Sunday, July 18, 2021

Season 5: Toph Beifong (Avatar The Last Airbender) vs Tsuyu Asui (My Hero Academia)


 Greetings and Welcome to another edition of my Who Would Win Series and it is going to be a match up between Toph Beifong from Avatar The Last Airbender vs Tsuyu Asui from My Hero Academia.

I've decided to focus mainly on the show of Avatar and The Legend Of Korra for Toph's Info while Tsuyu's info will also have feats from the anime and the manga, even the films "Heroes Rising and Two Heroes". 

Traditionally, I will cover Stats, Abilities, Feats, Weaknesses and finally, who I personally believe is going to win.




So, without further ado, let the statement of "Green is Good" be presented in the best way possible. Behold, Toph vs Tsuyu!!!






Toph Beifong   



Toph Beifong is one of the main characters of the Nickelodeon Series "Avatar The Last Airbender".

Born in Gaoling to a Wealthy Family, Toph had a very protective life. You "See", Toph was born with permanent blindness, and her parents were extremely conservative and protective of Toph, to the point that she was limited to the "Boring Stuff". (Great Parents actually!!!!)


Despite her Achilles heel, Toph actually defied odds and actually learned to use a special ability known as "Earth Bending" after being taught by Badgermoles, the same day that Toph left home for a moment. 

Toph and a Badgermole

Turns out, Toph learned a mountain load of skills by Badgermoles and Master Yu, even though Toph became a prodigy with Earth Bending at that point in time, Yu rarely, if at all, taught Toph anything new.

Eventually, Toph's Skills were put to the test when she participated in Underground Tournaments against fellow Earth Benders, and even became the Champion. 

The Champ is Here!!!!!





One day, Toph encountered Aang, the Last Airbender in existence, and actually, I kid you not, lost to him fair in square, one of the first official losses for Toph. This eventually spurred Toph's insistence to join Aang and his friends on a quest to stop the sinister Fire Nation from conquering the World. 


Oh, and Toph wanted to leave her parents to taste Freedom........ That's........ pretty heavy stuff darling XD!!!!

What is incredible however, was that Toph managed to teach Aang to use Earth Bending effectively, which, for a girl who is around 12 Years old, that showcases her tremendous skill in Earth Bending. 



So, Toph's involvement in the series ranged from assisting the Good Guys beat the Fire Nation, even lived a life as a mother of two daughters who also happen to use Earth Bending effectively, living in the Swamp as Yoda's long lost sister, and helped the Avatar of that time, Korra, with advice that is about choice making and for being more disciplined...... Yeah, Toph is one strict master!!!!



That is a general background for Toph's Involvement in the Series, now, let's see what this adorable, blind girl is capable of.




Physical Stats



Toph using her Bending to pull an Airship






Toph is actually, a very strong combatant. However, there are a couple of interesting factors to consider with regards to her overall capabilities in Physical Stats. So, here is the Strength, Speed and Durability feats for Toph Beifong.


  • Can kick Boulders casually. 
  • Using Metal Bending, Toph can smash through Metallic Materials such as Iron and Steel.
  • Can cause tremors with her feet techniques
  • Able to hold Wan Shi Tong's Spirit Library long enough to save Aang and his friends from getting sunk. The size of the Library is comparable to the Taj Mahal, which is 2.5 Thousand Trillions of Kilograms, or, just 25000000000  tons. That is extremely strong by leaps and bounds. Though, Toph did use Sand bending to assist with the feat but still, that also gives Toph's Power Capabilities a huge plus anyway XD!!!!!
  • Pulled a Fire Nation Airship towards another. Both Airships were ultimately destroyed.



  • Can be comparable to the likes of Katara, Zuko and Aang, all of whom can react to lightning. 
  • With Seismic Sense, Toph is able to act in advance and eventually beat them before they even realized what happened. 
  • Blocked attacks from Two Dai Li Agents, who are very well trained Earth Benders
  • Dodged thrown weaponry
  • Has outpaced Korra, who once tried to do Bending Techniques against Toph. However, it should be noted that at this point in the story, Korra was still poisoned by Zaheer's Metallic Substance and was severely weakened as a result.
  • Can surf with her Bending Techniques to increase her mobility





  • Using bending techniques, Toph can block Explosions, Azula's Fire (Blue Fire, hotter than Red), and other Earth Bending Techniques used against Toph. 
  • Using her Earth and Metal Armor, Toph's Durability is actually amplified by leaps and bounds because she is coated entirely with materials that are going to be a real problem to break through. I mean, you are going to be facing someone who can coat themselves with Steel armor that can be around 3cm thick..... That is ridiculously tough to break through!!!
  • Physically Speaking, Toph did get some interesting Feats. She had her foot burnt accidentally by Zuko, and was even wrestling Katara and only got a bruise. Oh, and she slammed head first from falling, and got back up quickly. 

