Friday, May 31, 2019

Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019) Review

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen and Welcome to my first ever film review and it is about my thoughts on Godzilla King of the Monsters.

This Review will contain a Spoiler Filled analysis on the film's plot, characters and Kaiju moments.

Without further ado, let's start off with a Non Spoiler Part of the Review.

Firstly, I absolutely loved Godzilla King of the Monsters. It delivered what it promised and while I do believe it does not have the best acting you will ever see, a Godzilla movie never tries to be that. I watch a Godzilla movie solely for the Action scenes involving Destruction, Kaiju fights and all round, just a fun popcorn flick. Not only did this movie succeed with flying colors, it literally puts the cherry on the top with what has to be, my favorite finale in movie history. And yes, I admit, I am a Godzilla fan for life so I honestly am very personal for this movie.

So overall, if you are a Godzilla Fan, this movie is a must see for you. If you are a non Godzilla Fan, I can understand why you would get confused at some moments of the film though I do hope you enjoy the film regardless. Otherwise, If I had to rate the movie? It is definitely a 10/10 for me :D!!! So, go see it and have fun.

Now for the Spoiler filled Section.

The movie itself has many, many memorable moments. From Godzilla vs Ghidorah in Anartica, Rodan's extraordinary scene in Mexico, Mothra's beautiful and serene scene in China, and of course, the Battle of Boston is the most epic moment I've seen put into film. Yes, the finale is just what I wanted from a Godzilla movie. We had Godzilla vs King Ghidorah and eventually, Mothra and Rodan joined the fight and wow, I could not express how happy I was to finally see Rodan vs Mothra in the big screen for the first time. This is quite a dream for me, considering that Rodan vs Mothra is actually my favorite Kaiju match up that never happened.... Til now :).

Anyway speaking of the Kaiju, let's talk about each of the four main Kaiju and how I felt about all of them.


Godzilla in this movie is everything I wanted and more. What is interesting here, Godzilla himself has over triple the screen time he had than in the 2014 film (Which I loved btw). But what made every Godzilla scene so badass is the fact that the iconic Akira Ifukube theme plays when he is about to fight Ghidorah..... That alone just gave me the biggest smile on my face. What is even cooler, I actually loved the modified version of the theme by having vocals that added even more suspense and intensity to it. This is one of the few times that a remixed version of a classic theme is done very well for the modern audience.

And of course, whenever Godzilla unleashes his atomic breath, which he does so alot this time around, it is badass, legendary and above all, perfectly done. However, Godzilla eventually get's beefed up in power after being revived from the Oxygen Destroyer by Dr Serizawa and a Nuclear Blast that gave his atomic breath more kick to it. Essentially, Godzilla became even more powerful and badass over the course of the film. But by far, the coolest part about Godzilla in this movie was his final Form.


This is Burning Godzilla, and oh my, this appearance is one of my favorites. This form of Godzilla is just so powerful in the film, his presence alone melted buildings around him. But the best thing about him is that he now emits a Omnidirectional Nuclear blast, which actually vaporizes Ghidorah so much, he couldn't regenerate from it entirely. This made Godzilla so powerful, I do not know how Kong, who will face Godzilla in the sequel, stands a chance here. 

Overall, Godzilla's scenes were just badass in every sense of the word. 


Mothra in this movie is a beautiful kaiju with possibly the best scene that doesn't involve any action in the Bermuda Facility.  Mothra herself is portrayed as a Godlike Presence, which also helps her cement her title as "Queen of the Monsters". At first, Mothra was actually more of just a creature who attacked anyone via self defense. Overtime however, thank's to the effects of the "ORCA",Mothra eventually became a gentle soul. 

Aside from her portrayal as a Friendly and Godlike Kaiju, Mothra is a badass. Her new look in the film is already my favorite Mothra design to date. She is now given longer limbs and has a stinger in her abdomen for piercing attacks. This Stinger was what she used in her epic clash against Rodan, and, believe it or not, Mothra won that fight.  Finally, Mothra uses her iconic Silk Webbing which turns out to be quite effective against Ghidorah for a moment :D!!!

Unfortunately, Mothra eventually dies at the hands, or realistically heads, of Ghidorah. That said, she died protecting Godzilla.... What a badass!!!

Overall, Mothra is just a badass and is even more cooler than her previous versions in film. 



Rodan in this movie had to be one of the coolest looking monsters ever. Oh my goodness, everything about Rodan is just purely cool. Just like the older versions of Rodan, this version is updated with even more character. 

Rodan's scenes alone are more like a disaster flick, especially considering that his scene in Mexico had Rodan swooping across the city, creating hurricane level winds that literally destroyed everything in their path. Yes, Rodan used his sonic booms once more, and this time, it was even more devastating.

Sonic booms aside, I am amazed by how Rodan doesn't seem to be affected by water drag whenever he touched the ocean. This meant that Rodan would be extraordinarily strong to somehow muster the power to lift off from the water and fly further. That is just badass!!!!!!

And of course, Rodan's pecking attack is here, and this time, it was used against Mothra and some of Monarch's flying craft.

Speaking of Rodan's character, I actually believe he is more neutral than anything else because, while he did help Ghidorah in the finale of the film, he is more of a loyal monster to his King.  This alone gave Rodan more depth and motivation.

Unfortunately, Rodan lost against Mothra in the fight, however, thankfully, he somehow regenerated from his injury and was last seen bowing to the King of the Monsters, aka Godzilla :D!!!!

Overall, Rodan is just extremely cool and badass. 



Ghidorah, wow. Literally speaking, Ghidorah in this movie is a true Kaiju Super Boss. And while some scenes involving Ghidorah are not quite polished, still, Ghidorah himself is the perfect adversary to Godzilla. What is interesting here, Ghidorah and Godzilla fight in this movie alot yet none of those moments felt repetitive. The finale of the film even ups the stakes by having Ghidorah become more powerful after consuming electrical discharges from a Power coupling. Yes, Ghidorah in this movie gets more powerful the more electricity he is given.

Speaking of Power, Ghidorah in this movie is just a scary, scary Kaiju. He can create miles wide hurricanes, can bite with his three heads, and emit Energy breath attacks from all three heads and what is even better, Ghidorah has regeneration that is so powerful, he can regenerate his own decapitated head quickly..... That is insanely powerful. :D!!!!

 In the end, Ghidorah does eventually die at the hands of Godzilla, but, his presence in the movie alone made him one of the most intimidating villains in film :D!!!!!  

Other Kaiju

A total of  over 17 Kaiju were mentioned in the movie. While only a handful of them appear, all of them looked incredible. From Behemoth, a Giant Apelike monster with tusks resembling a Mammoth, to Scylla, a Giant Arachnid, a Female Muto (The same species that Godzilla fought in the 2014 film) and of course, Methuselah, the German Mountain Titan. 

The Plot

With regards to the Plot of the film. It is simple enough to understand. All it's about is that Monarch are fighting Eco-Terrorists by preventing them from releasing all 17 Kaiju around the world, which, would spell doom to mankind. While it does sound simple enough, it is not as paper thin as what the critics say. The storyline never needed to be deep but the fact it involves Monster action in, you know, a Monster movie, I can't see the problem with it. 

Other plot details include the moment when the Oxygen Destroyer was used on Godzilla, which actually almost killed him. Thankfully, Dr Serizawa revived Godzilla using a Nuke bomb, which also granted Godzilla even more power.

The Human Characters


In terms of the Human characters, I admit, they were the weakest part of the film. While Charles Dance and Ken Watanabe were terrific in their roles as Alan Jonah and Dr Ishiro Serizawa respectively, the rest of the cast were quite forgettable. Especially Vera Farmiga as Dr Emma Russell. Oh my goodness was she so unlikable in the film.

As for Kyle Chandler as Mark Russell, he came across as an uninteresting protagonist. While he does have a few good moments, he mainly is just an emotionless guy with a very simple mindset, which made him very one dimensional.

