and also a highly experienced combatant. What is more, Vivian's time as a Mercenary proves that she has quite alot of experience in combat for someone at her age. Prior to the events of The Vagrant, Vivian was trained by her sister Valerie to become the best fighter she could possibly be. 

Vivian using her Dodge technique
It is also worth noting that Vivian is also quite an accomplished acrobat. She is capable of dodging attacks from multiple enemies at once, even making her intangible to them for a split second. Even better, Vivian is also able to increase the dodge period by another second by rolling, which makes her virtually untouchable for an additional second.... AWESOME!!!

Another impressive skill that Vivian has is her kicking techniques. Vivian can slide kick and kick in mid air like Grand Chariot Style from Akame Ga Kill. 

Overall, Vivian's skills are amazing, fluid, and badass :D!!!


Vivian is a Swiss army knife in terms of abilities, she can perform a handful of devastating and precise attacks that not only deliver amazing results, they simply get the job done relatively quickly. Here is a list of Techniques that Vivian can use.

Impulse Blade
Impulse Blade: Vivian swings her weapon and creates a sword wave that can pierce through groups of enemies in a straight line. Depending on which element she uses, they can involve 3 balls of fire, an Ice Blade or even a Bolt of Lightning. Without elemental attacks, the attack is still powerful. It is Vivian's best ranged attack. 

Heaven's Fall
Heaven's Fall: Vivian jumps up into the Air and delivers what has to be, my favorite aerial attack in video games. Heaven's Fall is a technique that turns Vivian into a spinning blade, much like Sonic the Hedgehog's Spin attack. It is also incredibly versatile for both Combat and Exploration because the technique can make Vivian travel to hard to reach places such as far platforms. Combat wise, the technique can destroy an entire group of enemies both on the Ground and in the Air.

Power Upper
Power Upper: Power Upper Allows Vivian to jump up and strike her opponents with a sword attack. It is exceptionally good against flying enemies and the range of the attack is quite good. 

Force Unleash
Force Unleash: Vivian strikes the Ground and Unleashed a powerful blast that sends her enemies within her vicinity to kingdom come. Force Unleash, depending on which elemental effects it delivers, can either create a Fire blast that emits balls of fire for greater range, create a huge pillar of Ice that greatly damages the enemy and even a Lightning blast that emits a wide area of electrical damage.

Shining Assault
Shining Assault: Shining Assault allows Vivian to use an extremely fast and powerful attack that pierces through enemy defenses entirely. It is so powerful, that the attack can phase through Golems and Shielded enemies, delivering supreme area of effect damage.

Mirage Storm
Mirage Storm: Mirage Storm is Vivian's equivalent to Dante and Bayonetta's skewer attacks. Basically self explanatory, the attack allows Vivian to skewer her enemies with quick sword strikes with precision, speed and power.

Tornado Slash
Tornado Slash: Tornado Slash is without a doubt, Vivian's most powerful attack. It allows Vivian to become a Whirlwind of Death. It also delivers heavy amounts of Damage per second, and, when used to maximum effect, can let Vivian win a boss fight in under 5 seconds........ Badass!!!!

Polar Strike
Polar Strike: Polar Strike is a technique that allows Vivian to channel power to her weapon, raise it above her head and strike down the ground to unleash a shock wave of power. A fully upgraded Polar Strike will unleash a massive blade wave, covering a huge area and dealing massive damage


Health/Rage Meter

Vivian of course has a Health bar that, well, displays her health.

As for the second Bar, this is her Rage Meter. Rage is Vivian's main source of power that allows her to produce her more powerful attacks. When fully leveled up, Vivian can also gain more rage the more damage she takes...... I wonder if Yang Xiao Long and Vivian are the same person XD!!!!



