Thursday, January 25, 2024

"Grandmaster's Birthday Special": Akame (Akame Ga Kill) vs Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star) Definitive "Killer" Edition


Greetings and Welcome to a Special Edition Blog that will be released on my Birthday!!!!

This time, it is the Definitive "Killer" Edition of one of my all time favorite match ups.

Akame, the Deadly Assassin of Akame Ga Kill

And Kenshiro, the Successor of the Legendary Martial Arts "Hokuto Shin Ken"

All it takes is One Hit, or One Cut to prevail. Who shall win this match up of Short Term Proportions?

Note: This Match up has been done in the past, infact, this was one of the very first match ups of my Series. However, that was back when I didn't read the Manga of Akame Ga Kill and Fist of The North Star, and I was getting into my footing on the Vs Debate Style.

Now, with a stronger set of Information and more clarity of the match up, I finally know who will win this match up in a Decisive Conclusion.

Stats, Weapons, Skills, Feats....... That's pretty much all there is to it :D!!!

Time to End this once and For All!!!!


Akame is the Titular Protagonist of the Dark Fantasy Action Series, "Akame Ga Kill"

Sold at a young age by her parents along with her sister Kurome to the Empire, Akame and Kurome were eventually trained from childhood to become two of the deadliest assassins in the world. Eventually, Akame and Kurome were doing the Empire's dirty work while working with the Elite Seven, which resulted in countless deaths of Anti Imperial forces, Rebels, Danger Beasts and other Imperial Arms users. 

After realizing that the Empire's intentions were much more sinister than what she expected, Akame defected from the Empire and joined a group of assassins led by Najenda called Night Raid, much to the dismay of Kurome.

At this point, Akame took on the Empire's Greatest Forces and ultimately won the War, at great cost. Infact, Akame is one of the very few survivors of Night Raid.

In the aftermath of the Empire's Demise, Akame left the Continent and was eventually stranded on Jinwa, where she ended up in yet another battle against deadly adversaries. Thankfully, Akame was once again joined by allies and has even participated in numerous battles that involved "Half Human Half Danger Beast" Hybrids......... Yeesh XD!!!

That's a brief summary of Akame's backstory, now let's see what this adorable Assassin is capable of

Physical Stats  

It goes without saying, Akame is one of the Strongest Characters of Akame Ga Kill. 

Possessing a very well rounded level of Stats, she is capable of superhuman feats that pretty much cement Akame as a Badass.

Here are the noteworthy feats for Strength, Speed and Durability


  • Kicked Headhunter Zanku that sent him 20 ft backwards. That's the same Amount of Force that is comparable to a Speeding Car

  • Parried Attacks from Esdeath, Zanku, Wave and Yomihime. Esdeath in particular fought Susanoo, who was able to hold back Dr Stylish's Danger Beast Form that made him the size of a Mountain.

  • Can Break Steel Weaponry, just like what happened to Zanku's Blades

  • With only a Training Sword, Akame was able to overpower Tatsumi in a Sparring Contest.

  • Able to Cut through Esdeath's Ice. The Manga stated that Akame used the "Perfector Pill" That boosted her Strength that allowed her to Match Esdeath's Power but in the Anime, Akame was able to do this well before she used her Little War Horn State (Coming Up)    

  • Cracked Wave's Grand Chariot Armor, which is durable enough to survive Tatsumi's Incursio Stage 1 Armor. The Same Armor that knocked Back the Shikoutazer Mech piloted by the Emperor, which is literally the size of a Mountain.


  • Effortlessly Dodges Bullets.

  • Can be comparable to Leone, who dodged General Budo's Lightning.

  • Dodged Toby's "Mouth Gun" at Point Blank Range

  • Was chased by Wave and ran around The Capital, which is 200,000 squared kilometers, giving it a radius of 252 kilometers. Akame ran the majority of that distance in a short time span. 

  • Was able to outspeed Esdeath, who was able to literally slice three Danger Beasts in Nanoseconds. Esdeath is also far above Lightning Level.

  • Fought Merraid Oarburgh, also known as "Madam Meera" and, in one of the most legendary speed feats of my series yet, Akame was able to block and slice "All" of Meera's Wrigglers.

