Sunday, July 21, 2019

Who Would Win Series Remastered: Yang Xiao Long (RWBY) vs Leone (Akame Ga Kill)

Greetings, and welcome to my first edition of a new series of "Who Would Win" called "Remastered" and it will be about the match up between Yang Xiao Long from RWBY vs Leone from Akame Ga Kill.

This particular match up is getting remastered due to the extensive research I have undertaken ever since my "Yang vs Leone" blog came by. As it turns out, the information I gathered since that blog was made has been quite extensive to the point that new factors came into play.

Now, as for the general information for both Yang and Leone, I decided to start things from scratch, and go with the usual rundown such as Stats, Weapons, Skills, Feats, Weaknesses and finally, who really has the definitive claim to win this match up.

So, without further ado, let's finally settle this once and for all.

Yang Xiao Long

Yang Xiao Long is the daughter of Taiyang Xiao Long and Raven Branwen and the half sister of Ruby Rose. A cheerful, upbeat girl who wanted to become a huntress just for the adventure, Yang Xiao Long eventually enrolled to Beacon Academy to pursue her goal.

Before she arrived at Beacon, it turns out that Ruby Rose was also enrolled to the Academy despite being two years under the age requirement. This actually delighted Yang, knowing that she is going to be with Ruby for the rest of her time in Beacon. 

After arriving at Beacon, both Yang and Ruby eventually met other fellow huntresses such as Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna and, after completing the trials, formed the team known as "RWBY". 

Eventually, Team RWBY has undertaken numerous conflicts such as the battle of Beacon..... Twice, joining JNPR, another team of skilled hunters/huntresses, defeat numerous Grimm Creatures and Salem's cronies. 

But most important to Yang, in the midst of these events, the one and only thing she cares about is the safety of her team mates against overwhelming odds.

Since then, Yang has continued her quest with her friends (and her half sister Ruby and Uncle Qrow) to take down Salem once and for all.  

That is a straight forward background of Yang Xiao Long. Now, let's see what this badass Blondie is capable of. 



In terms of Strength, Yang Xiao Long is a powerhouse. It is also officially stated that Yang is physically the strongest member of RWBY and she has showcased her strength consistently. Here is a list of Yang's impressive feats for Strength

  • Has punched Junior across the bar from one side to the next. Keep in mind, Yang did not use her Ember Celica Gauntlets at that moment 
  • Smashed the ground with such force, Yang created a shock wave that lifted everyone within the vicinity into the air 
  • Has punched 10 feet tall Grimm creatures backwards
  • Managed to overpower groups of enemies without the use of her Semblance
  • Has smashed through Roman Torchwick's Mech
  • Has managed to punch a car towards a group of Grimm 
  • Has lifted a huge sound speaker 
  • Punched Lie Ren 20 feet into the air using Turkeys
  • Stalemated Nora Valkyrie in a arm wrestling contest. For reference, Nora is strong enough to pierce through a Giant Scorpions carapace using her hammer Magnhild.
  • Punched towards a huge Grimm Creature's Hand with such force, the impact created shock waves in the surrounding area, moving trees in the process
  • Has held onto the horns of a Grimm creature and threw it around and, with a upper cut, sent it flying backwards 

  • Punched Adam Taurus with such force, he was sent flying backwards


In terms of Speed, Yang is exceptionally fast. Here is a list of Yang's impressive feats for Speed    

  • Gaining momentum from using her Ember Celica for more power and speed to her attacks 
  • Reacted to Ruby Rose's attacks in a sparring contest 
  • Equaled or surpassed Lie Ren in hand to hand combat speed
  •  Can easily dodge, deflect and even see the trajectory of bullets
  •  Can surpass Flynt Coal's Trumpet sound wave, resulting in Yang clapping her hands on Flynt's trumpet, knocking him out of the fight.
  •  Attack speed equals to the likes of Mercury, Emerald, Lie Ren and Pyrrha Nikos, Emerald in particular can dodge lightning. 
  • Has tagged and even caught Adam Taurus in combat. Adam is hyper sonic in terms of speed.


