Saturday, December 7, 2019

Season 3 Finale: Leone (Akame Ga Kill) vs Cerebella (Skullgirls)

Greetings and Welcome to the Season 3 Finale of my "Who Would Win" Series and it is going to be Leone from Akame Ga Kill vs Cerebella from Skullgirls.

For this match up, I will focus on the base stats, skills, abilities, feats, weaknesses and finally, who I personally believe will win.

Leone's info is going to be virtually the same from "Yang Xiao Long vs Leone", a previous match up. However, I decided to sprinkle in new images to make her info more refined and familiar. 

As for Cerebella, I decided to mainly focus on her story mode for her backstory and her general feats. However, since Skullgirls is a fighting game, I also decided to give Cerebella the benefit of having gameplay feats such as fighting opponents who never even appeared in her story arc. Meaning, "Versus Mode" gameplay will be used also.

Now, let's end Season 3 of "Who Would Win" with one of the most brutal, badass fights I ever had to research (Well, I suppose the fight itself is more for eye candy than brutal but oh well, might as well make it sound more hardcore :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 

So, without further ado, let's begin


Born into the slums of the Empire, Leone lived a life of poverty and hardship. However, despite this, Leone did get alot of recognition for her back massages (I want one of those thanks XD!!!).

Everything in Leone's life became normal until one day, she bought a mysterious belt from a random merchant. This would be one of Leone's best decisions made, as the belt itself was a Teigu, or simply put, an "Imperial Arms". This belt, and the fact that Leone eventually joined an elite group of assassins known as "Night Raid", changed Leone's life.

After joining Night Raid, Leone become one of the deadliest assassins in the Empire and has participated in numerous conflicts that involved both The Empire and it's enemies such as The Revolutionary Army.

Over time, Leone met a boy named Tatsumi and saw great potential in the young lad as a skilled assassin. During her time with Tatsumi and Night Raid, Leone has witnessed brutality and bloodshed by the Empire's Strongest and has eventually helped the Revolutionary Army defeat the Empire thanks to the efforts of Leone and Night Raid.

That is a straight forward background for Leone. Now, let's see what this badass Blondie is capable of.


Leone's Strength is amazing. Leone may well be the strongest member of Night Raid in terms of physical strength and there are numerous feats that make her so. Here is a list of Leone's amazing Strength Feats.

  • Has punched Pillars with such force, they move over 15 feet across.

  • Took down a Danger Beast, which is comparable to the size of a T-Rex and a Giganotosaurus. That said, the Danger Beast would be heavier than those two dinosaurs because after Leone knocked it down, the sheer weight caused a huge crater into the ground  

  • Can punch through men with such force, her attacks can create massive holes in their body.

  • Has lifted a huge rock above her head without activating Lionel

  • With Lionel, Leone once again lifted a boulder and smashed it to the ground and killed Dorothea  

Leone killing Dorothea with a boulder

  •  Has snapped Dorothea's Neck while in mid air very quickly

  • Has choke slammed an assassin with such force, it killed him

  • Threw Akame towards Bols while in Mid Air

  • Bit off the tip of Bols Purgatory using only her teeth. Purgatory is a flamethrower

    Leone holding the tip of Purgatory after breaking it with her teeth
  •  Has held a shield and is strong enough to block a multi city level blast from Purgatory's Self Destruction.

  • Has punched Minister Honest with such force, she smashed his skull like a squashed watermelon. Mind you, Lionel was destroyed at that point so Leone did this with her own Strength.

    Leone's Tower Punch feat
  • Punched a tower in mid air with just a single hand. BADASS!!!!



 Speed wise, Leone is exceptionally fast. Leone herself is also one of the fastest characters in Akame Ga Kill. Here is a list of feats for Leone's Speed.

Leone dodging Budo's Lightning.
  • Scales to Akame and Tatsumi. Both of which can dodge bullets, deflect hyper sonic attacks and even lightning. Tatsumi can also dodge Pinch Shots at point blank range from Mine's Teigu "Pumpkin", which can travel at over 10 kms in a second

  • Leone has dodged General Budo's lightning, which is faster than regular lightning.

