Friday, February 8, 2019

Season 2: Legolas Greenleaf (Middle Earth and the Lord of The Rings) vs Chewbacca (Star Wars)

Greetings and welcome to a new edition of my Who Would Win Series and it is going to be Legolas Greenleaf from The Lord of the Rings and Middle Earth universe vs Chewbacca from Star Wars.

For this epic, legendary and badass match up, I will go over the base stats, the weapons, skills, equipment and for the first time ever, a list of feats performed by both Legolas and Chewbacca that solidified them as badass, legendary warriors. 

For Legolas, I will be focusing on his canonical appearances such as his time in the Lord of the Rings Story arc and I will also include his feats from the Hobbit Films since the storyline does connect with The Lord of the Rings. I will also include Legolas' appearances in the Games and I will not include his appearance in the Ralph Bashki film since that version of Legolas is not even close to his power level. 

As for Chewbacca, I will use his canonical appearances in the Star Wars Universe but I will also include his appearances in the Expanded Universe because Chewbacca's appearances during that timeline shows more feats than what he has done in the films. I will also provide some screenshots of a modded video game featuring Chewbacca and even include screenshots of the video game Jedi Knight Jedi Academy to showcase Chewbacca's bowcaster capabilities. 

So, without further ado, let's end the debate on this incredible match up.

Legolas Greenleaf

Legolas Greenleaf is the Prince of Mirkwood, a Forest region that is inhabited by Wood Elves, ruled by King Thranduil, who is Legolas' father. Legolas himself is a Sindarin Elf, in other words, a Grey Elf.

During his time in Mirkwood, Legolas eventually befriended a fellow Wood Elf named Tauriel, who has assisted Legolas in numerous conflicts that otherwise threatened Mirkwood. Eventually, after the arrival of Bilbo Baggins and the company of Dwarves led by Thorin Oakenshield, Legolas led a scouting party to capture the group and eventually take them to Thranduil for questioning. 

Afterwards, it was revealed that the company of Dwarves were chased by a ruthless albino Orc named Azog, who led a raiding party to Mirkwood, sparking a conflict that forced Legolas and Tauriel to participate and resolve the attack. Eventually, Legolas was able to assist the Dwarves in defeating Azog and the forces of evil at the Battle of Five Armies.

Years later, Legolas arrived at Rivendell to discuss the escape of Gollum, a creature who possessed the One Ring, one of the most powerful artifacts ever created in Middle Earth. However, during that meeting, it was revealed that a hobbit named Frodo Baggins is now the ring bearer. Elrond requested that Nine Walkers or Nine Riders must set out to destroy the One Ring to win the war against Sauron, The Lord of the Rings. Frodo decided to set out on this quest, which inspired eight other members to join him, one of them was Legolas. This group eventually became "The Fellowship of the Ring". After a long trek, from Rivendell, through the Mines of Moria, and then Parth Galen, the Fellowship officially disbanded yet Legolas joined his friends Aragorn and Gimli in a new journey to assist them in tackling the Forces of Evil.

Eventually, Legolas has participated in numerous battles and was present at the Battle of Mordor, which resulted in Frodo Baggins destroying the One Ring, claiming victory for the free peoples of Middle Earth. 

Since then, Legolas has left Middle Earth to journey to the Undying Lands. He was never seen again.

That is a detailed backstory of Legolas, now, let's see what this badass Elf is capable of.

Legolas himself is surprisingly strong. As a Wood Elf, he has greater strength than a human and is even strong enough to do incredible feats. Strength feats for Legolas are:

  • Punched Bolg, a tall, heavily built Orc who weighs 436lbs. Legolas' punches pushed Bolg backwards towards buildings.
  • Has shoved Bolg towards a wooden pole numerous times
  • Tossed Bolg around while fighting on a narrow, brittle bridge.
  • After killing Bolg, Legolas kicked Bolg and lifted himself up in the air. This feat is incredible because this also resulted in the bridge being dismantled in the process
  •  Strong enough to parry attacks from Orcs, Goblins, Bolg and Uruk Hai. Uruk Hai are the strongest species of Orcs who can wield massive, long swords and are capable of cleaving through groups of warriors in one sweep.
  • Grabbed Gimli's beard when he was about to fall to the chasm of Moria. Gimli is a Dwarf who wears heavy armor.
  • Can pierce through Uruk Hai Armour in Hand to Hand Combat effortlessly, which is durable enough to deflect sword attacks should one doesn't aim for the weak spots.

