Monday, December 25, 2023

Special Humiliation Edition (Comedy): The Donkey (All of Us are Dead) Vs The Businessman (Train To Busan)


Cruelty, the word that describes two of these stupid, pathetic and outright nonsense of human beings........

Instead of giving both these pests the benefit of a "Match up", I decided to give them a more fitting scenario..... HUMILIATION!!!!

Seriously, these two are so stupid and outright featless, they both put George Hancock into the Pantheon of Heroes. Oh, I am dead Serious!!!

So, I decided to "Poke Some fun, with a special Guest at hand. Take it away Buddy!!!!"

Its Kenshiro!!!!!

Kenshiro: Thank you for having me here Grandmaster, what are these two doing here?

Grandmaster: These Two are to be executed. But, I want it to be nice, Slow, and as painful and emotionally devastating as possible!!!

Kenshiro: Ahhh yes, well, I think I can take my time with these two, but in the mean time, give me time to prepare for the "Special Finisher".

Grandmaster: Of course, well, I also got the Entree in mind

Donkey: NOOO!!!!! Please don't do this!!!

Businessman: Yes!!!! I can give yo-

Grandmaster: SILENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (The Universe suddenly shook as Grandmaster Yelled). You two have done idiotic, cruel acts in the past that caused the deaths of others, I will have none of your tricks and bribery. You two can GO TO HELL!!!!!!

"From that moment, Both the Donkey and Businessman actually went into Hell"

Donkey: Ummmmm, Oh God I am scared!!!

Businessman: Where are we???


Mizora: Ahhh, I see we got some more playthings!!!! And I Thought Wyll was entertaining.

Donkey: Oh no!!! A Monster!!!! Don't let her Get me!!!

Businessman: Here, take thi-

Mizora: Ahahahahahhahahah, you two are such weaklings. Ok, let me put you two out of your misery

"Mizora then casts Crown of Madness, both the Donkey and Businessman suddenly fight each other"

Mizora: Mwahahahhahahah!!!!! Fight on!!!

"Eventually, The Businessman prevails after putting the Donkey on a chokehold. Killing the Donkey. However, Mizora then flies towards him and casts Disintegrate"

Mizora: Misery, Misery, that's the fate of these two..........

"In the Afterlife, Donkey and Businessman are suddenly in a completely empty space"

Donkey: What?????? what the hell is this???

Businessman: I don't know!!!! I can't think!!!



Miranda: You two are dead....... And soon, you two will be even more than Dead.


Hancock: Miranda, I was just getting more Coffee and.... What do we have here???

Miranda: Two Buffoons that literally do not deserve Death. They Deserve......... The Tucker Way

Hancock: The Tucker Way? Well then, I think I can arrange that!!!

"Hancock suddenly conjures up a large Sack, and, using his telekinetic power, puts both the Businessman and The Donkey inside it. Because the Sack has a voice code, only Hancock can open it"

Donkey and Businessman: NOOO!!!! PLEASE DON'T!!!!!!

Miranda: What was that? Did I hear "YAY GIVE US MORE!!!!?"

"Miranda then, in the blink of an eye, uses her Goreshot Technique, both the Businessman and The Donkey are suddenly blown into pieces"

Hancock: hahah, neat, you can use it even though you do not have them in your sight Miranda!!!

Miranda: Perks of being Grandmaster's Left Hand :D!!!


Estrella: Hello Everyone!!!! What's going on here!!!! 

Miranda: Hancock and I killed two buffoons while they were inside Hancock's Magic Sack. 

Estrella: Oh I see, what did they do to deserve this????

"Estrella reads the list of Deeds done by both of them"

Estrella: Normally I am a cute, adorable and beautiful sweetie pie but these two? MADE ME SUPER MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Estrella then Resurrects both Donkey and Businessman, but, after a few seconds, Estrella teleports herself and the two Buffoons into her Domain"

Donkey: What??? Where am I???

Businessman: Oh I can't stand it anymore!!

Estrella: It's all fine and Dandy folks, just open this little box please :D!!!

"The Donkey goes towards the Box and opens it. As she does it....."

Donkey: Phew....

Estrella: hahahah.......... You fool!!!!

"In this moment....."