As for Madison Russell, played by Millie Bobby Brown. I believe she was..... ok. While not exactly the best human character in the movie, Madison does do a fair amount of stuff that was ultimately relatable. Sadly, she rarely did much aside from the finale and for the most part, Millie Bobby Brown was under used here.

As for the supporting roles, some the other characters are just there, I hardly remembered any of them and whenever they crack a joke, at least it gave out a laugh or two but that's really it.

However, Zhang Ziyi as Dr IIene Chang is great. Her scenes usually involve the mythology of the Kaiju, or as they call them "Titans", which brought greater world building and depth to the film, something that the critics overlooked severely.

So overall, while Charles Dance, Ken Watanabe and Zhang Ziyi were terrific, the rest of the cast were either "Meh" or simply "Boring"

The Soundtrack

In terms of the soundtrack, Godzilla King of the Monsters kicked ass BIG TIME!!!! As said before in the Godzilla section, the iconic Akira Ifukube theme plays whenever Godzilla begins to appear. Also, Mothra's Song does play as well with a beautiful and calm feel to it, matching her gentle nature as a peaceful Kaiju. Rodan's theme in the film is also amazing, using fast paced beats and cool transitions from one note to the next. It is interesting here because Rodan's theme is very similar to the Raptor theme in The Lost World Jurassic Park, another one of my favorites. And of course, The music used in the finale of the film is just the best thing ever :D!!!!!!

Overall Score

Godzilla King of the Monsters is simply put, my new favorite movie of all time. While I admit I did not say too much about the movie, I believe I said enough to justify my opinion. 

In the end, Godzilla King of the Monsters is Epic, Exciting, Fast Paced, Well Executed with the Monster Scenes and all round, just a Great time at the movies.

I give it a 10/10



Saturday, May 11, 2019

Season 2: Ruby Rose (RWBY) vs Akame (Akame Ga Kill)

Greetings, Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to my Season 2 Finale of my Who Would Win Series and it is going to be Ruby Rose from RWBY vs Akame from Akame Ga Kill

For this match up, I will look into the base stats for both Ruby and Akame, their weaponry, abilities, trump cards and of course, feats and weaknesses

My info for Ruby Rose will focus on the RWBY show exclusively as it is the most popular source of information for her capabilities. 

As for Akame, I will use virtually the same Info I used in the previous match up "Akame vs Kenshiro". That said, I will use different images for her info but, I will also composite Akame by allowing her to have previously used items she has possessed in her lifetime. 

At last, this match up is what I believe to be a far better and more exciting match up than "Ruby Rose vs Maka" mainly because both Ruby and Maka are in completely different levels of power. So, for the sake of a more balanced match up, I decided to replace Maka with Akame.

Anyway, finally, in the end of this blog, I will make my thoughts on who will win this amazing fight

So, without further ado, let's begin 

Ruby Rose

Ruby Rose is the half sister of Yang Xiao Long, the daughter of Summer Rose and Taiyang Xiao Long.

At the age of 15, Ruby was already enrolled into Beacon Academy, despite being two years under the age requirement due to her impressive skillset as a huntress, much to the delight of Yang Xiao Long and the admiration of Professor Ozpin.

Eventually, upon arriving at Beacon Academy, Ruby and Yang ended up teaming up with two other capable huntresses, Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna. After successfully completing a trial run, the team was eventually named "RWBY", and Ruby Rose became the leader.

Since then, Ruby Rose has participated in numerous events that involved the defense of Beacon Academy, it's downfall, joining another group known as "RNJR/JNRR", reuniting with Yang, Weiss and Blake, fighting against Cinder's Forces to retrieve the four relics and finally, defeat Salem.

That is a straightforward background for Ruby Rose, now, let's see what she can do.  

Crescent Rose


Ruby's quintessential weapon for her combat style is Crescent Rose. As Ruby describes it "It is a customizable high powered Sniper Rifle" And of course, it is a Scythe..... This weapon is monstrously devastating in both Close range and Long Ranged combat. 

As for ammunition, Crescent Rose has three types of Dust that Ruby uses for any combat situation. 

  1. Gravity Dust: Significantly Reduces the Recoil of Crescent Rose's shots
  2. Lightning Dust: Shocks the Target with Electricity
  3. Fire Dust: Ignites the Target



While Ruby Rose solely relies on Crescent Rose for combat, there are numerous factors to consider in terms of her Strength. Obviously, Crescent Rose is both a large and a heavy weapon to carry around yet for Ruby, it seems that she is wielding it with tremendous velocity and power. Here is a list of Strength Feats for Ruby with Crescent Rose

  • Ruby can carry Crescent Rose around casually. This is also considering the fact that she can carry it while it is engaged for combat.
  • Ruby can swing Crescent Rose with such power and Strength, she can slice Grimm Creatures like butter. This is also significant for her because Grimm tend to be highly resistant to slashing weapons and are generally not easy to slice.... except for Ruby Rose
  • Ruby, without Crescent Rose, kicked a guy across a store and another through a window. This kick is quite impressive considering that Ruby just kicked a guy who is double her weight and height 
  • Has knocked around Roman's Henchmen up to the air and follows up with a downward strike.
  • Blocked multiple Beowulf attacks, which are capable of cutting through trees with a single swipe.
  • Has overpowered Pyrrha Nikos with a kick, who is strong enough to throw "Milo", her spear/sword weapon at very long distances and even parry attacks from Mercury, who also uses kick based attacks
  • Blocked an attack from Cardin, who is strong enough to produce a shock-wave with his mace 
  • Has sliced through a Nevermore's Wing, which is a huge Eagle
  • Decapitated a gigantic Birds head
  • Has kicked the same Nevermore while in mid air and landed to the ground with such velocity and momentum, the Nevermore was actually knocked down and Ruby create a small crater into the ground after she landed.
  • Pierced the Beringel's Chest, who is durable enough to withstand multiple strikes from Crescent Rose.
  • Has cut off Tyrian's Tail
  • Launched Nora Valkyrie at a large distance
  • Pinned the arm of the Nuckelavee, a giant centaur Grimm 




Now in terms of speed..... Ruby Rose is legendary. Even without Crescent Rose, Ruby's Speed is more than capable of producing a gargantuan amount of wonders. Here is a few feats for Ruby's Speed

  • In terms of attack and dodging speed, Ruby may well be one of the faster combatants in the RWBY series. This is quite significant because most characters in RWBY are lightning level in terms of both attack speed and dodging speed.
  • Avoided Yang Xiao Long's punch during a sparring contest at the last moment.
  • Has dodged multiple Grimm creature attacks with very little effort
  • Can dodge bullets and even machine gun bullets.   
  • Dodged Roman Torchwick's Explosive shot
  • Intercepted multiple glass shards
  • Same with her strength feat with the Nevermore, Ruby landed into the ground with such speed, she even reacted to her situation by landing on her feet in just a second. 
  • Has deflected and dodged Emerald's Gunfire at a distance of just 10 ft apart
  • Has fought evenly with Neopolitan, who is agile enough to even utilize tricky maneuvers in combat such as dodging and then retaliation
  • Is quick enough to fight on par with Tyrian for a moment.
  • Ate 15 cookies in ten seconds..........  


Despite her short height and relatively small proportionate body, Ruby Rose.... is one durable huntress. Ruby has achieved quite alot of Durability Feats that make her not only above human level, it makes her superhuman. Here is a few Durability Feats for Ruby Rose.