Bending Techniques
Toph Bending both Earth and Sand at once


In terms of overall capabilities with Bending techniques, Toph Beifong is, from my perspective, the ultimate Earth Bender in existence. Her mastery of Earth Bending is demonstrated to maximum effect, and Toph is not just an Earth Bender, she too can manipulate both Sand and Metal Bending, which is a Secondary Element for the Earth Bending practitioner. Let's look at Toph's Bending techniques.

Earth Bending: Toph's Signature Bending, Earth Bending is the manipulation of, well, Earthly elements such as Rocks and stones, and create wonders in terms of Combat. Toph can unleash a barrage of boulders at her opponents using strong foot techniques such as stomps, even use her arms to manipulate the trajectory of the projectiles. Oh, and Toph can raise huge pillars to be used offensively, such as breaking them and pushing them forward towards a line of enemies. It's like having a falling skyscraper falling ontop of you, yeah, it's gonna be a killer!!!!
Ahhh, Manipulation of Mud..... XD!!!


Overall, Earth Bending is a versatile technique that is great for both Offense and Defense. Offense such as Hard Hitting Projectiles and Tremor attacks for knock back and Defense with large boulders protecting you from attacks. What is more amazing, Rocks and Stones are incredibly durable, so the amount of effort to try and break something that is over 20-30 to even 100000 tons is going to be a absolute whopper to overcome. 
Toph utilizing Offense and Defense with Earth Bending

Yeah, Earth Bending is just, amazing :D!!!!

What's this? Toph can surf on Earth?

Yeah, Surfing on Earth.......... That's going to be a "Rocky Situation"....... XD!!!!!

Sand Bending 

Sand Bending is actually another form of Earth bending. Which is funny, because it too is part of the Earth Bending Style technique from the get go. Basically, it is the manipulation of Sand and it too can be very effective both offensively and defensively. But it also has a new trick in that it is perfect for distraction purposes such as "Blinding the Enemy" with sand on their eyes. So really, Sand Bending in a sense is actually more versatile thanks to it's lower capacity of Weight with tremendous Speed potential since, well, Sand is not as heavy as Rocks and Stones. Just like the logic of Aladdin and The Forty Thieves "Sand is Everywhere!!!!" XD!!!!
Metal Bending


Metal Bending is actually a Secondary Tier for Earth Bending, and it is by far, the most powerful and durable variant. The Manipulation of all Metallic Materials is already a sign that it is going to be a very powerful asset. What is even better, Toph has the ability to do this.....

Well, I think Tony Stark is going to get flattered XD!!!

Yes, Toph, by all means of logic, can use Metal Bending to create Full Suit's of Armor that protects her from Head to toe from anything. This already drasitcally increases her Durability by leaps and bounds and, as mentioned before in the Physical Stats segment, Toph can even use Earth bending to coat herself in Armor also. 

It is also worth noting, that Metal Bending is also used offensively. It is capable of breaking apart Armor and even using specific techniques, can manipulate the shape and size of metallic objects to be used as projectiles. Which increases lethality by up to eleven. I think Metal Bending is one of my favorite elemental techniques, rivaled by Blood Bending. Just, amazing :D!!!!

Seismic Sense


Toph's Signature Trick and one of the absolute best in the Avatar and Korra series is Seismic Sense. 

Seismic Sense allows Toph to perceive events and surroundings with such clarity, it actually surpasses regular sight because of a couple of reasons, it allows Toph to feel vibrations and emotions of those she can sense, and it is also extremely efficient with anticipating movements and attack patterns of her opponents and is perfect to utilize counter attacks. 
However, while extremely powerful, Seismic Sense DOES NOT!!!!!! Work against Airborne foes, which is evident when Aang defeated Toph using his Air Bending Sphere for Travel, which proved problematic for Toph....... But, Seismic Sense as an ability is still incredible powerful.

