Saturday, June 12, 2021

Season 5: Rey (Star Wars) vs Korra (The Legend of Korra)


Greetings and Welcome to another edition of my Who Would Win Series and it is going to be Rey from the Star Wars Franchise vs Korra from the Legend of Korra Series.

This match up is going to be a bit different from previous blogs for reasons I will get into later, but as usual, the traditional Stats, Weapons, Skills, Abilities, Feats and Weaknesses are the key factors going into play

Rey and Korra are, quite literally, the easiest to analyze because their main story arcs are a single canon story. So really, the info does not include any composition of "Different Rey's and Korra's" XD!!! So this is going to be straightforward.

Finally, we shall decide on who is going to win this battle of two powerful Prodigies

So without further ado, let's begin!!!!








Rey is the main protagonist of the "Sequel Trilogy" of the Star Wars Saga. Born in a family that, well, did not have anything special, Rey actually is a prodigy of a universal entity known as "The Force".



See, Rey's role in the story is quite impactful to not only for herself, but for the Galaxy Far Far Away. She was dropped to Jakku by her parents (Silly parents XD!!!) and ended up living the life as a scavenger. Things were adventurous and Rey's skills certainly grew overtime, but one day, a faithful moment changed Rey's life forever. After rescuing the droid BB-8, she was then followed by a New Order defector named Finn, who was looking for a legendary Jedi Master known as "Luke Skywalker". So, all that said, Rey, Finn, BB-8 and other comrades were involved in an epic war between the New order and the Resistance Forces. Eventually, Rey's sensitivity with the Force was finally showcased after fighting Kylo Ren, and then Rey somehow beat him, then went to see Master Skywalker for Training, then left training to fight the New Order, then restarted her training by General Leia, then she fought both Kylo Ren and Emperor Palpatine, then helped redeemed Kylo Ren and then crafted a new lightsaber for her own and then renamed herself because logic said so................




That is a very basic story arc of Rey's role in Star Wars, let's see what she can do.





Physical Stats

Unfortunately, Rey's Physical Stats are actually Peak human to say the least. However, the good news is that her Abilities with the Force do increase her capabilities substantially. However, I will list a few displays of Feats for her physical capabilities.



  • Was smashed against a Tree by Kylo Ren's Force Push, Rey did get knocked out for a while but regain consciousness after a minute. 
  • Able to block Kylo Ren's lightsaber strikes
  • Was under Supreme Leader Snoke's Force Stun for a while. This caused great pain to Rey.

     Rey getting stunned by Snoke

  •  Did take a full blast of Lightning from Palpatine, who, in the Rise of Skywalker film, did this in only a few seconds.
Palpatine annihilating a Fleet of New Order and Resistance Fighters with Force Lightning
Now, to be clear, not only did Rey block the attack, she actually redirected it back to Palpatine and eventually overpowered this move. And Rey took a far more concentrated and more powerful Lightning Blast, so that alone is astronomically impressive



  • Can avoid blaster fire 



The Force








Rey's main driving power that makes her very powerful is her use of The Force. The Force is a universal entity that surrounds all living things and those with strong sensitivity with the Force can use it for very versatile and powerful purposes. Rey is one such individual. Here is a list of Force Powers used by Rey.



Force Telekinesis: Pretty much the standard for Jedi, Sith and other Force Sensitives, Force Telekinesis is the manipulation of Objects and living beings. Force Pushing, Pulling, Crushing, Rag dolling fun, you name it, it can do it :D!!!!! 



Mind Manipulation: One very powerful ability, the Mind Trick allows the User to manipulate speech patterns and personalities of their target. While those with Strong Mental resistances can block it, it ultimately depends on how powerful the user is with the Force that will eventually overpower any mentality resistances. This is especially noteworthy since other Jedi and Sith manipulated, well, other Jedi and Sith in the process, who have undergone extensive mentality training themselves. Pretty awesome :D!!!!


Rey using Mind Trick



Hey, it works!!!


 Force Jump: Another iconic ability of the Jedi and Sith, Force Jump allows the User to jump at very high distances. It is especially useful against Grounded Enemies because they simply cannot reach someone who literally jumps at the same height as a clock tower XD!!!! Some Jedi and Sith are able to jump to skyscraper heights, it is that powerful.