  • Took a swipe from a Beowolf and was knocked back towards Weiss. Ruby, after hearing Weiss would have killed her since she was in her attack vicinity said Weiss would be unable to kill Ruby. Weiss is powerful enough to torch a tree with her fire based dust 
  • Tanked a Deathstalker's attack. The Deathstalker is a gigantic Scorpion who is strong enough to smash open the mouth of a cave
  • Took a full on attack from Nora Valkyrie's Watermelon hammer, which was able to knock back Weiss Schnee towards a pillar, knocking her out.
  • Fell down a deep hole and got back up with just a little headache 
  • Withstood multiple attacks from Roman, who can fight evenly with Blake, who can slice through robots
  • Withstood the Beringel's punch, who is strong enough to collapse the roof of a church
  • Withstood the Nuckelavee slamming her towards the ground.

Crescent Rose/Ruby Rose Attacks/Abilities


While it is already established about Crescent Rose being Ruby's weapon, we now look at the capabilities that it brings to the table. However, Ruby herself does have numerous abilities that make her even more versatile in combat. Here is a list of abilities for both Crescent Rose and Ruby.

Ruby's Semblance
Semblance: Ruby's Semblance is quite a monster. It has a huge emphasis on her Speed, which is already stated to be extremely fast. However, her Semblance on the other hand can even make Ruby much faster. Ruby can even transform into a cloud of rose petals, which, when going at full speed, can cause a massive gust of wind that can push back multiple people at once and destroying an entire room full of tables, chairs and food.... 

Whirlwind Throw: Ruby Rose can throw Crescent Rose like a boomerang and it always comes back to her. Interestingly enough, this attack leaves Ruby open to a follow up attack should the opponent be quick enough to take on Ruby, who is without Crescent Rose for a few seconds. That said, the Whirlwind Throw is quite a devastating ranged attack

Penetrating Shots: Crescent Rose, since it quite obvious by now, is a powerful firearm. It is so powerful, it can destroy Grimm Creatures with a single shot. 

Aura: The manifestation of one's soul in RWBY, Ruby's Aura allows her to defend herself from harm. Sometimes, Aura can amplify a combatant's capabilities in combat such as ability enhancements and even heal themselves. It is worth noting that RWBY characters can still feel damage in combat despite the Aura being at full power.

Silver Eyes
Silver Eyes: Ruby's most powerful ability is also, one of the deadliest in terms of area of effect damage... Silver Eyes. The Effects of Silver Eyes are quite unique, it is a cone shaped attack that usually attacks the opponent in front of Ruby's field of vision. This ability is absolutely devastating against Grimm Creatures since it turns them into dust, in the case of other combatants such as humanoids and faunus, Silver Eyes doesn't actually damage them, it does however set off a flare, which would still be ideal for blinding the enemy.

 Skill set
Ruby Rose, despite being the youngest member of Team RWBY, is a highly skilled huntress and a great leader. Her skills alone are the reason why Professor Ozpin enlisted her into Beacon Academy to maximize her effectiveness in combat. Ruby is also very skilled in both Long Ranged and Close Ranged combat, making her perfectly suited to any combat scenario thrown at her.

It is also worth noting that Ruby is also a very skilled cookie eater.......... Yes, Ruby is a master of eating cookies  XD!!!

Feats for Ruby Rose


Of course, as much of a badass Ruby Rose is, we need to end her info with some of her best feats. Here is a list of Ruby's most impressive resume of accomplishments

  • Has officially, and cleanly, killed numerous Grimm creatures like it is Tuesday
  • Is the youngest student of Beacon Academy's history 
  • Has fought Cinder numerous times and never lost, which is quite astonishing since Cinder is one of the most dangerous characters in RWBY
  • Has a very solid record in terms of win/loss ratio, 18 wins to 6 draws and 1 retreat.
  • Defeated Neopolitan both officially, and cleanly
  • Defeated Roman Torchwick's henchmen 
  • Has helped Team RWBY and Team JNPR defeated a Giant Bird and the Deathstalker
  • Single handedly defeated Team JNPR in a food fight by using her semblance
  • Has taken down Giant Grimm with the help of others through leadership and tactics
  • Voiced by Lindsay Jones
  • Is both a badass and adorable!!!



Despite Ruby's accomplishments and her insane level of skill for her age as a huntress, Ruby herself is by no means unstoppable in combat. While it is true she has very rarely lost in combat, Ruby still has vulnerabilities

Firstly, Ruby relies on Crescent Rose for combat almost exclusively, thus, should Crescent Rose be taken from her, or worse, destroyed, Ruby will have to either retreat or fight her opponent in hand to hand combat in order to do much..... speaking of hand to hand combat, while Ruby has taken lessons from Yang Xiao Long, Ruby is not even close to Yang in terms of fist fighting. This makes Ruby very easy to take down in a fist fight should the opponent capitalize on the situation

Secondly, Ruby Rose is still a character who has yet to reach her full potential, it is very likely her level of power will get much higher as of this blog but til then, she is only limited to her accomplishments from Volume's 1-6. What's more, Ruby's attacks are more suited to fighting Grimm than other characters. However, despite this drawback, Ruby will eventually overcome this flaw and be a much more skilled combatant as RWBY's story progresses.

Thirdly is with regards to Ruby's Silver Eyes, while extremely devastating in combat, Silver Eyes is mostly effective against Grimm Creatures, meaning, it is not quite as effective against humanoids and Faunus. Which is bizarre to say since this same ability left a permanent scar on Cinder's face, which also removed her left eye.... gruesome XD!!! Although, Cinder is part Grimm anyway, so that already explains why it did the damage it inflicted

Still, Silver Eyes is not as reliable as one might think. Infact, Ruby takes time to charge up her Silver Eyes, leaving her completely vulnerable to an attack that would knock her out. This is especially shown towards the end of Volume 5 when Emerald knocked out Ruby after she triggered Silver Eyes, which prevented Ruby from using the ability

And finally, Ruby's Aura, while very durable, does have a limit. Sufficient Damage to the Aura will result in it's depletion, leaving Ruby very vulnerable to normal means of attacks. 

However, despite her flaws, Ruby Rose is a badass huntress. Not to mention, how adorable yet cool Ruby Rose can be is quite a feat on it's own. She is a very much a swiss army knife for any combat situation :D!!!!


Akame is the main character of Akame Ga Kill. Sold at a young age by her parents along with her sister Kurome to the Empire, Akame and Kurome were eventually trained from childhood to become two of the deadliest assassins in the world. Eventually, Akame and Kurome were doing the Empire's dirty work while working with the Elite Seven, which resulted in countless deaths of Anti Imperial forces, Rebels, Danger Beasts and other Imperial Arms users. Eventually, after realizing that the Empire's intentions were much more sinister than what she expected, Akame defected from the Empire and joined a group of assassins led by Najenda called Night Raid, much to the dismay of Kurome. Since then, Akame vows to bring the Empire down to it's knees, kill her sister Kurome and finally, bring peace to the world.

That's a brief summary of Akame's backstory, now let's see what she can do


Technically speaking, Akame is actually a very strong combatant. Her stature is small but she does pack a punch. Here are some of her best strength feats. 

  • Kicked Headhunter Zanku that forced him to move backwards a couple of feet away 
  • Parries attacks from Zanku, Esdeath and Wave. Wave is strong enough to crack Tatsumi's Incursio 1 armor, which no sold a blast that destroyed multiple mountain plateaus.
  • Has destroyed Zanku's weapons
  • Can cut through pillars easily
  • With a training sword, she has overpowered Tatsumi in a sparring contest.
  • Punched through an augmented soldier's face and helmet 
  • Can cut through Esdeath's Ice while under the effects of the Perfector Pill (Manga)
  • In the anime, Akame can cut through Esdeath's ice without the use of the Perfector Pill


Akame's speed is by far her real pride and joy in combat. Infact, she is possibly the fastest combatant in Akame Ga Kill rivaled only by Esdeath. Some of her amazing speed feats are.

  • Casually, even effortlessly dodges bullets
  • Casually reacts to Massively Hyper sonic to Lightning level attacks
  • Parries Esdeath's attacks. Esdeath is lightning level in terms of speed and has decapitated three danger beasts in nanoseconds

  • Has sliced 3 guys in nanoseconds

  • Reacted  to Bols's flamethrower. Even Akame dodged the flamethrower at point blank range

  • Sliced a group of Dr Stylish's cronies in seconds. 