Sonar, Daredevil Level of Perception, Great combat potential, a living lie detector, Toph's Seismic Sense gets the job done :D!!!!!

Feats and Accomplishments


As one of the main characters of Avatar The Last Airbender and a major player in The Legend of Korra, Toph has quite a resume to behold. Here is a list of Accomplishments by the adorable Earth Bender  
  • Has officially and cleanly, defeated The Boulder. A Earth Bender who clearly is not the imitation of Dwayne Johnson and is so cool, he is voiced by Mick Foley...... Oh right, Toph defeated him like this..... 

The Winner by a "Split Decision".... Toph Beifong!!!!!!

Moving on.... XD!!!

  • Is one of the most powerful Benders in the World. And Toph eventually gets more powerful as she grew older. This is significant since Toph is comparable to Zuko, Katara and even Aang, all of whom did tremendous levels of power and skills to overcome foes.
  • Became the Underground Earth Bending Champion
  • Officially taught Aang how to use Earth Bending. Who eventually mastered it's use to great effect
  • Partly helped Korra's Recovery from Zaheer's Metallic Poison
  • Her two daughters are very well written characters. Lin and Suyin, who are also masters of Earth and Metal Bending. Runs in the family people. Runs in the family XD!!!!
  • Best character in Avatar and Korra by far. Toph is just amazing!!!!!!
  • Helped Aang and friends defeat the Fire Nation.
  • Voiced by Jessie Flower.
  • Despite being stated to already be amazing at Earth Bending, it is absolutely true that Toph is more powerful than Kuvira............. Who is a Joke and Toph did say "You give Earth Benders a Bad Name"!!!!. Hah, I love it!!!



While Toph is absolutely powerful, the most obvious weakness for her is her blindness. 

Now, there are a few things to consider, see, Toph's Blindness is already handled with her Seismic Sense, but, as mentioned above, her Seismic Sense is not perfect. It is also worth noting that someone with superior air mobility than Toph can, I kid you not, completely bypass her Seismic Sense, and is less likely gonna get countered by Toph if she cannot "See" where they are attacking from. 

What is worse, this is the exact same situation when Aang defeated Toph in their first meeting. And Aang only used Air Bending to beat Toph and she couldn't sense him very well because Aang used his superior mobility to completely nullify Seismic Sense.

With Regards to her Physical capabilities, there is a reason why I did not list alot of Durability feats for Toph..... SHE IS ALMOST FEATLESS PHYSICALLY!!!!!!! Now, Toph is still one tough cookie, but the reason she survived the attacks that have been thrown at her was because she used Bending techniques to protect her to begin with. Infact, Toph's Physical Body is just as durable as a human, and, in Avatar and Korra, Benders are far from invincible. Heck, Aang was "killed" by Azula while in the Avatar State and Hah!!!! If someone in the Avatar State can still be killed by a bolt of lightning, I have a very hard time with believing that they are superhuman in terms of Durability...... As for Toph? She would actually lose harder because again, Her Durability is almost non existent in the least.

In terms of close quarters combat, Toph may be a martial artist, but her fighting style is more about Range over Close Quarters fighting. Now, the real counter argument is her Armor so that is going to offset that drawback. But again, if Toph cannot exactly see who and where an "Airborne" opponent is coming from, she is going to be overwhelmed and eventually, defeated if she cannot retaliate quickly.

Finally, the main issue is the environment. While Toph's Bending techniques pack a whopper, they need resources in order to be used. for instance, if Toph ever went underwater, her bending techniques are completely nullified because she cannot manipulate Water, and, she has to first reach the bottom of the water to use Earth Bending techniques, which is a dangerous situation because it leaves Toph being vulnerable to getting drowned. So really, Earth Bending is impressive, but it is like a Gun without Ammo. Ineffective without Resources........ Not gonna be a good situation at all... XD!!
Still, Despite her faults, Toph is adorable, Badass and well written :D!!!!! Toph is the pinnacle of cuteness and coolness rolled into one package :D!!!!
Tsuyu Asui

