Saturday, June 29, 2019

Who Would Win Series Special Edition: Vivian (The Vagrant) vs Icey (ICEY)

Greetings, Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to a Special Edition of my Who Would Win Series and it is going to be Vivian from The Vagrant vs Icey from... well, ICEY.

For this match up, I will look into the base stats, their weapons, abilities, skills, feats, weaknesses and finally, who I personally believe will ultimately win this match up.

For Vivian's info, I decided to use mainly screenshots of my own gameplay to showcase her capabilities and her story.

As for Icey's Info, I also decided to use screenshots from my gameplay to showcase her capabilities and her story.....

So, without further ado, let's begin


Vivian is the daughter of a middle class family which also happens to have another daughter named Valerie, who is of course, Vivian's sister. 

Vivian lived a pretty tragic life in her childhood, her father left the family to continue his research, and her mother died while Vivian was still young.

After the incident, Vivian was eventually tutored by Valerie to use Runecraft. Although Valerie was highly abusive to Vivian, Vivian still loved Valerie regardless of the mistreatment. Sadly, her time with her last remaining family member was cut when a league of Wizards known as "The Academy" came by, seeking The Art of Runecraft and striking down Valerie when she refused to share her knowledge with them.

Afterwards, Vivian became a Sellsword, a Mercenary, and a Vagrant. The Ground was her bed and the Sky was the blanket..... Yes, Vivian was pretty much a wandering nomad at this point......

Vivian, despite all of her hardships, still had the urge to try and find her father. Eventually, Vivian set sailed on a Ship in search for him. Unfortunately, the Vessel was destroyed by a severe storm, and Vivian was washed ashore in a nearby beachbed. As fate would have it, Vivian eventually embarked on a quest to attempt to help others in need....... even if it has involved in her being a pet to a powerful witch named Holborn.

Since then, Vivian has achieved quite a impressive resume, ranging from defeating Undead Kings, Giant Monsters, Gods, Holborn and the most powerful entity of the Universe known as "Magnus". 

That is a straight forward backstory of Vivian. Now, let's see what this badass combatant is capable of. 



Vivian is without a doubt, one of the most physically impressive characters for her power level in terms of Strength. Here is a list of Vivian's amazing Strength capabilites

  • Slices Armor like butter
  • Can slice through Golem Skin, which are covered entirely by rocks, which, using real life physics, can weigh as much as 30-200 tons worth of weight.
  • Can kick enemies 15ft backwards. Some of them wear plate armor
  • Can slice through Ice Armor
  • Has Sliced through the Headless Horseman's Armor, which is Thicker than even Plate Mail.
  • Can use her heavy attacks to break through shields, some of which are crafted with Magical steel, which is much tougher than regular steel.
  • Can slice Wood with just one swipe like butter.


In terms of Speed, Vivian is also extremely fast. Here is a list of a surprising amount of feats for Speed for Vivian.

  • Can slice her enemies around her in a timespan of just 3 seconds at most
  • Has dodged point blank laser like energy beams from enemies.
  • Dodged a beam attack that is comparable to Light speed by Holborn and Magnus. 
  • Has dodged and even avoided Lightning entirely
  • Can dodge, and I kid you not, bypass point blank fire blasts from statues and enemies.
  • Can equally match her Clone, who is virtually identical to Vivian in terms of capabilities. The Clone herself could be faster because her attacks can be quicker to execute compared to Vivian. The feat for Vivian however is that she defeated this Clone so it is entirely possible Vivian herself would either be evenly matched or even slightly faster than the Clone.
  • Dodge Ice Spikes coming from the ground that travel at Mach 1-2 speeds.
  • Can dodge traps
  • Dodged multiple attacks from a group of Wraiths and Ghosts, some of which can ambush Vivian from the edge of the screen.