  • Was in point blank range of Toby's mouth gun. Not only did Akame dodge it, she eventually destroyed Toby in the process due to having superior reflexes. Toby's body is armed with weapons
  • Avoided Esdeath's lightning, which are actually faster than regular lightning. (Manga)
  •  Is so fast in combat she creates after images.
  • Was chased by Wave and ran around The Capital, which is 200,000 squared kilometers, giving it a radius of 252 kilometers. Akame ran the majority of that distance in a short time span. (Manga)
  • Can jump very far and high distances
  • Blocked Ibara's attacks. Ibara attacks with elastic body parts and even uses his stomach to create tendrils.


Akame has tanked a couple of stuff over the course of her series. Here are some of her feats in durability

  • Punched by Wave and was sent flying through trees. Although Akame was injured, she continued fighting afterwards
  • Has been slashed by Zanku, Esdeath and Kurome
  • Was punched by Leone after comparing her weight size. 
  • Was briefly paralyzed by General Budo's lightning (Manga)
  • When amped up, Akame can tank more powerful attacks from Esdeath in a prolonged fight (Manga) 

Skill Set

In terms of Skill, Akame is possibly one of, if not the most skilled sword wielder in Akame Ga Kill. Her training shows that she can take on anything that comes right at her with a calm, analytical mind. While Akame is seen being careless at times, she always has a back up plan whenever she is in a dire situation. Here are some surprising feats for Akame's skill

  • Is literally the best assassin in Night Raid and even the world.
  • Can completely empty her mind to prevent Zanku from reading her thoughts. Zanku can predict the attacks of his opponents.
  • Akame always targets her opponent's weak spots and does so with complete mastery.
  • Evenly matched with Esdeath, Esdeath is a General who has fought wars for the Empire and took down numerous Teigu wielders.
  • Is experienced enough to see through tricks and never hesitates to kill her opponents
  • Has a small immunity to poisons thanks to her training 
  • By saying the word "Buried", Akame becomes blood lusted, which allows her to cast aside her humanity and embrace her true potential as an assassin. She used this non stop during the final arc of the manga, so it is entirely in character for Akame to be like this.  

Imperial Arms 


Murasame: Akame wields the Murasame, aka "The One-Cut Killer Blade". This legendary weapon is so deadly that if it ever grazed a living being, a curse will flow around their body, stopping their heart in seconds. Also, as it's name suggests, it can kill anything it touches with a single stroke. However, while extremely powerful, the Murasame's effect does not affect undead beings. That said, it is still able to kill the undead via normal sword swings.

Kiriichimonji: Kiriichimonji is a powerful sword previously used by Akame. This sword is so powerful, it completely prevents the victim from healing their wounds permanently.
Akame wielding Kiriichimonji

Trump Card

 Akame's Trump Card, while wielding Murasame, is Ennoodzuno aka Little War Horn. This trump card is used when Akame cut's herself with Murasame, resisting the poisonous curse, and allows her to feel all the guilt she has wrought towards her victims. Also, Akame's stats are vastly improved, making this trump card an extremely powerful state.


In the manga, the effects of Little War Horn are different, Akame stated to Tatsumi that in order to use Little War Horn, one must discard their humanity and embrace their inner demons. This makes her even more deadly in combat.

This is a full list of Akame's feats with Little War Horn.

  • Has overpowered, outsped, outperformed and eventually, defeated Esdeath in combat. She even grazed Esdeath's arm by shattering an ice sword, Esdeath had to amputate her own arm off to nullify the effects of Murasame
  • Countered Esdeath's Mahapadma. Mahapadma is a timestop and not only Akame countered it with an after image, she killed Esdeath because of it (Anime)
  • With Murasame broken, Akame still stabbed Esdeath (Manga)
  • Brushed off being pierced by Esdeath's Weissschnabel, an ability that conjures Ice Projectiles that are powerful enough to hold back mountain sized giants and knocking out Tatsumi, who was wearing Incursio 1 armor at the time.


General Feats for Akame


Of course, Akame is literally, the central character of Akame Ga Kill. The entire series has Akame at the title, so realistically, Akame would have a substantial amounts of accomplishments to her name. Here is a General list of Feats and Accomplishments achieved by Akame

  • Has officially, and cleanly, killed Zanku
  • Killed Ibara, one of the Four Rakshasa Demons within 2 minutes
  • Has defeated Kurome in a 1v1 duel
  • Has officially, and cleanly, defeated General Esdeath in the best 1v1 duel in history!!!!
  • Actually countered Esdeath's time stop, which opened Akame's opportunity for a kill shot..... :D!!!
  • Has eaten two bowls of meals in a time span of 2 seconds cleanly, and efficiently
  • Has completed numerous assassinations. Because of this, she is regarded to be the most feared and dangerous assassin in the world.
  • Has officially stated to go around the capital unnoticed in broad daylight despite her obvious appearance
  • Has broken steel and even Esdeath's Ice.
  • Took down multiple Teigu Users, most of which have far greater hax capabilities than Akame.
  • Killed Dr Stylish despite being Paralyzed
  • Is literally, the best cook in Night Raid
  • Can eat huge amounts of meat within seconds.
  • Voiced by Molly Searcy and Sora Amamiya, who also sung "Skyreach", the first theme song for Akame Ga Kill :D!!!!
  • Is the perfect badass who is also adorable!!!!!  

 Image result for akame crying gif

Despite her legendary status as an assassin, and her amazing speed and skill set, Akame is by no means invincible. Also, she is not exactly the strongest combatant out there and can be overpowered by someone who can react to her attacks quickly. Also, Little War Horn, while very powerful, lasts for a short time and Akame has to land a killing blow before it wears off, leaving her exhausted. Also, Akame's durability, while great by human standards, is pretty much exactly human. She can be killed by all means of attacks and she almost died against Wave at one point. And finally, Murasame, while legendary for it's reputation, actually can be broken by enough force to the point that if it is destroyed, Akame would lack the means to kill her opponent aside from using her fists and leg attacks.

As for Kiriichimonji, the blade itself lacks the "One Hit Killer" ability that Murasame has, it is also worth noting that Kiriichimonji is already destroyed by the time Akame acquired Murasame. This means Akame is less likely going to bring Kiriichimonji into the fight because the current state of the sword is, well, broken.

Still, despite her relatively low flaws, Akame is a real force to be reckoned with. Whatever you do, do not get in Akame's bad side or you will never live to tell the tale. 


Ruby Rose


  • More Durable than Akame due to her Aura being able to mitigate damage 
  • While Murasame can "One Cut, One Kill" any opponent, Ruby Rose's Aura will prevent the blade from touching her skin because it act's like a force field
  • Has much better ranged capabilities with Crescent Rose
  • Ruby's Semblance, when going at full speed, would push Akame backwards, leaving Akame perfectly open to a kill shot should Ruby capitalize on the situation.
  • Is more likely going to have more feats than Akame overtime due to RWBY being a progressive Series
  • Silver Eyes, while not quite as effective against Akame compared to Grimm creatures, can still blind Akame for a momentary advantage
  • Better versatility thanks to her abilities.
  • Crescent Rose has much longer reach than Akame's Murasame in terms of melee range.

