Friday, December 21, 2018

Akame (Akame Ga kill) vs Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star)

Greetings and welcome to another edition of my Who would win series and it's going to be Akame from Akame Ga Kill vs Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star.

For this fight, I will focus on the base stats for both Akame and Kenshiro and I will also look into the skillset, techniques, trump cards and  weaponry and finally who I believe will win this fight

For Akame, I will mainly focus on her Murasame One Cut Killer sword since it is her most iconic weapon in the series. I will also do some feats from both the anime and manga of Akame Ga kill and as for Kenshiro, I will be including most of his feats from his anime shows, his films and the manga.

So without further ado, let's begin.


Akame is the main character of Akame Ga Kill. Sold at a young age by her parents along with her sister Kurome to the Empire, Akame and Kurome were eventually trained from childhood to become two of the deadliest assassins in the world. Eventually, Akame and Kurome were doing the Empire's dirty work while working with the Elite Seven, which resulted in countless deaths of Anti Imperial forces, Rebels, Danger Beasts and other Imperial Arms users. Eventually, after realizing that the Empire's intentions were much more sinister than what she expected, Akame defected from the Empire and joined a group of assassins led by Najenda called Night Raid, much to the dismay of Kurome. Since then, Akame vows to bring the Empire down to it's knees, kill her sister Kurome and finally, bring peace to the world. 

That's a brief summary of Akame's backstory, now let's see what she can do

Technically speaking, Akame is actually a very strong combatant. Her stature is small but she does pack a punch. Here are some of her best strength feats. 

  • Kicked Headhunter Zanku that forced him to move backwards a couple of feet away 
  • Parries attacks from Zanku, Esdeath and Wave. Wave is strong enough to crack Tatsumi's Incursio 1 armor, which no sold a blast that destroyed multiple mountain plateaus.
  • Has destroyed Zanku's weapons
  • Can cut through pillars easily
  • With a training sword, she has overpowered Tatsumi in a sparring contest.
  • Punched through an augmented soldier's face and helmet 
  • Can cut through Esdeath's Ice while under the effects of the Perfector Pill (Manga)
  • In the anime, Akame can cut through Esdeath's ice without the use of the Perfector Pill

Akame's speed is by far her real pride and joy in combat. Infact, she is possibly the fastest combatant in Akame Ga Kill rivaled only by Esdeath. Some of her amazing speed feats are.
  •  Casually, even effortlessly dodges bullets
  • Casually reacts to Massively Hyper sonic to Lighting level attacks
  • Parries Esdeath's attacks. Esdeath is lighting level in terms of speed and has decapitated three danger beasts in nanoseconds

  • Has sliced 3 guys in nanoseconds
  • Reacted to Bols's flamethrower
  • Sliced a group of Dr Stylish's cronies in seconds. 
  • Was in point blank range of Toby's mouth gun. Not only did Akame dodge it, she eventually destroyed Toby in the process due to having superior reflexes. Toby's body is armed with weapons

  • Avoided Esdeath's lightning, which are actually faster than regular lightning. (Manga)
  •  Is so fast in combat she creates after images.
  • Was chased by Wave and ran around The Capital, which is 200,000 squared kilometers, giving it a radius of 252 kilometers. Akame ran the majority of that distance in a short time span. (Manga)
  • Can jump very far and high distances
  • Blocked Ibara's attacks. Ibara attacks with elastic body parts and even uses his stomach to create tendrils.

Akame has tanked a couple of stuff over the course of her series. Here are some of her feats in durability
  • Punched by Wave and was sent flying through trees. Although Akame was injured, she continued fighting afterwards
  • Has been slashed by Zanku, Esdeath and Kurome
  • Was punched by Leone after comparing her weight size. 
  • Was briefly paralyzed by General Budo's lightning (Manga)
  • When amped up, Akame can tank more powerful attacks from Esdeath in a prolonged fight (Manga) 