Fred the Clown!!!


Estrella: Yes!!!! Give them hell Fred!!!!


"Fred Revs his Chainsaw and immediately chases down the Donkey and Businessman"

Estrella: Don't forget to go to the left!!!

"After being chased down for almost 4 minutes, both Donkey and Businessman reach two branching paths"

Businessman: Lets go Left!!!

Donkey: Why??? that crazy girl almost killed us with her clown!!!

Businessman: What Choice do we have??

Donkey: Fine, let's go Right.

Businessman: You know what? Maybe we should, she probably is trying to trap us somehow!!!

"Both Buffoons turn to the Right........"

Donkey and Businessman: NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

"Both are eventually devoured by Estrella's Pet, the Devourer of Universes"

Estrella: I said turn to the Left you idiots, I wanted to let you guys get out of here but you two are so stupid to even listen. Good work Lenny

Lenny the Monster: Thank you Master, these two taste horrible though.

"Lenny then spits both Donkey and Businessman out, but, using his dimensional Travel saliva, both Donkey and Businessman are suddenly back on Earth"

Donkey and Businessman: We had enough of this!!!

Grandmaster: ENOUGH!!!!!!! (Universe Shook once again) You two are not going to get away from our judgement!!!!

Kenshiro: Shall we bring out the big guns????

Grandmaster: With pleasure!!!!!

Beerus: I am Wasting time here. Whis: This will be Fun!!!!

Grandmaster: Everyone!!! Let's Destroy these two Buffoons before they cause more mayhem!!!

Everyone: YOU GOT I!!!!

"Everyone..... Yep..... ANNIHILATES THE TWO BUFFOONS!!!!"

The Writer of this Blog: And now, It is time!!!!!!

The Most Powerful of all time!!!

Grandmaster: And so, my real form is here!!!

The One: Yep, That's true. You did very well concealing my true form, Avatar.

Grandmaster: Yes!!! Now, shall we showcase our combined power?

The One: Yep, let's do it!!!

"The Grandmaster and The One do a Fusion Technique and become....."

"The Invincible One"

TIO: Now!!!! Let's Put these two to rest!!!

"TIO then puts both Donkey and Businessman into a pocket dimension"

TIO: You two will suffer endless days of torment for the rest of your existence!!!!

"TIO Then creates limitless duplicates of himself"

TIO: Are you two ready!!!!!?

Donkey and Businessman: NOOOO!!!!! NOO!!!!

TIO: Yes????? Ok. With pleasure!!!!!

"The TIO Clones then start chanting "Donkey and Businessman" endlessly. Each time they say it, both Donkey and Businessman Die instantly and revert back to life, then die once more. And the cycle repeats."

This Dimension is the Endless Death Dimension after all hahahahahahha MWAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!!!"


 (After 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000............................................ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Years of Chanting) Ok. Maybe we should cap this off with a few more heavy Hitters

"TIO then sends Back Donkey and Businessman back to Earth. Rewinds time so it is present day, and then puts everyone back into place"

Godzilla: GROINK!!!!!!!

Rexy: ROOOOOOAR!!!!!

Superman: This is a Job for Superman!!

Beholder: I see everything!!!!

Jawas: Ha.ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beerus: Ugh, when am I getting more Ice Cream?

Whis: When the time comes Lord Beerus. 

Galactus: Must Feed!!!!

Silver Surfer: This is logically unwise of you two buffoons

Unicron: Galactus, I demand a rematch!!!

Galactus: How about a Truce? Let's eat these two buffoons

Unicron: Actually, I accept that now.

"Both Galactus and Unicron are permanently friends"

Friends Forever!!!!!

Guts: Well then, let's get this shit out of the way!!!

Donkey and Businessman: M......U........S.........T......

TIO: What's That? You want more? Ok!!!!

"TIO Then opens a Portal"


GEORGE HANCOCK!!!! (He isn't Dead now? Ahhh)


SHIRLEY!!!! (Wait, Two Shirley's Now? hahah)

Shirley Fenette: And so, my Power can now be demonstrated!!!

Charlotte E. Yeager (Shirley): Yeah!!! My Boobs shall crush you both!!

George Hancock: But first!!!!!