Important Note: This Feat in Particular is very important, since Akame was literally slicing up millions to billions of Wrigglers and was not even scratched or touched. Why is this important? Because a single Wriggler, if it came in contact with the Victim, would be able to literally lay eggs inside the body and then cause explosions, killing the victim instantly. However, some Wrigglers are able to Explode on Contact by their Master's Will (In this case, Merraid)......... AKAME KILLED A SWARM OF THESE WRIGGLERS AND WAS NEVER HARMED!!!!

And, get this, she wasn't even in her Little War Horn State yet. This puts Akame at borderline Light Speed Capabilities (Try and Downplay Akame's Speed, this feat alone is far from useless. So do not try and underestimate it)

And yes, Akame Killed Merraid in that Same Fight.


  • Took a Punch from Wave, which sent Akame Flying Towards multiple Trees. However, Akame still kept Fighting and eventually did prevail.

  • Did take Slashes from Esdeath, Zanku and Kurome

  • Took a Smack in the Head by Leone after describing her as "Fat" (I love you Akame, but do not ever call my Waifu Fat!!!!)

  • Can reasonably take more Damage in her Little War Horn State.


Akame is one of the most skilled Assassins of her time. 

Infact, you could make a very strong case for Akame being the Number 1 Best Assassin in the World. Her Tactical and Analytical Approach to Combat is what makes her both Deadly and highly Adaptable. 

Her Calm and Collective Mindset allows Akame to Fight with Composure and Discipline. This gives her Strong Willpower and Determination

Akame also targets Weak Spots of her Opponents, which has obviously won her battles multiple times to the point it is a Habit for her.

Akame is also very skilled in... Cooking!!!! Even though she may not be quite as Skilled as Susanoo, she is still High Tier Compared to the Rest of Night Raid. Yeeeeehaww!!!!


Akame wields the Murasame, aka "The One-Cut Killer Blade". This legendary weapon is so deadly that if it ever grazed a living being, a curse will flow around their body, stopping their heart in seconds. Also, as it's name suggests, it can kill anything it touches with a single stroke. However, while extremely powerful, the Murasame's effect does not affect undead beings. That said, it is still able to kill the undead via normal sword swings.


Kiriichimonji is a powerful sword previously used by Akame. This sword is so powerful, it completely prevents the victim from healing their wounds permanently.


A new Sword that Akame eventually acquires during the events of Hinowa Ga Crush. While the Sword lacks any special properties, it is much more Durable than Regular Swords.

The Little War Horn State      

Death.... Awaits......


Akame's Trump Card, while wielding Murasame, is Ennoodzuno aka Little War Horn. This trump card is used when Akame cut's herself with Murasame, resisting the poisonous curse, and allows her to feel all the guilt she has wrought towards her victims. Also, Akame's stats are vastly improved, making this trump card an extremely powerful state.

In the manga, the effects of Little War Horn are different, Akame stated to Tatsumi that in order to use Little War Horn, one must discard their humanity and embrace their inner demons. This makes her even more deadly in combat.

General Feats for Akame      

Of course, Akame is literally, the central character of Akame Ga Kill. The entire series has Akame at the title, so realistically, Akame would have a substantial amounts of accomplishments to her name. Here is a General list of Feats and Accomplishments achieved by Akame.

  • Has officially, and cleanly, killed Zanku
  • Killed Merraid Oarburgh
  • Killed Ibara, one of the Four Rakshasa Demons within 2 minutes
  • Has defeated Kurome in a 1v1 duel
  • Has officially, and cleanly, defeated General Esdeath in the best 1v1 duel in history!!!!
  • Actually countered Esdeath's time stop, which opened Akame's opportunity for a kill shot..... :D!!!
  • Has eaten two bowls of meals in a time span of 2 seconds cleanly, and efficiently
  • Has completed numerous assassinations. Because of this, she is regarded to be the most feared and dangerous assassin in the world.
  • Has officially stated to go around the capital unnoticed in broad daylight despite her obvious appearance
  • Killed Izou, who wields Kousetsu, and can see into the Future and Act Accordingly....... Let's Sink this in, this guy, who has the power to see into the Future and "Never Failed", was killed by Akame..... Whatever Akame can do against Time Manipulation, she pretty much has light Speed capabilities. (Bolded because this is Legendary)
  • Took down multiple Teigu Users, most of which have far greater hax capabilities than Akame.
  • Killed Dr Stylish despite being Paralyzed
  • Is literally, the best cook in Night Raid
  • Can eat huge amounts of meat within seconds.
  • Voiced by Molly Searcy and Sora Amamiya, who also sung "Skyreach", the first theme song for Akame Ga Kill :D!!!!