Legolas is fast, but not just fast, he is insanely fast. Infact, Legolas' speed is so great that it is almost impossible to touch or even graze him in combat should a combatant be below his speed level. Here are Legolas' incredible speed feats:

  • Dodges arrows, crossbow arrows and siege weapons regularly
  • Dodged and even reflected Bolg's attacks, which are equal to Legolas' speed
  • Has ran for days nonstop while attempting to rescue Merry and Pippin from a band of Uruk Hai.
  • Runs Faster than Uruk Hai, who are faster than peak humans and even some races of Elves.
  • Ran from the Balrog, the Balrog is capable of reaching great distances in a short time span
  • Attack Speed exceeded a group of Haradrim who were riding a Mumakil. Haradrim in Middle Earth are a Nation of Men who serve Sauron to combat the Forces of Good. In combat, Haradrim are equal to Elves in terms of Attack Speed yet Legolas still surpassed them.
  • Can quickly climb on top of a Mumakil, which is around 12-14 meters tall. 

Unfortunately, Legolas doesn't have alot of durability feats. However, he still has a couple of notable durability feats that put him above human level. Feats for Durability are:

  • Legolas has been thrown around by Bolg and even took several beatings from the Orc, this resulted in Legolas either bleeding from the nose or outright shrug off the attack.  
  • Endured a blast that destroyed the Deeping Wall at Helm's Deep, Legolas wasn't knocked out from the blast.
  • Can take attacks from Orcs, Goblins, Uruk Hai, Trolls and even the Spirits of the Dead. Spirits of the Dead can kill anything they touch with just their presence alone.

Legolas is armed with numerous weapons that he has used over the course of his time in Middle Earth. Here is the list of weapons that Legolas brings to the fight.

Mirkwood Bow: Legolas' first bow. This bow was wielded by Legolas during the Hobbit Movies and before his arrival at Lothlorien. The Bow is capable of piercing through Orcish Armour and even Cave Troll skin, which is tough enough to be blade resistant. 

Bow of the Galadhrim: Gifted by Galadriel before leaving Lothlorien, Legolas was given the Bow of the Galadhrim. This bow is even more powerful than his previous bow. Only this time, the Bow can even pierce through Uruk Hai Armour and even pierce through Mumakil skin, which is arrow resistant except for Legolas.....   


Elvish Long Knives: For Melee combat, Legolas wields two knives. These knives are so deadly that even Armour is virtually useless because of how sharp the blades are. Infact, these blades can slice up Troll flesh easily.

Orcrist: Legolas has wielded a Long Sword named Orcrist that was capable of delivering deadly results to his unfortunate victims. The blade was originally wielded by Thorin Oakenshiled before Legolas confiscated the weapon from him. The sword, as shown by both Thorin and Legolas, can cleave through groups of enemies like butter. It can also severely harm Trolls.

Throwing Spears: In the games, Legolas can throw spears at his enemies that can one shot even a Attack Troll. Attack Trolls are significantly more durable than cave trolls yet Legolas can one shot them with just a spear throw......

Aside from weapons, Legolas is also armed with equipment that are just as vital to him in terms of combat and even adventuring. The list of equipment that Legolas has are:

Mirkwood Armor: Legolas has worn Scale Armor forged by Wood Elves from Mirkwood. It is very durable for armor standards, capable of stopping crossbow bolts from penetrating the body.

Leather Armor: Legolas' main armor, or clothing, is his leather armor worn by him during the events of the Lord of the Rings. While lacking any notable feats, the armor does allow Legolas to perform great feats for agility and speed. Another thing of note, Legolas added shoulder plates to his armor for greater protection during the battle of Helm's Deep and The Battle of Minas Tirith and Mordor itself.