  • Is quick enough to catch Bols off guard 

  • Has eventually outpaced Dorothea's reaction timing. Dorothea, earlier in her encounter with Leone, managed to block most, if not all of Leone's attacks.

  • Like her strength feat, Leone was quick enough to snap Dorothea's neck. This also makes Leone very fast in terms of reflexes

  • Dodged multiple attacks at once and never got scratched.

  • Can jump across rooftops while holding Tatsumi.

  • Can pounce at such speeds, her opponents can be caught off guard, even defeated by Leone because of it.

  • While being fused with Lionel, Leone, with no effort, caught bullets using her hand and even dropped them to the floor.
    Leone catching bullets


As far as Durability goes for Leone, she is a total badass. What's more, while Leone herself may not wear any sort of armor, there is a trade off with regards to her overall durability. Here is a list of amazing durability feats for Leone

  • Survived a knife stab wound to the face

  • Has the willpower to keep fighting at full power despite losing her arm by Kurome

  • Was swung by Dorothea to the ground with such force, Leone almost had her bones broken.

  • Took multiple strikes from Rokogou, who uses a whip like Indiana Jones

  • Took a smack in the head by Najenda after laughing at Susanoo's comments about Najenda reminding him of a man

  • Was briefly paralyzed by General Budo's lightning.

  • Was paralyzed by Dr Stylish's paralysis gas and eventually recovered afterwards.

  • Had her blood drained by Dorothea, who can use her Teigu to suck the blood of her victims Feat wise, Leone quickly recovered from the effects and even killed Dorothea in the process

  • Survived mutilation from Esdeath, which resulted in her right breast removed, her left leg and right arm amputated, her fingers cut into pieces, and her eye gouged out

  • Endured a blast from Bols' exploding gasoline canister. Keep in mind, while the explosion is indeed city to multi city level in terms of power, Leone was holding a shield at the time which protected her and Akame from the blast. Still, the blast itself would have killed Leone and Akame yet they survived. However, Leone was eventually unconscious afterwards.
    The Explosion that Leone and Akame endured.
  •  Was left to die by Honest after Lionel was destroyed. Leone still came back and recovered, eventually killing Honest in the end

  • In the anime, Leone survived 9 bullets to the stomach after Lionel was destroyed. However, Leone did die a couple of hours later. 


Teigu/Imperial Arms

Lionel The King of Beasts Transformation
While Leone herself is a badass in terms of stats, it is thanks to her Teigu that allowed her to accomplish wonders. Her Teigu is a belt named Lionel (Lionelle to some)

Once Lionel is activated, Leone's senses are greatly enhanced. It also allows Leone to have animalistic instincts such as a greater sense of smell and enhanced hearing. It also grants Leone superior Stats that surpassed regular humans by over ten fold. And finally, Lionel grants Leone claws, increasing Leone's striking power.

But of course, Lionel's trump card is called "Regenerator". Regenerator allows Leone to heal from wounds very quickly, and it even allows Leone to regrow limbs after a period of time. While the regeneration is indeed amazing, considering Leone did survive some terrible experiences, the healing process does take longer the more severe the injuries are. Still, Regenerator is a very useful Trump Card for Leone in any situation thrown at her.

What's more, after Lionel was destroyed by Honest, Leone became fused with Lionel and became one with the Beast.... it also made Leone extremely buff and more badass <3!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leone after being fused with Lionel




Leone is a highly trained assassin and a smart fighter. While she is tenacious, by no means is Leone truly reckless. In fact, her preferred method of fighting is surprise attacks. Though this may seem that Leone is more of a stealthy fighter, Leone is also equally as skilled in terms of front line combat. Her attacks are usually involving grappling, brawling, boxing and kick boxing

Also, like an assassin, Leone is also very efficient with quick kills, such as breaking the necks of her victims. It is brutal yet effective :D!!!