While Akame is very much a Legendary Assassin, her vulnerabilities are just human to say the least. She can still be harmed by all matter of damage, and she is isn't safe from Poisons and Paralysis for instance.

Speaking of which, during the Events of Hinowa Ga Crush, Akame was seeking a cure for her Murasame Curse after her battle with Esdeath. She was so desperate and in a weaker state, she had to use pacifying pills to keep her alive. Should Akame run out of these pills, she will either be frail or die outright.

Also, Akame isn't very versatile in terms of equipment. She is Good at Hand to Hand Combat but her main form of Combat is with Blades and that's pretty much all she has going for her. 

However, despite her faults, Akame is adorable and a Badass Assassin with the Beauty that lies in the Eye of the Beholder :D!!!


Kenshiro is the Main Protagonist of the Epic Post Apocalyptic Martial Arts Series "Fist of the North Star"

The Successor of an Ancient Martial Art known as Hokuto Shin Ken, Kenshiro was trained to become a powerful Warrior.

Kenshiro at one time lived a peaceful life. That was until one day, Shin, another Martial Artist, kidnapped Yuria, Kenshiro's Love Interest. Not only was the kidnapping a success for Shin, he actually gave Kenshiro Seven Scars on his chest (The Big Dipper).

Afterwards, Kenshiro was on an epic journey to rescue Yuria. Ultimately, he gained allies to help him in his quest. Did he Succeed? Yes :D!!!!!!!

Although, the road to Kenshiro's Goal was fierce and barbaric, he finally achieved his goal and rescued Yuria from the clutches of Evil................ Then more troubles began afterwards, but Yuria is still safe hahahah.

That is a brief Background of Kenshiro. Let's See what this Legendary Martial Artist is capable of.

Physical Stats          

Kenshiro, by all intents and purposes, is an extremely powerful character. His Stats across the board are clearly superhuman, to the point that Kenshiro is a force to be reckoned with.

Here is a List of Strength, Speed and Durability Feats.


  • Has broken arms with minimal effort

  • Won an Arm Wrestling Contest against a Huge, Fat and laughably cocky Fella. This is the same guy who won a previous Arm Wrestling Contest against an opponent who lost his hand from a buzzsaw that was placed on the side of the Table.

  • Should reasonably Scale to Shu, who lifted the very tip of a Pyramid's "Lid" and held it for several moments while climbing the stairs to the top of the Pyramid.

  • Held a guy and rammed his Head against A Concrete Wall

  • Has Punched Souther multiple times that send him flying into the Air

  • Broke out of "Devil's Rebirth's" Grasp, who is literally a Giant. Kenshiro eventually struck him so hard, parts of his skull were cracked

  • Swung a Stuck Idiot who "Couldn't Let go of a Metal Pole" Against Concrete Walls. The Same Idiot was then used by Kenshiro as a Meat shield later in the story. hahahahahha


  • Caught a Crossbow Bolt and redirected back, killing the enemy

  • Is on Par with Raoh, who, at one point in the story, punched so fast, nobody, even Kenshiro (At that point) was unable to see what happened. This puts Kenshiro, at the later stage of the Story, at Lightning to Borderline Super Sonic Speeds

  • Can do 50-100 Punches with the Hundred Crack Fist Technique in seconds.

  • Has fought on par with Rei, the same guy who was able to at least fight Raoh for a moment, who again, can punch so fast, nobody noticed anything.

