Saturday, January 11, 2020

Season 4: Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls) vs Bayonetta (Bayonetta)

Greetings and Welcome to the Season 4 Premiere of my "Who Would Win" Series and it is going to be Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls vs Bayonetta from, well, Bayonetta.

For this match up, I will go into the base stats, the abilities, weapons, skills feats and weaknesses and finally, who I personally believe will win this bout.

The information for both Blossom and Bayonetta will be carried over from previous match ups such as "The Powerpuff Girls vs Godzilla" and "Bayonetta vs Wonder Woman/Ryuko Matoi". However, there will be new images for both sides to make it sweeter and fresher than ever :D!!!!!!

Blossom in particular will be having the original Powerpuff Girls Cartoon show as her main source of info as it showcases her true potential. That said, there will be "Defenders of Townsville" feats that will be included in this blog.

So, without further ado, let's begin.


In the city of Townsville, Professor Utonium devised a plan to birth a new child for himself.
Sugar, Spice and everything nice. These are the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girl. So Professor Utonium started the process and was almost successful until his lab assistant, Mojo Jojo, pushed the Professor towards a chemical concoction labelled "Chemical X" and thus, the Powerpuff Girls were born. 

One of them is Blossom, who is "Commander and Leader" of the Powerpuff Girls.

Blossom, along with her sisters Bubbles and Buttercup, took on a life of a superhero team and defended Townsville from countless ordeals such as the schemes of Mojo Jojo, The Devil "HIM" numerous criminals, super powered beings and giant monsters all before bedtime.

That is a very short but a very straightforward background of Blossom, now, let's see what this badass supergirl is capable of.

The Powerpuff Girls destroying a Comet

Blossom is an absolute powerhouse in terms of Strength, one of the strongest super heroines in fiction. Here is a list of Strength feats for Blossom.
  • Casually breaks down doors and walls. Sometimes, Blossom can smash doors with such force, it results with multiple criminals getting knocked back by the door in the process

  • Can destroy multiple city blocks without any signs of resistance.

  • Can destroy skyscraper sized monsters with a few hits. At one time, Blossom took down a Giant monster with just three hits

  • Theoretically, Blossom can scale to her sisters in terms of Strength. Buttercup in particular can lift Mount Neverest while holding up a Superman.
  • Can also scale to Bubbles, who can create shockwaves when smashing the ground. Bubbles also can one shot multiple Giant Monsters by herself using only her fists

  • Threw Mojo JoJo's Machine into Space



 In terms of Speed, Blossom is ridiculously fast. Here is a list of Speed feats for Blossom.

Blossom blocking a Needle Barrage
  • Casually dodges bullets, lightning, Faster than Light Speeds like it is just a cakewalk with very little effort

  • Has blocked a barrage of needles 
  • Blossom can perceive the trajectory of a particle beam that was shot by MoJo JoJo. This beam should be FTL in speeds. Not only did Blossom outpace it, she had to rescue Buttercup who was too busy beating her chest like King Kong (That was hilarious).
  • Fought and defeated Princess Morbucks, who knocked out both Bubbles and Buttercup on her own. This feat is also significant since Morbucks managed to outpace Bubbles and Buttercup, who are FTL level speedsters
  • Blossom can run at such high speeds, the road beneath her feet heats up and cracks

  • Can scale to Bubbles, who can travel around the world in 5 seconds
  • Had a flying race with Bubbles and Buttercup. When they reached full speed, they flew so fast, they traveled 50 years into the future.
  • Blossom can fly around Space faster than even a Star Fighter Space craft. 
  • Has outpaced time slows in the past and present while in separate dimensions.  

Bubbles being too serious on Blossom during a "Duck Duck Goose Game" XD!!
Blossom is very durable. Here is a list of feats for Durability

  • Casually tanks blows from criminals, monsters, aliens and the Rowdyruff Boys. Some of their enemies casually destroy buildings. The Rowdyruff Boys in particular are virtually dead even with The Powerpuff Girls in terms of all stats.