And of course, Leone is very skilled with Reconnaissance, thus she is usually the "Scout" of Night Raid, making her a valued asset to the team.

Feats for Leone

Of course, Leone is one of the cornerstones of Akame Ga Kill. Her list of accomplishments is quite large and it is even amazing to think that Leone did all of this despite having very limited equipment. Here is a list of Leone's Accomplishments

Leone scamming Tatsumi
  • Has officially, and cleanly, and beautifully, and efficiently, defeated Dorothea

  • Took down a group of guys in a strip club

  • Has survived Dorothea's Blood Drain

  • Kept fighting at full power despite taking serious injuries
  • Survived a mutilation from General Esdeath

  • Has killed Minister Honest in what is possibly, the most badass comeback in fiction. (Manga version)

  • Killed the guy who once stabbed her in the face with his own knife

  • Avoided being detected despite being in clear view....... What a badass!!!!

  • Voiced by Alison Keith

  • Has possibly my favorite voice in all of fiction

  • Has tricked Tatsumi into thinking she was helping him get into the Imperial Ranks, which, well, resulted in Leone scamming Tatsumi for his money XD!!!  

  • Saved dozens of people from a falling tower. Leone is just a superhero, admit it XD!!!



While Leone may be an awesome badass, unfortunately, she has limits to her capabilities. Firstly, her Regeneration, while very powerful, can be over taxed with sufficient damage. While Leone does eventually heal the wounds overtime, she can still die should she get her head cut off or if she took a death blow. In her encounter with Esdeath, even with the help of Tatsumi, Susanoo and Najenda, Leone was at Death's Door and would have certainly died had Tatsumi not save her at the very last moment.

Even with the Teigu's capabilities, there are certain drawbacks to consider. In Akame Ga Kill, Teigu can result in great fatigue of the wearer should they over use their capabilities. While Leone doesn't seem to suffer the same drawback, she does have the vulnerabilities of any human such as amputation, which Leone had huge trouble dealing with in the past. 

Speaking of Lionel, while it is indeed amazing for what it does, should it be destroyed, Leone is much more vulnerable to all means of attacks like what a regular human would.

As for Leone's overall combat effectiveness, while she is indeed an exceptional close ranged combatant and a highly skilled assassin, unfortunately, Leone lacks versatility. This can result in Leone getting into a disadvantage against someone with superior ranged capabilities.

Also, with regards to the Fusion, Leone does indeed get significantly stronger when fused with Lionel, however, as it turns out, Leone still died from her wounds after her moment with Minister Honest, which meant that Lionel's regeneration never worked while the Teigu is destroyed.

And finally, while Leone is a very smart assassin, she can be very tenacious at times and usually prefers to have everything under her control. If things do not go to plan, Leone does get more pissed off, making her more straight forward and predictable over time.

Despite her flaws, Leone is without a doubt, one of the most lovable badasses in fiction. Leone is awesome, endearing and above all, my absolute favorite character in all forms of media. 



Cerebella is one of the playable characters in the hand drawn fighting game masterpiece "Skullgirls"

Cerebella's backstory is straight forward to say the least. She is an orphaned girl who currently has a legendary "Living Weapon" known as "Vice Versa" since child birth.  It is possible she took Vice Versa as a family heirloom passed down from generations. (Talk about a "handy" heirloom XD!!)

Cerebella, later in life, became a member of the Cirque des Cartes (French for Circus of Cards) in the Canopy Kingdom, where the events of Skullgirls take place.

Cerebella is a major star attraction, known for her unbelievable and mesmerizing skills as an acrobat.

Despite her love for her fans, Cerebella only has a special person to look up to: Vitale, a mobster working for the Medicis Mafia who looked after Cerebella, and became the closest thing to a father.

Vitale tells Cerebella of a magical item known as a "Life Gem", which is at the hands of a feline humanoid known as "Ms Fortune". Vitale tasked Cerebella into taking the Life Gem from Ms Fortune, and bring it back to him.