In terms of Skill, Akame is possibly one of, if not the most skilled sword wielder in Akame Ga Kill. Her training shows that she can take on anything that comes right at her with a calm, analytical mind. While Akame is seen being careless at times, she always has a back up plan whenever she is in a dire situation. Here are some surprising feats for Akame's skill
  • Is literally the best assassin in Night Raid and even the world.
  • Can completely empty her mind to prevent Zanku from reading her thoughts. Zanku can predict the attacks of his opponents.
  • Akame always targets her opponent's weak spots and does so with complete mastery.
  • Evenly matched with Esdeath, Esdeath is a General who has fought wars for the Empire and took down numerous Teigu wielders.
  • Is experienced to see through tricks and never hesitates to kill her opponents
  • Has a small immunity to poisons thanks to her training 
  • By saying the word "Buried", Akame becomes blood lusted, which allows her to cast aside her humanity and embrace her true potential as an assassin. She used this non stop during the final arc of the manga, so it is entirely in character for Akame to be like this.  

Imperial Arms 

Akame wields the Murasame, aka "The One-Cut Killer Blade". This legendary weapon is so deadly that if it ever grazed a living being, a curse will flow around their body, stopping their heart in seconds. Also, as it's name suggests, it can kill anything it touches with a single stroke. However, while extremely powerful, the Murasame's effect do not affect undead beings. That said, it is still able to kill the undead via normal sword swings.

Trump Card

 Akame's Trump Card, while wielding Murasame, is Ennoodzuno aka Little War Horn. This trump card is used when Akame cut's herself with Murasame, resisting the poisonous curse, and allows her to feel all the guilt she has wrought towards her victims. Also, Akame's stats are vastly improved, making this trump card an extremely powerful state.

In the manga, the effects of Little War Horn are different, Akame stated to Tatsumi that in order to use Little War Horn, one must discard their humanity and embrace their inner demons. This makes her even more deadly in combat.

This is a full list of Akame's feats with Little War Horn.
  • Has overpowered, outsped, outperformed and eventually, defeated Esdeath in combat. She even grazed Esdeath's arm by shattering an ice sword, Esdeath had to amputate her own arm off to nullify the effects of Murasame
  • Countered Esdeath's Mahapadma. Mahapadma is a timestop and not only Akame countered it with an after image, she killed Esdeath because of it (Anime)
  • With Murasame broken, Akame still stabbed Esdeath (Manga)
  • Brushed off being pierced by Esdeath's Weissschnabel, an ability that conjures Ice Projectiles that are powerful enough to hold back mountain sized giants and knocking out Tatsumi, who was wearing Incursio 1 armor at the time.

 Image result for akame crying gif
Despite her legendary status as an assassin, and her amazing speed and skillset, Akame is by no means invincible. Also, she is not exactly the strongest combatant out there and can be overpowered by someone who can react to her attacks quickly. Also, Little War Horn, while very powerful, lasts for a short time and Akame has to land a killing blow before it wears off, leaving her exhausted. Also, Akame's durability, while great by human standards, is pretty much exactly human. She can be killed by all means of attacks and she almost died against Wave at one point. And finally, Murasame, while legendary for it's reputation, actually can be broken by enough force to the point that if it is destroyed, Akame would lack the means to kill her opponent aside from using her fists and leg attacks.

Still, despite her relatively low flaws, Akame is a real force to be reckoned with. Whatever you do, do not get in Akame's bad side or you will never live to tell the tale.  


In the post apocalyptic future of 2010 (well, it is way past that point anyway hahahahah), Kenshiro is the 64th disciple of a legendary martial art called Hokuto Shin Ken. For a time, Kenshiro wanted to settle down, make a good living with his fiancee Yuria. Those plans were eventually cut short when rival martial artist Shin kidnapped Yuria and gifted Kenshiro with seven scars on his chest so he can remember him. Eventually Kenshiro found and defeated Shin but sadly, was too late to save Yuria, who was already dead. Thus, Kenshiro wandered the wasteland to defend the innocent and fight the forces of evil.