Okay, in terms of Durability, Vivian is a badass. What is interesting here, Vivian's durability does rely on her armor.... Even though Vivian is wearing, well, a bikini after all....... That said, Vivian is absolutely superhuman in terms of Durability. Here is a list of feats for her amazing Durability

  • Survived multiple Elemental attacks that can melt through steel, break armor and even electrocute her.
  • Can keep fighting at full power despite getting poisoned, burned, slowed down and even suffering from electrical surges flowing around her body
  • Can survive Petrification, which is amazingly impressive since Petrification usually results in the victim instantly dying.
  • Took Holborn's attacks, which are magical in nature and can bypass defenses.
  • Tanked attacks from the Mother Bear, who can one shot her foes with a claw swipe and her elemental attacks
  • Took multiple arrows and keeps fighting..... Take that Boromir!!!
  • Tanked attacks from her Evil Clone. Who also has the same Strength Capabilities as Vivian herself (as said before)
  • Survived Impalement from traps, spears, swords and pole-arms 


Runes in The Vagrant are powerful artifacts that boost the capabilities of the users equipment. Here is a list of Rune types used by Vivian:

Ur: Increases Attack Power

Sigel: Increases Critical Hit Damage

Rad: Increases Defense

Hagal: Increases Critical Hit Chance

Daeg: Adds additional Fire Damage

Tyr: Adds Additional Lightning Damage

Is: Adds additional Ice Damage

Lagu: Immunity to Dizziness

Gifu: Increases Health

Wyn: Increases Rage

Peorth: Increases Combo Attack Power

Ehwaz: Allows improved Combo Rage Regain

Eoh: Allows improved Combo Hitpoints Regain

Feoh: Allows improved Critical Rage Regain





Vivian is armed with a huge variety of Swords and Daggers. These range from Broadswords, Long Swords, Broken Swords (Yes, Vivian used a broken sword with deadly efficiency), Rapiers, Iceswords and even Swords that are as thick and heavy as Cloud Strife's Buster Sword from Final Fantasy....... Oh yes, Vivian is a Swordmaster indeed.


Vivian is not just armed with swords and daggers, she is also protected by armor. While Vivian wears....... well, a Bikini and two leggings that somehow are missing the groin cover (Sexy!!!!) Vivian herself is actually wearing armor. As usual, Armor grants Vivian a substantial Defense boost, especially considering that adding Runes to the Armor provides them superior capabilities.



Vivian also wears certain accessories that provide different benefits.The list of benefits from these Accessories include:

  • Increased attack power
  • Increased Defenses
  • Increased Health
  • Increased Rage
  • Increased Gold and Mana pick up
  • Immunity to Negative effects
  • Allows Vivian to gain Health by attacking her opponent. Aka "Life Draining" 



Vivian can also carry a huge amount of Potions, food and even materials that give her certain benefits. She also can cook food that boost her stats. Here is a list of useful and surprising consumables that Vivian uses:

Health Potions: Heals Vivian..... Obviously XD

Rage Potions: Replenishes Vivian's Rage meter

Elixirs: Completely Heals Vivian and restores Rage. They can even be used to maximum effect during the cool down period.

Strength Potions G: Increases Vivian's Attack power

Speed Potions G: Increases Vivian's Speed

Ironskin Potions G: Increases Vivian's Durability

Critical Potions: Increases Critical Hit Chance

Luck Potions: Increases the Amount of Gold found

Antidote Potions: Completely removes all negative effects from Vivian.

Adrenaline Potions: Allows Vivian to have an infinite supply of Rage for a few seconds

Armour Potions: Substantially increases Vivian's Defenses, making her much more difficult to put down.

 Elemental Control

Vivian may be a powerful fighter, but of course, she is also able to wield elemental effects using specific weapons. The Three main elements that Vivian has wielded are:

Fire: Increased Damage Potential and Creates Fire attacks for devastating effects

Ice: Slows the enemies, severely reducing their combat and travel speed

Lightning: Creates Electrical attacks that Pierce through Enemies and even create a chain of lightning that can damage an entire group at once 

Skill Tree/Ability

Of course, The Vagrant is an RPG game. So, Vivian has a leveling system that allows her to spend Mana points to increase her capabilities in both Combat and Exploration such as Increasing Attack, Defenses, Barter skills, Pick up benefits and even increasing Skill damage and Elemental control effects.

What's more, Vivian can spend mana points to unlock combos that can break through defenses such as:

Whirling Slash
Whirling Slash: A two hit combo with Vivian ending the combo with a large sweeping motion.