  • Much slower than Akame in both combat and travel speed.
  • While Crescent Rose is a powerful weapon, it is never been shown to be indestructible, thus, Akame would be more than capable of breaking Crescent Rose, leaving Ruby completely defenseless
  • Her Aura, while very useful, will eventually deplete to the point that Murasame's effects will be triggered on Ruby, instantly winning the match for Akame
  • Not even close to Akame in terms of experience and skills
  • Silver Eyes requires a charge up to do much, which gives Akame a substantial advantage by opening Ruby to a kill shot
  • Once Akame triggers Little War Horn State, the fight is literally over for Ruby no matter how strong she is.
  • Not as interesting as a character as Akame, who is more believable over a "Same old same old Ruby Rose personality"
  • Not as tactical and analytical as Akame


  • Much faster than Ruby Rose in both Combat and Travel speed, giving Akame more opportunities to land a blow on Ruby
  • While Ruby's Aura will be a hindrance, the fact that it will be depleted after excessive amounts of damage means Akame will eventually land a single cut into Ruby's skin, killing her instantly and winning the match entirely
  • Should Akame use Kiriichimonji, the sword would indeed be able to permanently wound Ruby Rose in the entire fight, giving Akame a much easier time to finish off a weakened Ruby
  • Is much more skilled and experienced than Ruby Rose 
  • Will have an easier time to attack Ruby once Ruby tries to use Silver Eyes since it requires a charge up
  • Once Little War Horn State is used, Akame will definitely finish the fight and win due to the substantial stat boost
  • Akame is more than capable of destroying Crescent Rose since she is able to destroy Steel.
  • Is a much more ruthless combatant
  • Much more tactical and analytical
  • Is a far better character than Ruby Rose

  • In order to effectively kill Ruby, Akame has to first bypass her aura, which would take a staggering amount of time to do so
  • Is not as durable as Ruby since she has no means of defense
  • Crescent Rose provides superior versatility in terms of long range and close range combat, Akame does not have that luxury and is exclusively a melee combatant
  • Far less abilities than Ruby Rose, making Akame less versatile in that regard
  • Silver Eyes, if it does get triggered, will blind Akame for a brief moment
  • Ruby Rose will eventually surpass Akame in terms of Feats since RWBY is a progressive series whereas Akame Ga Kill is already finished. That is if the sequel arc, after the Revolutionary War of the Empire, is excluded.
  • Murasame and Kiriichimonji both lack the melee reach of Crescent Rose.



 Ruby Rose vs Akame is hands down, one of the closest match ups I ever had to analyze. This is quite a tricky fight to decide on who would win because both Ruby and Akame have numerous advantages over each other. This is, in my opinion, a much more interesting match up than "Ruby vs Maka".

Now that is out of the way, let's look at the fight itself

In terms of Stats, this is a very, very close call. On one hand, Ruby Rose is more durable than Akame since, well, Ruby is protected by her Aura, giving her better defenses and better damage mitigation whereas Akame is much, MUCH faster. So, what is interesting here is that their Strength levels are pretty much evenly matched in that regard in a sense neither Ruby nor Akame are particularly Strength heavy combatants. 

In terms of Skills and Experience, I believe Akame definitely takes this. While Ruby Rose is very skilled for her Age, Akame is not only Older than Ruby, she has undertaken more assassinations and more battles than what Ruby has achieved. However, this factor could be matched by the time "RWBY" is finished, til then, Akame takes this category in spades

That said, there are a couple of factors that tip the scale to a certain character, which I will get to later.

In terms of abilities, Ruby definitely has this category simply because Ruby's Semblance is going to give Akame some trouble for a moment, like creating a gust of wind to put her off course and land at a wall or tree due to the momentum of Ruby's semblance being quite huge. However, Crescent Rose can also utilize the Whirlwind Throw, which can catch Akame off guard for a moment. As for Akame, her abilities are solely based in Murasame and Kiriichimonji (If she brings it to the fight)

As for weapons, this is monstrously interesting. Why is that? Both Ruby and Akame have weapons that function very differently. Ruby has Crescent Rose, which is both a giant scythe and a high powered Sniper Rifle that packs a whopper. Meaning, it is a powerful weapon in both long range and close range combat. Akame on the other hand has the Murasame, which is a "One Cut, One Kill" Sword that applies a curse on it's victims, destroying the heart, killing them entirely. That said, I have to give the weapons edge to Ruby mainly because Akame is melee exclusive whereas Ruby is much more versatile.

However, weaponry alone doesn't seal the deal. You see, Akame has avoided point blank gunfire before, meaning, Crescent Rose's Sniper Attacks would not only be a cakewalk for Akame to dodge, it makes it that Akame would be untouched by the bullets entirely.

That said, if it comes to melee combat, now this is where the fight ultimately gets very interesting. Ruby would more likely have the reach advantage because Crescent Rose is much longer than Murasame, this puts Akame in a dire situation should she come in a close distance to Ruby....... Or is it?

The thing about Akame is, she never goes for a straight forward approach to combat overtime, she switches tactics on the fly with such skill, it is almost impossible to even beat her entirely because of it. Akame would most likely employ a heavy emphasis on dodging and even parrying Crescent Rose's attacks, which is going to open Ruby Rose to a blow.... And this is when I found an interesting factor.

Should Akame strike at Ruby, Murasame....... will not apply it's effects on Ruby at first, the reason? Ruby's Aura will protect her from the strike because it is essentially, a force field, meaning, Murasame will have to constantly strike down Ruby in order to bypass the Aura....... This makes it that Akame would have to switch tactics in order to get through the aura..... This is when the fun really starts

What is interesting here, once Akame realizes Ruby is protected by a force field, what is her next option? Depending on the circumstances, she is more likely going to try and remove Crescent Rose from the fight entirely, but the question is, how is she going to achieve this? Simple, Akame simply can destroy the weapon.

But the real mystery here is, can Akame muster the strength to break Crescent Rose. Well, after careful consideration, Akame........ Will indeed break Crescent Rose. 

The reason why I say that Akame will break Ruby's Crescent Rose is because Akame will eventually resort to a very, very decisive factor into the fight should she feel she is overwhelmed by Ruby....Trigger Little War Horn.

Once Akame uses Little War Horn's State, she would be much more stronger, faster and even more durable than before for a moment, however, while the effects are temporary, Akame would have more than enough time to not only break Crescent Rose, but eventually deplete Ruby's Aura to the point that Akame, will simply slice Ruby Rose and win the match.......... This is basically a game changer

But then you might be thinking, "What about Silver Eyes"? Well, Silver Eyes, while ridiculously powerful, requires a charge up, this actually makes Ruby even more vulnerable to a killshot from Akame because it doesn't actually work instantly, it has to channel enough power to trigger the effects. Little War Horn State, while it does take time to apply it, can still be applied while moving around, Silver Eyes is also a cone shaped attack, meaning, Akame would simply move around in a semi circle entirely to avoid the blast, this makes Silver Eyes...... pretty much avoidable by Akame......

And what is funny here, is that Silver Eyes is not going to harm or hurt Akame because she is not a Grimm Creature, or at the very least, partly Grimm. 

So, in my opinion, I believe Akame will win this match up eventually due to her Speed, Experience, Skills, Tactics, Little War Horn State and her Murasame Effects.

The Winner is Akame


Thank you very much for reading this blog. I have already planned to do Season 3 and oh my was Season 2 such a blast to do. I particularly want to thank my friends for giving me the positive feedback for my blogs both in person and on Facebook. My series is going to keep going due to the massive amounts of support I have and I cannot thank you enough.

Till then, I will see you soon in Season 3 :D!!!!!


Sunday, May 5, 2019

Season 2: Darth Vader (Star Wars) vs Sauron (The Lord of the Rings)

Greetings, Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to a new edition of my Who Would Win Series and it is going to be Darth Vader from Star Wars vs Sauron from The Lord of the Rings

This blog is going to be quite interesting in a sense that the capabilities of both combatants are further explored in the expanded material. For the sake of simplicity, I will only give certain materials to work with for this fight

For Vader, I decided to composite Vader from the films, games and even the Expanded Universe.

As for Sauron, because he has more feats outside of the Lord of the Rings Films, I decided to include his abilities that he has used in the Games, Books and Literature texts describing his power

Finally, I will look at the base stats, weapons, equipment, abilities, feats and weaknesses and finally, who I personally believe will win this fight.