  • Poked the "Small Idiot", who, again, was stuck to a pole because Kenshiro touched his Pressure Points without knowing.

  • Can touch Pressure Points against a group of foes. Sometimes, they did not comprehend what the hell happened because Kenshiro does this in the blink of an eye.


  • Took attacks from the likes of Jagi, Shin, Souther and Raoh, all of whom are literally superhumanly strong. Raoh for instance punched Kenshiro and Rei so hard, they flew almost 30ft across. But most importantly, Raoh has the power to split Clouds in the Sky, putting him at Country Level.

  • Took blows from Devil's Rebirth. A Giant

  • Had a skyscraper fall ontop of him, which didn't even phase Kenshiro in the least.

  • Has resisted Poisons.

  • Using Specific Techniques, Kenshiro can be "Untouched" by Physical damage.

  • Took a Tank Blast and shrugged it off

Hokuto Shin Ken

Hokuto Shin Ken is Kenshiro's Main Form of Martial Arts. While he actually can master other Martial Arts such as Nanto Seiken, Hokuto Shin Ken is his bread and butter.

This Deadly Martial Arts focuses on Pressure Point Techniques. Basically, if Kenshiro touches you, "You are Already Dead". That's right, this means, One Hit, One Kill!!!!!

Of course, those who have been trained in Hokuto Shin Ken and Nanto Seiken do have Techniques that counter the Deadly effects of Kenshiro's Attacks, but that requires being more powerful, faster and more Durable and.... that's quite a task to conquer hahahah. 

Notable Techniques from Hokuto Shin Ken     

  • Pressure Point Explosion

  • Paralysis

  • Nerve Control

  • Reading Ancient Language (No Joke)     

  • Precognition

  • Tenha Kassatu, a Ranged Technique that can explode Pressure Points on Contact

  • Spirit Armor, which grants Kenshiro another layer of Defense. This is how he manage to shrug off Physical Attacks such as Blades and Steel Bars

  • Can sense Fighting Spirits

  • Can use his own Spirit to Fight with him

Musou Tensei      

The Ultimate Technique of Hokuto Shin Ken, Kenshiro has Musou Tensei!!!

Musou Tensei is triggered when Kenshiro goes into a state of Nothingness and experiences true sadness and guilt, to the point, he now can use the Abilities of Fallen Rivals and Allies to maximum Effect. For Reference, with Musou Tensei, he can erase the enemy from Existence and is Impervious to Attacks and Becomes Intangible.

With Musou Tensei's Ability to use Techniques from previous foes and friends, Kenshiro can have the same power levels of the likes of Raoh, Jagi, Shin, Souther, Toki and Rei. The Standard Abilities include:

  • Stronger, Faster and Durablity Boost

  • Souther's Spiritual Armor

  • Jagi's Island Level Power

  • Raoh's Country Level Power and the "Punch with no Trace" Technique

  • Rei's Nanto Seiken Techniques, which involve Air Cutting Slashes

  • Toki's Healing Capabilities

Soryu Tenra      

Another ultimate technique of Hokuto Shin Ken. This allows the user to teleport both themselves and their opponents in a world of nothingness. In this world, all defenses, auras, and barriers are rendered null and void, forcing both fighters to use only their bare hands. When someone dies within Sōryū Tenra, they are erased, leaving nothing of their existence. It should be noted that while Kenshiro has never used this technique before, it is stated that he has mastered all forms of Hokuto Shin Ken, meaning he would know how to use this technique.


Kenshiro is one of the greatest martial Artists of all time. Not just in Fist of the North Star but across all media. Possessing complete mastery of the Art of Hokuto Shin Ken, he is a deadly and powerful force to be reckoned with.

Also, Kenshiro is quite adaptable in combat. He usually stays calm and only gets into rage when he sees that the Innocent are being cruelly brutalized by the strong. Or he just get mad for more personal matters.... Hahahaha. 

Feats for Kenshiro     

Kenshiro is Legendary and is my favorite Guy in all Media. This is a character who has done so many feel good feats that make him my "Superman".

Personal Admiration Aside, Kenshiro has done feats that make him Legendary and one of Anime/Manga's Greatest characters. 