Rising Attack
Rising attack: A three hit combo that ends with Vivian using a
uppercut motion, this combo is great against enemies on the air

Fierce Attack

Fierce Attack: A four hit combo with Vivian ending the combo with a thrust.

It should be noted that all of the three main combos do not require Rage in order to execute them, making them extremely reliable for any situation.


Vivian is a master sword woman and also a highly experienced combatant. What is more, Vivian's time as a Mercenary proves that she has quite alot of experience in combat for someone at her age. Prior to the events of The Vagrant, Vivian was trained by her sister Valerie to become the best fighter she could possibly be. 

Vivian using her Dodge technique
It is also worth noting that Vivian is also quite an accomplished acrobat. She is capable of dodging attacks from multiple enemies at once, even making her intangible to them for a split second. Even better, Vivian is also able to increase the dodge period by another second by rolling, which makes her virtually untouchable for an additional second.... AWESOME!!!

Another impressive skill that Vivian has is her kicking techniques. Vivian can slide kick and kick in mid air like Grand Chariot Style from Akame Ga Kill. 

Overall, Vivian's skills are amazing, fluid, and badass :D!!!


Vivian is a Swiss army knife in terms of abilities, she can perform a handful of devastating and precise attacks that not only deliver amazing results, they simply get the job done relatively quickly. Here is a list of Techniques that Vivian can use.

Impulse Blade
Impulse Blade: Vivian swings her weapon and creates a sword wave that can pierce through groups of enemies in a straight line. Depending on which element she uses, they can involve 3 balls of fire, an Ice Blade or even a Bolt of Lightning. Without elemental attacks, the attack is still powerful. It is Vivian's best ranged attack. 

Heaven's Fall
Heaven's Fall: Vivian jumps up into the Air and delivers what has to be, my favorite aerial attack in video games. Heaven's Fall is a technique that turns Vivian into a spinning blade, much like Sonic the Hedgehog's Spin attack. It is also incredibly versatile for both Combat and Exploration because the technique can make Vivian travel to hard to reach places such as far platforms. Combat wise, the technique can destroy an entire group of enemies both on the Ground and in the Air.

Power Upper
Power Upper: Power Upper Allows Vivian to jump up and strike her opponents with a sword attack. It is exceptionally good against flying enemies and the range of the attack is quite good. 

Force Unleash
Force Unleash: Vivian strikes the Ground and Unleashed a powerful blast that sends her enemies within her vicinity to kingdom come. Force Unleash, depending on which elemental effects it delivers, can either create a Fire blast that emits balls of fire for greater range, create a huge pillar of Ice that greatly damages the enemy and even a Lightning blast that emits a wide area of electrical damage.

Shining Assault
Shining Assault: Shining Assault allows Vivian to use an extremely fast and powerful attack that pierces through enemy defenses entirely. It is so powerful, that the attack can phase through Golems and Shielded enemies, delivering supreme area of effect damage.

Mirage Storm
Mirage Storm: Mirage Storm is Vivian's equivalent to Dante and Bayonetta's skewer attacks. Basically self explanatory, the attack allows Vivian to skewer her enemies with quick sword strikes with precision, speed and power.

Tornado Slash
Tornado Slash: Tornado Slash is without a doubt, Vivian's most powerful attack. It allows Vivian to become a Whirlwind of Death. It also delivers heavy amounts of Damage per second, and, when used to maximum effect, can let Vivian win a boss fight in under 5 seconds........ Badass!!!!

Polar Strike
Polar Strike: Polar Strike is a technique that allows Vivian to channel power to her weapon, raise it above her head and strike down the ground to unleash a shock wave of power. A fully upgraded Polar Strike will unleash a massive blade wave, covering a huge area and dealing massive damage


Health/Rage Meter

Vivian of course has a Health bar that, well, displays her health.

As for the second Bar, this is her Rage Meter. Rage is Vivian's main source of power that allows her to produce her more powerful attacks. When fully leveled up, Vivian can also gain more rage the more damage she takes...... I wonder if Yang Xiao Long and Vivian are the same person XD!!!!