That is a brief summary of Kenshiro's back story, now let's see what he can do

In terms of strength, it comes to no surprise that Kenshiro is extremely strong. Here are some of his best feats for strength.
  •   Casually punches and kicks bandits with such force that they fly away. Sometimes, they disappear from view.
  • Strong enough to puncture and destroy a tank
  • Rips through cell bars with very little effort
  • Won an arm wrestling contest against a superhuman
  • Blocked an attack with just a finger.
  • Destroyed Jagi's device that was connected to his helmet.
  • Blocked Raoh's kick with one arm. Raoh is country level in strength
  • Effortlessly destroys objects with his bare hands
  • Can lift and even punch through boulders 
  •  With just one arm, Kenshiro broke through a stone wall and eventually grabbed a guy and dragged him down the stone wall.
  • Can slice through stone pillars
  • Caved a skull of a man who no sold boulders being smashed on his head
  • Can create Avalanches.
  • Flips a car over.
  • Punches the Earth so hard it draws water
  • While having 4 arrows pierced on his right arm, Kenshiro pulled a 300kg man from a sand trap with only his left arm. 

Another notable stat for Kenshiro is his speed. Mostly focused on his combat and reactionary speed. Here are some of his best speed feats

  •  Catches and deflects crossbow bolts
  •  Reacts to Massive Hypersonic attacks from Raoh, Kaioh, Jagi and Shin.
  • Snaps a man's arm so quickly he didn't even notice it at first before it was too late
  • Caught Dia's staff strikes
  • Is so fast he can create after images in combat
  • On average Kenshiro can throw 50-100 punches and kicks in seconds
  • Swats projectiles from a gun away
  • Catches a falling child
  • Blocks massively hyper sonic attacks regularly.

Kenshiro is a tough cookie in terms of durability. Here are some of his best feats for durability.
  • No solds attacks that are capable of destroying boulders, pillars and even island level attacks from Jagi.
  • No sold a tank round that shot right at him. Kenshiro was not phased by the blast
  • Had a skyscraper fall ontop of him, while the feat is above 1000 tons, it should be noted that the skyscraper could potentially be higher than that if we include furniture, electronics, materials and even large amounts of steel boxes.
  • No sold arrows, crossbow bolts, blades and other weapons piercing his body.
  • Withstood attacks from Raoh, who has an ability to split the clouds in the sky, putting him at country level in power
  • No solds an attack that sent him through a wall.
  • Resists the influence of paralytic gas and claims his body can resist poisons. 
  • No sold a steel bar that was swing towards his shoulder. The bar itself bent itself.

Hokuto Shin Ken

As the 64th disciple of Hokuto Shin Ken, it comes to no surprise that Kenshiro is a master of this deadly martial art. Hokuto Shin Ken uses a heavy emphasis on targeting the opponents pressure points. And, with the help of Ki energy, allows Kenshiro to not only target pressure points, it makes the opponent explode in a gruesome, over the top death. Sometimes, Hokuto Shin Ken employs even more bizarre feats. It even gives Kenshiro a number of abilities that include Ki blasts and an aura that allows him to make opponents explode without Kenshiro even touching them. Here are some feats with Hokuto Shin Ken
  • By touching his opponents, Kenshiro's opponent's explode afterwards
  • Can use Tenha Kassatu, a Ki blast that can make pressure points explode on contact
  • Kenshiro kicked a group of guys at once, all of them exploded
  • Erase memories  
  • Made a mute girl speak
  • Can teleport
  • Can be used for healing
  • Able to use the Hundred Crack fist, Kenshiro's signature technique
  • Causes enemy's finger tips to explode
  • Makes victims feel remorse before they are killed
  • Able to poke two fingers at the forehead of the victim, their skeleton then rips from their body 
  • Allows Kenshiro to read an ancient language........... I wonder if he can translate alien language XD!!!

Musou Tensei

The ultimate secret technique of Hokuto Shin Ken. Musou Tensei can only be used if Kenshiro experienced true sadness and guilt. Musou Tensei allows Kenshiro to be in a state of nothingness, and commune with his dead rivals to master their own techniques. It also allows Kenshiro to become intangible, impervious to attacks, and create duplicates of himself. These duplicates can also touch his opponents and make their pressure points explode as if Kenshiro himself did it. Even if Kenshiro is incapacitated while in Musou Tensei, his soul can still fight on as his own avatar.