  • Bullets bounce off Blossom

  •  Survived a city destroying nuclear missile

  • Dived and swam into a volcano into the Earth's Core

  • Blossom took a hit from a balled up dragon monster thrown by Buttercup and was sent through a building. She was fine.

  • Acid powerful enough to melt metal just messes her hair

  • No sold Powerpuff Dynamo's heat vision, this heat vision is powerful enough to vaporize anything it came into contact with. 
  • Was smacked by the Giant Fish Balloon Monster's clap. 
  • Was dragged across the ground by an enraged Bubbles.
  • Smacked in the head by Buttercup and only had a minor headache

Abilities/Super Powers

Of course, like all great superheroes, Blossom has "Abilities" or, if you want to call it "Super Powers". Here is a list of Blossom's most iconic abilities.

Super Strength

Super Speed


Super Durability

Strong Physical Resistance

Elemental Resistance

Super Senses

Super Hearing

Blossom freezing a Meteor, aka "Fireball".
Ice Breath: Blossom's unique power. She can emit an Ice Beam from her breath that can hold enemies in place, stop a meteor the size of a mountain from destroying Townsville and even use it for other purposes such as creating a ski resort XD!!!!

Blossom emitting a Flame Breath after "Sneezing" XD!

Flame Breath: Interestingly enough, Blossom also uses a Flame Breath that, well, can melt down anything. 

Fire Manipulation: While Blossom's Flame Breath is impressive, she can emit Fireballs using the palms of her hands. Though sometimes, she uses this technique to increase her striking power. Also, Blossom can unleash a barrage of Fireballs from left to right, destroying multiple enemies and structures in the process.
Blossom's Fireball Barrage

Laser Vision: Laser Vision is an ability that allows Blossom to emit Heat Vision from her Eyes. She uses it for both combat and puzzle solving, sometimes, even uses it on her sisters when they bully her.
Blossom's Laser Vision: Before
After XD!!!!!!!!!!
Now to be clear, this was the result of Bubbles and Buttercup giving Blossom a "hair cut" I mean, how hilarious and at the same time, selfish are they to even think of giving Blossom a bad haircut. Oh well, looks like Blossom got her revenge in the end. Even the Narrator said "Who says Justice is Blind?" XD!!!! 

Other Abilities/Powerpuff Girls Shared Powers
Blossom also has, for the most part, virtually the same abilities as her sisters. Here is the rundown for their shared abilities.
  • Invisibility
  • Energy Projection
  • Fire Absorption
  • Fire Shields
  • After Images
  • Creating duplicates
  • Bulging Eyes
  • Electric Force field
  • Size manipulation
  • Turning into Water
  • Animal calls
  • Matrix Styled Dodges
  • X-Ray Vision
  • Kiss of Death
  • Acrobattack (Team Move)
  • Furious Flaming Feline (Team Move)
  • B-Bomb (Team Move) 

Blossom's Hair Ribbon
 Image result for Blossom hair ribbon powerpuff 
So what is special about Blossom's Hair Ribbon? Well, she can use it as an explosive bomb to finish off her opponent as a last resort. The bomb itself is powerful enough to be a finishing move. 

Blossom playing the Guitar to bring "Color" Back XD!!!


Blossom is the leader of the Powerpuff Girls and acts as the big sister of the trio. Skill wise, Blossom is an extremely intelligent and intuitive leader, able to outsmart even genius level intellects such as Mojo Jojo, HIM and other evil scientists and Aliens.

Other impressive skills for Blossom is the fact that she is also fluent in Chinese and even reads Chinese language.

Also of note, Blossom is superb at tricks and masterclass tactics. In fact, like her skills as a Commander, Blossom's tactics generally produce exceptional results even in the most dire of situations. This means, Blossom is not just a super powered badass, she is also a trickster, even Joseph Joestar would be impressed XD!!!!! 