Cerebella succeeded with this quest, but in the process, was able to not only kill Ms Fortune, but also The Skullgirl known as Marie, who held a powerful item known as a Skull Heart, which can grant wishes to those who found it.

However, Cerebella is one of the very few characters in Skullgirls who never actually wished for anything. In fact, Cerebella only defeated Marie because she was a way point to find Ms Fortune in the first place. Thus, Cerebella didn't actually pursue the Skull Heart for her own desires.

In the end, Cerebella did retrieve the Life Gem and took it to Vitale. However, while Vitale relished the moment, little did he knew that Cerebella regretted for doing her part with the murder of Ms Fortune.

That is the story of Cerebella's "Story" mode, now, let's see what this amazing acrobat is capable of.


Cerebella holding up two elephants while walking on a tightrope

By logic, Cerebella's Strength without Vice Versa, is relatively average by human standards. 

However, it is with Vice Versa that she becomes a badass in terms of Strength

Here is a list of Strength feats done by Cerebella.
  • Can hold up two elephants using Vice Versa while walking on a tightrope. While both elephants are only calves, an average calf can weigh over 90kgs. Meaning that Cerebella was holding a total of 180+kgs all together. 

  • Can uppercut Big Band, who is a cybernetically engineered human. In terms of weight, Big Band is possibly just above 200kgs or more.

  • Can crush Marie's Bone Barriers, which are the size of pillars.

  • Using Vice Versa, Cerebella can lift a 6 ton rock and punch it with such force, it flies at bullet speeds. However, the most impressive part about this feat is that the force managed to not only smash the rock, it also turned it into a diamond. The Weight of the Diamond is hard to calculate, but it is likely that the diamond is much lighter than the rock itself since Diamonds, while very tough, weigh less than Rocks. Still, for Cerebella to even accomplish this means she is still in the 6-12 ton range.

  • Has crushed Ms Fortune with such force using Vice Versa, she turned into dust. The amount of force to achieve this with just a squash is unimaginable. Even the Hulk never did anything this impressive. In the end, Cerebella actually retrieved the Life Gem from Ms Fortune using this feat.
    Ms Fortune grabbed by Vice Versa. Before
And After

Which resulted with this :D!!!!!!!


Cerebella catching Ms Fortune


Surprisingly, despite Vice Versa looking like a heavy weapon for Cerebella, she actually has quite alot of speed feats that make her very impressive. Here is a list of Speed Feats.

  • Is on par with Ms Fortune, who can attack at Faster than the Eye can track speeds
  • Would theoretically match Filia's Speed, who can catch Peacock, a character that uses Minor Toon Force that help her cross separate dimensions for a second

  • Has dodged Marie's summoning attacks such as Ethereal Ghosts and Skeletons thrown at her. 

  • Can avoid Parasoul's elemental attacks

  • Able to stop Double from transforming into different forms by attacking her repeatedly. Double is a shape shifting monster in the form of a Nun named Sister Agatha. 

  • Vice Versa's special moves such as Cere-copter, Diamond Dynamo are fast enough to even hit jumping opponents. Cere-copter can reflect projectiles back at the attacker, Diamond Dynamo can also prevent blocking for a couple of seconds due to it's speed.

  • Using other game modes, Cerebella can dodge Robo-Fortune's Laser attacks.


Cerebella is quite durable. While she has endured alot of stuff that are outright average, there are a couple of neat feats done by the incredible acrobat.

  • Can tank Marie's attacks. Most of Marie's attacks invovle large skeleton heads that range from the size of a regular skull, to the size of a large car.

Peacock's Lenny
  • Took a blockbuster move from Peacock know as Lonesome Lenny. The move involves Peacock planting Lenny, a huge bomb ontop of her opponent, which already deals massive amounts of damage. However, as a bomb, it can explode onto the victim at point blank range. The amount of TNT is comparable to that of a building level explosion.

  • Has taken multiple claw strikes from Ms Fortune, which are sharp enough to cut through steel and through Big Band's body, which is made out of cybernetics
  • Took Robo-Fortune's Chainsaw Strike, which can cut through anything. 