Soryu Tenra
Another ultimate technique of Hokuto Shin Ken. This allows the user to teleport both themselves and their opponents in a world of nothingness. In this world, all defenses, auras, and barriers are rendered null and void, forcing both fighters to use only their bare hands. When someone dies within Sōryū Tenra, they are erased, leaving nothing of their existence. It should be noted that while Kenshiro has never used this technique before, it is stated that he has mastered all forms of Hokuto Shin Ken, meaning he would know how to use this technique.

Other Martial Arts
Thanks his experience of fighting over the years, and Musou Tensei's ability that makes Kenshiro commune with fallen rivals, Kenshiro also utilizes a variety of other forms of Martial Arts in Fist of the North Star. These include.

  • Gento Ko Ken (Imperial Fist of the Original Dipper): This martial art was created to protect the Holy Emperor or Empress. Its star is the Celestial Emperor Star. It relies on projection ki which is physical energy in various manners, like forming a shield or creating a blast or wave of energy that destroys an opponent's body on a cellular level.

  • Taizan Tenrō Ken (Taishan Heavenly Wolf Fist): This martial art gives the user the ability to chop the flesh of an opponent, slicing the nerves with such speed that a cold sensation is felt before death.

  • Nanto Seiken (South Dipper Holy Fist): The opposite of Hokuto Shinken; whereas the latter focuses on using pressure points and killing them from the inside, Nanto Seiken is about killing in a much more direct manner via brute force. Various different sub-sects have their own different takes on these techniques, ranging from rapid kicks to using air pressure as blades and various weapons in combat.
  • Hokuto Ryuken (Big Dipper Lapis Lazuli Fist): Much like Hokuto Shinken, this fighting style uses pressure points to win battles. However, Hokuto Ryuken uses 1109 points in contrast to Hokuto Shinken’s 708, and is powered by their matoki, or demonic fighting spirit which is akin to toki but drives Kenshiro insane.

Despite his status as one of the deadliest Martial Artists in fiction, Kenshiro is, and by all means, only a human. It is thanks to his Hokuto Shin Ken that he has defeated powerful foes that would otherwise destroy him. Also, Kenshiro has lost numerous battles. Mainly against characters who are at his level or even greater.

It is also worth noting that while Musou Tensei is an extraordinarily powerful technique, those who possess the power of nothingness or something close to it can counter it. Once Muso Tensei is countered, Kenshiro will be reverted back to his original state, severely weakening him.

Still, despite his flaws, Kenshiro is one legendary badass. And he also has the record for having the single most badass line ever. "Omae wa mou shindeiru" (You are already dead)


  • Clearly has the speed advantage in both base form and in Little War Horn state
  • Base Akame can kill Base Kenshiro
  • Only has to graze Kenshiro in order to apply the affects of Murasame's curse
  • Experienced against characters like Kenshiro, who have used energy blasts, defensive abilities, hundred fists techniques and teleportation
  • Her victory against Esdeath alone makes Akame above Kenshiro in terms of fighting someone with superior hax and superior stats
  • More calm in combat.
  • Can possibly outsmart Kenshiro to the point she is virtually untouchable to him.
  • Has a nice Rack and legs that make her leagues sexier XD!!!
  • Is way more adorable than Kenshiro.


  • Kenshiro destroys her in terms of Strength and Durability.
  • While Akame's Murasame is legendary, Kenshiro is more than capable of breaking the sword if Akame isn't careful with her approach in the situation
  • While having the clear edge in speed, Akame can still be touched by Kenshiro if she gives him an opening to capitalize on
  • Even with Little War Horn, Akame has virtually no counter to Kenshiro's ultimate techniques
  • Virtually no ranged weapons whereas Kenshiro can project Ki blasts at her, putting Akame in a huge disadvantage in terms of ranged combat.