Tsuyu Asui, better known as either Tsu or "Froppy" is one of the supporting characters of the Superhero Anime/Manga Series "My Hero Academia".
Tsu's life is actually quite interesting. She lived with a family that rarely had parental control. That does not actually mean the parents were terrible, it's just that they are simply too busy for Family life. So, I give the Parents all respect for doing one thing right: Making Tsu more independent and wise for her age.  
You see, Tsu is the big sister of two siblings. She actually handled all the responsibilities like a mother and cared deeply for her siblings, allowing Tsu to develop independent, wise skills to further heights :D!!!!
Eventually, Tsu enrolled into U.A Academy and become a highly successful student. Possessing a Quirk just like every Hero and Villain, Tsu has participated in many tests and life threatening situations.
Despite her appearance, while Tsu was ridiculed early in her life for being, well, a "Frog like Human", She eventually got the love and respect by her fellow students (Bakugo excluded though hahaha), making Tsu, an inspiration for any weird looking people :D!!!!!! Nobody is weird looking by the way, it is the heart of the person that counts..... Tsu fits that philosophy perfectly!!!!!
Ummmmmm what?
You know, off topic here, but Tsuyu Asui is by far the most adorable character in My Hero Academia and while she is "Unique", she is actually a great example of being different is actually great :D!!!!! I love it!!!!
Anyway, to finish off the background, Tsu has helped her friends tackle the villains and eventually, became one of U.A Academy's most popular and charismatic students. A Heroic, Intelligent and Adorable character, Tsuyu Asui is absolutely amazing :D!!!!
That is the general background for Tsu, now, let's see what the adorable superhero is capable of.
A "Taste" of What Tsuyu's Quirk can do ;)


Tsu's Quirk is called "Frog", which is a very simple description of what it is capable of. 
Basically, Frog allows Tsu to, well, have the perks, characteristics and abilities of a Frog. She can use her Tongue that can reach at over 20 ft and use it for Offense, Defense, and even Versatile options such as Grappling and Mobility, which Tsu uses alot :D!!!! 
Climbing a Boat side :D!!

However, there are other tricks that The Quirk possesses. Tsu can even climb onto walls, Swim very quickly underwater and is actually more efficient underwater due to her characteristics being the same as a Frog's, which are very fast underwater with their amazing swimming techniques...... Oooh, Tsu is a versatile combatant after all :D!!!
Underwater Time :D!!!!

Of course, Tsu does have one more Trick which I will get into later on, but it too gives her a very advantageous factor for many situations ;)
Now the Quirk is handled, let's look at Tsu's Stats

Physical Stats

By all means of Logic, despite her short stature and slim appearance, Tsuyu Asui, is possibly, the most deceptive character of my Who Would Win Series to Date..... SHE IS POWERFUL!!!!!!!
Now, Tsu's capabilities are very unique, but, I will go through them with surprising results and tricks that Tsu is capable of :D!!! Strength, Speed and Durability. Here we go!!!!!!

  • Using her Tongue, Tsuyu can throw her opponents at very high speeds. Strength Wise, there is the factor of Velocity and Momentum of her Swings, and Tsu actually can smash her opponents against Walls..... Sometimes, THROUGH STEEL WALLS!!!!!!!! That is how insanely strong Tsuyu Asui is!!!!
  • Can carry both Deku and Minetta while leaping across long distances
  • Can knock back multiple opponents with her tongue
  • Her kicks are able to send her foes flying at such speeds, they can smash against Walls, Steel Walls included XD!!!!
  • Can use her Tongue to hold back Chimera's Arm, who at that moment, was a giant monstrosity with incredible Strength and Power

  • Is one of the most agile characters in My Hero Academia. It is not entirely out of the realm of possibility, but Tsu should be more agile than 90% of her classmates, rivaled only by the likes of Fumikage Tokoyami and Bakugo, both of whom possess Lightning timing feats
  • Managed to dodge multiple attacks coming at her at once and never got scratched.
  • Can keep up with Tenya Ida, who runs at Faster than Sound Speeds with his Engine Quirk. What's more impressive though, Tsu was carrying Eijiro Kirishima while avoiding Faster than Light Beam attacks from Chimera. Oh, yeah, Tsu is able to dodge Light speed attacks.
  • Is officially stated to be capable of running at 20 mph. Though This was early series Tsu. It is likely she can casually surpass that by "Leaps and Bounds" XD!!!!
  • Can Swim extremely fast due to her Frog like characteristics
  • Can also climb walls quickly 

  • Did Survive 1300,000 volts of electricity, though Tsu did get knocked out afterwards
  • Fought for 8 hours straight in a forest against Devil Beasts along with her class mates
  • Took a hit from a villain who can smash through a Tree, though Tsu was initially stunned, but not seriously injured
  • Was drained for 20 minutes, and yet Tsu was able to muster the power to get up and eventually dragged a weightless villain afterwards.