Of course, Vivian may have only one Game to her name, but oh my goodness, she has achieved a huge amount of impressive stuff. Here is a list of accomplishments done by Vivian:

Vivian fighting her evil Clone
Vivian being mistaken for a bride
  • Has officially, and cleanly, defeated Holborn and Magnus at once. Holborn is the Academy's most powerful Witch, Magnus is a Godlike Entity
  • Defeated The Mother Bear, who literally is a God
  • Defeated the Headless Horseman
  • Defeated the Mighty Markham, who transformed into a large building sized bear.
  • Took down multiple magic users at once, even the majority of Vivian's enemies are vastly superior to her in terms of hax capabilities
  • Defeated a Possessed Valerie
  • Defeated an Evil Clone of herself, who literally has the exact same capabilities as Vivian
  • Has kept her promise to Cadem that she would survive......
  • Helped a poor beggar by giving him a huge amount of Gold, which gave Vivian a Rune.
  • Took down an evil Aristocrat who somehow mistook Vivian as his bride..... What? XD!!! 
  • Has taken so much punishment, she kept fighting on...... What a badass!!!!! 



While Vivian has achieved a gargantuan amount of feats for just one game. Unfortunately, Vivian herself is far from invincible.

Of course, Vivian can still die from sufficient force. Some enemies in the Vagrant are more than capable of one shotting Vivian if she is not careful. 

What's interesting here, While Vivian is exceptionally skilled with Swords and Daggers.... Those are literally, the only weapon types she has used in combat. While this may be because of game play mechanics, and that it is entirely possible that Vivian is skilled with other weapon types such as Axes, Pole Arms and bows, unfortunately, we never got to see anything that indicates that she is able to use other weapon types effectively.

Even worse, Vivian is primarily a melee combatant, giving her limited options for range attacks aside from her Impulse Blade and the fully upgraded Polar Strike. While Lightning attacks from Vivian can emit a chain lighting effect for greater area effects, it is still worth mentioning it is an elemental exclusive effect.

As for Vivian's most powerful attacks, all of them require Rage in order to use them. Should Vivian run out of Rage, she will no longer use the abilities until she regains more Rage by continuously attacking her enemies or drink more Rage Potions.

Speaking of Potions, when Vivian drinks a Health and Rage potion, they trigger a cool down period. While yes, she can still drink potions while the cool down period is in effect, the benefits from those potions will actually become weaker the more times Vivian drinks them. So, Vivian must wait for the cool down to end in order to effectively use her potions to maximum effect. 

The only potion type that is unaffected by the cool down drawback is the Elixir, which fully restores Vivian's Health and Rage altogether (This is actually not a weakness at all hahahahah XD!!!)

And finally, her other potion types like the Strength, Speed, Ironskin, Armor, Adrenaline, Critical and Luck Potions are on a time limit. While all the effects are powerful, they only last for a few seconds, making them almost useless in a long drawn fight.

Still despite her flaws, Vivian is without a doubt, a god damn badass. It is quite amazing how she accomplished so much even though she has only one game to her name....... That alone is quite a feat in itself :D!!!! Vivian is just awesome :D!!


In a distant future, a figure is seen inside a containment capsule. Her name is simply known as "Icey". Icey has no past, no memories and only cares about the mission at hand: To Kill Judas.

Icey, once awoken, embarked on a epic quest which resulted in multiple timeline mistakes such as refusing to follow the arrow, which resulted in a time reset and even defeating enemies that are not suppose to be defeated........... How weird yet hilarious XD!!!

Eventually, after multiple tries, The Narrator (Yes, there is a narrator describing Icey's Actions), finally convinced Icey to at last defeat Judas and free the people from his power.... Phew.

That is basically, the story of Icey (Yes, this is it XD!!!). Now, let's see what this badass cyborg can do.


Icey, in terms of Strength, is absolutely powerful. Even though she may look like a cute girl with just a sword (well, we will get into the sword part eventually), Icey herself has displayed countless levels of unbelievable strength feats. They are:

  • Slicing through Armor like Butter
  • Sliced through the likes of Thor (No not Marvel's Thor XD!!!). Thor is a building sized robot and is heavily armored.
  • Sliced through multiple mechs and robots at once with no resistance.
  • Sliced the limbs off from Ideon and Judas. Both of whom are vastly superior to Thor and Gorger in terms of Armor and Sheer Durability.
  • Can break through shields
  • Bypass armor entirely using her Perception ability. This also counts as a Strength feat because the damage output is ridiculous.