  • Has the clear edge in terms of strength and durability
  • Kenshiro's aura can help him block the effects of Murasame.
  • Musou Tensei outright crushes Akame's Little War Horn state.
  • Can react to Akame's blade strikes
  • Is more than capable of breaking Murasame, forcing Akame to use her fists if the blade is completely destroyed.
  • More experienced in combat.
  • His hax abilities will catch Akame off guard.
  • Way more ranged attacks.

  • Will be completely destroyed in terms of Speed.
  • If Akame managed to graze Kenshiro's body with Murasame, Kenshiro will die
  • Although it is already said Kenshiro is resistant to poisons, Murasame's effects are more magical based. It is unlikely that Kenshiro would be resistant to it's effects 
  • Base Akame would kill Kenshiro thank's to her speed being far too much for Kenshiro to react to
  • His Hokuto Shin Ken, while extremely dangerous, generally relies on Kenshiro landing his attacks on Akame, who would be dodging these attacks effortlessly.
  • Had a terrible live action movie
  • Not even close to being as cute as Akame.

Oh man, what a match up. Akame vs Kenshiro has to be one of the closest contests I ever had to analyze. Both Akame and Kenshiro are outright amazing at what they can do. So, the only way to decide on who would win this amazing match up is to look at two stages of the fight.

Base Akame vs Base Kenshiro
This is the most likely scenario to happen between these two. Both are more than capable of killing each other in very quick succession. However, what puts this scenario in a more likely outcome is speed. And, unfortunately for Kenshiro, Akame destroys him in terms of speed. Her reaction speed is superior, her travel speed is just outright better since she has run 252 kilometers in a short time span, and she is even superior to Kenshiro in terms of combat speed thanks to her scaling to Esdeath's speed, who is a lightning level combatant. While Kenshiro is stronger and more durable than Akame, those stats mean nothing if Akame can simply graze Kenshiro's skin with Murasame and apply the curse on Kenshiro, stopping his heart and killing him.

So the winner of this scenario is Akame

 However, we need to look at the next stage of the fight to see if Akame can take the definitive victory home.

Akame in Little War Horn State vs Kenshiro with Musou Tensei
Now this scenario gets very interesting. With both combatants using their ultimate techniques, and with the case of Akame, her trump card, this scenario would be amazing to behold. However, Kenshiro wins this thanks to Musou tensei's ability to make him intangible and impervious to attacks. It also doesn't help Akame that Little War Horn state is a short time boost of her own stats. Once the effects are worn out, Akame would be exhausted, leaving Kenshiro the perfect opportunity to finish off Akame with Hokuto Shin Ken.

The winner of this scenario is Kenshiro with Musou Tensei.

Hold on.... this means it's a tie......... Base Akame>Base Kenshiro but then Kenshiro with Musou Tensei>Akame in Little War Horn state. It seems that way right? Well, not exactly.

You see, in the more realistic outcome, both Akame and Kenshiro wouldn't start the fight with their ultimate techniques, this puts Akame in a much more comfortable position to win the fight thanks to her speed alone. Kenshiro, while extremely powerful with what he can do, simply cannot catch Akame unless he get's lucky. Akame will be more unpredictable to Kenshiro thank's to her skills in combat and her speed alone makes it that Kenshiro would not even touch her anyway. We have Akame who is lightning level in speed vs Kenshiro who is massively hyper sonic at best.... The difference in speed is huge.

In the end, because of Akame's speed and Murasame's effects, I believe Akame will prevail against Kenshiro in a very close fight. However, if both are using their trump cards in the fight, then Kenshiro would win thanks to Musou Tensei's effects over Akame's Little War Horn Stat boost.

The winner is Akame




  1. You really made some good points there. I would really love to see this battle, but personally I have to disagree with you.

    I think Kenshiro wins this match. He can destroy Akame with the 100 crack fists. ATATATA!!!

    1. It's perfectly fine to disagree. This is only my opinion. Thank you for your honest thoughts :)