Force Jump



Battle Precognition: An ability that is often overlooked, Rey can use Precognition, allowing her to predict events in advance and act on instinct. It is especially useful in a random encounter, as it can catch the opponent off guard and ultimately, lead to alot of opportunities to finish them off because you are "Four Steps ahead of them".



Force Healing: Rey can use the force to manipulate healing. This astronomically powerful and extremely valuable in all situations involving combat. While the healing process does not regrow limbs and very fatal wounds, it can drastically increase the survivability of the user in prolonged fights.


Telepathy: Much like the Mind Trick, Telepathy is a manipulation of the Mind, but, this time, it also gives the user a preempted moment that allows them to know what the opponent is about to do in advance, very identical to Precog, only this time it is with the use of The Force and even without the Force at all!!! XD!!!! Very powerful




Force Lightning: One of the more powerful offensive Force techniques. Force Lighting is the manipulation of Lighting from the fingertips. It is powerful enough to destroy Jedi, Sith, anyone else in it's vicinity and some versions of Force Lightning are capable of decimating Fleets (as seen above). Rey's manipulation of Force Lightning was brief, but she is still able to use it when bloodlusted, so that's a huge leg up :D!!!!


Rey using Force Lightning











 While Rey is a very powerful user of the Force, of course, she is loaded with cool weapons at her disposal :D!!! Here is the list of weapons used by the Prodigy





Rey's Staff












Rey's Quarterstaff is, well, just that, a Staff. It can be quite powerful since it is able to do a bit of damage for close quarters combat. So that's something to note. It is also ideal for reaching objects from hard to reach places, that's neat :D!!!! 

















Given to her by Han Solo, Rey used a blaster that shoots out a laser that can burn through armor and even one shot enemies from afar. It is easy to conceal and ideal for Western Style Quick Draw combat :D!!!!




But of course..........














Ahhh yes, Rey's most iconic weapon by far, The Lightsaber. An elegant weapon from a more civilized age, The Lightsaber is the quintessential weapon of the Jedi and Sith. Rey's lightsaber is actually Anakin Skywalker's Lightsaber, which is then passed on to Luke, and now Rey...... Yeah, that's something to consider. However, Rey eventually got her own Saber at the end of the Sequel Trilogy so that is something that is nice to know :D!!!


Background stuff aside, The Lightsaber is a focused beam that is able to cut through anything. While certain materials such as Durasteel Armor and Cortosis Ore can resist it (among others), you can still overpower those resistances with sheer power and the Force anyway :D!!! So there are workarounds with the Saber and Force combo :D!!!












Rey, by the end of the Saga, became a really skilled combatant. Though her story arc did not explain too well on how she got these skills, let's just say that her Jedi Training did give us more proof that she ended up becoming more skilled overtime with the Lightsaber and the Force.


However, Combat skills aside, Rey is also, if it is not obvious, a skilled Scavenger, A superb Pilot, has a vast knowledge of the history of warfare in the Star Wars universe, and even has great intellect entirely.



Rey wearing her Scavenger outfit



She is a well rounded individual.




All of the Jedi State










Despite Rey's Skills, Weapons and the Force, those factors are outmatched by one more trump card, "The All of the Jedi State." In this state, Rey's Force Powers reach limitless heights and she literally becomes the most powerful Force User in all of the Star Wars films by a landslide since, well, she literally fried Emperor Palpatine to a Crisp!!!!!!! However, Extensive use of this state will kill Rey, so that is something to consider. Still, when Rey does trigger it, she becomes unstoppable.




Feats and Accomplishments for Rey







While Rey only has three canonical movies, she did achieved alot in those films. Here is a list of Feats achieved by Rey.


Rey vs Kylo Ren :D!!!!