So, as always, let's begin.

Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker

Darth Vader, also known as Anakin Skywalker, was once a gifted child with a destiny bestowed upon him. After a Jedi Master named Qui Gon Jinn realized that Anakin is the one who can bring balance to the Force, he insisted that Anakin should be trained as a Jedi Knight.

Over time, Anakin's lust for a senator named Padme Amidala made his emotions run wild, which is a stepping stone towards the Dark Side. Eventually, Anakin and Padme has a secret marriage and one day, Anakin had a nightmare about Padme's death due to child birth. Luckily, Chancellor Palpatine told Anakin of a legendary Sith Lord who had the power to save others from dying........ This story inspired Anakin to take crucial steps to becoming a Sith only to save Padme..... 

Despite Chancellor Palpatine revealing himself to be the Emperor and the mastermind of the Clone Wars, Anakin still followed his judgement. Infact, It was Anakin who saved Palpatine from the wrath of the Jedi Order, hence he became Palpatine's favored apprentice and was named "Darth Vader".

After taking the mantle of Vader, Anakin slaughtered countless Jedi, has assassinated all of the Separatist Leaders, and had a duel with his former Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi in Mustafar.

Unfortunately, Anakin lost the duel and was burnt to a crisp alongside a lava bed. Thankfully, Palpatine found Anakin and requested that he would be getting surgery and cybernetic implants to keep him alive..... Hence, Anakin no longer became a human..... he became a Cyborg.

Since then, Anakin, now officially Darth Vader at this point, has vowed to destroy all opposition and rule the galaxy alongside the Emperor. 

And then he met his son Luke Skywalker and his daughter Leia Organa numerous times and actually saved Luke from the Emperor's wrath in the last moment, which actually fulfilled the Jedi's Prophecy of bringing balance to the Force. Sadly, Vader was killed afterwards, but his legacy as a Dark Lord has inspired numerous Dark Side forces in a attempt to conquer the Galaxy.

That is a straightforward background of Darth Vader, now, let's see what this badass Dark Lord can do.


Lord Vader is exceptionally strong. Thanks to his cybernetics for the most part, Vader still achieved a fair share of strength feats. Here is a list of his impressive feats for Strength:

  • Has snapped the necks of numerous Rebels and Imperial Forces instantly with his bare hands. Some of them even wear helmets to protect their neck area
  • Crushed a communicator with his bare hands.
  • Threw away a person with just one hand across a room
  • Kicked an assassin with such force, it was sent flying 15ft away from Vader's position.
  • Crushed a lightsaber to dust without the use of the force............. Badass!!!!
  • While injured, Vader chucked a Medical Droid
  • Has upper cutted people so hard they are knocked from their feet.
  • Almost disarmed Galen Marek with Two saber strikes
  • Overpowered Luke Skywalker after numerous saber strikes, even slicing his hand off in the process


In terms of Speed, Vader, is one of the most underestimated combatants in this department. While in the movies he is quite slow in combat, Vader's use of the Force can amplify his speed to gargantuan heights. Here is a list of Speed feats for Lord Vader

  • Intercepted a blaster bolt and deflected it back before it killed a Nautolan
  • Moved with such speed, the guy who attempted to shoot him actually shot his own friend instead
  • Deflected a point blank blast bolt
  • Was ambushed by a crowd of skilled shooters, Vader, despite the element of surprise stacked against him, killed every single one of these shooters without any of them pulling a trigger
  • Has surpassed Han Solo's Quick Draw. Solo can draw his DL-44 blaster with Faster than the Eye can track speeds
  • Has killed enemies with Faster than the Eye can track speeds


Durability is quite interesting for Lord Vader. While there is a weakness for his durability that I will cover later on in the "Weakness" section, Vader still has endured a surprising amount of punishment. Here is a couple of feats for Lord Vader's Durability

  • Was slashed at the back by a Jedi using a lightsaber and was unaffected by it's effects.
  • Took a full on blast by an AT-AT Walker. An AT-AT Walker is a huge walker type vehicle that, when firing full powered energy blasts, can destroy a Large Shield Generator and even numerous City Blocks.
  • Without his helmet, Vader survived an explosion to the face and suffered no injuries what so ever
  • Was incinerated by two flamethrowers and still survived.
  • Took multiple Force Attacks from Galen Merek, who can use the force to bring down a Star Destroyer.
  • Has taken a Force Storm to his whole body and still survive.
  • Took Wookie Bowcaster shots numerous times. Wookie Bowcasters are powerful enough to send armored droids and soldiers flying backwards
  • Has survived numerous star fighters crashing near him at point blank range with no effects.

The Lightsaber


The Lightsaber is Lord Vader's iconic weapon. Lightsabers are the uniform weapons of Jedi, Sith and other Force Users for close range and even long range combat. Lightsabers are so powerful, they can cut through almost anything like butter. At the hands of a skilled warrior, Lightsabers can be used for both Offense and Defense depending on the situation at hand.

Force Abilities

Lord Vader is one of the most powerful Force Users in the Star Wars Mythos. Hence, he has a wide range of Force abilities that make him a very intimidating and versatile foe. Here is a list of Vader's Force abilities

Force Push: One of the most basic Force Powers used by Jedi, Sith and other Force Sensitives, Force Push allows the user to push their enemies away for devastating effects. Sometimes, the Force Push can be used with greater power, resulting in groups of enemies being pushed away, resulting in either unconsciousness's or even death.

Force Pull: Another widely used ability. Force Pull is basically the opposite of Force Push except it pulls objects and enemies towards the user. At greater power levels, Force Pull can disarm enemies and even disarm groups of enemies at once.

Force Absorption: Force Absorption allows the User to absorb Force based attacks. In various Star Wars material, Force Absorption can make the user absorb the Force and fuel their Force Energy. This makes the ability an extremely powerful asset to any Force User since it allows them to redirect Force attacks with more energy.

Master Yoda using Force Absorption

Force Protection: Force Protection allows the User to become highly resistant to damage for a short period of time. However, in some instances, Force Protection lasts for about a minute or two and even can be used to prevent acidic rain from touching the User's body.

Force Block: Force Block allows the User to block Force attacks. This is very useful against another Force User because it can prevent the defender from being open to a kill shot.

Force Speed: Force Speed is an ability that allows the User to travel at Faster than the Eye can track speeds. It also increases the Combat speed for the User, giving them a huge advantage against an enemy who is significantly slower than them.

Force Jump: Force Jump allows the User to Jump very high and travel at long distances. A powerful Force Jump can allow the User to reach the top of a building and tall platforms.

Mind Trick: Mind Trick is an ability that allows the User to manipulate the minds of others. It can be used to allow the victim to obey commands or even Persuasion purposes. The effects last for a short time but it can give the User more time for options. 

Force Heal: An extremely powerful ability, Force Heal is simple, it allows the User to regenerate their Stamina and Health to keep on fighting. While some Jedi/Sith use this ability while being stationary, a skillful Jedi/Sith can use this ability while moving, which can let them regenerate while on the run

Force Vision: Force Vision allows Vader to sense a presence with the Force.

Force Sight: Force Sight is similar to Force Vision. However, this time, it allows the User to see anything using the Force. It can even prevent blindness and allows the User to see in extremely dark places.

Vader using Force Choke

Force Choke: Force Choke allows the user to choke their victims using the Force. . This also results in the victim losing their life in the process.

Force Fear/Insanity: Using the Force, A Jedi and a Sith are capable of causing fear to their victims. Insanity however can cause fear to a group of enemies at once. This allows the User to capitalize on the situation and finish off their opponent.

Vader using Kinetite
Kinetite: Due to Vader's life support systems, he cannot use Force Lightning like what Emperor Palpatine can. Luckily, Vader can use an ability called Kinetite that allows him to emit an electrical ball towards his foes. This ability can still harm Vader should the ball get too close in proximity. Still, Kinetite is a powerful ability regardless of the drawback.