Finally, of course, Blossom is a master in combat both in close range and long range. Her skills eventually grew overtime to the point that she practically outskilled anybody. Oh, and Blossom is also a superb acrobat, being able to dodge multiple attacks on the ground while dancing (If she is forced to do it XD!!!! She could just fly pass those attacks entirely but you know, story telling).

Feats for Blossom
Blossom has a chunk load of feats that make her one of the most popular superheroes in all of fiction that is not from Marvel or DC. Here is a handful of Feats achieved by the Powerpuff Girl
  • Has officially, and cleanly, and like a badass, defeated Mojo JoJo multiple times
  • Defeated Princess Morbucks cleanly and efficiently
  • Fought HIM while in a separate dimension and prevailed
  • Defeated Fuzzy Lumpkins 
  • Defeated Sedusa
  • Defeated the Giant Fish Balloon Monster
  • Saved Bubbles and Buttercup multiple times by herself against multiple super powered beings
  •  Managed to beat "Evil Bubbles"
  • Led the Powerpuff Girls and a group of kids to victory against the "Brocoloids" an army of Brocoli Aliens by "Eating" them XD!!!!! 
  • Saved Townsville on a regular basis from evil bad guys and giant monsters in a never ending loop XD!!!
  • Voiced by Cathy Cavadini
  •  The Powerpuff Girls are simply put, my favorite superheroes of all time :D!!!!!!


While Blossom is a powerful combatant, unfortunately, she is far from "Invincible".
Blossom may be able to tank extremely powerful attacks but she can still be injured, even killed by them if given the chance. 

What's more, her first encounter with the Rowdyruff Boys ended in defeat for the Powerpuff Girls, which also paints a clear picture of their maximum potential.

While Blossom is indeed incredibly fast, strangely enough, she very rarely used her full speed in combat that otherwise would have made her win nearly every fight she's involved in. The reason behind this is unclear though it is possible Blossom was holding back in order to minimize damage around Townsville.
Finally, Blossom lack's equipment that would have made her even more versatile than she is. While Blossom's Powers do make up for the drawback, should they be taken from her, Blossom is completely defenseless. 

What's more, Blossom has shown no signs of Power Absorption resistances. Thus, should anyone steal her powers, Blossom is just as vulernable as any human.

Still, despite her flaws, Blossom is without a doubt, a badass combatant and a legendary superhero.
Blossom is always determined, smart, persistent and overall, extraordinarily powerful :D!!!!!


Cereza, also known as Bayonetta, was born to a Lumen Sage named Balder and an Umbran Witch named Rosa. Cereza was the forbidden child that caused a conflict between the Lumen Sages and the Umbran Witches. Thus, this resulted in her father being exiled and her mother imprisoned. This all started the clan wars, when a great war between the Lumen Sages and The Umbran Witches erupted. 

Cereza was prohibited to learn the magical arts of the Umbran Witches but, against that rule, she was taught to use them anyway. During her time in training she met her best friend Jeanne. Both Cereza and Jeanne ended up being so close they regarded themselves as sisters. Eventually, with Both Cereza and Jeanne growing their skills in combat overtime, Jeanne was selected to become the leader of the Umbran Witches, for her final test she chose to face Cereza in a duel due to the fact that Cereza is seen to be the most powerful witch of the clan despite the fact that Jeanne's wishes were forbidden.

 Their battle was interrupted as the angels attacked. Unaware of the source of this attack, the Umbra Witches, including Cereza, were led to believe that her father, Balder, was the cause of the Witch Hunts. After seeing her deceased mother, Cereza lost her will to fight. With Jeanne understanding the plot of Balder towards resurrecting Jubileus, she instead seals away Cereza in a special ritual which imparts her into the Umbran Watch's red jewel and hides her under the bottom of a lake.