  • Has officially, and cleanly, defeated Kylo Ren not once, but twice
  • Defeated Emperor Palpatine 
  • Rescued Finn from the Rathtars
  • Was able to outmatch Luke Skywalker in melee combat
  • Flew the Millennium Falcon across Jakku to evade New Order Tie Fighters with such skill, she eventually escaped their pursuit thanks to her piloting skills and Finn's Marksmanship with the Falcon's Turret.
  • Managed to escape from the New Order's Interrogation Chamber and reunited with Finn, BB-8, Han Solo and Chewbacca
  • Saved the Resistance from the New Order on the Planet Crait.
  • Completed her Jedi Training despite the very limited amount of Jedi left in the universe.
  • Finally created her own Lightsaber. 
  • Portrayed by Daisy Ridley, who I have upmost respect for due to her charisma and determination :D!!!!
Pain, Suffering, Death






While Rey is a very powerful combatant and extremely proficient with The Force, unfortunately, flaws are everywhere for the prodigy. 


Rey's Physical stats are peak human and she is not very impressive in terms of the stats trinity that are Strength, Speed and Durability. It is with the Force that Rey is able to accomplish wonders. Even then, The Force is both a superb asset and a very dangerous side effect if not used properly.



You see, continuous use of the Force puts a strain on the user, and Rey died in The Rise Of Skywalker because she used up all of her Force Power on the All of the Jedi State. In fact, if Kylo Ren (Who redeemed himself and became Ben Solo) didn't revive Rey, she would not even be alive to create her own lightsaber. So that's something to consider. It is also worth noting that Rey has being overpowered by other force users before, so her record against other Force Users is sketchy. 

Also, the fact Rey learned all these abilities with little time is unbelievable. It is not a weakness in combat, but her character did become too overpowered in the Sequel Trilogy. This makes Rey less relatable and more like a "Superhero" (Why is this a weakness again? XD!!!!)

Still, despite the faults, Rey has the Force at her side to tackle anyone that gets in her way.




Water, Earth, Fire, Air (Earth, Fire, Air, Water in the Legend of Korra intro), Long ago, the Four nations lived together in peace and Harmony. Until one dreadful moment, the Fire Nation attacked, which broke the Peace and started a War of Epic Proportions.

The War proved to be too devastating, that only the Avatar, The Master of all Four Elements, has the power to put an end to the War and bring balance to the world. Eventually, this was achieved by Avatar Aang, who ended up not only becoming the Hero, but a chosen inherited individual of the Avatar's Powers.

Now, this is going to be very important for Korra's Background, because it will explain how she managed to gain these Elements in the First place.

Seventy Years after The War Ended, The World is now at a state of Peace and Prosperity, Korra, who eventually became the next Avatar, mastered Water, Earth and Fire at around the age of 4.

Super Adorable and A Badass!!! How is she not a Strike Witch!!!!

 This already gave Korra the identity as the Avatar by her peers, and while she did not learn how to manipulate Air, she eventually reached her goal of Air Manipulation and, from the twists and turn of events, Korra can use all Four Elements to Maximum Effect.


Eventually, Korra undertook alot of adventures and battles that range from the destruction of the Equalist Movement led by Amon, the Spirit World Connection to the Real World by Unalaq's Plan, The prevention of assassination attempts on World Leaders by Zaheer and his Comrades, and finally, the defeated of one of the most idiotic villains of all time.... Kuvira...... XD!!!!!


In the end, Korra's story arc is summed up by this:


  • Friendship
  • Mental Training
  • Elemental Learning and Training
  • Alot of whacky moments with Bolin and Mako
  • Being helpful with Varrick and Zhu Li
  • Trained under the likes of Tenzin, Tenzin's Family, and Toph to increase her Elemental Mastery.
  • Being an absolute badass!!!!
Yeah, this is getting out of hand XD!!! Overall, Korra's Story arc is full of Wonders and Marvels :D!!!
That is a solid background for Korra. Now, let's see what this amazing Avatar can do :D!!!!
Physical Stats
Korra's Physical Stats are not quite Superhuman, however, there are moments in the Legend of Korra Series that truly make her a badass. Here is a handful of Physical Feats for Korra
  • Can carry Tenzin and his family with only one arm.
  • Can kick boulders with such force, they can travel at very high speeds. 
  • Can use her Metal Bending techniques to crush metal with her own body.
  • Able to withstand pretty much all attacks from the likes of Water Benders, Earth Benders, Air Benders, Fire Benders, the list goes on but that's the general sense XD!!!. All these guys are able to go to town level power, Unalaq for instance managed to destroy most of the Icey terrain around himself and Korra using his waterbending bending techniques 
  • Took blood bending, which manipulates the blood of the victim.... Ewwwww
  • Managed to hold back and survive this!!!!
You Got The Touch!!!! You Got The Power!!!!!!