One of Tsu's greatest assets for any situation, Camouflage let's Tsu avoid detection by the enemy effectively. She is also so skilled with camo, she is completely still when she triggers it. Even able to go around while camouflaged for a sneak up attack. Essentially, this makes Tsu invisible for most characters. Impressive :D!!!!
 Paralysis Mucus
Tsu Secreting Mucus



Tsu has another Trump Card that is absolutely devastating to those who rely on their body movements to trigger techniques "Paralysis Mucus". This Mucus may seem harmless, but what it does is produce a paralyzing substance that is capable of paralyzing the opponent with repeated usage. Because of this, the Mucus is ideal for pinning an opponent, opening an opportunity for Tsu to finish them off or, in terms of being super smart, can be used to escape someone who is significantly more powerful than Tsu.

This is the same technique that ultimately defeated Chimera, who, well, can destroy a Forest with his Beam attack and has Super Strength and Durability. So Tsu's Mucus is a very powerful asset regardless of Stats XD!!!!
Inflatable Stomach
Like Frogs, Tsu's stomach has a toxin that is capable of being dangerous. Though not exactly deadly, the toxin is effective enough to be irritating and also quite scary in that it can melt through Stone. So it is actually "Acid". Very Dangerous after all :D!!!!
Tsuyu can also use her stomach to store items she swallows, regurgitating them if necessary.
Why is Tsu's info full of Contradiction? This is "Weird". Oh wait, it fits the theme of her entire segment XD!!!!! 

Tsuyu Asui is by far, one of the most skilled and impressive heroes of her class. While lacking any Ranged Attacks, her true power is her Flexible Mobility and Agility that makes her an absolute monster to tag. Possessing a balanced level of Power with her Tongue and her Frog Like Mobility with her Leaps and Tongue Swinging, Tsu is very efficient with Quick Strikes. Amplified by her Paralyzing Mucus, her combat potential is actually deceptively dangerous. So really, Tsu is a badass!!!!
Of course, Tsu is one of the smartest of her class, rivaling Momo Yaoyorozu, Minoru Mineta, Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya and Tenya Iida, all of whom are geniuses. Though I admit, Bakugo is actually reckless at times XD!!!! But still, Booksmarts wise, Tsu is very impressive :D!!!!
Finally, Cooking and Housekeeping Skills are Tsu's real specialties outside of combat. Very caring and adorable at once. Bing Badda Boom :D!!!!
Feats and Accomplishments


This adorable superhero has actually did accomplish quite a list of feats :D!!!! Here is a list of Accomplishments for Tsuyu Asui
  • Has officially, and cleanly, helped Tenya, Kirishima and Todoroki defeat Chimera
  • Has passed multiple Exams to become a Hero :D!!!
  • Helped Ochaco and Ryuku defeat a Villain together
  • Helped her class against Tomura Shigaraki's Forces "The League of Villains" multiple times.
  • Was able to assist Tokoyami Defeat Ectoplasm, who is a Pro Hero
  • Is voiced by Monica Rial
  • Is just...... Awwww!!!!!!! Second most adorable character in fiction. Behind Yoshika Miyafuji from Strike Witches but still, Tsuyu Asui is more adorable than someone like Akame and Koneko     
  • Achieved wonders despite being a Teenaged Hero. What a true inspiration :D!!!
This makes me very sad :(


While Tsuyu Asui is very much a power house, unfortunately, the glaring issues for the super adorable hero is obvious to pinpoint.

Firstly, as mentioned before, Tsu's Ranged capabilities are very limited. Her tongue may be able to reach 20 ft in length, but that's about as far as it goes. Tsu's mucus also relies solely on getting close to her opponents to be used effectively, and Tsu has to repeatedly produce Mucus in order for it to be truly efficient.

Also, Tsu doesn't have alot of impressive Durability Feats, making her more of a Glass Cannon. Thankfully, her Agility and Mobility allows her to avoid attacks but then again, anyone who can catch her is going to give Tsu a very dire situation. Infact, most instances with Tsu getting in trouble were only resolved when she had help from others. So that's another thing to remember. 

Also, Tsu has one major flaw that even Frogs have Weakness to Cold Temperatures
The most adorable Weakness Screenshot ever... XD!!!

