Saturday, July 27, 2019

Who Would Win Series Remastered: Weiss Schnee (RWBY) vs Esdeath (Akame Ga Kill)

Greetings and welcome to another edition of my "Remastered" Series and it is going to be Weiss Schnee from RWBY vs Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill.

The reason why I decided to remaster "Weiss Schnee vs Esdeath" is solely because, while I did do this match up last year, that was before RWBY Volume 6 ended and I only read half of the Akame Ga Kill Manga. Thankfully, I completed both sides of the spectrum and now have the definitive answer to who I believe will finally win this match up.

The info in this match up will be virtually identical with a couple of new factors to consider. And yes, Esdeath will be composited here since her portrayal in the Anime and Manga is consistent to her powerset.

As for Weiss, her info will be the same as her previous match ups. I will not include her feats from the "BlazeBlue Cross Tag Battle" game mainly because the whole game is non canon to the RWBY story arc.

Finally, I will go through the rundown such as Stats, Weapons, Abilities, Trump Cards, Feats and finally, who I personally believe will win this match.

So, without further ado, let's begin.

Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee was born into a wealthy family that ran a very successful business called the Schnee Dust company. Due to the standards of her childhood, and was often feeling lonely, Weiss started off as a bratty girl who thought she was above everyone else in Haven. That was until she knew that the value of friendship was more important. Since then, Weiss has become a very friendly, often times cheerful and a very caring teenager who wants her friends to survive the coming conflict against Salem. This resulted in Weiss taking on dangerous Grimm Creatures, fighting Salem's Forces and ultimately, defeat Salem once and for all.

That's a brief summary of Weiss' backstory. Now lets she what she can do


In terms of Strength, Weiss is particularly strong. Though she may not be the strongest combatant around, Weiss does have notable feats that make her impressive.

  • Parried attacks from Armas Gigas, who wielded a Giant Sword
  • Can Pierce through the skin of Grimm Creatures
  • Sliced up a group of Ice Elementals like butter  


Speed is what Weiss is very good at. One of the fastest characters in RWBY, Weiss has plenty of speed feats that make her a tricky opponent. Here is a list of feats for Speed

Weiss fighting the White Fang Lieutenant
  • Avoided attacks from Armas Gigas, even becoming untouchable for a period of time.
  • Dodged and danced around the White Fang Lieutenant 
  • Of all the members of Team RWBY, Weiss is possibly the fastest of the group, Blake in particular, can deflect bullets and Ruby is fast enough to reach super sonic speeds. 
  • Dodged attacks from Cordovin's Mech
  • Has conjured her Ice quick enough to block enemy attacks.

Weiss is particularly durable. Here is a list of feats for Weiss' Durability.

  • Took a small Dust explosion to the face
  • Took a punch from Armas Gigas
  • Took a clobbering by the White Fang Lieutenant though she didn't suffer any life threatening injuries
  • In the Vale Tournament, Weiss survived getting magma around her body, though this resulted in Weiss being eliminated from the match.
  • Was knocked against a wall by Nora Valkyrie and while Weiss was knocked out, she didn't suffer any head injuries.



Weiss wields her signature weapon known as the Myrtenaster. This rapier is attached with a 6 chambered revolving chamber which is fueled by Dust. The colors of these chambers represent the elements that are contained within each chamber that are Red for Fire, Blue for Ice, Yellow for Lightning, White for Wind, Purple for Gravity and a Cyan colored chamber used for creating barriers.

Myrtenaster is one of the most versatile weapons in the RWBY universe. The versatility of Myrtenaster make it a unpredictable weapon to anyone who faces Weiss' in combat.


Weiss' semblance is one of the most versatile powers in the RWBY universe (Seriously, Weiss herself is a Swiss army knife at this point). Her semblance allows her to create glyphs out of thin air, can teleport through glyphs for travel and even combat. She can create multiple glyphs at once to  outspeed her opponents and increase her already amazing attack speed.  

Weiss and Armas Gigas

Another addition to Weiss' semblance is the ability to summon the fallen foes she has fought in the past. Armas Gigas for instance is now part of Weiss' collection of minions. Other minions Weiss' can summon are a Boarbatusk and a Queen Lancer.


Weiss is very versatile with her dust. However, she mainly uses her Ice Dust for combat. That said, while Weiss may come across as a "Ice User", she is more than that. Here is a list of abilities with her Dust.


Weiss using Ice Dust to Summon a row of Ice Spikes

  • Can create a large row of Ice Spikes
  • Created an ice wall that protected Ruby from a Giant Scorpion's stinger.
  • Can create a circle of ice surrounding her, killing all enemies around her

  •  With Red dust, she can use it it amplify her cutting power and even create fire waves from Myrtenaster
Weiss using Red Dust.