  • Took Robo-Fortune's laser sword attacks.... Yeah, Robo-Fortune is basically a Sci Fi Feline Badass :D!!!!!! Least Cerebella can defeat her XD!!!!!!

  • Took Peacock's Ultimate Blockbuster Move "Goodfellas" (Best Crime film ever btw :D), which also makes a massive explosion, which is more powerful than Peacock's Lonesome Lenny.

  • Can take multiple elemental attacks from Parasoul.

Vice Versa


Vice Versa is a pair of sentient arms worn by Cerebella in the form of a cap. It's power is amazing, as it is the main driving power of Cerebella's fighting style and has an incredible variety of moves that make it outright dangerous and badass.

It is also worth noting that the skull attachment is a weapon that can pierce through the opponents body easily. Yes, Vice Versa can also impale you........ 

It is also worth noting that since Cerebella and Vice Versa have been long time partners, both of them formed a bond that ultimately makes them perfectly suited for team work. I guess that you need help with a pair of arms that put Arnold Schwarzenegger to shame XD!!!!!!


Meter in Skullgirls is the main source of power for powerful attacks such as blockbusters. Cerebella must attack her opponents constantly in order to fill it up. It is worth noting that Meter can increase it's level overtime if the combatant mainly uses standard attacks, or if the combatant is attacked. The more meter Cerebella has, the more times she can use her most powerful abilities. Meter's maximum total is five levels

Diamond Dynamo


Skill Wise, Cerebella is an acrobat. Acrobats are known for  their amazing athleticism and their graceful showmanship that wow audiences such as tightrope walking, hoop dancing, and even flipping around multiple sharp objects unscathed.

In the case of Cerebella, she should be the best acrobat around the world, as her reputation and her already impressive skill set make her above the very best acrobats around. I think Harley Quinn would have a run for her money here :D!!!!!!!!! 

In terms of combat, Cerebella is exceptionally skilled. Especially considering that her acrobatic skills do help her out, making her a very unpredictable foe. But it is with Vice Versa that she becomes much more dangerous. Vice Versa's attacks range from brawling punches, to whirlwind attacks such as Cere-Copter that deal massive damage. What's more, every single strike from Vice Versa would crush an average human's bones completely, making it one of the most powerful weapons in Skullgirls.

Also, Cerebella has a set of blades underneath her boots, which makes Cerebella a skilled combatant in terms of bladed weaponry. 

Cerebella's blades underneath her boots

Oh, and doesn't Cerebella fight like Bayonetta? That's right, Cerebella is just as skilled using her legs as she is with Vice Versa.  

It is also worth noting that Cerebella is a badass grappler. With Vice Versa, Cerebella can grapple even the heaviest opponents with ease, usually resulting with Cerebella throwing them up into the air and doing this


Yeah........... absolutely badass and deadly.

On a side not, even Vice Versa and Cerebella can separate from each other for a moment to attack the opponent from both sides  
Cerebella and Vice Versa using the Special Throw "Pummel Horse"

But finally, Cerebella can also have a momentary level of flight.... Well, more like gliding in the air using Vice Versa. However, the part that makes it very cool is that Vice Versa does gain a bit of height before gliding downward after two seconds from jumping. Oh, and this ability can also let Vice Versa clap it's hands downward, dealing serious blows in the process.

Cerebella gliding.
But on a final note, we need to look at Cerebella's ultimate move: Diamonds are Forever.

This move allows Cerebella to grab a 6 ton boulder from the ground and smash it with Vice Versa towards the opponent. However, the force is powerful enough to transform it into a huge Diamond.



While the Strength required to achieve this may seem tame, the major advantage for this ability is that Cerebella has a range attack that is also, her most powerful move yet. The Diamond is powerful enough to crush anything in it's way with tremendous force. Meaning, Cerebella may have made the Diamond go at least Bullet speed...... Badass

Bottom line, Cerebella's skills are absolutely amazing, and very versatile for close quarters combat. Oh, and one more thing......