Of course, Vivian may have only one Game to her name, but oh my goodness, she has achieved a huge amount of impressive stuff. Here is a list of accomplishments done by Vivian:

  • Has officially, and cleanly, defeated Holborn and Magnus at once. Holborn is the Academy's most powerful Witch, Magnus is a Godlike Entity

Vivian fighting her evil Clone
  • Defeated The Mother Bear, who literally is a God
  • Defeated the Headless Horseman
  • Defeated the Mighty Markham, who transformed into a large building sized bear.
  • Took down multiple magic users at once, even the majority of Vivian's enemies are vastly superior to her in terms of hax capabilities
  • Defeated a Possessed Valerie
  • Defeated an Evil Clone of herself, who literally has the exact same capabilities as Vivian
  • Has kept her promise to Cadem that she would survive......
  • Helped a poor beggar by giving him a huge amount of Gold, which gave Vivian a Rune.
  • Took down an evil Aristocrat who somehow mistook Vivian as his bride..... What? XD!!! 
Vivian being mistaken for a bride
  • Has taken so much punishment, she kept fighting on...... What a badass!!!!! 



While Vivian has achieved a gargantuan amount of feats for just one game. Unfortunately, Vivian herself is far from invincible.

Of course, Vivian can still die from sufficient force. Some enemies in the Vagrant are more than capable of one shotting Vivian if she is not careful. 

What's interesting here, While Vivian is exceptionally skilled with Swords and Daggers.... Those are literally, the only weapon types she has used in combat. While this may be because of game play mechanics, and that it is entirely possible that Vivian is skilled with other weapon types such as Axes, Pole Arms and bows, unfortunately, we never got to see anything that indicates that she is able to use other weapon types effectively.

Even worse, Vivian is primarily a melee combatant, giving her limited options for range attacks aside from her Impulse Blade and the fully upgraded Polar Strike. While Lightning attacks from Vivian can emit a chain lighting effect for greater area effects, it is still worth mentioning it is an elemental exclusive effect.

As for Vivian's most powerful attacks, all of them require Rage in order to use them. Should Vivian run out of Rage, she will no longer use the abilities until she regains more Rage by continuously attacking her enemies or drink more Rage Potions.

Speaking of Potions, when Vivian drinks a Health and Rage potion, they trigger a cool down period. While yes, she can still drink potions while the cool down period is in effect, the benefits from those potions will actually become weaker the more times Vivian drinks them. So, Vivian must wait for the cool down to end in order to effectively use her potions to maximum effect. 

The only potion type that is unaffected by the cool down drawback is the Elixir, which fully restores Vivian's Health and Rage altogether (This is actually not a weakness at all hahahahah XD!!!)

And finally, her other potion types like the Strength, Speed, Ironskin, Armor, Adrenaline, Critical and Luck Potions are on a time limit. While all the effects are powerful, they only last for a few seconds, making them almost useless in a long drawn fight.

Still despite her flaws, Vivian is without a doubt, a god damn badass. It is quite amazing how she accomplished so much even though she has only one game to her name....... That alone is quite a feat in itself :D!!!! Vivian is just awesome :D!!
Tyris Flare

  • Has spells that are more powerful than Vivian's Elemental Control with her Swords. 
  • Riding Megabrax will give Tyris a bigger durability boost that can keep up against Vivian in a very hard fought fight, with Tyris having a good chance of outlasting Vivian due to Megabrax's Roar being a stun effect and then finishing Vivian off with Impalement and then consumption
  • Because Tyris Can use Bizzarians, she is a two person army, giving her a numeric advantage over Vivian 
  • Since Tyris' Spells never miss, Vivian is going to get hammered by all types of spells unleashed by Tyris
  • If Tyris has all available Magic Potions, and unleashes Dragon's Breath, Vivian. will be close to death's door
  • Is the more versatile combatant
  • While lacking more items, Tyris' Sheer Power alone can counter all of Vivian's Stat boosts and effects.

  • Is actually outmatched in Strength, Speed and Durability
  • While the Megabrax is a huge leg up for Tyris, Vivian is certainly capable of killing it, which drops Tyris' Durability by leaps and bounds.
  • Far less items to rely on
  • Not as skilled as Vivian
  • Is not as acrobatic 
  • The Antidote Potion will nullify Megabrax's Stun effect on Vivian, which loses the easy target scenario for Tyris to capitalize on.
  • Vivian's Adrenaline Potions actually grant Unlimited Rage, which means, Vivian has far better magic reserves than Tyris Flare.
  • Never fought any enemy that matches Vivian's rogue gallery such as the Mother Bear, Holborn and Magnus.