  • With Yellow Dust, she can enhance Myrtenaster with an electrical beam that increases it's cutting potential. She used this dust against Armas Gigas 
  • Can create a gust of wind using White Dust


Of course, Weiss herself is a powerhouse in terms of abilities. Here is a list of confirmed abilities that Weiss' has used.

  • Teleportation
  • Time Dilation
  • Barriers
  • Glyph Conjuration
  • Able to increase her Speed and her teammates Speed.
  • Can use her Queen Lancer Minion for flight. 
  • Can trap her opponents with her Glyphs to deliver a finishing blow. 

Weiss Schnee is highly skilled with her Myrtenaster. Also, Weiss is mainly a "Spell Caster" in terms of overall combat effectiveness though she can be quite efficient in close range combat. 

On a final note, Weiss is somewhat good at stealth, thanks to no small part of her leaving the Schnee Mansion undetected XD!!! 

Feats for Weiss Schnee

Of course, being one of the central characters of "RWBY" (Since Weiss represents the "W"), Weiss has a fair share of feats for her resume. Here are a list of accomplishments for Weiss Schnee 

  •  Has officially, and cleanly, defeated Armas Gigas
  • Defeated a Queen Lancer
  • Has defeated multiple Ice Minions by herself
  • Assisted Team RWBY and JNPR in defeating both a Giant Scorpion and A Giant Bird
  • Helped her own team defeat Roman Torchwick in a train chase
  • Participated in the battle of Beacon..... Twice
  • Helped defeat Cordovin, who piloted a building sized mech.


Despite her amazing abilities and power set, Weiss is one of, if not, the most fragile character in RWBY. She has lost in numerous fights that involved her even having the speed advantage. The White Fang Lieutenant defeated her despite Weiss dominating the majority of the fight. Even worse, Weiss' barriers, while durable, can easily be broken and completely shattered by sufficient force. Another weakness for Weiss is that her aura is not as durable as Yang's, Cinder Fall's, Nora, Mercury and even Ruby of all people. If her aura is depleted, Weiss is basically defenseless. 

 Finally, with regards to Weiss' resume, aside from her fight in her own "White Trailer", SHE HAS NEVER WON A SINGLE DUEL!!!!!!! 


Still, despite all of her flaws, Weiss is a very versatile, very fast and a very skilled combatant.


Esdeath was born in the Northern Frontier Lands. Her tribe, known as the Partas Tribe, was a hunting group that mainly hunted Danger beasts to survive. Esdeath herself learned that only the strong survive and that rule alone motivated her into becoming one of the most sadistic, ambitious and determined figures of the world. At a young age, she witnessed the destruction of her village and the death of her father and vowed to become stronger because of it. As time went on, Esdeath eventually joined the Empire and climbed the ranks to become a General. During that time Esdeath eventually met Prime Minister Honest who gifted Esdeath with a Teigu of her choice. Esdeath knew the Demon's Extract called to her, thus she chose to drink the blood of a demon that drives people insane. Somehow, Esdeath endured the effects and eventually gained the powers of the Demon's Extract.

Eventually Esdeath was the commander of the Three Beasts and The Jaegers. Since then, Esdeath as become one of the most influential, charismatic and most powerful figures of the Empire 

That's a detailed background of Esdeath. Now, let's see what this powerful Ice User is capable of.



Esdeath is a powerhouse in terms of Strength. Here is a list of amazing feats for Esdeath in the Strength department

Esdeath executing Numa Seika
  • As a child, Esdeath is able to lift heavy Danger Beasts over her shoulder. What's more, sometimes she can pull wagon loads of Danger Beasts by herself, some of which can weigh over 800kg.
  • Kicked Brain Matter out of Numa Seika's head with just a flick of a kick.
  • Parried attacks from Akame and Susanoo. Susanoo in particular is strong enough to completely stop Dr Stylish's Giant Trump Card, which is the size of a mountain.
  • Kicked Wave across a room and forced him to crash against a wall, creating a large crack in the process
  • Has kicked Leone so hard, she was stunned from the force.