Yeah, how come I said Korra is not impressive Physically? XD!!!!! Well this is technically blocked by Korra's elemental techniques but still, this blast is "Spirit Based" so it is actually still dangerous by simply "Phasing through Defenses"...... KORRA BLOCKED THIS!!!!!!
Legendary is an understatement. Now I think I found a character that may rival Lelouch's Geass Control on God Feat :D!!!! 
So really, Korra is superhuman after all. Trickery is a specialty at this point ;)

The Elements


Being the Avatar, Korra, by the end of the series, has mastered the use of Earth, Fire, Air and Water. She is one of the most versatile characters in fiction and for the sake of this blog, I decided to list the standard abilities for each element plus some nice tricks up on Korra's Sleeve that make her a badass!!!!
Water Bending 

The manipulation of Water, Korra can bend water for both offense, defense and special tricks such as healing and removing water from the victim's body to save them from drowning.
Of course, Korra can manipulate the temperature of Water, she is also, in a sense, an "Ice Bender", capable of freezing her enemies in place for open opportunities to finish them off. Very clever :D!!! She can even use Water to levitate herself into the air, like what Unalaq does in this clip
Unalaq using Water to levitate. Korra freezing the Water Stream to pull Unalaq down.

Oh, and before I wrap up Water Bending, here is one more trick for Korra :D!!!
I wonder if Aquaman's Long Lost Daughter is Korra XD!!!!

Yeah!!!! Korra can manipulate Water, while, well, underwater............ Seriously this is sooooo cool :D!!!
Of Course, Blood bending is an advanced form of Water Bending since it manipulates fluid of blood, which is also made up of water, however, Korra has never used Blood bending so that is not an element she is going to be using as her standard arsenal. But it is still worth mentioning.
Earth Bending

Earth Bending requires Footwork and "Rock Hard" techniques to manipulate the Earth. It is a bending skill that is especially ideal for Defense, since Earth is made up of the strongest material around. Korra can use Earth bending to create large pillars to smash against foes, even kick boulders at her opponents to deal damage that is comparable to a Truck's Ramming speed, and is able to use Earth Bending to even trap her foes with "Sealing Techniques" :D!!!! Very impressive.
The Advanced Earth bending form is Metal Bending, Which Korra Does indeed have at her disposal, which manipulates Metal and even changes the shape and form of Metal to make it either longer or smaller :D!!!! Amazing :D!!!! Oh and Korra could just break Metal as well..... Duh XD!!! 
Overall, Earth Bending and Metal Bending are Korra's valued Techniques for Combat for Mainly Offense and Defense, and entrapment :D!!!! Absolutely "Rock Solid"............. Moving on XD!!!
Fire Bending

Fire Bending is the manipulation of Fire, and it is primarily an offensive technique that is also one of the most powerful elements around. Korra's use of Fire is simple. She literally shoots out Fire from her palms, similar to how Iron Man shoot's his repulsor blasts, but she can also do this.

Oooooooh yeah, Korra can use Fire Breath to become a Dragon. Pretty simple, it burns, your toast, Korra is "Too Hot to handle" and finally, Fire also can melt virtually anything with ease. However, Korra needs to be in a controlled temperature and cannot be in Freezing Temeperatures otherwise her use of Fire is, well, cooled down. Still, Korra can just use her body temperature to somehow make heat to balance it out, so that can help :D!!!!
It is also worth noting that Korra can actually fly with fire. Similar to how Iron Man uses his propulsion jets for flight. Check it out!!!