Now, as for Durability, Yang Xiao Long is a badass. here is a list of Yang's amazing resume for Durability

  • Took melee attacks from Junior, who was holding a rocket launcher
  • Has been overpowered by Giant Grimm creatures and still kept fighting.
  • Was upper cutted by Nora Valkyrie into the air from her Watermelon Hammer, Yang reached over 200kms into the sky, and, once she came back into Beacon Academy's Mess Hall, Yang got back up and was not even hurt by the fall at all.
  • Took a punch from Roman Torchwick's Paladin Mech towards a concrete pillar. The feat itself required over 350 tons worth of force to achieve (Not 1400 according to Death Battle XD!!!) 
  • Can endure multiple strikes from Adam Taurus in combat. 
  • Has endured Flynt Coal's sound wave
  • Was chewed by a huge Ursa and still survived. The Amount of pressure applied by the bite force would be 12000-25000 psi.


Yang Xiao Long may be amazing with her stats, but of course, she comes into battle with her signature weapons. These include:

Ember Celica
Ember Celica: Yang Xiao Long's most iconic armaments. The Ember Celica are a pair of Gauntlets that Yang uses for close range and long ranged combat. Without activating her Semblance, Yang's punches generate the power of a shotgun blast. In terms of long range, the Ember Celica fires rockets towards the opponent at very high speeds and dealing powerful damage  

Yang and her Robotic Arm
Robotic Arm: After Yang got her arm amputated by Adam Taurus, she was eventually given a robotic arm. The Arm itself has the same functionality as the Ember Celica though it is shown to have greater range capabilities and the projectiles are more accurate than the Rockets. It is also worth noting that Yang can simply remove the arm for unusual purposes, though these also result in very successful outcomes such as escaping a grab attempt from Mercury

Skills/Fighting Style

Yang of course is a badass in terms of skill. She utilizes boxing, kick boxing, brawling and high flying techniques that make her a dangerous adversary to anyone who comes to her in melee range.

It is also worth noting that Yang is also a very skilled marksman, being able to tag fast enemies with her Ember Celica and Robotic Arm projectiles with dead on accuracy.

What's more, over the course of the series, Yang has become much more crafty over time, allowing her to make unpredictable tactics and even catching opponents off guard using tricky combat maneuvers

And of course, Yang is very skilled in card games....... I wonder if she can do well in Hearthstone XD!!!


Now, the real deal comes. Yang's Semblance allows Yang to absorb damage and redirect it back with greater force. It also boosts Yang's Strength Substantially and increases her damage output by up to eleven. While the Semblance is indeed very powerful, should Yang take too much damage, it can eventually damage her physically.

That said, the drawback does get nullified thanks to her Aura. The Aura that Yang has allows her to tank massive amounts of damage and even increase her capabilities in combat. It is thanks to this Aura that Yang's Semblance has been shown to produce wonders. Here is a list of feats for the Semblance.

  • After seeing Junior grab a strand of her hair, Yang activated her Semblance and blasted Junior outside of the building with such force and power, even the windows were completely shattered. Junior himself was knocked out entirely afterwards
  • Has completely destroyed Roman Torchwick's mech  
  • Her accuracy with her punches increases drastically while her Semblance is activated, meaning, Yang very rarely misses a punch while in this state.
  • Overpowered Adam Taurus cleanly.

Feats for Yang Xiao Long

Of course, being one of the central characters in RWBY since, well, Yang represents the "Y'', Yang has accomplished a vast amount of feats. Here is a list of accomplishments for Yang.

  • Has officially, and cleanly, defeated Junior and his henchmen
  • Took down multiple Grimm Creatures by herself
  • Defeated Mercury cleanly and effectively
  • Defeated both Flynt Coal and Nyan Cat while teaming up with Weiss Schnee. Feat wise, Yang eventually beat Flynt and Nyan on her own after Weiss was eliminated from the match
  • Defeated Nora Valkyrie in the Arm Wrestling contest using her craftiness by removing her robotic arm and forcing Nora backwards towards the wall.
  • Took the Relic from Raven Branwen's grasp via persuasion.
  • Has defeated both Ruby and Weiss in a Card Game.
  • Has officially, and cleanly, and like a badass, finally defeated Adam Taurus while helping Blake Belladonna
  • Has the best voice out of all the members in RWBY (My opinion btw)
  • Has a bike named "Bumblebee"
  • Her "Yellow Trailer" is my favorite out of Team RWBY's 
  • Looks more badass as the series goes on
  • Is all round, my favorite Blondie in fiction...........
  • Voiced by Barbara Dunkelman 
  • Has the honor of having more merchandise purchased by myself out of any character in fiction XD!!! (Personal Feat btw)