Quiver: Legolas' most useful item is his quiver. What is amazing is that the quiver has been shown to carry over hundreds of arrows at once. While the games do have a set amount of arrows for Legolas to carry, the Quiver in the movies has shown that it has a near limitless amount of arrows for Legolas to use.

In terms of Skills, Legolas is possibly the most skilled warrior in Middle Earth that is not an Istari (Wizard) and a Maiar. Legolas' skills in both Hand to Hand and Ranged combat is legendary, surpassing even the likes of Boromir, Aragorn and Gimli in terms of melee combat and is unrivaled in bowmanship, which Legolas is iconically known for. His skills surpassed even Haradrim, High Elves that are skilled enough to outmatch Dunedain Rangers in terms of ranged combat, Uruk Hai and even Lurtz, who killed Boromir with superb accuracy.

Feats for Legolas

Of all the stuff that is mentioned for Legolas, we cannot simply finish his info without mentioning his most impressive feats
. Here are the feats achieved by Legolas: 

  •  Defeated Bolg
  • Legolas can shoot his arrows with such speed that the enemy dies before realizing what just happened. This puts the arrow speed at hypersonic to lightning level speeds
  • Has killed the Cave Troll that attacked the Fellowship in Balin's Tomb within Moria
  • Can use multiple arrows at once and even hit groups of enemies. The same technique was used on the Cave Troll that dealt so much force, it pushed the troll backwards for a moment
  • Stood ontop of snow as light as a feather
  • Shot down groups of Uruk Hai in seconds. 
  • Can shoot an arrow kilometers away and still score a headshot
  • Shot down a Warg Rider that was about a kilometer from his position
  • Equal to Tauriel in terms of attack speed. Tauriel shot down a arrow in mid air.
  • Shot down a Mumakil with just one arrow. Mumakil are arrow resistant yet Legolas killed it with just one arrow....... .LEGENDARY!!!!
  • In the games, Legolas is capable of shooting arrows through groups of enemies at once.
  • Reacted to attacks from Orcs, Uruk Hai, Haradrim, Bolg and even Gandalf, whose spells can travel faster than Elvish arrows.
  • In the Return of the King video Game, Legolas can kill the Spirits of the Dead, who are actually intangible.
  • Defeated Nazgul at the Battle of Mordor. Nazgul were fallen kings of men deceived by Sauron and were fallen to darkness. They are also immortal.
  • Defeated Gimli in a shot glass drinking contest.
  • Slid down Spider webs.
  • Skateboarded ontop of a Uruk Hai Shield and shot down numerous Uruk Hai. Legolas never missed a single shot during this feat
  • Slices through Uruk Hai armor like butter with only his knives.
  • Limitless stamina
  • Is a legendary badass XD!!! 
  • Is also a great Singer "Their taking the Hobbits to Isengard!!!" 


Despite his legendary feats and status as a badass. Legolas unfortunately does have weaknesses. Firstly, Legolas is far from being the strongest combatant physically and should he be overpowered, theoretically he is at a disadvantage. Also, Legolas has the same limitations as a regular Wood Elf has. He can die from normal means of attacks and if he takes too much damage, he will eventually succumb to his wounds if he is not tended to his injuries. Also of note, Legolas has ran out of arrows during his final battle with Bolg, which took away his range advantage and forced him to go melee. 

Still, despite his flaws, Legolas is "Flawless" in terms of combat and being a badass at what he does. What is amazing here is that Legolas has accomplished wonders that defy the laws of physics. Why? because he is Legolas............



Chewbacca is a Wookie born in the Planet Kashyyk 200 years before the Battle of Yavin. Chewbacca was raised in a world where Wookies lived ontop of forests inside tree houses and even tree courts and marketplaces....... Yeah, Wookies have a very, very cool lifestyle compared to other species of aliens and humans XD!!!!