In terms of Speed, Icey is without a doubt, legendary. Here is a list of amazing speed feats for Icey.

  • With no effort required, Icey can dodge Laser attacks
  • Attacks with such speed, she is hyper sonic to even faster than light depending on which ability she uses
  • Attack speed surpasses the likes of Dahal, who is able to attack at faster than the eye can track speeds
  • Can see the trajectory of laser beams, which are faster than light
  • Can travel very quickly while using Dash
  • While in mid air, Icey can even Dash across the area, allowing her to even fly.
  • Dodges multiple bullets shot at her at once.
  • Avoided attacks from Gorger, who has a buzzsaw attack that always hits it's target within it's vicinity. Gorger can even devour his opponent. 
  • Avoided a shockwave created by Thor, which covered a 8 meter wide radius and even hits targets in the air.
  • Dodged Jack's targeting system, which covers a huge portion of area and never misses it's intended target



Icey is a durable badass. She is amazingly, and surprisingly durable for someone who never even wear's additional armor. Here is a list of Durability feats for Icey

  • Withstood gunfire, some of which can bypass defenses entirely
  • Can take hotter than the sun laser attacks
  • Took a smash attack from Thor, which can shatter the ground.
  • Can take attacks from Judas and Ideon, who are around city level in terms of power
  • Took lance attacks from robotic lancemen
  • Has tanked attacks from Dahal, who is capable of destroying a bridge.
  • Survived getting devoured by Gorger and Carlos
  • Survived Carlos' piercing attacks, which are capable of breaking through Icey's shield in a instant.


Icey's main weapon (her only weapon infact) is her blade. While it is true Icey has used ranged weapons before, they were part of an early development of the game and were not included in the canon story arc. The blade itself is absolutely sharp. As said before, it can slice through or even bypass armor entirely, making it a deadly weapon.


Icey, despite having no backstory, is actually a highly skilled Cyborg in terms of swordsmanship. It is also worth noting that Icey is also a very athletic and acrobatic Cyborg, making her extremely mobile for combat. Icey herself is able to utilize a wide range of combo attacks. Here is a list of attacks done by Icey

Quadra Slash: Unlike the Three amigo's attack (I made up that name btw hahah), Quadra Slash allows Icey to use an additional attack that slices her enemy with a overhead strike

Brutal Blade: Allows Icey to attack the enemy with such brutality (no pun intended), it may cause them to be lifted up into the air

Back Slash: Icey quickly attacks her enemy from all sides, even delivering area of effect damage to those within her vicinity

Cyclone: Icey unleashes a Whirlwind while in mid air, turning her into a spinning blade of death

Skull Shaker: While in the air, Icey slices downward towards her enemy, sending them crashing to the ground

Cloudsplitter: While in the air, Icey swiftly cuts her enemy from all directions, dealing damage to a group of enemies in a surrounding area in the process

Bounceback: Similar to Skull Shaker except this time, Icey uses more force to not only send the enemy to the ground, they once again reach the air, giving Icey even more opportunities to land more combos while in mid air.... Badass!!!!

Pummel: A slow yet devastating attack that can break through defenses. The third strike unleashes a powerful blast that can also damage enemies in the air. This move can be used both on Ground and in Mid Air, making it incredibly versatile


Skewer: Icey's answer to Dante and Bayonetta's Skewer attacks. Pretty self explanatory, Icey unleashes a flurry of piercing strikes with speed and precision. It also allows Icey to even attack the enemy from both sides at the end of the combo.

Sweep: A One two punch technique, Icey strikes twice, with the second attack sending the enemy to the air.

Uppercut: A technique that, unlike Sweep, actually uses one attack to send the enemy into the air.

Deadly Disc
Deadly Disc: Icey sacrifices a portion of her health to unleash a powerful whirlwind attack.

Shadow Dance

Shadow Dance: Icey sacrifices a portion of her health to create shadows that can teleport towards her enemies and striking them down with tremendous power.