Of course, as badass and amazing Yang Xiao Long is, by no means is she invincible, nor even remotely close to that level. While Yang herself is indeed insanely durable, sufficient force will eventually overpower her Aura, leaving her extremely vulnerable to any means of attacks should her aura be depleted.

Also, with regards to her skills, while Yang has indeed grown as a fighter, it is worth mentioning that Yang is still capable of becoming reckless in combat. Infact, this same flaw is what led to her amputation from Adam Taurus. Meaning, sometimes Yang rarely strategized in combat should she get too angry, making her predictable to a clever enough opponent

And finally, while Yang herself is very versatile with close range and long range combat, Yang herself mainly focuses on Melee attacks to achieve greater results. While this is actually not a weakness technically, it is worth mentioning that Yang's ranged attacks can easily be avoided by quick enough opponents and even then, Yang can still struggle in melee range against kick styled attacks. Though this has become less notable as RWBY progressed.

Despite her flaws, Yang Xiao Long is without a doubt, a badass blonde. Whatever you do, do not get in Yang's bad side, other wise, your key to heaven is already given to you XD!!!!!!

Bottom Line, Yang Xiao Long is amazing, beautiful, and all round, a waifu of mine :).


Born into the slums of the Empire, Leone lived a life of poverty and hardship. However, despite this, Leone did get alot of recognition for her back massages (I want one of those thanks XD!!!).

Everything in Leone's life became normal until one day, she bought a mysterious belt from a random merchant. This would be one of Leone's best decisions made, as the belt itself was a Teigu, or simply put, an "Imperial Arms". This belt, and the fact that Leone eventually joined an elite group of assassins known as "Night Raid", changed Leone's life.

After joining Night Raid, Leone become one of the deadliest assassins in the Empire and has participated in numerous conflicts that involved both The Empire and it's enemies such as The Revolutionary Army. 

Over time, Leone met a boy named Tatsumi and saw great potential in the young lad as a skilled assassin. During her time with Tatsumi and Night Raid, Leone has witnessed brutality and bloodshed by the Empire's Strongest and has eventually helped the Revolutionary Army defeat the Empire thanks to the efforts of Leone and Night Raid.

That is a straight forward background for Leone. Now, let's see what this badass Blondie is capable of.


Leone's Strength is amazing. Leone may well be the strongest member of Night Raid in terms of physical strength and there are numerous feats that make her so. Here is a list of Leone's amazing Strength Feats.

  • Has punched Pillars with such force, they move over 15 feet across.
  • Took down a Danger Beast, which is comparable to the size of a T-Rex and a Giganotosaurus. That said, the Danger Beast would be heavier than those two dinosaurs because after Leone knocked it down, the sheer weight caused a huge crater into the ground  
  • Can punch through men with such force, her attacks can create massive holes in their body.
  • Has lifted a huge rock above her head without activating Lionel
  • With Lionel, Leone once again lifted a boulder and smashed it to the ground and killed Dorothea  

Leone killing Dorothea with a boulder

Leone holding the tip of Purgatory after breaking it with her teeth
Leone's Tower Punch feat
  •  Has snapped Dorothea's Neck while in mid air very quickly
  • Has choke slammed an assassin with such force, it killed him
  • Threw Akame towards Bols while in Mid Air
  • Bit off the tip of Bols Purgatory using only her teeth. Purgatory is a flamethrower
  •  Has held a shield and is strong enough to block a multi city level blast from Purgatory's Self Destruction.
  • Has punched Minister Honest with such force, she smashed his skull like a squashed watermelon. Mind you, Lionel was destroyed at that point so Leone did this with her own Strength.
  • Punched a tower in mid air with just a single hand. BADASS!!!!



 Speed wise, Leone is exceptionally fast. Leone herself is also one of the fastest characters in Akame Ga Kill. Here is a list of feats for Leone's Speed.