Force Deflection: Force Deflection allows the User to deflect blaster fire without the use of a lightsaber. This makes them far less vulnerable to projectile attacks.

Force Stun/Stasis Field: Force Stun allows the User to stun their opponent. The most powerful version, Stasis Field, can stun groups of enemies at once.

Mara Jade using Force Stun on a Rebel Soldier

Lightsaber Manipulation: Vader can use his lightsaber for both close range and long range combat. He can use the force to let the lightsaber travel at very high speeds and slice up a group of enemies at once and return it to his hand afterwards. Vader is also capable of using the Force to allow the Saber to be controlled manually for a brief period of time.

Lord Vader is one of the most skilled Force Users in Star Wars. Aside from his Force capabilities, Vader himself is also a superb battlefield commander, infact, it was Vader who has won countless battles for the Empire and nearly defeated the Rebellion entirely if not for sheer luck and coincidental circumstances. 

In his childhood years, Vader is a skilled Pod Racer, a skilled mechanic and has a vast knowledge of starship capabilities and components that surprised even the pilot of Queen Amidala's Vessel. 

And of course, Vader is a legendary swordsman. He is one of the most dangerous warriors in lightsaber combat and has even defeated numerous Jedi Masters due to his lightsaber skills alone. 

Feats for Darth Vader

Of course, Darth Vader is legendary for countless reasons. It would take a couple of pages to do his resume justice so, for the sake of this blog, I will list a handful of Vader's incredible Resume, making him one of the most powerful characters in Star Wars

  • Has officially, and cleanly, without hesitation, defeated a partially trained Luke Skywalker
  • Defeated Count Dooku in one of the funniest lightsaber duels I ever seen (As Anakin)
  • Won the Boonta Eve Pod Race (As Anakin)
  • Has killed Emperor Palpatine, saving Luke Skywalker's life
  • Killed Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Slaughtered numerous Wookie's in Kashyyk and a Jedi Knight
  • Trained Galen Merek to become his apprentice for a while
  • Is one of the very few individuals who Emperor Palpatine admired, even going as far as to say Vader is even more powerful than himself.
  • Took down multiple hostile Aliens at once and prevailed.
  • Has taken down two Jedi Knights by himself and won. 
  • Took down a group of Jedi Padawans with no effort.
  • Has literally, the most badass voice in all of fiction 
  • Is the coolest Star Wars character hands down!!!!!



Despite being the Legendary Dark Lord, Vader himself is by no means Invincible. In actuality, Vader himself is also one of the easiest combatants to put down should anyone exploit his one obvious flaw: His life support systems.

Vader is alive from his ordeal in Mustafar thanks to his cybernetic life Support systems attached to his Armor, should the support systems be damaged or malfunction, Vader will be in a critical state and even die. 

What's more, Vader himself cannot use Force Lightning because the electrical surges would fry up his own systems and shut them down entirely. 

Also, Vader, despite being very fast, is still able to be speed blitzed by someone who are casually Faster than Light speeds. Vader himself never demonstrated any level of FTL feats that make him react to anything that is around that level of speed.

And finally, Vader has died after the Battle of Endor, meaning, there really is nothing much to explore after his death.

Despite his weaknesses, Darth Vader is legendary in every sense of the word. He is essentially one of the very few villains in fiction than you can root to win and Vader has the coolest voice of all time!!!!! Bottom line, Darth Vader is the best Movie Villain in history that is not Godzilla XD!!!!



Sauron is the "Lord of the Rings" and the creator of the One Ring. A fallen Maia formerly known as "Mairon", Sauron became a servant of the Dark Lord Melkor, who is also known as Morgoth. After Melkor's defeat at the hands of the Valar, Sauron eventually took on the mantle as the Second Dark Lord and attempted to conquer Arda by crafting the Rings of Power.

During this time, Sauron has taken on numerous Forces of Good and has attempted to enslave Middle-Earth to his will. Unfortunately, Isildur, Elendil's son, managed to defeat Sauron and took the One Ring for himself. However, despite all of this, Sauron has eventually returned and vows to take back what was his and finally put an end to Middle-Earth's conflict..... by destroying the Forces of Good. 

Sadly, Sauron himself never achieved his vision, as he was finally defeated at the end of the Third Age thanks to a Hobbit known as Frodo Baggins, who actually destroyed the One Ring by casting it into the fires of Mount Doom.

Since then, the legend of Sauron and the One Ring has become one of the most enduring stories for generations to come.

That is a brief summary of Sauron, now, let's see what the Dark Lord is capable of.



While Sauron himself may not have the most amount of feats for Strength, he has a couple of feats that make him.... Amazing. Here are a couple of Strength Feats for the Dark Lord

  • Has swung his mace with such force, he can destroy an entire battalion of troops with just one swing.
  • Can destroy practically every material in Middle-Earth with his physical strength alone
  • Can punch Celebrimbor with such force, he was sent flying backwards (Shadow of War)
  • Can one shot entire buildings with his might (Games)

Sadly, Sauron lacks notable speed feats. That said, he can be quite fast if the situation demands it. Here is a few speed feats for Sauron

  • Can react to Celebrimbor's attacks, who can attack at Faster than the Eye can track speeds (Shadow of War)
  • Can block arrows and crossbow bolts fired at him 
  • Surpasses Legolas' Attack Speed, who can shoot his arrows at lightning speeds.
  • Existed in the Timeless Halls, a place that transcended linear time and is best likened to a higher temporal dimension


Sauron's Durability..... is absolutely badass. Being one of the Maia, Sauron has exceptional Durability and thanks to Power Scaling, can be superior to numerous Maia. Here is a list of Durability feats for Sauron.

  • Scales above Gandalf, who tanked mountain level attacks from the Balrog. What's more, Gandalf the White's durability is superior to Gandalf the Grey's by a large margin, making him above country level. 
  • Took a blast from Eru Iluvitar, Tolkien's equivilant of "God". The blast itself destroyed a very large Island and while Sauron's body was destroyed, Sauron's spirit still survived the blast.
  • Took lightning bolts from the Valar, who are vastly more powerful than Maia. However, Sauron himself not only took these lightning bolts, he shrugs them off like they were nothing. What's more, because he achieved a feat that would otherwise have destroyed him, it is clear that Sauron would probably be even more powerful than the Maia and the Valar saved only for his old master Melkor/Morgoth
  • Took numerous blasts from Elvish Storms and Lightning and still keeps moving like they are nothing
  • Is literally resistant to physical attacks at the peak of his power


Sauron is armed for battle. Here is a handful of his standard weapons and items for combat.

Mace: The Mace is Sauron's signature weapon. At the hands of Sauron, the mace is absolutely ridiculous in terms of raw power. It can shatter the most durable material with ease, can casually destroy an army of soldiers and decimate even large buildings with one swing. Clearly, the Mace is a force to be reckoned with.

The One Ring: Without a doubt, the corner stone of Sauron's power and the sole reason why the Lord of the Rings has a memorable story is the One Ring. In order to effectively use the One Ring, the user must have a strong will and spirit to endure it's effects. In the case of Sauron, he specifially forged the One Ring to dominate the minds of his enemies and control the Rings of Power. It is also because of the Ring that Sauron's life force became one with it. Hence, the Ring is a vital asset to Sauron



In terms of abilities, Sauron is a powerhouse in every sense of the word. Here is a list of his abilities for combat

Fires of Doom: A terribly powerful magic attack in which Sauron calls down several meteors to destroy his opponents. The attack also causes fear among every enemy in it's vicinity and the meteors themselves can cover a huge area of land and turn it into a wasteland in mere seconds

Elemental Manipulation: Sauron not only is a powerful character, he is also a powerful Wizard. Yes, Sauron himself is one of the most powerful magic users in Middle-Earth, and his Elemental Manipulation allows him to control elements for offensive purposes such as destroying entire armies with Fire attacks or Earth based attacks like causing Earthquakes.