In this Image, Mezo Shoji is cradling a cold Tsu, who was too dizzy and passed out due to being too Cold to do, well, anything. This made Tsu faint and in a situation when someone is using Cold Attacks, Tsu will be in a complete disadvantage because of her sensitivity to Cold Temperatures. 

But, this is why Tsuyu Asui is amazing. Her Quirk is soooooooooooo realistically portrayed with Frog Like characteristics that Tsuyu is literally, a living example of what Humanoid Frog Humans are capable of doing :D!!!!

So, in the end, Tsuyu Asui is powerful, charismatic, and my goodness, is god tier in terms of Cuteness!!!!! Go Beyond Tsu, GO BEYOND!!!!!!!

Toph Beifong

  • Power Wise, Toph completely demolishes Tsuyu's Overall Power in terms of Bending vs The Frog Quirk
  • Is more Experienced in terms of Combat
  • Seismic Sense allows Toph to Predict the next step that Tsuyu will make, assuming Tsuyu Stays on the ground
  • Her Earth and Metal Armor will widen the Durability edge in favor of Toph Substantially
  • Pretty much crushes Tsuyu in terms of Ranged Capabilities
  • Absolutely crushed in terms of Agility and Mobility
  • While Toph has Seismic Sense, if Tsuyu goes airborne, Toph cannot exactly do anything except guess on her next attack, which leaves Toph in a completely defenseless position since she is blind and unable to "See" where Tsuyu is coming
  • Cannot exactly counter Tsuyu's Melee Capabilities once the fight goes up close and personal
  • If Tsuyu brings Toph into a pool of Water, All of Toph's Bending is nullified completely
  • Once Tsuyu produces her Paralyzing Mucus on Toph's Arms and Legs, the fight is over. Because Toph would be unable to use Bending Techniques effectively if her limbs are paralyzed in the first place
  • While adorable, Tsuyu is FAR!!!! more adorable

Tsuyu Asui

  • Astronomically Faster and More Mobile than Toph
  • Tsuyu's Airborne techniques will nullify Toph's Seismic Sense, avoiding any counter attack entirely and leaving Tsuyu in a very easy time against Toph by closing the distance
  • Far better Melee Skills
  • If Tsuyu brings Toph into a pool of Water. Bravo, Tsuyu wins instantly
  • Tsuyu's Paralyzing Mucus will disable Toph's Bending because it makes Toph's Limbs are unable to use Bending techniques to unleash any sort of Power Output
  • Is leagues more Adorable than Toph
  • Is Completely crushed in terms of Power Levels. Come on. Earth, Sand and Metal Bending vs Frog Characteristics....... XD!!!
  • Less Experienced
  • Seismic Sense does prove problematic for Tsuyu, if she stays still for Toph to predict
  • Once Toph coats herself in Earth and Metal Armor, Tsuyu is going to get a hard time with breaking through her boosted durability
  • Come on, Toph has Ranged capabilities. Tsuyu DOES NOT!!!!! XD!!!
The Verdict

Ahhh my, fresh from Tyris vs Vivian, we have another very close match up with Toph vs Tsuyu. Now, This is actually a very bizarre match up. Both Toph and Tsuyu only have Same color outfits in terms of Similarities. But that's about it XD!!!! There is almost no similarities between these two characters..... And that's why the match up is amazing!!!!! Both sides are vastly different in terms of combat approaches and capabilities. So, let's go into Stats, and this is a very, VERY!!!! Interesting factor to consider
Now, Physically speaking, Tsuyu is far more impressive. With Superhuman Strength, Speed and Mobility, Tsuyu's Physical Stats are far better than Toph's. We have someone who can lift two people at once and still evade fast attacks. Even Faster than Light Speeds while carrying one person at once, versus a Human level character..... Now, remember, this is Physical Stats. As we get into more factors, the overall Stats are more evenly matched
Toph's Bending Techniques completely change the game. With a feat that literally held a Library for a moment, means Toph's Power Output is Astronomical!!!!!! Yes, Toph bounces back in a huge way with a 2500000000 ton feat thanks to her bending techniques. So, Tsuyu is not gonna compare to that level of Power............ But, That's not exactly gonna do much to Tsuyu anyway, why? 
While Toph's Power is amazing, Tsuyu has a nice counter with her Mobility and Speed. A very fast combatant, Tsuyu is able to dodge most of Toph's Bending Techniques thanks to her Reflexes and Mobility. 
Added that Tsuyu can do this.....