Leone dodging Budo's Lightning.
  • Scales to Akame and Tatsumi. Both of whom can dodge bullets, deflect hyper sonic attacks and even lightning
  • Leone has dodged General Budo's lightning, which is faster than regular lightning.
  • Is quick enough to catch Bols off guard 
  • Has eventually outpaced Dorothea's reaction timing. Dorothea, earlier in her encounter with Leone, managed to block most, if not all of Leone's attacks.
  • Like her strength feat, Leone was quick enough to snap Dorothea's neck. This also makes Leone very fast in terms of reflexes
  • Dodged multiple attacks at once and never got scratched.
  • Can jump across rooftops while holding Tatsumi.
  • Can pounce at such speeds, her opponents can be caught off guard, even defeated by Leone because of it.
  • While being fused with Lionel, Leone, with no effort, caught bullets using her hand and even dropped them to the floor.
    Leone catching bullets


As far as Durability goes for Leone, she is a total badass. What's more, while Leone herself may not wear any sort of armor, there is a trade off with regards to her overall durability. Here is a list of amazing durability feats for Leone

  • Survived a knife stab wound to the face
  • Has the willpower to keep fighting at full power despite losing her arm by Kurome
  • Was swung by Dorothea to the ground with such force, Leone almost had her bones broken.
  • Took multiple strikes from Rokogou, who uses a whip like Indiana Jones
  • Took a smack in the head by Najenda after laughing at Susanoo's comments about Najenda reminding him of a man
  • Was briefly paralyzed by General Budo's lightning.
  • Took a powerful punch by General Budo.
  • Was paralyzed by Dr Stylish's paralysis gas
  • Had her blood drained by Dorothea, who can use her Teigu to suck the blood of her victims. Feat wise, Leone quickly recovered from the effects and even killed Dorothea in the process
  • Survived mutilation from Esdeath, which resulted in her right breast removed, her left leg and right arm amputated, her fingers cut into pieces, and her eye gouged out
  • Endured a blast from Bols' exploding gasoline canister. Keep in mind, while the explosion is indeed city to multi city level in terms of power, Leone was holding a shield at the time which protected her and Akame from the blast. Still, the blast itself would have killed Leone and Akame yet they survived. However, Leone was eventually unconscious afterwards.
    The Explosion that Leone and Akame endured.
  •  Was left to die by Honest after Lionel was destroyed. Leone still came back and recovered, eventually killing Honest in the end
  • In the anime, Leone survived 9 bullets to the stomach after Lionel was destroyed. However, Leone did die a couple of hours later. 


Teigu/Imperial Arms

Lionel The King of Beasts Transformation
While Leone herself is a badass in terms of stats, it is thanks to her Teigu that allowed her to accomplish wonders. Her Teigu is a belt named Lionel (Lionelle to some)

Once Lionel is activated, Leone's senses are greatly enhanced. It also allows Leone to have animalistic instincts such as a greater sense of smell and enhanced hearing. It also grants Leone superior Stats that surpassed regular humans by over ten fold. And finally, Lionel grants Leone claws, increasing Leone's striking power.

But of course, Lionel's trump card is called "Regenerator". Regenerator allows Leone to heal from wounds very quickly, and it even allows Leone to regrow limbs after a period of time. While the regeneration is indeed amazing, considering Leone did survive some terrible experiences, the healing process does take longer the more severe the injuries are. Still, Regenerator is a very useful Trump Card for Leone in any situation thrown at her.

What's more, after Lionel was destroyed by Honest, Leone became fused with Lionel and became one with the Beast.... it also made Leone extremely buff and more badass <3!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leone after being fused with Lionel


Leone is a highly trained assassin and a smart fighter. While she is tenacious, by no means is Leone truly reckless. In fact, her preferred method of fighting is surprise attacks. Though this may seem that Leone is more of a stealthy fighter, Leone is also equally as skilled in terms of front line combat. Her attacks are usually involving grappling, brawling, boxing and kick boxing

Also, like an assassin, Leone is also very efficient with quick kills, such as breaking the necks of her victims. It is brutal yet effective :D!!!