 Five hundred years later, she is promptly found by Antonio Redgrave who was hired by Balder to investigate her whereabouts. Shortly after being found, he is killed by Balder and his angels. His son, Luka, looks beyond and due to being unable to see into Purgatorio mistakes her for being the one that killed his father. Unable to remember much of her life, she retains that she is one of the last surviving Umbra Witches and dedicates her life to killing angels and regaining her memories.

Since then Bayonetta has fought countless waves of Angels, Demons, Jeanne herself, Balder, Rodin and Gods.  

That's a detailed summary of Bayonetta's background, now, let's see what this badass witch is capable of


Despite her appearance, Bayonetta is extraordinarily strong. Infact, she is so strong that a simple kick from her can crush cars instantly. Some of her most legendary strength feats are:

  • Using her weapons to block attacks from Giant Angels and Demons
  • Kicked a Jet that was flying towards her.
  • Strong enough to wield Lt. Col. Kilgore on her legs. Lt. Col. Kilgore are a pair of rocket launchers.
  • Can wield giant weapons with ease. 
  • Can head butt skyscrapers
  • Can throw Giant Angels and Demons easily
  • Kicks with such force that her enemies fly up into the air
  • Has used her legs to throw a satellite towards Aesir.
  • Held back Valor's Sword. The Sword is so strong it can cut through bricks with ease


Bayonetta Dodging strikes from Balder
The pinnacle of Bayonetta's stats involve her speed. She is so fast that she can even fly around space. Here are some of Bayonetta's best speed feats

  • Dodges attacks from her enemies
  • Can use her butterfly wings for flight and gliding
  • Reacts to bullets, sword swings and lightning. 
  • Can dodge Faster than Light attacks from Jubileus and Aesir. Jubileus is the Creator of the Universe.
  • Dodge Meteors from Aesir.
  • Dodges attacks from Balder. Balder can reach FTL speeds in space.

  • In Bloody Fate, Bayonetta fought Jubileus across the Solar System in mere minutes. This puts her speed to Massively FTL capabilities   

Witch Time

Another addition to Bayonetta's speed is her Witch time. Witch time is activated whenever Bayonetta perfectly dodges her opponents. Whenever Bayonetta dodges her opponents attacks, she slows down time and will always be faster than her opponents. This allows Bayonetta to completely dominate the battlefield for a brief moment. Witch Time can be used repeatedly so long as Bayonetta can dodge attacks again.

Witch Time Activated

In Addition to it's already powerful capabilities, Witch time can also be used at any time at will. It is even activated during certain levels of the game when Bayonetta didn't even dodge any attacks.


Bayonetta has endured alot of punishment over the course of her series. Here are some feats:

  • Can take blows from enemies that are country level on a regular basis. 
  • Can take hits from Temperantia, Fortutido, Valor, Aesir and Jubileus.
  • Tanks attacks from Jeanne, Jeanne is equal to Bayonetta's strength level.
  • Tanks hits from Balder, who destroyed the Moon.


Bayonetta is not just an extraordinary witch, she is also a swiss army knife when it comes to weapons. This list is the complete list of weapons used by Bayonetta.

Scarborough Fair: Bayonetta's Iconic Pistols, capable of massively hyper sonic speeds. These pistols also can summon Madama Butterfly in battle to crush enemies. Can be used in both hands and feet

Love is Blue: Bayonetta's other Iconic Pistols. Virtually Identical to Scarborough Fair. This time the attacks are blue with Madama Butterfly's attacks being blue also. Can be used in both hands and feet

Shuraba: Bayonetta's single sword that is capable of reaching great distances. It is one of Bayonetta's most versatile weapons 

Rakasha: Two pair of Swords that can be used on Bayonetta's hands and feet. They allow Bayonetta to use spinning attacks and piercing stabs. These weapons are so deadly, they can penetrate Angel and Demon Armour.