Fire Bending is badass :D!!! oh, and you can even use your legs to project Fire attacks as well
Azula using a Leg Stomp with Fire :D!!!
Yeah, Fire is also a great way to increase your close quarters combat potential. Amplifying Damage for Burning effects. That is "Hot!!!!!" XD!!!!
The advanced Fire Bending Form is Lightning, which Korra does not have. But, it is still neat to know, as Lightning Benders can, well, manipulate lightning XD!!!!  
Air Bending     

And finally, the last Elemental Power for Korra, Air Bending is actually the most versatile and easiest to master out of all the elements because, well, Air is everywhere!!!!!!! It can be used to push back foes, levitate into the air in either a tornado or an Air Ball. Air Bending is also dangerous as it can be used to choke victims by removing the air from them using an Air Bubble
Suffocation using an Air Bending Technique

 Other techniques include an Air Shield, Air Swipes for increased Melee Range, Air wake for Concussive Force, Even Air Cocoons for Defense and Air Blades, sharp enough to cut Timber and Strong Materials.

But wait, there is one more element worth talking about!!!!
Energy Bending

Ahhhh, Korra has another Bending technique? Well, this one is not actually a form of Offensive Combat and such, what it does is literally take away, and even restore, bending powers of those they touch. Korra used Energy Bending to restore Bending Powers of those who, well, lost them XD!!!!! 
It is also worth mentioning that Korra managed to achieve the Spirit Blast Feat, because of Energy Bending :D!!! So, that is why she blocked that blast in the first place.
The Spirit blast that Korra blocked with Energy Bending


Avatar State


So we have seen Korra's Main use of Elemental Abilities, now, let's take this up a notch and see how this Avatar gets even more incredible. Korra is the Avatar, and, she can go into the "Avatar State" that literally boosts her power to ridiculous heights. In this state, Korra can achieve legendary feats, and, it is especially important to note that Korra can match feats achieved by previous Avatars because of this state. This includes:
  • Kyoshi destroying an Island
  • Szeto caused four volcanoes to erupt and even bended the lava :D
  • Roku defeating Firelord Sozin, whose name inspired the event known as "Sozin's Comet"
  •  Aang defeated Fire Lord Ozai single handily 
So really, Korra's Scaling to those feats is justified, because it is stated that the Avatar State is generally consistent with power leveling across the previous hosts. So really, all those feats are applicable to Korra. :D!!!! 
But we now get into bigger moments here!!!!!
What? This is Godzilla's Long lost wife, how the hell did she get here? XD!!!!


Yes......... Korra, well, can project her own Spirit using Cosmic Energy while inside the Tree of Time to unleash what is quite literally, the most powerful technique at her disposal.... The Spirit Giant!!!!
Korra inside the Tree of Time using Cosmic Energy to project the Astral Spirit

Now, the power of this "Astral Spirit" is astronomical. Capable of flying at borderline light speeds, it is truly a powerhouse of ridiculous proportions. But that is only one out of many feats it can achieve. Here is a couple of feats showcased by Korra's Astral Spirit Form

Immense Kaiju Level Strength


Able to lift the Astral Spirit form of Unalaq with the combined power of Vaatu, Korra can lift them both towards a large mountain with ease. Oh, and the result was momentum that caused tsunami's in the process!!!! Seriously, I want this Spirit to fight Godzilla at this point!!!!
The Chest beam

Korra can unleash a Chest Beam (At this point, I think Iron man is going to be very impressed XD!!!) that literally unleashes tremendous power. It is able to overpower Unalaq's Beam.
Penetrating Hand Technique

Used to pull out Raava from Unalaq and Vaatu's control, Korra can use a Hand technique to bypass the Spirit Form's Durability. Very dangerous also :D!!!! 
Spirit Pacification

A Fatality move, Korra can use her Spirit Pacification to simply erase Unalaq and Vaatu from Existence. It is a Sealing Technique that is impossible to escape from.