  • Has Officially, and Cleanly, and Finally, found and Rescued Yuria

  • Defeated Shin

  • Defeated Jagi

  • Defeated Souther and Avenged Shu in one of the most emotional conflicts of all time

  • Has defeated Devil's Rebirth

  • Defeated Raiders and protected the Innocent in the process.

  • Defeated Raoh 

  • Fist of the North Star is my favorite Manga series :D!!!!


Despite Kenshiro's amazing capabilities, at the end of the day, he is still a human being. It is with his Hokuto Shin Ken that makes him a Deadly foe, but he actually is not that much more resistant to Damage compared to a regular human, that is if he isn't using his Spiritual Armor.

Even with the Spirit Armor, sufficient Force can ultimately break it. To the point, it would be deadly for Kenshiro since he then has the same Damage Threshold compared to a regular Joe. Ooof. But, the cool thing here is.... The Spirit Armor can still be reformed back after a a few moments so that's a counter balance. 

Even still, A Stronger, Faster and more Durable opponent can ultimately overpower Kenshiro, just like his First Encounter with Raoh. If someone is Faster than Kenshiro, then all his techniques are jack if he cannot react to them in the first place.

Still, it goes without saying that Kenshiro is Legendary, Kind-Hearted to the Innocent and a Whopper of a Whopper!!!!

Now, for the first time in Who Would Win...... A Simulated Battle in Written Form to Determine who wins!!!!!

The Fight     

"Akame looks over the Horizon, eventually something catches her attention"

Akame: I know your there......... Kenshiro

Kenshiro: Pick your Place Akame, it will be where you Die.

Akame: I am not sure about that, your my next Target. Your not getting out of here alive.


"Akame and Kenshiro quickly run forward, both are at around 40 ft apart. Eventually, Kenshiro attempts a Poke on Akame, who immediately dodged the poke and slides under Kenshiro"

Akame (In her mind): He is good, I need to be careful

"Kenshiro then tries a Backward Kick on Akame, who again, dodges the Attack by somersaulting backwards"

Kenshiro (In His Mind): She is strong, I will need to target the right spot to catch her.

"Akame and Kenshiro once again are at 40 ft apart"

Akame: I know what your up to, your trying to do some magic tricks. I won't fall for those

Kenshiro: Your clever, but your no match for me.

"Akame then unsheathes Murasame"

Akame: How about I put you to rest right here and now?

"Kenshiro goes into a Stance"

Kenshiro: You first

"Kenshiro then uses Tenha Kassatu"

Kenshiro "Tenha Kassatu"

Akame (In her Mind): He has a Ranged Attack now? Oh this is getting interesting

"Akame quickly dashes towards Kenshiro, who then attacks to throw a fist"

Kenshiro: Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-

"Suddenly, Akame literally "Teleported" on Kenshiro's left Side"

Akame: I got you........

"Akame then slashes at Kenshiro's Left Arm With Murasame..........."

Akame: What?????

"While Akame's Murasame did touch Kenshiro, No Cut is made because......"

Kenshiro: Fool, you think I would get grazed by that Blade? 

Akame (In her Mind): This is unreal, he is channeling Aura around him to Protect himself from Harm. I will have to Swing harder and Faster then.

"Kenshiro then attempts to Grab Akame's Already Vulnerable Hand. But She quickly Moves away, Untouched"

Kenshiro: Your fast, I give you that, but unfortunately, your time has finally come

Musou Tensei

Akame (In her Mind): I will have to focus here.

"Kenshiro Triggers Musou Tensei, but Akame isn't phased by the spectacle"

Kenshiro: Akame, any last words before you die?

Akame: No, I shall end this.....

"Akame attempts to strike at Kenshiro one more time, but this time, Kenshiro sees her Strike"

Kenshiro: I got you!!!!!!!


"Kenshiro uses his Hundred Crack Fist and Kicks Combo................"

Akame is nowhere to be seen

Kenshiro: What? Where did she go?

"Suddenly, Kenshiro looks above him"

Akame: Now, I see your skills and capabilities Kenshiro......... Want to fight hard, I will go hard!!!!   