  Klushedra: A Whip in the form of a snake that is capable of grabbing Bayonetta's opponent's. She can use it to grab enemies and swing them to the ground

Durga: Two pairs of claws that can use Fire based attacks and Lightning based attacks. Can be used on hands and feet

 Oddette: A pair of skaters that are ice based. Used on feet only, they are capable of freezing enemies whenever Bayonetta kicks them. If she jabs her opponent multiple times with Oddette, the chances of them being frozen increase.

 Sai Fung: Nun-chucks that are wielded with such speed that Gods cannot react to them. 

Pillow Talk: A Lightsaber used by Bayonetta that increases it's cutting power and length after Bayonetta charges up her sheath attack.

 Rodin: A set of rings that allows Bayonetta to use any Angel and Demon Weapon she wishes to use. These include a spear that allows her to use spinning kick attacks (Matrix Style), dual swords, a Demonic Gear that can crush her enemies and even a Trumpet that creates a laser.

Alruna: A pair of whips that are used to grapple Bayonetta's opponents. When sprung around, their range is drastically increased and their damage output is higher than normal

 Kafka: A magical bow, capable of shooting massively hyper sonic arrows. However, the speed of these arrows could reach FTL speeds since Bayonetta can fire them in space.

 Chernobog: A Giant Scythe like weapon that deals massive damage. It is also swung around for greater reach. It also can blast off enemies with it's blast shot (Ruby Rose anyone?)

  Salamandra: A pair of chainsaws used by Bayonetta to cut through anything she desired. These chainsaws are powerful enough to finish off Aesir in minutes

Undine: Two powerful weapons that can use Fire based and Ice Based attacks. Their Fire Based attacks melt through Angel and Demon armour and their Ice Attacks can freeze enemies in place




Takemikazuchi: A Giant Hammer that deals massive damage to Bayonetta's enemies


Chain Chomp: Yes, this is real....... A weapon from the Mario Universe that Bayonetta uses to chomp on her foes.


Fighting Skills

Bayonetta's fighting skill is very unique in that she utilizes both her hands and feet to wield her weaponry. She is highly skilled with the use of firearms, swords, chainswords and whips using her feet. Infact, she even fires heavy weapons such as Undine and rocket launchers with her feet with unrivaled mastery. Her attacks are very graceful, very unpredictable and even very sexy..... oooh yeah!!!

 Hair Demons

Bayonetta can summon hair demons using..... well, her hair, to assist her in the battlefield. Infact, she summons them to finish off her opponents. These Demons are:

  • Madama Butterfly "Mistress of Atrocity": This is Bayonetta's most powerful demon. She is strong enough to casually head butt meteors to the face without a flinch and even overpowered Balder's Temperantia in a fist fight.

  •  Gomorrah: A Giant Monster that eats Bayonetta's enemies like snacks

  • Malphas: A Giant Raven that can move so fast it can reach it's prey within seconds. It also can pluck the eyes out of Giant Angels and Demons

  • Hekatonocheir: Giant set of hands that are capable of crushing Bayonetta's enemies to death. They even play volleyball XD!!!

  •  Scolopendra: A Giant Serpant like Demon that can coil around Bayonetta's enemies squeezing them to death.

  •  Phantasmaraneae: A Giant Spider summoned by Bayonetta to catch her enemies in a web and finally devouring them

  •  Labolas: A Three headed Saber toothed Demon that can devour Bayonetta's opponents and even go to a stand still with Balder's Temperantia

  • Mictlantecuhtli: A Giant Bat Demon than spins towards it's enemies with a piercing attack

  • Baal: A Giant Demonic Toad summoned by Bayonetta to devour her foes. It's tongue can also flail around as a weapon.

    • Hydra: Hydra takes the form of a Gorgon-like head, with multiple snake-like appendages acting as her hair. The multiple heads snake out and hit their target or lash out and bite the enemy; if the enemy is in the air the head will maul them in the air.