Speed Wise, Esdeath may well be the fastest combatant in Akame Ga Kill, rivaled only by Akame and above other speedsters such as Kurome, Tatsumi and Wave. Here is a list of amazing speed feats for Esdeath

Esdeath killing Three Danger Beasts with just a strike
  • Sliced three Danger Beasts at once 
  • Defeated the entire team of the Jaegers at their first meeting by reacting to all of their attacks. Although Kurome did get a lucky blow by slicing Esdeath's mask off
  • Has surpassed Leone's Speed by a wide margin, who scales to Akame
  • Evenly Matched with Akame, who can slice three men in nanoseconds and a group of Dr Stylish's Cronies in a split second
  • In the anime, Esdeath managed to keep up with Akame with just one arm. Mind you, Akame is using her "Little War Horn State", which made her much more powerful and faster, Esdeath kept up with Akame throughout the entire fight..... What a badass!!!!!
  • Can jump into the air in quick succession. Esdeath even caught Akame off guard for a moment during their duel.
  • Has managed to avoid all the attacks from a combined effort of Leone, Tatsumi, Najenda and Susanoo. (Manga Version)
  • Despite getting bombarded by multiple Teigu Wielders at once, Esdeath remained untouched (Manga Version) 

Esdeath vs The Four Teigu Wielders XD!!!



Strength and Speed aside, Esdeath is a durable badass. Esdeath herself has even showcased amazing Durability Feats in Akame Ga Kill that make her pretty difficult to put down effectively. Here is a list of Durability Feats for Esdeath.

Esdeath Unphased by "Heavy Pressure"
  • No sold Blaze Ball, a Fire Based attack that can vaporize humans 
  • Is literally unharmed, or even unphased by the Teigu "Heavy Pressure", a Microphone that delivers powerful sound waves that Pulverize Human bones. The Trump Card in particular is powerful enough to even cause craters in the ground.
  • Took a full on punch by Tatsumi, who was wearing Incursio 2 Armor at the time. Incursio 2 is strong enough to send Shikouteizer, A Mountain Sized Mech, flying backwards
  • Can fight at full strength despite the amputation of her arm (I love you Esdeath!!!!)


Esdeath with her Rapier

Esdeath's weapons are mainly bladed weapons. Her Rapier for instance may not look impressive, although it has cut three danger beasts at once, parried attacks from Akame, Susanoo and Tatsumi. She also conjures Ice Swords which are virtually identical to the rapier in terms of durability and usage.

Teigu/Imperial Arms

The Demon Extract



Esdeath's Imperial Arms is unique in that it is not actually a weapon but a Elemental type Teigu called Demon's Extract. The Demon's Extract is created using the blood of a legendary Super Class Danger Beast from the Northern Lands. Whoever drinks the blood of the beast are immediately driven insane and have a tattoo on their chest. Esdeath however endured the effects and eventually mastered it's use. This allowed her to conjure and manipulate Ice at will. What is amazing about this Imperial Arms is that for Esdeath to conjure ice, she doesn't require any resources to do so.

  Esdeath exclusively uses Ice based attacks in combat. Her feats for these abilites are:

  • Froze an entire riverbed in a timespan of 8-10 seconds. Mind you, Esdeath also froze the riverbed with such density that her entire army crossed it without the ice cracking at all.   

  • Weissschnabel: An ability that allows Esdeath to create Icicles from thin air and are used for long ranged combat. These icicles are so powerful they held back a mountain sized Giant.

  • Grauhorn: Esdeath creates a Giant horn of ice from thin air to pierce her opponents. Esdeath used this ability on Akame, who barely reacted to it.

  • Hagelsprung: Esdeath creates an enormous pillar of Ice and lands it into the ground, crushing her enemies. This Giant Pillar of Ice is so powerful, it crushed a mountain sized Giant instantly. It also travels so fast Akame barely escaped it

  •  Can Freeze her opponents by touching the ground or  by simply a hand gesture.

  • Can create multiple Ice Spikes at her opponents.
  • Creates a wall of ice containing men, and, with just a thought, broke the entire wall of ice immediately.

  •  Is able to fly..... Yes, Esdeath can fly!!!
  • Can create Ice Armor for greater protection
Esdeath  creating Ice Armor to prevent Akame from applying Murasame's Curse.
  •  Can completely shatter limbs from her opponent using her Ice.
    Esdeath shattering Najenda's Arm using her Ice.

  • Can create a massive Ice Armor that allows her to become entirely coated with Ice.
Esdeath's Giant Ice Armor
Esdeath's Ice Barriers
  • Can conjure Ice Swords and Daggers at will
  • Can create Ice based Sword waves
  • Creates Ice Barriers for added defenses
  • Can Conjure an Ice Tree that shoots out Ice Shards

Esdeath creating her own arm using her Ice Manipulation

  •  Can, I kid you not, regenerate her own limbs using her Ice...... Wow, that is just legendary
  • Can simply freeze her opponent completely after they touch her. Meaning, Esdeath's skin is literally coated with... Invisible Ice XD!!!