Weather Manipulation: Another powerful ability for Sauron is his Weather Manipulation. While Sauron himself rarely used this ability, he still has a couple of feats such as clouding entire fortresses and encampments with severe storms, decimating the inhabitants entirely

Mind Manipulation: Sauron is one of the most powerful telepath's in Middle-Earth. He can dominate the minds of others with just a thought, and even causes fear to those under his influence.

Reality Warping: Sauron...... can warp reality at the peak of his power. This means, he can transmute people into anything he desires, defy the laws of physics by creating weapons and other items in thin air and even time manipulation. Clearly, Sauron's magic is ridiculous at this point XD!!

Invulnerability: While technically more of a durability stat, Sauron's invulnerability is unique in that he can only be harmed by specific items or specific rules. That said, Sauron is virtually invulnerable to conventional attacks and is literally Immortal. 

Intangibility: Sauron is also a spirit, hence, should his physical body be destroyed, Sauron is still untouchable to physical attacks.

Sauron demonstrating Shapeshifting
Shapeshifting: One of Suaron's trademark abilities is his legendary shapeshifting. Sauron can change into any living being he wants to in order to cloud his true form from detection from even the most sharp eyed beings of Middle-Earth. It is also worth noting that because of his shapeshifting, Sauron is virtually immune to transmutation.


Being one of the oldest beings of Arda, Sauron is one of the most experienced magic users to ever existed. Skill wise, Sauron is a master in all forms of magic at his desire and it is thanks to his mastery of magic that he has achieved a gargantuan amount of feats that clearly make him Middle-Earth's most feared and dangerous foe. 

Sauron is also a master of disguise, as said before his shapeshifting allows him to become a very decieving enemy to those he attempts to infiltrate.

Magic aside, Sauron is also a legendary warrior. He isn't just a powerful Wizard, Sauron is also a powerful Warrior. His combat skills are far greater than even Gandalf, rivaled only by Glorfindel and surpassed by the Valar (Well, they are creators of the Middle-Earth Universe so that is still something for Sauron anyway XD!!!) 

But by far, one of Sauron's trademark skills is his exceptional battlefield tactics. Sauron has fought in numerous battles over the course of Middle-Earth's history of warfare and has conquered vast amounts of land for the Forces of Evil because of his strategies alone.

Feats for Sauron


Of course, Sauron is legendary. While he may not have as many feats as alot of fictional characters, he still has quite a resume to behold. Here is a list of Sauron's Feats and accomplishments

  • Has officially, and cleanly, defeated countless Elven, Dwarven and Human armies on the battlefield by himself
  • Has tanked planet level attacks from the Valar and still survive
  • Resisted a mind manipulation attack from Celebrimbor
  • Killed Elendil, who is the father of Isildur
  • Overpowered the minds of some of the most strong willed beings of Middle-Earth
  • Corrupted Saruman into joining the Forces of Evil
  • Won nearly 90% of his battles through tactics and sheer power



Despite Sauron's godlike power, he has lost in combat before. Infact, Sauron lost not once, not twice, but three times while he wears the One Ring. It also doesn't help that Sauron's speed is quite slow in his physical form by combat standards. 

Speaking of the One Ring, should it be cast down into the fires of Mount Doom, not only will it be destroyed, Sauron himself will be defeated utterly..........

Still, Sauron's weaknesses are quite difficult to pinpoint. He loses mostly due to plot armor. If not with luck or a lucky blow like what Isildur achieved at the Battle of the Last Alliance and The Forces of Evil, Sauron would have certainly won the war.

In the end, Sauron is one of the most legendary characters in fiction. What's more, I have deep respect for Sauron for being one of the most influential villains in literature and in fiction in general. Clearly, The Dark Lord deserves all the acclaim he gets :D!!!


Darth Vader


  • With the Force, Vader's Speed surpasses Sauron's Combat Speed for a moment
  • Can use the Force to overpower Sauron
  • Voiced by James Earl Jones
  • Lightsaber is way cooler than Sauron's Mace   

  • Practically hopeless in terms of Strength and Durability compared to Sauron
  • Literally cannot destroy Sauron entirely due to his weaker power and the fact that Sauron can truly be destroyed with the destruction of the One Ring
  • His Force Powers, while pretty impressive, absolutely gets obliterated by Sauron's Magic
  • His life support systems will be damaged by Sauron's Elemental Manipulation and of course, his Weather Control.
  • Far less experienced than Sauron.



  • Much Stronger and more Durable than Vader
  • The only way to completely defeat Sauron is to destroy the One Ring....... Which Vader would simply have no knowledge of how to achieve this in a random encounter
  • Far greater power thanks to his Magic 
  • Much more experienced due to being over 10+ thousand years old.
  • Sauron's Elemental and Weather Control can destroy Vader's life support systems, which proves devastating.

  • His Mace is more likely going to be sliced by the Lightsaber
  • Vader would probably be faster than Sauron once he uses Force Speed
  • His voice, while badass, is not as cool as Vader's Voice
  • Vader can use the Force to overpower Sauron.


Darth Vader vs Sauron is one of my favorite match ups. This match up in particular is special for me since it has two of my childhood favorite villains in fiction pitting against each other. Sadly, this match up is not even a close call, Sauron literally has this in the bag.

Firstly, in terms of Stats, Vader might be faster than Sauron with Force Speed.... Everything else? SAURON DESTROYS VADER BY A LANDSLIDE!!!!!! Vader can kick an assassin 15ft form his position right? Sauron, with one swing of his mace, can destroy a battalion of troops and destroy a large building........ No contest, Sauron wins the Strength department

Durability wise, Vader can shrug off a lightsaber slash, Sauron can shrug off a lightning attack from the Valar, who are essentially Middle-Earth's creators........ Sauron takes the Durability edge by a large margin

So, the only way for Lord Vader to have a shot at winning is if he can use the Force to somehow get to Sauron.... and that is impossible.

While Vader's Force attacks would overpower Sauron, the trouble is that he will eventually get bombarded by Sauron's own magic, which, well, can cover much bigger areas of land than Vader ever achieved in his lifetime. This alone proves that Sauron's magic not only surpassed Vader's in terms of power, but also in terms of scope. Sauron simply can just end the match by summoning a barrage of giant meteors at Vader at once. Or, he could simply destroy Vader's life support systems using Weather Manipulation to summon lightning or even cause an Earthquake to make Vader fall to his death in a bottomless pit.

What's more, Vader simply can't kill Sauron entirely because Sauron has a trump card: The One Ring.

In order to put Sauron down for Good, Vader has to destroy the One Ring, and the only methods he has to do so is to try and slice it with his Lightsaber or Cast it into the fires of Mount Doom. 

Cutting the One Ring with the Lightsaber is useless because it is stated that the ring cannot be destroyed by anything unless it is magical based, a Lightsaber is not a magical weapon. That alone completely removes the Lightsaber as a factor in the match up

As for the second method, Vader first has to know about destroying the Ring by casting it into Mount Doom.... which is impossible for him to do so in a random encounter because he has no knowledge of how to achieve this without prep time.

Basically, Sauron is simply too powerful for Vader to handle. And if that's not enough, Sauron is over thousands of years old..... Vader, is just as old as any human, which gradually makes him laughable compared to Sauron in terms of experience.

Overall, Sauron is just too strong, too durable, too powerful, impossible to take down without knowing about destroying the Ring, and finally, too badass. Sorry Darth Vader, your cooler than Sauron, but I guess the "Lord of the Rings" finally won the "Star Wars"........... Since Sauron himself is a "Star" in his own universe.... XD!!!!!

The Winner is Sauron


Next time, The Season Finale of Who Would Win.............


Ruby Rose (RWBY) vs Akame (Akame Ga Kill)