Korra is by all means, a versatile and badass combatant. Using all of the Four Main Elements to maximum effect, Korra has answers to any situation thrown at her. She is also a very skilled hand to hand combatant since Training with Bending Techniques do require alot of Martial Art styles so that is something worth mentioning. And Korra, in the Avatar State, possesses the experience and power of all previous Avatar's. So that already puts her at extremely high levels of Power and Experience :D!!!!
Feats and Accomplishments for Korra 

Being the main character of The Legend Of Korra and the Avatar, Korra has a monunmental list of feats. Here is a handful of notable feats by the Avatar
  • Has Officially, and Cleanly, Saved the World..... No, Korra did not save a City, she saved the World :D!!!
  • Defeated Amon
  • Defeated Unalaq and Vaatu, who are also known as "Unavaatu" 
  • Defeated Zaheer, A Master Air Bender and Leader of a Group of Assassins with help from her friends and family
  • Defeated Kuvira, a total idiot
  • Mastered All Elements after extensive training
  • Is the only Avatar to learn an Advanced Bending Techinique, Metal Bending
  • Defeated Several Benders over the course of the series
  • Defeated the Twenty Storey Tall Mech that has the Power to blow up Republic City with it's Spirit Blast. The Same blast Korra blocked with her Energy Bending. Mind you, Korra did not actually defeat the Mech on her own, but her contribution greatly helped with the outcome.
  • Voiced by Janet Varney.
  • Has to be one of my favorite Elemental Manipulators in fiction alongside other fellow Avatar characters like Toph, Aang, Zuko, Zaheer, Iroh and Katara :D!!! 

Despite Korra's insane and absolutely badass level of power, the most prominent issue is that she has got serious mentality issues. While the series did end with Korra overcoming those flaws, what happened was that Korra has experienced so many life threatening events, they traumatized her for long periods of time. Again, the series did end with Korra overcoming that flaw but it is something of note.
Also, Korra's Bending relies on the environment. While Energy and Air Bending can be used without any particular resource, Water, Earth and Fire Bending do require special factors to be used effectively. Although, Fire is interesting since it can still be used with the palm of Korra's Hands and her Breath can produce Fire, so that is a nice counter. But, the issue here is that once Korra gets into cold temperatures, Fire becomes weaker to control. So that is something of note.
Also, do not let Korra's Impressive Power Level confuse you by the fact that Korra has lost almost all of her fights in a First Round situation. She actually got her powers removed from Amon's Energy Bending and only got them back when Aang, who was dead, gave Korra back her powers thanks to Korra's Connection to the Avatar State, which leads to one of the biggest flaws for Korra's overall capabilities...... She cannot connect with previous Avatars anymore.
Yes, after Unalaq and Vaatu "Killed Raava", Korra's Connection with previous Avatars was lost permanently, so she cannot come back to them for guidance no longer. Which is a bummer, but, Korra still achieved more than any of them did so that's a nice counter XD!!!
Overall though, Korra has done legendary feats that make her a total badass. She is amazing, cool, quite attractive and above all, very well written (Yes Season 2 Korra was messy but she grew up overtime as the series progressed. Great Character development :D)


  • Rey's Force Powers are actually more versatile than Korra's Bending techniques
  • Is actually more powerful in terms of telekinetic power
  • Force Choke is going to catch Korra off guard, who simply cannot counter it easily with the exception of Air Bending
  • While the Lightsaber is not quite as powerful as Korra's Bending power, if it manages to cut Korra, Rey will eventually win the fight since Korra does require her limbs to use bending effectively.
  • Is more mentally stronger than Korra
  • Healing abilities are superior
  • Mind Tricks can stop Korra for a moment. Though Korra can resist it, her mentality has been a major weakness time and time again, so Mind Trick is going to be a real game changing trick for Rey to utilize
  • Marginally more intelligent
  • Doesn't have the physical stats to keep up with Korra
  • Korra can metal bend, which spells doom for Rey's Lightsaber, which Korra can destroy it 
  • All of the Jedi State actually will kill Rey if she uses it for too long. While the Avatar State does not kill Korra at all
  • Far less skilled
  • If Korra uses her Astral Spirit Form, Rey is completely destroyed
  • Inferior Hand to Hand Combat Skills
  • If Korra uses Air Suffocation on Rey, it will eventually kill Rey since she does not show any form of feat to escape from it. 
  • Has never quite got more impressive feats than Korra 
  • Is not very well written unlike Korra, who is leagues above Rey in terms of personality and likability
  • The Legend of Korra>>>>>>>>>> Star Wars Sequel Trilogy