Trump Cards

Mahapadma "Makadooma": The first Trump Card in Esdeath's arsenal. This ability allows Esdeath to completely stop time. During this state, only Esdeath can move and attack her opponents. While this ability is legendary and incredibly powerful, it is very taxing and must only be used once a day. Despite it's flaws, Mahapadma remains Esdeath's best ability to date.

Ice Calvary: The Second Trump card in Esdeath's Arsenal. It allows Esdeath to create an army of ice centaurs. It is also worth noting that the Ice Calvary can even regenerate themselves after being destroyed. Meaning, they can reform back immediately.
Esdeath's Ice Calvary

Ice Storm Commander in Chief: Esdeath's Third Trump Card. This ability creates a "Russian Winter". The storm is so big it covered most of the Empire in ice and snow. It also increases Esdeath's Power Level substantially.
Ice Storm Commander in Chief's Effect. Notice the scale of the Storm covering an entire continent


Esdeath hunting a Danger Beast as a child
As a General, it comes to no surprise that Esdeath is a master in combat. Both Offensively and Defensively, Esdeath is able to control the battle using both Brute Force and Tactics. 

In relation to her tactics, Esdeath is able to employ rather tricky maneuvers with her army and the Jaegers such as decoys and reconnaissance.

It is also worth noting that Esdeath is a skilled hunter, since she has hunted Danger Beasts in her childhood. Esdeath hunted them using stealth and craftiness in order to take them down efficiently

Finally, Esdeath is also an expert at torturing her opponents. This alone also makes her very knowledgeable with the human anatomy, and such, she can land instant kill moves with precision by targeting the vital organs of her victims. 

Feats for Esdeath  

Of course, being one of the central characters of Akame Ga Kill, Esdeath has a gargantuan amount of feats. Here is a list of Esdeath's amazing Resume.

Esdeath fighting Susanoo
  • Has officially, and cleanly, and beautifully, and efficiently, defeated Numa Seika and his army. Numa Seika is said to be virtually undefeated in battle until Esdeath destroyed him and his army
  • Managed to overpower the Jaegers in their first meeting
  • Is stated to have single handedly Froze and  killed over 400 000 soldiers in battle and her campaigns. The Numbers may be even higher than that due to the events of Akame Ga Kill showcasing massive amounts of bloodshed performed by Esdeath alone
  • Has defeated Tatsumi, Susanoo, Najenda and Leone all by herself 
  • Defeated over five Teigu Wielders at once and not get scratched by any of their attacks.
  • Officially stated to be the Strongest Combatant in Akame Ga Kill
  • Killed a Mountain Sized Danger Beast very easily
  • Overpowered Akame for the vast majority of the fight
  • Defeated Susanoo in a 1v1 duel. Susanoo is an Imperial Arms Teigu who is over 1000 years old.
  • Defeated Tyrant, which is actually Tatsumi being transformed into a giant dragon. This is notable because Tatsumi adapted to Esdeath's Mahapadma, however, since Esdeath used Mapahadma while in her Commander In Chief State, Tatsumi still froze in time despite the resistance to it's effects.
  • Killed numerous Oppression groups single handedly
  • Killed hundreds if not thousands of Danger Beasts all her life
  • Destroyed Murasame........ That alone showcases Esdeath achieving the Impossible :D!!!
  • Voiced by Christine Auten
  • Is literally, my all time favorite Ice User in fiction
  • Has..... well I better not say it XD!!!
  • Is the perfect combination of Cuteness, Sadistic and Coolness... No pun intended
  • Possibly has the best physical appearance out of everyone in Akame Ga Kill.


While Esdeath herself is a total badass and a very powerful combatant, she does have weaknesses. Firstly, while it is indeed difficult to do so, Esdeath can still be harmed by normal means of attacks.

Also, should someone be immune to Esdeath's Ice attacks, theoretically, Esdeath would be at a disadvantage mainly because Ice is what Esdeath uses as her bread and butter in combat. 

It is also worth noting that Esdeath at times can be cocky and over confident with her capabilities. This in turn made the perfect opportunity for Akame to cut Esdeath's arm off. Mind you, this was in the manga.

Finally, Esdeath dies in both versions of Akame Ga Kill. Meaning, there really is nothing else to gather after her death.... well, aside from the fact that her hand is now in possession of Suzuka..... Really??? XD!!!

Suzuka keeping Esdeath's Hand.....

Despite her flaws, Esdeath is a true powerhouse in combat. Esdeath is also having the distinction of being my all time favorite Ice User in fiction. Esdeath is Awesome, Lovable and above all, Cool..... No pun intended XD!!!