"Akame then proceeds to sit and then cut herself with Murasame, the Demonic Curse finally seeps into her Body and now, Akame's Eyes become Demonic and parts of her body are full of scars"

Little War Horn State

Akame: Now then, Rest..... In...... Pieces!!!!!!

Kenshiro: It's too Late for that, you are Alrea-----

"Akame then strikes at Kenshiro at a Speed that he cannot perceive"

Kenshiro: What?

Akame: Your now at a life's End.........

"Akame then strikes with such force, Kenshiro suddenly feels the impact of Murasame clashing against him........... But then"


Kenshiro: You are Already Dead

"Kenshiro then attempts a Poke at Akame from multiple Angles, However, Akame's Reflexes and Boosted Speed are preventing any form of harm against her"

Kenshiro: You made a mistake on taking me on Akame, you will now suffer for your arrogance

"Suddenly, Akame is about to be Poked by Kenshiro.............."

Kenshiro: WOOOOHA!!!!

"Kenshiro Touches Akame....... but......... nothing happens"

Kenshiro: What?????? 

YOUR DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Turns out, Kenshiro touched an afterimage of Akame, who, all this time, jumped at over 40 ft into the Air and did a downward slash towards Kenshiro's Exposed Body................. Murasame's Curse finally sinks into Kenshiro's Skin"

Kenshiro: But..... how?????????

"Akame, now victorious because of the curse affecting Kenshiro's Body, finally speaks"

Akame: It was your bloodlust that was your downfall.............. You were not fast enough to catch me....

Kenshiro: Then, please take care of the Innocent when I am gone......

Akame: I am sorry Kenshiro......... I will protect the weak..... Rest in Peace

"Akame sheathes Murasame and walks away, exhausted, but Victorious...... leaving Kenshiro's Lifeless Body in the ground............"


The Summary   

Both Akame and Kenshiro are highly skilled and Deadly Characters, but it was Akame who ultimately had the advantages in her favor.

Yes, Musou Tensei was a bonkers and legendary ability, making it very powerful in many situations, infact, this fight was far closer than it seemed. But, looking at the smaller details, Akame's Speed was ultimately the real deal here. She has fought Merraid and her Swarm of Wrigglers, who attacked her from all directions and yet Akame was able to slice up all of the Wrigglers unharmed and untouched. That means she would be able to counteract and ultimately outpace Kenshiro, who has never shown any feat that is far above Lightning Level.

Kenshiro may have Pre-Cognition but Akame has fought Izou, who also had "Perfect Precog" but was finally slain by Akame. And while Kenshiro did have Ranged attacks, Akame has fought the likes of Esdeath, Bols and Teigu users who also possessed superior Range and yet Akame has fought them and won. Kenshiro really didn't have anything Akame hasn't seen before.

But most importantly, Akame's Aura Sense is what made her able to pinpoint the exact location of the "Real" Kenshiro when he triggers Musou Tensei. Yes, it does turn Kenshiro Intangible, but, in the Fist of the North Star Story, you can still be harmed by your opponent while in Musou Tensei if he hits the real you, meaning, Akame had the Aura Sense to simply nullify the Intangibility and has the Reflexes to block and avoid the Duplicates entirely. Basically, Akame is simply way too fast for Kenshiro to do much.


+Exponentially Faster

+Has Aura Sense that literally sees through Illusions and can pinpoint Kenshiro's Exact Location while in Musou Tensei

+Fought Foes who have all of Kenshiro's Capabilities, minus The One Hit Techniques

-Not as Experienced

-Not as Skilled

-Lacks Versatility


+More Experience

+More Skill


-Much Slower

-Countered by Akame's Aura Sense despite his Musou Tensei

-Kenshiro is nothing compared to what Akame has faced before

In the End, Akame was simply too fast, has the Murasame to simply One Shot Kenshiro to put him 6 ft under, and is way too badass. Looks like Kenshiro just "Ga his Fist Killed"

The Definitive Winner is Akame

Next Time on Who Would Win......


Cream and Cheese (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Minsc and Boo (Dungeons and Dragons)

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