  • Is more superhuman than Rey in Strength and Durability
  • While Rey has the Lightsaber, Korra's Metal Bending Techniques will allow her to destroy it, rendering it useless
  • Avatar State is vastly superior to the All of the Jedi State in terms of reliability since it does not kill Korra, whereas Rey will die if she uses All of the Jedi State for too long
  • More skilled
  • Astral Spirit Form........ Come on, Rey has zero chance against that form XD!!!
  • Greater Hand to Hand Combat Skills
  • Air Suffocation will put Rey on limbo, and allow Korra to finish off Rey. 
  • Is consistently more impressive in terms of the scope of feats compared to Rey
  • Is far better as a character than Rey by leaps and bounds. Oh, and Korra's Personality is <3!!!!
  • The Legend of Korra>>>>>>>>>>> Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
  • Despite Korra's versatility with the Elements, Rey simply counters most of them using the Force
  • Despite Korra's power with manipulating Objects, Rey's Telekinetic power is far more powerful than Korra's 
  • Force Choke is similar to Air Suffocation, which Korra can only counter with Air Bending such as an Air Push, 
  • Should Rey cut Korra's arm or leg, Korra will be at a severe disadvantage since she requires her Limbs to perform Bending effectively
  • Is not quite as mentally strong as Rey
  • Less powerful Healing techniques. 
  • Mind trick will actually hit Korra hard, since she has had mentality issues in the past and since the Mind trick can manipulate a mind's personality and decision making, Korra is going to go on limbo for a while until she can snap out of it. Korra can resist it, but it will require more effort to break out of it
  • Is Marginally less intelligent

The Verdict

One of the most anticipated and most requested match ups of my series to date, Rey vs Korra is a turning point for me in terms of, well, excitement and new found experience with many factors :D!!!!
Thanks to this match up, I loved The Legend of Korra far more than I anticipated, it is one of the best cartoons around and while I would say it's predecessor Avatar The Last Airbender is the superior series, at least The Legend of Korra took risks to make it more complex and more detailed in some areas. It's been a real ride :D!!!
Anyway, back to the match up. Now, this is actually a very interesting fight so let's break down the usual stuff. Stats
Unfortunately, Stats are not a strong point for Rey, who at best is Peak Human. While Korra has done more Superhuman feats such as Lifting Tenzin and his family with one arm....... That's already better than any and all of Rey's Strength feats. Added that Korra's hands can break Boulders and Metal, well, the gap gets bigger. So Korra's Strength is already over Rey's. What about Speed? Well I believe it is a tie since Rey can block and dodge blaster fire, whereas Korra can fly and uses Air, Fire and Water Bending to levitate across the battlefield quickly. 
So this is an even category for the most part. Durability though clearly goes to Korra by leaps and bounds. 
I am unsure of how powerful Rey's Durability is physically, since she did take Palpatine's Lightning blast that decimated Fleets of Starships but Korra's feat with the Spirit Blast is far more impressive. Not only that, it actually could have destroyed Republic City but Korra took the blast at point blank and survived it by blocking it........... That's just astronomically over anything Rey has endured.

But of course, Stats are not the major players here, we now go into the real crux of this fight.
 The Force vs The Powers of the Avatar
So, with a title like that, you know your in for a real treat :D!!!! The Force is especially versatile and very powerful and the Powers of the Avatar are also the same in terms of versatility and power. But, one has to give, so, let's see which side finally wins this tug of war.
Rey's Manipulation of the Force does not have specific requirements other than the fact that Rey is Force Sensitive. So that means she can literally do wonders with the Force with no resources to call upon. While Korra on the other hand does need Elements to use them effectively, with the exception of both Air Bending and Energy Bending. Water is not helpful if your in the middle of the desert, Earth Bending doesn't help if your environment is made out of alien substances and such. So reliability wise, The Force is actually more Reliable...... Rey can use Force choke on Korra to hold her in place, though Korra can counter with an Air Blast to stop the technique immediately, so this is looking like an evenly matched fight....... Unfortunately, this is when the real trump cards come by.
The All of the Jedi State vs The Avatar State
Aha!!!! now this is where the fight really gets amazing. With both States coming into play, it seems like it goes either way. Rey's force Powers are boosted by up to eleven and Korra's Elemental Powers are monstrously scary. So this seems like a very solid tie again..... But, the question is, Which is more likely to outlast the opponent? Well, The Avatar State wins
So, it seems that Korra finally wins. But, why? Well, The Avatar State is far more reliable and safer than the All of the Jedi State since it does not kill Korra after using it for too long, and while Rey's All of the Jedi State does boost her Force Power, the real showstopper is that Korra's Power has a bigger scale. See, I do not think Rey has the damage output to achieve this......