  • Is Superior in terms of Strength, Speed and Durability
  • More weapons and Items to rely upon
  • Is more Skilled than Tyris
  • Is more acrobatic thanks to her flying kicks and fluid attacks 
  • Vivian's dodge technique allows intangibility for a second, which can help against Tyris' Spells.
  • Has a more impressive Rogue Gallery than Tyris
  • Will certainly kill the Megabrax despite it's sheer power and durability.
  • Adrenaline Potions give Vivian a substantial edge in terms of Magic Reserves.
  • Antidote Potion removes all negative effects, so Vivian can nullify the Stun effect by the Megabrax if she is quick enough

  • While Vivian's Elemental Control with her Swords is actually exceptional, Unfortunately, Tyris' Spells actually outclass them in terms of power output 
  • While Vivian is capable of killing the Megabrax, in order to do so, she has to avoid getting stunned long enough to deliver a killing blow, because the Megabrax's Roar uses a stun effect that can end the fight quickly in favor of Tyris such as eating Vivian for dinner
  • While Vivian has fought armies before, Tyris rides Bizzarians that are more versatile than almost any of Vivian's foes she has ever faced such as the Dragons and the Lynth
  • Vivian is going to get clobbered by Tyris' Fire magic, which never misses their intended target
  • If Tyris has all available Magic Potions, and unleashes Dragon's Breath, Vivian. with be close to death's door. Even kill Vivian if she sustained too much damage
  • Is less versatile than Tyris in terms of Spell casting and melee combat
  • Tyris' Sheer Power alone can counter all of Vivian's Stat boosts and effects.
The Verdict

In what may well be the closest match up of Season 5 to date, Tyris Flare vs Vivian is actually, in my opinion, the most evenly match battle I ever researched since "Vivian vs Icey" (Hey, Vivian was in that fight as well XD!!!!) 
This fight is soooo hard to decide that I am not sure if my own verdict section is going to be convincing to many people, but, I will make my own thoughts on who I believe is going to win this legendary and overlooked match up :D!!!!
So, in terms of Stats, I am certain that Vivian has the edge in all categories. While Tyris is not exactly stomped by all means, Vivian's feats such as slicing Golems and Giants like butter are more than enough to solidify her edge in terms of Strength. As for Speed, Vivian can fight at light speed due to her moment with Holborn and Magnus in the final boss battle so that is another win for Vivian, as for Durability, Vivian can take Petrification, impalement and even magic spells and still kick ass at full power. So really, Vivian's Stats are more superhuman than Tyris. But it is not a big stomp as you would think.
Tyris has done quite alot of amazing feats for Stats such as throwing Giants, Fighting at Faster than the eye can track speeds and even endure Death Adder and Dark Guld's magic, which actually decimate Armies at once. So this is still a close call, But I still say Vivian takes the Stats edge in the end.
However, Stats are quite literally, the second thought of this fight. We now go into what has to be the most important factors of the entire battle Tyris' Spells vs Vivian's Arsenal and Elemental Control.
So, here we have it!
On one corner, we have Tyris Flare, unleashing Devastating Spells with assistance from her Mounts and her Ultimate Ally the Megabrax vs Vivian with her immense Arsenal that rival's Link and Cloud's list of Items and her Elemental Control of Fire, Ice And Lightning. Let the Factors Duke it out!!!!!

 Now to be clear, this is where the fight ultimately boils down to. Tyris may not have the bottomless bag of Armor, Items and Weapons that Vivian Possesses at will, but she already makes up for it with her Magic, and, well, her Magical Abilities never miss their intended target. So really, Vivian is in for what may well be, her toughest battle in her lifetime. What is more intense, Tyris can literally use Magic Spells while riding her mounts, giving her complete control of the battlefield and since the mounts can also attack at the same time, Vivian is getting overwhelmed by two enemies at once. Even worse, the Megabrax alone is going to give Vivian a very, very hard time to deal with. It can use Roar to stun Vivian and literally open a killshot for Tyris to finish Vivian off in Mortal Kombat Style...................