On a serious note, Chewbacca himself has participated in the Clone Wars, fighting with the Republic against the Seperatists. Unfortunately, after the Clone Wars ended, Chewbacca was captured by the newly formed Galactic Empire and was sold to slavery. Thankfully, some time later, Chewbacca was rescued by a smuggler named Han Solo, who eventually formed a life debt with and has become his best friend ever since. During the course of his adventures with Han Solo, Chewie eventually joined Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Lando Calrissian, Obi Wan Kenobi, C3P0 and R2-D2 in a battle to defeat the Galactic Empire led by Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. After the battle of Endor, which resulted in the victory of the Rebel Alliance and the fall of the Empire, Chewie eventually helped out with regaining control of Kashyyk from the Empire, granting freedom to the Wookies in the process. Eventually, Han Solo started a family with Leia Organa, and Han has vowed to allow Chewbacca be a part of his newly formed family. During this time, Chewbacca himself was married also, and even introduced Han to his wife and son as well (How coincidental XD!!!)  

Eventually, Han and Chewie set out for more adventures, which ultimately resulted in them getting into more mischief and even the corruption of Han's son Ben, aka Kylo Ren, to the Dark Side. This turn of events also led Chewie into meeting Rey, Finn and BB-8, and eventually, Chewie and Han decided to help them achieve their goal: To find Luke Skywalker. Unfortunately, Han Solo was killed during the mission, and Chewie lost a brotherly friend in the process. However, Chewie eventually found new bonds with Rey and even BB-8 and participated with them in the Battle of Crait. Since then, Chewie and his friends are on a mission to stop the First Order from dominating the galaxy.

That is a detailed backstory of Chewbacca. Now, let's see what this legendary Wookie can do.


Chewbacca is incredibly strong. Infact, Chewbacca's species, Wookies, are known for their immense strength and are among the strongest species to exist in Star Wars. For Chewie, his strength can be easy to calculate thanks to detailed info and surprising methods. Here are a couple of feats of Strength for Chewbacca:
  •  Can lift humans with just one arm with very little effort
  • Can throw around Stormtroopers like Ragdolls. Stormtrooper armor can weigh over 50kgs or even 100kgs depending on extra equipment and weapons they take.
  • Destroyed the door of Luke Skywalker's hideout with just a punch.
  • Can rip arms off from their sockets as it was said by Han Solo, who witnessed this while they infiltrated a Mining Opertation in Kessel.
  • Can swing a rope towards an AT-ST walker while carrying two Ewoks. Ewoks in Star Wars are quite heavy, and their sheer size can even knock back Stormtroopers
  • Scales to Zaalbaar, another Wookie who can use melee weapons to pierce through Durasteel Armor and even Mandalorian Armor. Mandalorian Armor is so durable that even lightsabers have difficulty in piercing and slashing them.  
  • Regularly carries heavy cargo while helping Han and friends travel around the Galaxy.
  • As a Wookie, Chewbacca can also scale to other Wookies with incredible strength. A report by an Imperial Officer said at one time, he witnessed a Wookie Prisoner break a Droid with his bare hands. Droids in Star Wars are exceptionally difficult to tear apart without weaponry. So for a Wookie to achieve this, makes it very impressive. 

In terms of Speed, Chewbacca, is actually very, very fast. Despite his size, believe it or not, Chewie himself is even faster than what people give him credit for. Here are some surprising feats for Speed.

  • Chewie can run faster than humans, even Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa trail behind Chewie while getting chased by the Empire.
  • Can run around snow like it was nothing. 
  • Scales to Wookies who can even jump at great distances. In Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith, Wookie Bombers can jump from a Seperatist vehicle and avoid a point blank explosion that destroyed the vehicle in mere seconds.
  • Has ambushed a speeder bike. Speeder Bikes can travel at hypersonic speeds.
  • Has Avoided blast attacks from Stormtroopers, Smugglers and Pirates.
  • Almost close to Han Solo's combat speed. Han Solo is quick enough to shoot Greedo in half a second.
  • Outpaced AT-ST Walkers in terms of speed.
  • Can Scale to Zaalbaar, who is fast enough to keep up with Revan and Bastila. Even better, once Revan and Bastila use Force Speed, Zaalbaar is always on par with their speed and was in no influence of the force power whatsoever.

Chewie is possibly the toughest hero in Star Wars in terms of Durability. What's more, as a Wookie, it comes to no surprise that Chewie has accomplished legendary feats for durability. Here are some feats for his durability.