Vertical Slice: Icey slices downward towards the enemy while leaving them suspended in mid air.

Health/Bubble Shield


Icey has a health bar, displaying her health (Obviously XD!!!). 

Aside from that, the yellow bar with arrows beneath her health bar is the bubble shield meter. Icey, when the shield is at full power, can reduce incoming damage while the shield is in effect. The Shield itself can even regenerate after a period of time, making it a very powerful asset for Icey in terms of Defense.

Trump Cards

Icey destroying the Core of an enemy using Perception

Perception: Icey is also not just a skilled sword wielding cyborg, she is also able to use a surprising ability called "Perception". This ability allows Icey to perfectly dodge the attack, and finish off her opponent by delivering a massive blow. This ability is so powerful, it can help Icey end boss fights in mere seconds. It is also worth noting that the ability can even produce Crystals, which are Icey's source of power for another ability.....

Overload: Without a doubt, the most devastating and badass move done by Icey, Overload is an ability that allows Icey to absorb all the crystals around the area, channel their power into her blade and unleash an area of effect attack that delivers unspeakable power. While the ability is in fact absolutely powerful, Icey must have crystals in her vicinity or it will never get triggered. Still, Overload is gargantuanlly insane (Gargantuanlly, a word that I made up that perfectly sums up this ability's description XD!!!) 

Dash: Icey's signature travel and combat speed ability is dash. While the Dash ability runs on 5 bars of dash, the ability is still impressive. Infact, once the bar is empty, it quickly regenerates, making it quite a small drawback. Dash also allows Icey to perfectly dodge attacks and execute her opponents instantly. Which, actually goes with "Perception's" effect also. 

Dash. Notice the yellow bar in the bottom left corner. That's the amount of times Dash can be used in combat

Regeneration: While technically not a passive healing factor, Icey regenerates health after executing her foes. It also regenerates her bubble shield.

Shadow Slice: Icey can summon shadows of herself to strike down her opponents with deadly efficiency. It is also worth noting this ability targets the opponent's weak spots, making it very dangerous for any combat scenario.


Of course, despite being in just one game, oh my, Icey has achieved quite alot. Here is a list of feats done by Icey.

  • Has officially, and cleanly, defeated Judas
  • Defeated Dahal, one of the most powerful enemies Icey ever faced (I always think Ideon is more powerful but, logic is flawed sometimes haha XD!!!)
  • Defeated Ideon
  • Defeated Thor multiple times
  • Defeated Carlos
  • Defeated Gorger
  • Defeted Puck, a robotic arachnid who can call upon additional arachnids for support
  • Defeated Jack, who is apparently a previous host to become the chosen one.
  • Killed Trinity in a slow..... painful death.... nahh I am kidding, Icey one sliced Trinity and that's that XD!!!
  • Can destroy a wave of enemies in just 4 seconds flat.
  • Is super cute!!!!
  • Despite no memories and no background, Icey is still an accomplished Sword Wielding Cyborg.



Despite Icey being an absolute badass, unfortunately, she has a fair share of weaknesses

While Icey herself is indeed an amazing sword wielding cyborg.... that is basically who she is, a sword wielder exclusively. While yes, as mentioned before, Icey at one time did use ranged weaponry, but sadly, since that was part of the early stages in development of the game, the weapons themselves were eventually scrapped, making them highly unlikely to be taken into consideration for this match up.

Also, Icey herself, while being very durable, actually has a drawback. Her bubble shield can withstand damage.... but it is one of the most brittle shields to break through. Infact, simple punch attacks from strong robots are more than enough to break it entirely, making the shield quite ineffective against sufficient force.

Also, Icey herself is very limited in terms of items.... Aside from her blade, that's it. She really has no other methods of "Self Healing" such as potions or even buffs that boost her stats.

It is also worth nothing that the Deadly Disc and Shadow Dance abilities do take a toll on Icey. Should she repeatedly use them, she loses health to the point that those abilities will ultimately make her weaker and eventually kill her.

Finally, Overload. While yes, it is insanely powerful, it only requires crystals to effectively use it. Since the crystals themselves are formed by Icey's enemies, she must first finish them off or use Perception in order to use Overload. This makes it that Overload isn't as reliable as one might think.