And of course, Leone is very skilled with Reconnaissance, thus she is usually the "Scout" of Night Raid, making her a valued asset to the team.

Feats for Leone

 Of course, Leone herself is one of the cornerstones of Akame Ga Kill. Her list of accomplishments is quite large and it is even amazing to think that Leone did all of this despite having very limited equipment. Here is a list of Leone's Accomplishments

Leone scamming Tatsumi
  • Has officially, and cleanly, and beautifully, and efficiently, defeated Dorothea
  • Took down a group of guys in a strip club
  • Has survived Dorothea's Blood Drain
  • Kept fighting at full power despite taking serious injuries
  • Survived a mutilation from General Esdeath
  • Has killed Minister Honest in what is possibly, the most badass comeback in fiction. (Manga version)
  • Killed the guy who once stabbed her in the face with a chokeslam
  • Avoided being detected despite being in clear view....... What a badass!!!!
  • Voiced by Allison Keith
  • Has possibly my favorite voice in all of fiction
  • Is my favorite Blondie in Fiction..... oh wait a minute!!!!!
  • Has tricked Tatsumi into thinking she was helping him get into the Imperial Ranks, which, well, resulted in Leone scamming Tatsumi for his money XD!!!  
  • Saved dozens of people from a falling tower. Leone is just a superhero, admit it XD!!!



While Leone may be an awesome badass, unfortunately, she has limits to her capabilities. Firstly, her Regeneration, while very powerful, can be over taxed with sufficient damage. While Leone does eventually heal the wounds overtime, she can still die should she get her head cut off or if she took a death blow. In her encounter with Esdeath, even with the help of Tatsumi, Susanoo and Najenda, Leone was at Death's Door and would have certainly died had Tatsumi not save her at the very last moment. 

Even with the Teigu's capabilities, there are certain drawbacks to consider. In Akame Ga Kill, Teigu can result in great fatigue of the wearer should they over use their capabilities. While Leone doesn't seem to suffer the same drawback, she does have the vulnerabilities of any human such as amputation, which Leone had huge trouble dealing with in the past. Speaking of Lionel, while it is indeed amazing for what it does, should it be destroyed, Leone is much more vulnerable to all means of attacks like what a regular human would.

As for Leone's overall combat effectiveness, while she is indeed an exceptional close ranged combatant and a highly skilled assassin, unfortunately, Leone lacks versatility. This can result in Leone getting into a disadvantage against someone with superior ranged capabilities.

Also, with regards to the Fusion, Leone does indeed get significantly stronger when fused with Lionel, however, as it turns out, Leone still died from her wounds after her moment with Minister Honest, which meant that Lionel's regeneration never worked while the Teigu is destroyed.

And finally, while Leone is a very smart assassin, she can be very tenacious at times and usually prefers to have everything under her control. If things do not go to plan, Leone does get more pissed off, making her more straight forward and predictable over time.

Despite her flaws, Leone is without a doubt, one of the most lovable badasses in fiction. Leone is awesome, endearing and above all, a waifu of mine (Personal opinion hahaha)


Yang Xiao Long


  • Superior Versatility in terms of Close Range and Long Range combat
  • More Durable than Leone
  • Her Semblance will allow her to absorb the attacks from Leone, making her stronger overtime
  • Is able to match Leone's best speed capabilities via reflexes.
  • More Crafty in combat than Leone
  • Once Yang manages to activate her Semblance, she would be more than capable of killing Leone efficiently due to the substantial Strength boost
  • Should Yang destroy Lionel, Leone would lose her only asset that would keep her in the fight, making Leone pretty much screwed as a result
  • Is a plush toy I sleep with
  • Voiced by Barbara Dunkelman
  • Very, very slightly, is more adorable than Leone

  • While more versatile in terms of combat, Yang is not as skilled as Leone 
  • Yang's aura, while very durable, can be overtaxed by Leone should she take too much damage, leaving Yang very vulnerable to a killshot
  • Is not quite as strong as Leone in the initial moments of the fight 
  • Yang's activation of her Semblance will have to be considered a possibility rather than a simple moment because it is very likely Yang would die from Leone before her Semblance even got triggered
  • Leone's Regeneration would hinder Yang for a moment. It could infact be a huge obstacle for Yang to even overcome in the long run 
  • Leone's neck snap can still kill Yang even if her aura is at full power
  • Her voice, while absolutely lovable, doesn't quite compare to Leone's tough girl attitude and tone <3!!!