  • Chewie has been shot by a blaster to the arm. While it injured Chewie, it is impressive considering that blaster fire can melt through flesh.
  • Can shrug off punches from Stormtroopers, Smugglers, Pirates and other Wookies.
  • Has tanked attacks from Black Krrsantan, another Wookie who can lift a huge boulder very easily.
  • Took point blank explosions and still survive.
  • Was knocked against walls regularly and always gets back up without feeling severe effects.
  • Scales to Zaalbaar, who can even withstand Lightsaber attacks from Dark Jedi and bladed attacks from skilled warriors.


In terms of Weapons, Chewie has wielded a couple of weapons over the course of Star Wars. While he has used other weapons more frequently, there are a couple of weapons that Wookies use that Chewie can bring to the fight. Here is a list of weapons used by Chewie.

Wookie Bowcaster: Chewbacca's Signature weapon. The Bowcaster is an extraordinarily powerful and versatile weapon. It has multiple functions that are a Single shot, Multi Shot for shooting at multiple targets at once, a Ricochet shot that can bounce around walls and hit the enemy and even a Quarrel, which speeds up the Bowcaster's Projectile substantially. 

E11 Blaster: This Blaster Rifle is the standard weapon for Stormtroopers. It has a Single Shot and Automatic Fire function, giving it great versatility. However, it has poor accuracy compared to other blasters. Still, the E11 Blaster packs a huge punch in any situation.

Wookie Guided Rocket Launcher: This powerful weapon is a rocket launcher that uses homing rockets to destroy the target. These rockets are very fast, and can even take down flying craft and speeder type vehicles. The Rocket Launcher can hold 5 rockets at once and is fired from the shoulder They can be "Dumb Fired" or Locked onto a target for greater accuracy.


Wookie Slug thrower: This primitive yet deadly rifle fires a solid projectile called a "Slug" at great velocity using explosive force.

 Kashyyk Long Gun: A Long barreled rifle with superb accuracy and range. Wookies can shoot these weapons kilometers away from their target and still score a head shot.

Ryyk Blades: The Ryyk Blade is a scythe like sword wielded by Wookies since the early times of their existence. Traditionally, these blades are considered an extension of the Wookie, much like a Samurai is with his katana. These blades require tremendous skill to wield efficiently and are also very heavy unless your a Wookie. It is even possible for a Wookie to wield two Ryyk Blades at once, giving them extra deadliness in melee combat.

 Explosives: Chewie can carry around explosives. These range from thermal detonators, Grenades and even mines that can destroy armored tanks and groups of enemies in a large radius.

Chewbacca is a highly skilled Warrior. Even for Wookie standards, he is considered one of the most skilled warriors of his species. Chewie himself is an accomplished pilot, engineer, mechanic and a great tactician. Infact, Chewie has helped his friends from perilous events through tactics over brute force. Chewie can even understand numerous languages within Star Wars. Overall, Chewie is simply way smarter than one might think.

Feats for Chewbacca

Of course, we need to end Chewbacca's info section with his amazing feats. This is a list of accomplishments that Chewie has achieved over his lifetime.

  • Helped defeat the Galactic Empire 
  • Hijacked a AT-ST walker with Ewoks and even piloted the Walker with great mastery
  • Helped Han Solo, Lando, Qi'ra, Tobias Beckett perform the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.
  • Tore off the arms of a prison guard at Kessel
  • Has defeated Imperial Forces on his own
  • Shot down a Speeder bike that was about to escape
  • Stalemated Han Solo in a fist fight.
  • Helped a group of Wookies escape from the Kessel Mining Facility
  • Retook Kashyyk after the end of the Galactic Civil War
  • Fought at full strength while being injured, poisoned and even partially paralyzed
  • Has done a hair dryer commercial
  • Is very good at giving cuddly hugs.
  • Can pilot the Millennium Falcon on his own without Han Solo.  
  • Helped Jaden fend off a group of mercenaries that ambushed him
  • Has his own Contra Styled game.