Weiss Schnee

  • More Versatility thanks to Myrtenaster's dust manipulation
  • Has more stealth feats via the Schnee Mansion escape vs Esdeath, who has no stealth feats.
  • Is more Adorable than Esdeath

  • Literally irrelevant in terms of overall Stats
  • Despite being protected by an Aura, Weiss is still not going to survive all of Esdeath's attacks overtime, resulting in the depletion of the Aura and opening Weiss to a lethal killshot 
  • Her Power, while good, is destroyed by Esdeath's Power substantially
  • Her summons are laughably outnumbered by Esdeath's Ice Calvary. Even worse, their self regeneration makes them virtually unable to be put down effectively.
  • Nowhere near as skilled as Esdeath
  • Winning only one 1v1 duel is not impressive compared to Esdeath winning duels all her life.
  • Nowhere near as Sexy as Esdeath




  • Statstomps Weiss substantially
  • While Weiss is in fact protected by an Aura, Esdeath is more than capable of breaking through the Aura, killing Weiss effectively
  • Esdeath's Power annihilates Weiss by a huge margin. 
  • Esdeath's Ice Calvary are vastly superior to Weiss' summons due to their self regeneration and their numbers
  • Much more skilled than Weiss
  • Has a much better resume than Weiss such as more victories and more battle participation
  • Much sexier than Weiss Schnee 


  • Exclusively an Ice Based user vs Weiss' who is able to control multiple elements
  • Not as adorable as Weiss
  • Is beaten by Weiss via Stealth since Esdeath doesn't quite uses Stealth. (Keep in mind her hunting skills are considered stealth tactics though it is not in character for Esdeath to be sneaky in front line combat)

The Final Verdict

 Well, it has come to this. This match up is absolutely one sided that now, after knowing every single detail for both sides..... Esdeath absolutely wins this match up with the lowest amount of effort possible.

Simply put, not only does Esdeath outclass Weiss in basically every single category, it is also worth noting that a recent video by Death Battle known as "Weiss Schnee vs Mitsuru Kirijo" came by. In that video, it is officially stated that Weiss generated Seven tons of power in order to prevent a rocket blast using her Ice...... Seven tons????? Really? That is easily broken by Esdeath, who at least has to go to around the Twenty Thousand Ton range via the Mountain Level feats. That alone showcases the fight's level of a stomp.

What is even worse, ever since my original blog of the match up, Weiss herself is much weaker than I originally thought at the time. Esdeath on the other hand gradually got more powerful after I read the entire manga, meaning, the gap between these two is now much bigger than before.

So, Weiss simply cannot stop Esdeath anymore. Even if RWBY officially ended, Weiss will never reach Esdeath's level due to her power set being officially shown to be at the 7 ton range.

But wait, you might be thinking, what about the 231.5 tons feat with Cordovin? Isn't that gonna help Weiss? Well, Nope. Not only was that feat vastly overplaying Weiss, even if it was her peak, that is still not enough to beat Esdeath, who, again, is above Mountain Level. Infact, the Manga stated Esdeath is a continent level being..... That alone meant that Esdeath really is way too much for Weiss to handle.

The moment the fight starts, all Esdeath can do is kick Weiss and the fight is over. Weiss herself is tough but wow, she is not getting up from a kick from Esdeath anytime soon.

Also, while Weiss is more versatile, Esdeath can simply dodge all of Weiss' attacks. In fact, the abilities of Myrtenaster are already witnessed by Esdeath anyway, meaning they are going to do jack to Esdeath. Even if Weiss is more stealthy, the fact that Esdeath can literally prevent stealth attacks coming at her via her senses means that the stealth advantage is meaningless.

And let's not forget that Esdeath's Trump Cards such as Ice Calvary and Ice Storm are way above Weiss' Summons and her abilities. But of course, Esdeath can use Mahapadma, a Time Stop....... Which ultimately gives Esdeath the instant win. 

And finally, Experience...... Esdeath completely shatters Weiss here, who only won one duel..... One Duel??? vs Esdeath winning countless battles all her life..... No contest.

Overall, due to her Stats, Experience, Abilities, Trump Cards, Skills, Christine Auten's Voice and her Sexiness, I believe, with a percentage chance of 100%, Esdeath destroys Weiss Schnee

The Definitive Winner is Esdeath



  1. If you put Esdeath against each RWBY character except Ozpin and Salem, how many people does she go through in 1v1 fights?

    1. Well if you want me to be honest, Esdeath Clean Houses the whole Roster. I can say she would definitely beat Ozpin and Salem anyway because her Mahapadma is a literal time stop. I wonder if Oscar even remotely has a chance against Esdeath XD!!!!