Despite her flaws, Icey is an exceptional combatant. Her game alone is one of my favorites and oh man is she adorable. Icey is badass, cute, and above all, a legend.




  • Slightly, very slightly, edges out Icey in terms of Durability
  • Far more items than Icey such as having potions, accessories, Armor and Swords and Daggers
  • Vivian's elixirs fully heal her and restore her rage, even when the potion cooldown is in effect. 
  • Vivian's Adrenaline Potions give her unlimited Rage for a moment, allowing her to unleash her most powerful attacks without the risk of losing Rage.
  • Far more versatile weapons that have different elemental attacks.
  • More experienced due to having a more fleshed out backstory compared to Icey 
  • Unlike Icey, Vivian's more powerful attacks do not drain her health. Making them much more reliable
  • Despite Icey having more air mobility thanks to her Dash and having more Aerial Combos, Vivian's experience against fast flying creatures will allow her to match Icey's mobility.
  • Impulse Blade and a Fully upgraded Polar Strike do provide Vivian a range advantage over Icey
  • Has a nice rack <3!!!


  • Icey's Perception attack will give Vivian a huge uphill battle to overcome. Since it also counters her attacks entirely.
  • Icey is going to be the most unpredictable foe Vivian will ever face.
  • Icey's Bubble Shield will negate most of Vivian's attacks for a moment
  • Shadow Slice will catch Vivian off guard
  • Less Air Attacks
  • Does not have flight mobility aside from her Heaven's Fall.
  • Icey's Shadows target weak spots. So theoretically, Vivian would be harmed severely by their attacks. 
  • Vivian's Health and Rage Potions, despite being able to heal and restore her rage, run on a cool down limit. While Vivian can still drink multiple potions at once, aside from elixirs, their effects are much weaker while the cool down is in effect. 
  • Very slightly edged out by Icey in terms of cuteness XD!!!! 



  • Icey's Perception attack is going to be a huge factor into the fight. Especially considering it can bypass armor entirely
  • Will be the most unpredictable foe that Vivian will ever face.
  • With Dash, Icey does have a momentary flight advantage over Vivian 
  • More Air Attacks compared to Vivian
  • Icey's Bubble shield will protect her from Vivian's strikes for a moment
  • Icey's Shadows will give her a trick up her sleeve against Vivian by attacking Vivian's weak spots. 
  • Shadow Slice will give Icey the surprise advantage. 
  • Very, very slightly edges out Vivian in terms of cuteness :D!!!


  • Very, very slightly, is edged out by Vivian in terms of durability
  • Completely limited in terms of equipment compared to Vivian, who has a huge variety of items for different benefits
  • No elemental attacks compared to Vivian
  • Despite Deadly Disc and Shadow Dance being very powerful, they take a toll on Icey overtime, making them less reliable than Vivian's abilities
  • While Icey is indeed more mobile in the air thanks to Dash, the fact that Vivian's experience against fast flying creatures means that the mobility factor may not even matter to Vivian.
  • Far less experienced since, well, it is established that Icey had no past and no memories.... XD!!!
  • Doesn't exactly have a better rack than Vivian XD!!!


Let me be perfectly clear...... Vivian vs Icey is without a doubt, the closest, most evenly matched battle I ever researched in my 10 years of researching fictional fights.

This fight is absolutely epic, exciting and extremely difficult to find a winner. What is amazing here is that everything about this fight really comes down to the smallest details to determine a winner.... Well, I finally found the answer but first, let's look at the fight itself.

In terms of Stats.... This is a tie. While Vivian may, and I say "MAY" edge out Icey in terms of durability thanks to her armor and feats, Icey on the other hand has a bubble shield and Icey herself has tanked huge amounts of punishment. However, I do believe Vivian does edge out Icey due to the fact that Vivian herself can endure burns, poisons, electrical surges, Petrification and ice attacks and keep fighting at full power. So, the Durability edge goes to Vivian in a very, very slight margin (2% in favor in fact haha) 

As for Strength, this is still a tie. Both Vivian and Icey have produced gargantuan amount of wonders. It is possible to say Icey is stronger due to fighting giant robots compared to Vivian, who fought mythical creatures. But the thing is, Vivian herself can still destroy giant monsters who can weigh over 30-200 tons worth of weight. Added that Vivian herself can still bypass armor entirely using her combos, I think Vivian has the feats to match Icey's Strength perfectly. So strength is a very solid tie.