    • Dimoedes: A Unicorn Demon that is equipped with an extremely sharp blade as it's horn. It also can be used by Bayonetta for transportation.
    • Carnage: Carnage is a green demon summoned by Bayonetta whenever she uses Kafka's final attack. They are extremely poisonous  

    As you can see, Bayonetta's Demon gallery is massive. She can summon any demon for any situation. They can also be used whenever she finishes off her combos or even use her Umbran Climax to boost her standard attacks to greater heights.

     There are two more Demons, Queen Sheba and Omne though, while those two demons are limitless in power, they can only be summoned by combining the power of two Umbra Witches or an Umbran Witch and a Lumen Sage.

    Bayonetta uses accessories to enhance her combat potential these include

    •  Polley's Butterfly: Allows Bayonetta to summon Butterflies to surround herself in a shield. If Bayonetta is attacked, The butterflies take the damage and die.
    • Gaze of Despair: Causes all enemies to go crazy, allowing Bayonetta to gain more magical power whenever she attacks them. The drawback is that they do double damage on bayonetta if they strike her
    • Earring of Ruin: Allows Bayonetta to use the Umbran armour instead of using Umbran Climax. This Armour is powerful enough to shatter Moon level Angels. It is also armed with twin gattling cannons and two powerful Shotgun weapons in it's feet
    • Evil Harvest Rosary: When this is equipped, whenever Bayonetta dodges her opponent, instead of activating witch time, Bayonetta produces a ball that explodes. The ball is powerful enough to send Giant angels and demons backwards
    • Selene's Light: When equipped, if Bayonetta is struck, Witch time is immediately activated
    • Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa: When equipped, Bayonetta blocks any attack with the bracelets. This also allows Bayonetta to headbutt her opponent and also activates Witch time. It also heals Bayonetta.
    • Eternal Testimony: Whenever bayonetta is out of magical orbs, when this item is equipped, she immediately restores 2 orbs.
    • Immortal Marionette: When equipped, Bayonetta uses all combos at random with just a single button press.
    • Mallet of Rewards: When equipped, Bayonetta gets more halos and rings if she kills her opponents
    • Infernal Communicator: Once activated, the Infernal Communicator will summon a small group of floating skeletal demons that will attack Bayonetta's enemies and add to her combo score. Though their damage is low, they have a decent stagger rate and can keep smaller angels off-balance, allowing more extended combos. While active, the Little Devils slowly drain the magic gauge.
    • Climax Brace: Gives Bayonetta unlimited magic power, allowing her to use Torture Attacks and Umbran Climax whenever the players desire
    • Climax Brace 2: Allows Umbran Climax to drastically increase in strength whenever it is activated. However, Bayonetta will take more damage from enemies when it is in use
Torture Attacks

Aside from Bayonetta's moveset, she can finish off her opponents using torture attacks. These include decapitation, squishing opponents using machines, summoning torture devices to crush her enemies and even split bodies in half 

Magical Gauge

 The main source of Bayonetta's power. Bayonetta replenishes magic whenever she attacks her enemies or uses her purple lollipops. If Bayonetta runs out of magic, she cannot use Umbran Climax, Umbran Armor and Torture Attacks.


Lollipops are Bayonetta's consumables that allow her to replensish Health (Green), Her Magic (Purple) Increase her attack power (Red) and allow her to become invulnerable (Yellow)


Shape shifting

Bayonetta can also shapeshift into three different types of animals

Image result for Bayonetta Transform
Bayonetta's Panther Form

Image result for Bayonetta Raven form
Bayonetta's Raven Form used for flight and projecting sharp feathers
Image result for Bayonetta Snake form
Bayonetta's Snake Form used for underwater travel

Feats and Accomplishments

Being the titular protagonist of, well, Bayonetta, Cereza has achieved a chunk load of feats that make her a powerful witch. Here is a list of accomplishments for Bayonetta.