 Yeah, the Spirit Blast that Korra blocked is above all of Rey's power capabilities by leaps and bounds. And the blast not only caused Country Level damage, it also created a portal connecting the Real World and the Spirit World. That's Right, this blast created a portal to another dimension........... That is insanely too much to compare in terms of power. And, what is worse, Korra can do this....

Now to be clear, the Astral Spirit Form does require the Tree of Time and Prep time to trigger, but, it ultimately does not matter anyway since Korra already has the substantial Power Advantage over Rey without the Astral Spirit Form. So really, Korra is simply far too powerful for Rey to take on.
But, the Lightsaber can cut down Korra right? Well, if Rey can somehow close the distance, she can do it. Unfortunately, Korra is not stupid enough to let Rey get close to her to allow that chance to come. But then Mind Trick can do stuff right? Well, this is why Korra's Avatar State is powerful, it is entirely likely that Korra can snap out of the Mind trick and go into the Avatar State, removing the effects entirely. So really, Rey's options to halt Korra are outright removed while Korra can just air suffocate Rey with Air Bending, which Rey does not counter. And, Korra's Skills are more refined than Rey's so she is going to be more flexible with her Elemental Control and Techniques. 
So, Thanks to her Overwhelming Power, The Avatar State's Reliability, Stats, Elemental Powers, I believe that Korra is the "Avatar that is a Force to be Reckoned With" 
And trust me, The Legend of Star Wars was all about Korra XD!!!! 
The Winner is Korra

Next Time on Who Would Win..........


Tyris Flare (Golden Axe) vs Vivian (The Vagrant)



  1. You did a great job on this blog. I'd like to see you do King Ghidorah vs Eternatus sometime. You do seem to be a Godzilla fan like me and the matchup has grown on me a lot.

    1. Thank you very much :D!!! And Speaking of Godzilla, oh yes, I am a die hard fan of Godzilla, who is a cornerstone of my childhood. As for Ghidorah, I actually did Gamera vs Ghidorah earlier this year but I can research Eternatus for another time :D!!!

      Once Again, Thank you for your kind words and feedback :)

    2. You are quite welcome. I actually enjoy reading battle predictions a lot. It helps give me a better idea on who would likely win and see a character's powers on full display.

      I too am a die hard fan of Godzilla. He is easily a childhood figure of mine along side Optimus Prime. What got me into Godzilla was the TriStar film, which if you don't like it I completely understand because I know that most Godzilla fans don't like or straight up hate it but it means a lot to me as Godzilla fan because if I hadn't watched it, I never would have been a fan. And I personally love it, though I do acknowledge it's a bad movie but I'm pretty oblivious to anything bad in a movie, I mostly just care that I enjoy it. And plus, we never would have gotten Godzilla: The Series (which I have a matchup for that I really like) and everybody seems to adore Jr.

    3. Ahhhh well if you liked the Tristar Film, I actually can understand that perfectly but what is really funny though, my exposure to Godzilla started with Godzilla 1954 so that's pretty much a very big stepping stone for me into the series

      And I do think the TriStar Film actually is a popcorn flick. It was never meant to be a masterpiece, just a fun monster film and ultimately it did a good job with delivering that.

      Another childhood favorite of mine are The Powerpuff Girls, which I already did a match up for them with "Powerpuff Girls vs Godzilla" and "Blossom vs Bayonetta" :D!!!!

  2. yoooo what a great match u did great

  3. i definitely agree that korra wins