But, Vivian has one trick..... Antidote Potions.
Ahhh, so Vivian is not helpless after all when stunned. Well, Vivian's Antidote Potion removes all Negative effects and since a Stun is indeed a "Negative Effect", the Potion will snap Vivian out of it to avoid danger entirely, which also means, yes, Vivian will indeed have a very solid chance to kill the Megabrax and dismount Tyris effectively. It is also worth noting that some of Vivian's accessories do grant immunity to negative effects, which nullify the stun completely. So things are more evenly matched still, as Vivian and Tyris are now facing 1v1.......... Well, there is more factors to consider

Vivian's Elemental Control of Fire, Ice And Lightning are incredibly powerful, if Vivian was equipped with Ice Swords, she is going to slow down Tyris with both her combos and her abilities such as Impulse Blade and Polar Strike, which in turn will give Vivian a substantial speed Gap boost against Tyris. So really, this is looking good for Vivian........ But, Tyris is able to jump over hazards before, so she has the reaction speed to actually avoid those attacks entirely....... Uh oh, looks like Vivian is in trouble once more, and, she is going to run out of options. Which brings up Tyris' Main weapon to end this fight Fire Magic

Now this is going to be the ultimate factor, Tyris can unleash Fire Magic with such skill and Mastery, she Never misses her intended target. Eruption creates a Volcano that shoots tracking fireballs that never miss their target, fire Ghost will chase Vivian until it blasts her, and of course, this.......

So, this is looking like Tyris is going to win this fight. Well, I can say that, while this is certainly a very likely outcome, Vivian is not going down with one more trick she has Adrenaline Potions
Using Adrenaline Potions, Vivian has a short time period of Unlimited Rage to unleash her Elemental Powers with her Swords to decimate Tyris. She can spam her abilities as much as she wants as long as the time limit doesn't finish. Of course, I still think that Tyris' Dragon's Breath is going to overpower Vivian's Elemental Power...... But, guess what? Vivian wins this fight.

Yes, despite what Tyris can do with her Fire Magic, Vivian just outlasts Tyris because of multiple reasons I will get into now.

Firstly, once Tyris uses her Magic, they drain her Magic Potions, and she can only reuse her magic if she can find more Magic Potions to use up once more. The problem? She has to kill Goblins and Sorcerers in order to get them and Vivian, while not as powerful in terms of Magic Capabilities, does have Mana Potions to restore her rage, and she can hold 99 of them at once. Added that Vivian has Elixirs that can heal her and restore mana at once, Tyris simply lacks the most important Factor of the Fight "Longevity"
So, with Adrenaline Potions, a huge amount of consumables to restore health, mana and a couple of stat boosts, Vivian's saving grace is her bottomless bag of consumables that ultimately grant her the victory by the narrowest of margins......... Oh my this is soooooo close though
Added that Vivian has fought more powerful foes than Tyris' Rogue Gallery before, she has actually fought foes who have unleashed powerful magic before, so Tyris' Fire Magic may prove dangerous to Vivian, but Vivian is going to overcome that and eventually defeat Tyris in an extremely hard fought battle. 

So in order for Tyris to somehow get the win, she has to first outlast Vivian's longevity with her consumables to keep up, but the sad part is that her magic potions are not as renewable and reliable as 99 Mana Potions and Health Potions plus stat boosts and Elixirs....... It is simply not going to be enough for Tyris to overcome.

Thanks to Vivian's Stats, Skills, and Items, I believe Vivian is going to win in the closest battle I ever researched........ 

Haha, I still do not know who is going to win but I already made my pick, so, Vivian is going to take my vote and I am still far from confident with my decision. But, I think I proved my point and now I should end this traditionally.

"Looks like Tyris didn't produce a Flare, and trust me, Vivian managed to become the Golden Vagrant"
The Winner is Vivian

A Special Thanks

I would like to thank my close friend Marty for being a wonderful help with Golden Axe Lore and for Tyris Flare's info. Thank you very much for your collaboration and I hope to team up with you in the future

Remember, George Hancock is out there ;)

Next Time on Who Would Win........























Toph Beifong (Avatar the Last Airbender) vs Tsuyu Asui (My Hero Academia)


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