As for Speed, now this is absolutely dead even. Both Vivian and Icey are ridiculously fast. Both can fight at lightning speeds casually and both can dodge Faster than Light Speeds also. While Icey theoretically is faster than Vivian in terms of air mobility thanks to her Dash, Vivian would be able to tag her with her aerial attacks and eventually land a combo in the process. And Vivian herself did take on fast flying enemies before, so the Dash ability will ultimately be matched by Vivian's speed anyway. So in terms of Raw Speed, this is a solid Tie again.

So as we can see, the stats for this match up are virtually dead even. However, we now look at the abilities to see a clearer picture.

In terms of abilities, both Vivian and Icey are virtually identical with what they can do. However, While Vivian's abilities are exactly the same as Icey's for the most part, Icey does edge out Vivian due to having a few more abilities that are outright devastating.

Firstly, it is Shadow Slice, which Icey summons a shadow to strike at Vivian out of nowhere. Meaning, the Shadows teleport to their target instantly. This alone is going to give Vivian a huge, HUGE surprise. What's more, once Vivian exposes a weak spot, Icey can still summon a shadow to strike down Vivian, which would be effective against Vivian because the damage output would be doubled.

However, that said, Vivian does have a handful of range capabilities such as Impulse Blade, which by itself, is more than capable of tagging Icey if given the chance. However, Icey's Shadow Dance and her powerful Deadly disc have a drawback, they do drain Icey's health.... This makes those abilities very, very questionable against Vivian, who's abilities do not even drain her health at all. Sure, they can drain her Rage but then once Vivian repeatedly strikes at Icey, her rage meter will replenish overtime. So, it seems this is a tie right? Well, Icey has another trick that will be devastating to Vivian..... Perception.

Perception allows Icey to perfectly dodge Vivian's attacks, and Icey will have a second to respond by hacking her way to Vivian, bypassing defenses entirely...... This ability is going to be, the most powerful ability in this fight simply because it not only helps Icey against Vivian in the speed department, it also gives Icey an opening to finish off Vivian with a killing blow. What's more, Perception can create crystals for Icey, which allow her to use Overload, which by itself is a massive area of effect strike. Repeated strikes with Perception and Overload will indeed kill Vivian. And that....... Will not happen.

Why is that? Well, Vivian herself has another trump card up her sleeve..... Items.

Vivian, is loaded with consumables that replenish her health, rage, increase her stats, boost her defenses, granting unlimited Rage and even make Vivian more difficult to put down thanks to elixirs, which actually fully heal Vivian and restore her Rage....... This alone is going to make Icey fight an uphill battle that will...... cost her the fight. Icey herself is very limited to just her blade, which, Vivian is also carrying way more weapons than Icey.

Yes, believe it or not, I personally think that Vivian will win this fight. While it is true that Icey is unpredictable to Vivian, given that she has Shadows to help her out and attack Vivian's weak spots, I believe that solely because of Vivian having more items that heal her and grant stat boosts make it that Vivian would outlast Icey in the long run. And this is not even considering the fact that Vivian has elemental attacks.

Fire Attacks will boost Vivian's attack power, Lightning will trigger electrical surges with every sword swing and, what has to be the biggest game changer for Vivian, Ice attacks will slow down Icey....... This right here shows that Vivian is capable of beating Icey effectively solely because the speed gap between Icey and Vivian will be wider once Vivian applies Ice attacks on Icey.....

And also, Vivian is more experienced than Icey, who had no past, no memories and not a solid backstory to suggest she has done any training. While Icey is indeed skilled, Vivian has more feats to showcase her skills anyway. 

So, thanks to her marginal edge in durability, elemental attacks, having more items, being more experienced and having more reliable abilities. I believe, in what has to be, the best fight ever, Vivian will come out on top........

The Winner of this amazing fight is Vivian



1 comment:

  1. Definitely Vivian, and not because I love The Vagrant, well maybe. But she's one damn character.