  • More skilled than Yang due to her extensive training as an assassin
  • While Yang's Semblance would be a huge obstacle for Leone to overcome, Leone is smart enough to try and end the fight very quickly via a neck snap or even hit and run tactics.
  • Is stronger than Yang in the initial moments of the fight
  • Can still overtax Yang's Aura with successive attacks, leaving Yang very vulnerable to Leone's attacks as a result
  • Leone's Regeneration would allow her to survive multiple attacks from Yang.
  • Much more stealthy than Yang, which can also allow Leone to do very sneaky maneuvers on Yang from out of nowhere.
  • Very, very slightly, edges out Yang in terms of Personality
  • Voiced by Allison Keith

  • While Leone is very skilled, she lacks the versatility to take on Yang in terms of both close range and long range combat
  • Despite being very durable for human standards, Leone is not even close to Yang in terms of Durability
  • While Leone will try to overtax Yang's Aura, the fact that Yang's semblance does absorb Leone's attacks means that Leone would be in serious trouble should she apply too much force.
  • If Yang does indeed activate her Semblance, Leone will die even when Regenerator comes into play
  • Is not quite as crafty as Yang
  • Very, Very slightly, is not as adorable as Yang 
  • While Leone is very fast, the fact that Yang can now match her speed means that Leone's Speed would ultimately be countered by Yang via reflexes.

The Final Verdict

 For what has to be my favorite match up of all time. Yang vs Leone is clearly a very close, very intense and an absolute whopper of a fight. While it may not be a fight about two planet busters or galactic level beings, the fact that Yang and Leone are two of my all time favorite characters fighting each other is the sole reason why I love this match up :D!!!!! Finding a winner for this match up is the most difficult decision I made in this series to date because it is not only very close to call, it is a very personal fight. So, let's look at the fight to determine the definitive winner.

In terms of Stats, both Yang and Leone are now virtually dead even, though Yang does indeed have the durability edge thanks to surviving over 350 tons worth of force and shrug it off, Leone's durability is nothing to take lightly. That said, while Leone is very tough, Yang is just much tougher to take down. So Durability goes to Yang.

As for Strength, this is a very interesting comparison. While Leone does indeed edge out Yang in terms of base strength, the fact that Yang does get Stronger with her semblance means that the Stat difference becomes either evenly matched or even in favor of Yang in terms of a long drawn fight. For now, I say the Strength department is a tie, or in favor of Yang via the Semblance.

As for Speed, this is clearly, dead even. Both Yang and Leone now have the equal level of speed, making it a solid tie. Though Leone could theoretically edge out Yang since she has been shown to dodge lightning, Yang herself has kept up with Adam Taurus for a moment, who can swing his blade at lightning speeds anyway. So Speed is a solid tie.

So now that the Stats are almost dead even, we now look into the other details to finally see the winner.

In terms of Skills, while Yang herself is much more skillful over the course of RWBY, Leone is just much better. Leone is a trained assassin and while Yang is crafty and no longer has a strong weakness to kick based attacks, she still is a combatant that usually has a more straight forward approach in combat. Speaking of which, Leone is also more stealthy than Yang, which can open to many opportunities for Leone to land a blow on Yang and take advantage of the situation. However, Yang herself does have an edge over Leone: Versatility

While Leone is indeed more skilled, Yang is more versatile in terms of Close Range and Long Range Combat. What is interesting here, Leone would have to reach Yang in order to do much, and because of that, I say Leone is quick enough to dodge all of the Ember Celica and Robotic Arm projectiles. So, while Yang's Ranged advantage is countered by Leone's dodging maneuvers and reflexes, Close Range is where the real fight is decided.

Now we go into what has to be the fine line. For close Range combat, both Yang and Leone are darn amazing. However, overtime, I believe that while Yang is indeed very powerful with her attacks and that Leone is more ruthless, ultimately, the real question is, Who is more likely going to bypass the opponents Durability and exploit their weaknesses sooner? Well, after careful consideration, I believe the Blondie that will eventually achieve this will be.............................................