Chewbacca, while legendary and a true badass, unfortunately suffers from being a very vulnerable combatant in certain situations. Firstly, Chewie himself has lost numerous battles over the course of his time, and was even defeated by overwhelming numbers of Imperial Forces. Also of note, while Chewbacca is very fast, he is not quite as fast as a full speed vehicle. Infact, Chewie himself lacks alot of travel speed feats that otherwise are just as equal to a regular human.

It is also worth noting that Chewie dies in the Legends Arc. While this version of Chewie is different, it does showcase his limitations and vulnerabilities. Also, at certain points, Chewie would have never survived countless ordeals without the help of his friends. Chewie himself would not have escaped from Prison if Solo didn't attempt to free him.

Another factor is that all of Chewie's ranged weapons, especially his bowcaster, run on ammunition. Should the ammunition be depleted, Chewie will have to resort to melee attacks in order to continue fighting, taking the ranged capabilities from Chewie entirely.

And lastly, Chewie is susceptible to damage. And while very tough, can still feel the effects of the blast, explosion or weapon that dealt enough damage to hurt him severely. And Chewie doesn't actually have a regeneration factor, which limits his durability even more.

Still, despite his flaws, Chewbacca is one of the coolest Star Wars characters around. It would be foolish to underestimate the power of the Wookie............... A true badass indeed.


  • Superior Speed and Attack Speed.
  • Way more skilled than Chewbacca
  • More Nimble, giving Legolas superior agility
  • His Bow capabilities outclass Chewbacca's weapons in terms of range If Chewie doesn't have the Long Barreled Rifle
  • Superior Accuracy
  • His melee weapons are actually sharper than Chewbacca's Ryyk Blades, should Chewie even have them 
  • Can take advantage of the fight if Chewie is enraged.
  • Can one shot Chewie in specific areas should he accomplish this.
  • Defies the laws of physics
  • Portrayed by Orlando Bloom
  • Is a Better Singer

  • Weaker Strength
  • Far less durable than Chewie
  • His weapons, while deadly, do not compete with Chewie's raw power
  • Not quite as smart as Chewie, who is a mechanic, engineer and a pilot of multiple starships and vehicles
  • Not as experienced as Chewie due to having less battle participation
  • Can be one shot by Chewie if his attacks land on Legolas.
  • Can run out of arrows overtime, making Legolas resort to melee attacks
  • If Chewie grabs a hold of Legolas at Melee range, Legolas will possibly have his arms ripped off.
  • Never had a hair commercial like Chewie.


  • Stronger than Legolas
  • Way more durable than Legolas
  • His weapons pack more firepower than Legolas' weapons
  • His Bowcaster projectiles can travel at very high speeds, which can catch Legolas off guard
  • More experienced than Legolas thanks to numerous conflicts Chewie was involved in
  • Smarter than Legolas since he is a Mechanic, Engineer and a Pilot of multiple starships and vehicles
  • Should Chewie reach Legolas and grab him, he can rip Legolas' arms off, ending the fight in brutal fashion
  • Did a Hair Dryer Commercial

  •  Not even close to Legolas' speed
  • His attacks speed, while impressive, pales in comparison to Legolas
  • Is bigger, but also less agile than Legolas
  • While his weapons are accurate, Legolas' weapons are far more accurate and are proven to even deliver headshots kilometers away
  • Not as skilled as Legolas
  • Chewie's Ryyk blades, should he even use them, are not even close to Legolas' Elvish weapons in terms of sharpness and close quarters capabilities
  • Easier to get enraged, which can work to Legolas' advantage 
  • His weapons run on ammunition, should the ammunition be depleted, Chewie will lose the ranged capabilities of those weapons and must resort to melee attacks
  • Can be one shot by Legolas' arrows should they target very specific areas.

 Legolas vs Chewbacca is now officially, one of the closest match ups I ever researched. What I absolutely love about the fight is how super close the whole battle is. On one hand, Legolas is more skillful, and faster than Chewie. However, Chewie himself is stronger, more durable and has more devastating weapons than Legolas. So, to determine the winner, we have to look at very specific details to help unfold the result.