Mid Air Grappling

Okay, I think we know how skilled and badass Cerebella is :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feats for Cerebella 

Cerebella, while limited to just one game (An upcoming comic series is on it's way so there's that XD!!!) has quite a resume to behold. Here is a list of accomplishments done by Cerebella (Story Mode and other modes only)

  • Has officially, and cleanly, and beautifully, defeated Marie, the Skullgirl

  • Has defeated and murdered Ms Fortune

  • Defeated Filia

  • Defeated Parasoul 
  • Defeated Valentine

  • Defeated Double
  • Voiced by Cristina Vee
  • Has the coolest design out of everyone in Skullgirls
  • Vice Versa is one of the coolest weapons in all of fiction. More so than a lightsaber.... oh I am serious guys XD!!!! 
  • Skullgirls in general is one of the best fighting games ever made

  • Using Arcade/Survival mode, Cerebella would defeat the entire roster of Skullgirls hundreds of times over.
  • Defeated Robo-Fortune, who can be seen as vastly superior to Ms Fortune in terms of attack potency. Especially with regards to ranged combat.
  • Finally retrieved the Life Gem for Vitale in the end 
  • Is super adorable



While Cerebella is a total monster in combat, Unfortunately, there is alot to be desired for her combat capabilities in other departments.

While it is true that Cerebella is exceptionally skilled, the sad part about it is that Cerebella is almost exclusively a melee combatant. One of the major disadvantages for Cerebella is her mobility, which can be countered by quick enough opponents such as Ms Fortune and Filia. 

Even though Cerebella can still keep up in combat against speedsters, in terms of travel speed, Cerebella actually has one of the slowest dashes in Skullgirls. This in turn really makes Cerebella just about peak human in terms of running speed. That said, her reactionary speed is still on par with everyone in Skullgirls, so that does counteract that flaw (What a nice trade off :D!!!!!!!)

As for Cerebella's most powerful abilities such as blockbusters, they require "Meter" in order to use them. If Cerebella uses up all Meter using her blockbusters, she will have to attack the opponent more times with standard moves in order to regain the meter back up.

However, despite her flaws, Cerebella is without a doubt, one of the coolest fighters in a fighting game (Sorry for the coincidental sentence XD!!!!!!) What's more, Cerebella did a JoJo Reference that makes her just as badass as Jotaro Kujo. I mean, CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!!!!!!

Hell Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bottom Line: Cerebella is badass, adorable, and above all, amazing!!!!!




  • Superior Strength, even with Vice Versa's level of Strength, Leone has done way more impressive Strength Feats

  • Destroys Cerebella in terms of Speed

  • Is way more experienced

  • Surprisingly, Leone is actually more Durable than Cerebella

  • Striking power is far better

  • Should Leone use Stealth, Cerebella would be off guard and open to a kill shot entirely.
  • Lionel is going to help Leone substantially, since Cerebella's attacks are going to just be a hindrance for a moment 
  •  Should Cerebella successfully rip out Lionel, Leone is still able to fight on due to the Fusion process, though Leone does lose her regeneration.

  • Is sexier than Cerebella

  • Is more likely to get more pissed off than Cerebella, making Leone more predictable overtime

  • Has never faced anyone quite like Cerebella, whereas Cerebella fought Ms Fortune, who has almost the same move set as Leone 
  • Is not quite as Athletic and acrobatic as Cerebella

  • Actually died in her story whereas Cerebella is still alive and kicking (Cerebella Story Mode only)

  • Diamonds are Forever is a move that Leone will either be crushed by, or even killed due to it's sheer force and power

  • While more durable than Cerebella, Leone could possibly be dismembered by Cerebella if Vice Versa rips her arms off, or if Cerebella uses her blades to cut off Leone's arms, legs, or even her head.

  • If Cerebella is smart, she could rip out Lionel from Leone using Vice Versa,  removing Leone's regeneration. 