  • Has officially, and cleanly, defeated Jubileus

  • Has defeated Aesir

  • Fought and defeated Jeanne, who is equal to Bayonetta in virtually every category

  • Defeated multiple Bulding sized Angels and Demons on a regular basis and doesn't give a damn XD!!!

  • Defeated Balder Three times

  • Has defeated Rodin Twice, who is the most powerful foe Bayonetta has ever fought

  • Somehow, Bayonetta made Enzo ride with her on a plane to Fimbleventer, even though Enzo cannot fly the plane on his own. What is hilarious, Bayonetta was ontop of the plane looking like a badass and eventually jumped off and wanted Enzo to say hello for the wife and kids........ What? XD!!

  • Voiced by Hellena Taylor

  • Is my all time favorite video game character.
  • Bayonetta 2 is the best game ever made. 


 Image result for bayonetta dead gif

Despite Bayonetta's legendary stats and weapons, her weakness is not really hard to explain.... She is human and can die from normal means of attacks. Another flaw for Bayonetta is that she doesn't have a regeneration factor. Although her green lollipops help her out, if she runs out of them, she cannot regain vitality and eventually will die. 

With regards to Witch Time, while it is extremeley powerful, in the past, numerous angels and demons have broke the Time Slow before. So theoretically, should anyone have any sort of Time Manipulation resistances, they can counter Witch Time's Effects.

However, despite that, she has accomplished everything that a human would dream of. As said before, Bayonetta is my favorite character in video games.  Bayonetta is badass, sexy and above all, legendary.



  • While Bayonetta's Demons are strong, Blossom is much stronger than even Madama Butterfly.

  • Blossom is Far stronger than Base Bayonetta

  • Incredibly, Blossom is much faster than Bayonetta. Especially with regards to her flight speed
  • While Bayonetta has Witch Time, Blossom has dealt with Time Slows before, so theoretically, Blossom can counter Witch Time's effects, nullifying Bayonetta's Time Slow advantage entirely
  • Strangely enough, Blossom is more durable than Bayonetta
  • Should Blossom freeze Bayonetta in place with her ice breath, the fight is over. 
  • Has fought unpredictable foes before, so Blossom will adapt to Bayonetta's fighting style very quickly.
  • Far more adorable than Bayonetta

  • Cannot summon Hair Demons like Bayonetta, who uses them for a numeric advantage
  • Laughable outgunned in terms of weapons and equipment
  • While Blossom is far stronger and faster, Bayonetta has fought beings who are more powerful than her and prevailed
  • Not as skilled as Bayonetta
  • Less experienced 
  • While Blossom is a playable character in numerous games, they are not even close to the masterpieces of Bayonetta 1 and 2 :D!!!!
  • Far, FAR!!!! less sexier than Bayonetta




  • Hair Demons give Bayonetta a numeric advantage over Blossom.
  • More weapons and equipment
  • More Skilled
  • More Experienced
  • Has fought beings who are more powerful than Blossom before.
  • Bayonetta 1 and 2 are simply much better games than the Powerpuff Girls list of Games
  • Far sexier than Blossom

  • While extremely powerful, Bayonetta is outclassed in terms of Stats

  • Witch Time is Bayonetta's bread and butter ability, but this time, it will be countered by Blossom's Time Manipulation resistance
  • While Bayonetta's Fighting style is unique, Blossom is more than capable of adapting to it overtime, making it nullified in the process 
  • Bayonetta's Hair Demons, believe it or not, are not as powerful as Blossom
  • Not quite as adorable as Blossom

The Verdict
Blossom vs Bayonetta is one of those out of place match ups that makes it pretty bizarre. However, this is why I love it, it is totally different from the standard "Similar" fights. 

All that considered, I personally think this is a fun match up. However, before I cut to the chase, let's go to the stats.

Believe it or not, Blossom actually beats Bayonetta in stats. Even Speed is Blossom's pride here, as she uses her Speed to beat down even the most dangerous of foes. However, Bayonetta's speed is close, but not quite as fast as Blossom's. Especially with regards to flight speed, which Blossom "ANNIHILATES" Bayonetta.