So, as it turns out, I believe Yang Xiao Long will eventually prevail in this legendary match up. So, how is it possible for Yang to beat Leone if Leone can heal her wounds quickly? Well, there is one factor that changed the game drastically: Yang's Semblance. 

The Semblance will allow Yang to absorb the attacks from Leone, making Yang stronger than ever and finally crack through Leone's Regeneration and ultimately, rip apart Leone in Mortal Kombat Style. Leone, while absolutely durable, is just as durable as a Human even with Lionel. Yang Xiao Long on the other hand would also withstand Leone's attacks. Infact, Leone's capabilities are the same as the Grimm Creatures that Yang has fought in the past. 

But wait, what about Leone's Neck Snap and killing blows? Well, While Leone can achieve this, because Yang would react to Leone's attacks, it would be very difficult for Leone to do so because of the equal level of speed. As for Stealth attacks, Yang has dodged attacks from behind before, so it is something that Yang is use to anyway.

So ultimately, Yang will win thanks to her Durability, Semblance, Versatility, Barbara Dunkelman and her slight edge in terms of cuteness, I believe Yang Xiao Long has the Final, Definitive Victory over Leone.

The Winner is Yang Xiao Long



  1. Question: Doesn't Yang's semblance use up more of her aura if her opponent is stronger than her? Asking after watching Volume 4 again and listening to Tai Yang saying to his daughter "Once you take damage, you can dish it back twice as hard, but that doesn't make you invincible! It's great when you're in a bind, but what happens if you miss? What happens if they're stronger? What then? Now you're just weak and tired!"?

  2. Even if it did, the fact that Yang is simply too durable for Leone to put down in the long run means she can still punch Leone with such force, the Regeneration wouldn't actually kick in quickly because the wounds would be too severe. Leone is damn tough yes, but she is by no means unbeatable. She had her arm severed by Kurome, which shows that even simple attacks can somehow severely damage her and overtax her healing factor.

    Onto the Semblance stuff, yes, it is indeed true about Taiyang's Statement. However, the real kick here is that despite this, Yang is still capable of beating Leone even if she takes some damage in the fight. It is also possible that Yang could simply dismember Leone, which also gives Yang a huge advantage overtime. Or simply, a uppercut to Leone's head, which would decapitate her instantly. And Leone has never shown any feat that she can regrow a head or a body........

    Oh well, this is just my opinion. :D!!!

  3. This is a weird question but what happens if you were to either give Leone an aura or remove Yang's aura? Would it still be the same outcome? I also had a question on a fight in these two verse's I don't believe you've done so far in the series.

    1. So what your asking is what would happen if I gave Leone the Aura and take the Aura from Yang?

      Simply put, I say Leone actually stomps Yang then. The Durability edge would be doubled for Leone, to the Point that Yang is just as vulnerable as a regular person to physical attacks. And, if you really want to, if I had to put Leone in the same place as Yang with regards to the Torchwick Mech Feat, Then that alone would mean Leone is not just too much for Yang, but too much for Team RWBY in general.

      Think about it, Leone, with an Aura as Durable as Yang's Aura, plus a Regen thanks to Lionel, she would be unstoppable

    2. And what question did you want to ask? :D!!!!!

    3. I meant if you whether gave Leone an aura in this fight or Yang lost her aura but still have her semblance somehow, who would win?
      Scenario 1: Leone and Yang have an aura
      Scenario 2: Neither of them has an aura or any king.

    4. Well, I say it can go either way if both Leone and Yang had an Aura. Funny enough, Akame Ga Kill has "Aura" in their own world but it functions differently from RWBY's. Their Aura is more about the Presence of the character than straight up defense and life force energy.

    5. I would argue that if you gave Leone aura it would be an unfair advantage since she already has abilities. So then yang should have a copy of Lionel too.

    6. That's exactly what I said to Duke. If Leone had RWBY's Aura, she is simply too much for Yang to handle. Added she has the Regeneration, Leone is going to be much harder to take down

  4. Great job I really enjoyed your Analysis

  5. This was a very good match in I really enjoyed your Analysis