Firstly, in terms of Ranged combat, both Legolas and Chewbacca are virtually dead even. However, Legolas gets a slight edge over Chewie thanks to consistent feats involving him shooting at targets kilometers away from his position. Chewie on the other hand can achieve this, however, he has never shown us that he can actually perform this kind of feat with his bowcaster, his signature weapon. However, should Chewie bring the Long Barreled blaster, then yes, it will match Legolas' range capabilities. However, there is a couple of factors that also need to be addressed.

Secondly, In terms of Stats, this is clearly the closest factor of the fight. Both Legolas and Chewbacca have superhuman level stats so it is quite difficult to pinpoint a direct winner of this category. Legolas is faster and more agile while Chewie is more Durable and Stronger. So, this category ends in a tie..... Until we get into more intriguing details that will tip the scales here

Thirdly, Weaponry. Legolas and Chewbacca are both armed with deadly weapons. But it is Chewie who wins the category thanks to his Raw Firepower. The Bowcaster is more versatile than Legolas' bows because it can fire not just Single Shot and Multi shot blasts but also a ricochet shot that can catch Legolas off guard. And even better, Chewie can also bring more ranged weapons in combat should he have them. The Wookie Guided Rocket Launcher for instance is a very, very powerful weapon in this fight and it can deliver devastating power. Chewie also brings explosives which gives him a better Area of Effect damage output over Legolas. So, the winner of this Category is Chewbacca.

However, there are more factors to consider here. You see, in terms of skills, both Legolas and Chewie are very skilled warriors. But it is Legolas who has the edge here since his combat style and his training with Wood Elves make him a very unpredictable foe for anyone to tackle with. Chewie, while very skilled indeed, has a drawback here. Wookie Training is quite basic compared to Elvish training. Wookies are also very straightforward with their attack pattern compared to Elves, who can attack their targets from all directions. So, the winner of this category is Legolas.

And finally, we have what has to be the most important factor of the fight. Feats.

You would be thinking "What does feats have to do with anything?". Well, Feats in this particular match up measure the scale and scope of both Legolas and Chewbacca. Both of these legendary warriors are so badass thanks to their feats that it is nearly impossible to decide on who is more impressive..... Or is it? 

For both sides, we have Legolas, who has defeated foes who are vastly stronger and more durable than he is, such as Bolg, Trolls and a Mumakil, a gigantic elephant like creature that can carry a Haradrim Tower on his back. 

As for Chewie, his feats are quite impressive. He has defeated armored opponents, Droids, ripped off arms of his enemies and even participated in more battles than Legolas....... But, notice a difference here? 

What is it? Well, as said before, Legolas has defeated opponents who are stronger and more durable than him, Chewie on the other hand has never quite defeated a combatant who is more agile and faster than he is in combat without help........ Ahhh, now we have something here. It seems Legolas has the advantage in this fight after all......

While it is true that Chewie will destroy and overpower Legolas should he reach melee range, it would be very difficult for him to do so because Legolas....... always moves around. So, Chewie is in a disadvantage against Legolas because he lacks the speed capabilities to keep up with him, he is constantly getting showered by arrows that will pierce his hide and eventually, land a head shot...... What is worse, Legolas is armed with Elvish blades that will slice off Chewies limbs with deadly results anyway. So once Chewie tries to grab Legolas, it will give Legolas a better chance to land more devastating melee attacks on Chewie.

Also, while Chewie's Wookie Rocket Launcher does pack devastating power, the rockets themselves will first have to lock onto Legolas' which will be extremely difficult to do so since Legolas' speed is too fast for the interface to lock on anyway. Even if Chewie fired the Rocket Launcher without using the targeting system, the rockets are going to be easy for Legolas to dodge anyway since they are actually slower than a bowcaster blast.

 So, in what has to be the on of best battles I researched yet, I believe that thanks to his Speed, Agility, Skills, Deadliness, Melee weapons and experience against Stronger, more durable opponents, I believe that Legolas will win this legendary fight...... Chewie, you will always be a badass in the end....... You will fight well. But in the end, you just turned into "Chewable" bits..... XD!!!!

The Winner is Legolas

Next time on Who Would Win........

James Eugene Raynor (StarCraft) vs Isaac Clarke (Dead Space)

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