Even Strength goes to Blossom, yes, even if Bayonetta's Hair Demons are coming by, Blossom is more powerful than any and all of Bayonetta's Hair Demons. While Madama Butterfly can go toe to toe with Temperantia blow for blow, Blossom is able to take down skyscraper sized monsters with just a few hits......... This is a close one, but Blossom edges out Bayonetta in terms of Strength

As for Durability, this is a win for Blossom. While Bayonetta has tanked Moon Level attacks before, this is where the category gets interesting. Blossom actually tanked attacks that can level Townsville. 

So you would be thinking "That is not as much as a Moon Level Feat". Well, here is the fine line

Bayonetta actually cannot take too much Moon Level attacks on her, or she will die. Blossom on the other hand can take the same level of punishment and still get up. In fact, Blossom has another trick up her sleeve with regards to Durability: Environmental Hazards 

Blossom can swim around magma with no damage, had acid covering her whole body and it only messed her hair..... Bayonetta has never shown anything that suggests that she can survive swimming through magma and take Acid without any form of damage.

So with that out of the way, how does "Environmental Hazards" become a factor into this fight? Well, Bayonetta's weapons such as Durga, Pillow Talk  and Undine are not gonna bypass Blossom's durability because they have Fire Based properties, and Blossom HAS Fire Resistance.

Which also means, Blossom's Fire Resistance is one of many Resistances she has. Blossom has resistance to nearly all Elemental types such as Ice, Earth and even Electricity. Nearly all of Bayonetta's Elemental attacks will do little damage to Blossom.

However, despite this, Bayonetta's Arsenal is substantially larger than Blossoms. Surely Bayonetta has more options to put down Blossom right? Actually, yes.

While Elemental attacks may seem ineffective, Piercing Strikes are certainly more than enough to harm Blossom. Shuraba, Rakasha, even Salamandra are more than capable of at least dismembering Blossom to the point that it gives Bayonetta the win...... Unfortunately, this is where Speed hinders things.

So with Blossom's Speed, Bayonetta has to rely on one last ability to try and tag her with her attacks and her Hair Demons: Witch Time. So, with Witch Time, Bayonetta will be much faster than before after perfectly dodging one of Blossom's Attacks.... Will this win the match??????  

My answer.......


Sadly, as much as it pains me to say it, Bayonetta simply cannot beat Blossom here despite everything she is capable of. While Witch Time is powerful, Blossom has resisted Time Slows in the past before, so it is really just another Time Slow for Blossom to counter anyway.

Even factoring the lollipops for Bayonetta, Blossom is just simply too fast for Bayonetta to even consume them entirely, which puts Bayonetta in a huge uphill battle against Blossom. 

And again, we are comparing a superhero who can go 50 years into the future against an Umbran Witch who can slow down time........ This seems close but if you look at it, Blossom is still way too fast for Bayonetta to handle.

Even Bayonetta's Hair Demons will not save her here, since they lack the power to beat Blossom, and they lack the speed to tag Blossom. This match up is literally a "STOMP"

And finally, Blossom's powers are going to finish off Bayonetta pretty easily. If Blossom used her Ice breath on Bayonetta, she will be immobilized and open to a killshot. And Blossom's Fire Manipulation will burn through Bayonetta to the point that it can kill her overtime. 

And of course, Size Manipulation.... Blossom can go into the size of a microscopic being and be virtually untouched by Bayonetta...... That alone ends the fight completely

So, thanks to her Stats, Powers, Elemental and Time Manipulation Resistances, I believe that Blossom has what it takes to end Bayonetta's Life and win it "Just by a Hair....... XD!!!!"

The Winner is Blossom

Next Time on Who Would Win........ 

"Hasta La Vista Baby"


The Termiantor (Terminator) vs Mr X (Resident Evil)

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