Yeah, that level of Reflexes and Speed is pretty game changing on its own anyway. So really, Power vs Mobility, the winner this time is Mobility. We also have to consider that Toph's Bending techniques are not exactly hard for Tsuyu to dodge since she is capable of avoiding Lightning level attacks and Tsuyu can leap over them anyway. Even use her Tongue to throw some boulders back. So it is actually an overall edge for Tsuyu in terms of, for the first time in my Series, "Advantageous Stats"
Now you might be asking "Grandmaster, what do you mean by Advantageous Stats". Well Advantageous Stats are when one character has the specific edges against someone with their own advantages that are capable of overpowering one side with their more overwhelming advantage in certain situations. 
As you can tell, Tsuyu's Mobility is going to be more game changing than Toph's Power Output because again, she is very agile and mobile and will avoid all the Earth Bending capabilities being thrown at her using her Reflexes  
 So really, Toph's Power is astronomical, but Tsuyu's Mobility and Agile are astronomical and more useful in this match up.

But Wait, there is one major factor to consider before the decision is made........

Ahhh Seismic Sense. The most important Factor in favor of Toph. With this technique, Toph is able to predict Tsuyu's moves and act accordingly. Predicting Movements........... Until you realize, this happens!!!!

Exactly!!!! Tsuyu can leap at high and long distances, nullifying Toph's Seismic Sense effectively. So, this is when it gets pretty grim for Toph. So, you would think she can actually guess where Tsuyu is attacking from. But, if that's the case, how come Aang did a very similar technique in his first encounter with Toph and beat her completely? Well, Tsuyu can achieve the same result......... With one trump card of her own....
The Scary Mucus!!!!

So, once Tsuyu leaps into the air, she can perfectly time her landing on Toph and, in most situations, she can pin Toph, and secrete her limbs with her Paralyzing Mucus, which, is why, I think Tsuyu Asui is the winner of this fight. Her Mobility and Paralyzing Mucus are the right assets against Toph and her Bending. 

Bending requires the movements of the users limbs to produce wonders and powerful abilities, but, because Tsuyu has her Paralyzing mucus, she can constantly coat Toph with it and Toph is going to be paralyzed entirely........ Tsuyu is also very stealthy with her Camouflage, which is a monumental advantage that proves hilariously bad for Toph to try and counter. Yes, her seismic sense "Could" allow Toph to somehow see Tsuyu while she is camouflaged, but again, Tsuyu is quick enough to avoid any entrapment attacks since she is quick enough to dodge lightning, which Toph's Bending Attacks are not even close to being as quick as Lightning at all. So it's not going to be hard for Tsuyu to suddenly leap so high into the air, giving her complete control of the battle and ultimately, finish off Toph by landing on her, Melee Toph to death, and, if you want to even go this far, throw Toph into Water and COMPLETELY LEAVE TOPH DEFENSELESS!!!!!!!! 
That's because, Toph's Bending does not work while in water, which is, in the end, Tsuyu's Instant win situation by leaps and bounds.
But what about Toph's Armor with Earth and Metal? Well, That actually does become a good advantage for Durability but again, Tsuyu could just do this to Toph and swing her across the air......

So that means, what advantage does the Armor have if Tsuyu is lifting Toph into the air with her Tongue? She cannot Earth or Metal Bend effectively because there is no ground to touch and even if Toph used her own armor to be creative and bend it in mid air, that actually takes away her Durability boost pretty hard..... So really, Tsuyu's Tongue perfectly counters Toph's Armor and her Bending in alot of scenarios.
So, thanks to her Quirk, Mobility, Agility, Melee Skills, Cuteness and Personality, I believe that Tsuyu Asui, The "Leaping Hero that Bended Toph's Chances" will win this match up.
The Winner is Tsuyu Asui

A Special Thanks


I would like to personally thank my great friend Michael Reyes, who unfortunately does not have a personal image of himself so I decided to use Uruhara from Bleach as a perfect match for his personality.
Thank you very much for creating the Toph vs Tsuyu Thumbnail. Your a legend and I hope many miracles will happen in your life.
Take care my friend and Remember, George Hancock XD!!!!
Next Time on Who Would Win.......



Axel Stone vs Blaze Fielding (Streets of Rage)


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