"George Hancock Break Dances, Both Donkey and Businessman are asleep"

George Hancock: Well, that worked

TIO: Marvelous work everyone. But we also gotta give the Victims of these Buffoons some Retribution right?

"TIO Then brings out two Notable figures. Gyeong-Su and Seok-Woo"



Donkey: What!!!!!? I literally killed you!!!!

Gyeong-Su: Yeah? And now......

See you in hell Bitch!!!!!!

Donkey: NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SORRY FOR WHAT I DI-

TIO: Forgiveness? Begging for Forgiveness? Why should we even listen to your pleas when you literally took someone's life despite his innocence? You deserve Cruelty and Torture!!!

Donkey: .... I Hate Yo-

TIO: Hahaha!!!! That's what I needed to hear!!!

"TIO Then Telekinetically throws Gyeong-Su's Reaper Scythe towards the Donkey, Impaling her through the Head"

TIO: Now then, Gyeong-Su!!!!

"Gyeong-Su then recalls his Scythe and proceeds to float towards The Donkey and Touches her Forehead, she is now permanently "Zombified". No Brain, No Voice"

Donkey: Oooooooooooooo

Businessman: Really? I can't catch a break here

Seok-Woo: I can now give you a second Death, You Bastard!!!

Snap out of Existence Businessman!!!!

Businessman: Wow.... Look at those Gems!!!!

TIO: Hahahahahhahaha......... Sayonara

"Seok-Woo Snaps the Infinity Gauntlet and the Businessman is erased....... But then"

TIO: Woah woah, let's rewind it back a bit

"TIO Then rewinds time right before the Portal was created. Time finally Resumes after Shirely Fenette, Charlotte and George Hancock Appear"

George Hancock: Time to Break Da-

TIO: Sorry buddy, we are gonna do one more thing here

George: Ok. hahaha

TIO: You Three, Give them Hell

"Shirley Fenette then goes into Infinity Mode and delivers the Punch of Nothingness to Donkey and Businessman, Charlotte then uses her Boobs to crush them into Dust, but, since they also revive the Dead, she can spam it as many times as she wants and George Hancock did......"

TIO: Hahaahahahah This is Fun. But now, I got one more sliver of hope for you guys. Where is my little friend.....


Sonic the Hedgehog: Why Hello everyone!!!

TIO: Hello Sonic, I want you to take this Ring and try to avoid this first boulder I unleash at you, if you are hit, the Ring breaks

Sonic: I see, so what does the Ring do?

TIO: I have taken the Life Essence of the Two Buffoons and socketed them into this Ring. If you break this, they both lose their Immortality (I Made them immortal the moment this blog started hahah)

Sonic: Ahhh I see, well then. I shall show them who is the Fastest Thing Alive!!!!

"Sonic then wears the Ring and is ready to Run!!!!"

TIO: Ready... Set..... GO!!!

"Eventually, the Boulder rolls towards Sonic..... Sonic Purposefully hits himself towards the Boulder, Breaking the Ring"

Sonic: Sorry, was that Important???? hahahahhah

"Donkey and Businessman, now in zombified forms due to the effects of the Ring's Breakage are now lifeless"

Kenshiro: Now!!!! I shall send you both to the depths of Hell.... 

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru!!!!


"Kenshiro then permanently erases both Donkey and Businessman using the Muso Tensei Technique"

TIO: Hahaha!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gyeong-Su: How Fun. Thank you TIO

Seok-Woo: I am now finally at peace for the Second Time


Su-An: Dad!!!!? Is that you?

Seok-Woo: I have returned :)

Su-An: Please, never leave me again!!!!

Seok-Woo: I promise!

Let's get out of here!!!!!

TIO: A Heartwarming Ending :D!!!

Kenshiro: Indeed. Thank you for having me here. Simoun

TIO: You are most welcome Ken. Now, It is time for my departure.

"TIO, and everyone else leave the Area via multiple Portals. Kenshiro is standing in the middle of the Area."


????: You, Are you ready..... for a Rematch???

"Kenshiro Turns around"

Kenshiro: So be it......... Akame

Grandmaster's Birthday Special:

 Akame (Akame Ga Kill) vs Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star) Definitive Edition

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