  • Is more level headed than Leone
  • While Leone is more experienced, Cerebella has actually fought Ms Fortune, who is similar to Leone in terms of skills.
  • Is more athletic and acrobatic
  • Is still alive in Skullgirls while Leone is now back in the same area where she started her life..... in the alley way for eternity.... (Meaning, she is dead) 
  • Cerebella's blockbusters are going to be really useful against Leone, since they can crush through anything in their way. Diamonds are Forever in particular may well end the fight in favor of Cerebella
  • Even though Leone is more durable, Cerebella is still capable of dismembering Leone with Vice Versa by ripping her arms off or even slice off Leone's limbs and her head using her blades.
  • If Cerebella plays smart, she could rip Lionel off from Leone, which removes her Regeneration.

  • While extremely powerful, Cerebella is not as strong as Leone, even with Vice Versa
  • Is absolutely crushed in terms of Speed
  • Not as Durable as Leone
  •  Not as experienced as Leone, who is much older than Cerebella
  • Cerebella's Striking Power, while really, really powerful, doesn't match Leone's striking power 
  • While Cerebella may be a monster in combat, she will be caught off guard and quickly dispatched by Leone if she is ambushed, which leaves Cerebella at death's door in seconds.

  • Lionel is something that Cerebella will have a really hard time to overcome.

  • Even if Cerebella successfully ripped out Lionel from Leone, the fusion process means that Leone can still fight on without the belt. 

  • While sexy, Leone is much Sexier

The Verdict

 Leone vs Cerebella may well be the most unique match up of the series since "Teke Teke vs Kuchisake-Onna". Both combatants are so different from one another that you would think this match up is actually odd. But, that is why I love it, it is different compared to many match ups out there.

In terms of the overall fight, this is actually a very close match. But first, let's look at the Stats for both Leone and Cerebella.

In terms of Strength, Leone definitely has this in the bag. While Cerebella is indeed one of the strongest combatants in Skullgirls, especially with regards to her punching 6-12 ton boulders from the ground and turning them into diamonds.... Leone did this

Yeah...... Unfortunately, 6-12 tons vs 50-200 tons? No contest. Leone wins the Strength Department

Now, in terms of Speed, Leone wins again. While Cerebella does react to lightning level attacks, and with scaling, can keep up with Peacock (A teleporter), Leone actually outpaces Cerebella both in travel speed and reactionary speed. The fact that Leone has equal levels of speed compared to Tatsumi, who can dodge point blank pinch shots from Pumpkin that reach 10kms in a second, already makes Leone much faster than Cerebella. Even without scaling, Leone did dodge General Budo's lightning, which is faster than regular lightning anyway.

Combat Speed is where it is almost close, though Leone does win again, due to her feats against Dorothea and General Budo. While Cerebella did catch Ms Fortune, Leone did catch multiple bullets at once in a time span of just a second.

And with regards to travel Speed, Leone stomps hard. Cerebella is a turtle compared to Leone, who can jump across rooftops, pounce at great distances, and even run as fast as Akame, who can go at Faster than the Eye can track speeds casually.

So Speed goes to Leone by a landslide

As for Durability, this category is actually pretty close. Though again, Leone does win here due to more impressive durability feats such as enduring the blast of Purgatory. While yes, it did require a shield to prevent further damage, the sheer force of the blast would have killed Leone and Akame at the time but, they survived it anyway. Whereas Cerebella did tank Peacock's Lonesome Lenny, which unleashes a point blank building level blast, Leone's explosion feat is far more impressive, even with the low balling coming into play.

So Durability goes to Leone

Now, it appears Leone has the upper hand for now. But, there are other factors to consider here.

Skill wise, this is where the fight gets very interesting. Incredibly, both Leone and Cerebella do have a similar method of attacking their opponents. They both use brawling techniques, they both grapple, they both use creative methods of attack that make them very dangerous. However, I do give the edge to Leone in terms of Experience since she is older, and better trained than Cerebella....... BUT!!!!!!!!!!! and I say "But", Cerebella does have a workaround for that.

You see, while Leone is more experienced, Cerebella has fought Ms Fortune before, who is very similar to Leone in terms of skills and moves. While Leone is indeed older, mainly her experience and skill set relies on more conventional ways to attack........ however, Ms Fortune does that and more.... you see, Ms Fortune can do stuff like this.

Yeah, Leone has nothing that is close to that level of unpredictability that Cerebella had never seen before. If Ms Fortune can control both her head and her body at once, that alone is what Leone never quite did in her entire life time. So Cerebella is actually fighting someone who is almost the same as Ms Fortune, but lacking the unpredictability factor that ultimately helps Cerebella's chances here.

Also, Cerebella is more athletic and acrobatic than Leone. While Leone is indeed super humanly athletic, the fact that Cerebella is the world's best acrobat means that Cerebella is just all round better.

However, we finally go into the real question: Killing Blows.

Both Leone and Cerebella are absolutely dangerous, both of them are more than capable of killing each other in any circumstances. However, while this seems like a stalemate, there is a major factor that will ultimately seals the deal here.

Cerebella can use Blockbuster moves in a attempt to overpower Leone, Diamond Dynamo for instance will pummel Leone to the point that it could actually break her bones, weakening Leone for a moment, and opening Cerebella for a kill shot. Even better, Cerebella's Diamonds are Forever technique will indeed be the most powerful ability in this fight. Even though Leone's Lionel will help her, Cerebella will overpower it with Diamonds are Forever............... Unfortunately, Leone wins this fight in the end.

But how?????? How does Leone win despite Cerebella being more athletic, acrobatic and has the killing blows to finish off Leone????? Well, simple. SPEED

In order for Cerebella to somehow kill Leone, she has to tag Leone first.... Unfortunately, this is not going to happen anytime soon, because Leone is MUCH FASTER!!!!!

Even though Cerebella fought Ms Fortune, I did not mention anything that Ms Fortune is equal to Leone in terms of "STATS". In fact, Ms Fortune is actually far less powerful and durable than Leone anyway. Even Ms Fortune's Speed is not close.

What's more, Leone is quick enough to react to all of Cerebella's attacks, even Diamond Dynamo would be slow compared to Leone, who would either stay back or outright dodge the move entirely. It also helps that Diamonds are Forever, while absolutely powerful, will be avoided by Leone completely, which also means Cerebella just used over half her Meter levels to use her single most powerful attack, and miss......... Hence, Leone actually has the definitive edge here.

And finally, even if Cerebella tries to overpower Leone after Diamonds are Forever misfired, Lionel is simply gonna keep Leone back in the game over time, and eventually, help Leone beat out both Vice Versa and Cerebella entirely.

But wait, wouldn't Cerebella rip out Lionel you may ask? Unfortunately, that goes back to the situation where Cerebella has to first tag Leone, which is unlikely. Even if she had the opportunity to do so, this is a random encounter, so Cerebella would have no knowledge of Leone's main source of power until it is too late. Likewise, Leone would almost immediately notice that Cerebella and Vice Versa are a team, and will exploit their weaknesses eventually.

So, thanks to her Stats, Lionel, Experience, Alison Keith, Sexiness and badassness, I believe that the Winner of the Season 3 Finale will be Leone

The Winner is Leone

I would like to thank all of my friends for giving me the tremendous amount of positive feedback for my blogs. I will continue to do this series and I cannot thank you guys enough.

As for my close friend OmegaJackRed, buddy, you have been the best friend I could ever ask for. Thank you so much for helping me with information that I would never have gathered without your help. I hope you and I will collaborate in the years to come :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, I will announce that Season 4 of Who Would Win is confirmed. And to give you guys a hint on what to expect, well, let's just say the line up is going to feature some of the coolest characters in any form of media...... But, I will say, there is an "Army vs Army" match up for the first time in my Series. 

Anyway, take care everybody, and I hope you guys stay safe and have fun.

I will see you in Season 4!!!!!!!!!!

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