Friday, February 5, 2021

Season 5: Gamera vs King Ghidorah (Godzilla and Toho Franchise)


Greetings and welcome to another edition of my "Who Would Win" series and it is going to be Gamera from, well, the Gamera franchise vs King Ghidorah from the Godzilla and Toho Franchise.

This match up is going to be quite simple in a sense that neither combatant are truly complicated. 

As usual I will be going to focus on the Base Stats, Abilities, Feats and finally, who I personally believe will win this match up

A heads up

It is important to note that both the Gamera and Godzilla Series have different eras with different story arcs. So, for the background info for both Gamera and Ghidorah, I will only make it brief because both series mainly get rebooted time and time again. 


So, without further ado, let's begin




















The Background of Gamera is one of the most inconsistent stories in fiction. Infact, to make it very brief, Gamera has been classified as either a Prehistoric Tortoise, or even a Mutation that is bio-engineered by the lost city of Atlantis to become the "Guardian of the Universe".


In the general sense of things, Gamera is a Kaiju sized Tortoise that has protected Earth from many adversaries. Ranging from Kaiju that are insectoid in appearance, even this.......



What the hell is this? It's Guiron, a living machete XD!!



Yeah, see, Gamera is in a universe where things go out of the box in terms of logic. Hahahah.



Overall, Gamera is a heroic kaiju that will stop at nothing in order to protect Earth from danger.



That is a brief but general background of Gamera's "Role" in his series. Let's see what the Daddy of Blastoise is capable of.




Physical Stats



This.......... is....... lovely hahah









Since Gamera is already a huge Kaiju, standing around 60-80 meters tall and weighing 10 000 tons, you would imagine him being very powerful. Here is a rundown of Gamera's Feats for Strength, Speed and Durability





  • Has lifted and pushed back kaiju on a regular basis
  • Managed to break off the Legion Queen's Horn
  • Lifted Guiron and threw him towards a mountain. In the same fight, Gamera managed to use a Seismic Toss on Guiron, that made him land nose first, or in Guiron's case "Blade First"
  • Overpowered Iris with multiple punches and tackles. Iris is one of Gamera's most powerful adversaries





Looks like the Hare loses this round XD!








  • Traveled across Japan in short time spans. Ranging from hours to a couple of minutes.  
  • Has flown around Space. Gamera even took on a Star Destroyer. Yes, this is real XD!!!
  • Is generally traveling at Mach 3 Speeds or more.
  • Gamera caught a missile that reached Mach 10 
  • In terms of Combat Speed, Gamera is quite fast. Though more or less the same speed as regular Kaiju. Kaiju fight can be both slow and fast, Gamera is somewhere in the middle in terms of Combat Speed

Ouch! That's gotta hurt!!!

  • Gamera is literally resistant to Military Firepower. Not immune, only resistant
  • Took a skewer strike from Irish
  • Took multiple Electrical Discharges  from the Legion Queen

  •  Survived a Nuclear explosion. The Same explosion that Destroyed the city of Sendai








His Fire can put you in living "Shell" XD!!







Gamera is a versatile Kaiju in terms of abilities. Here is the list of abilities that the Giant Turtle can use



Fire Breath: Gamera can use his Fire Breath for, well, burning anything to a crisp. The Flames are so powerful they are generally hotter than the Sun itself. Yes, Gamera's Fire Breath is powerful enough to melt anything..... That's quite impressive





Fire Absorption 















As Natsu Dragneel's long lost cousin, Gamera can absorb Fire in order to replenish his health and even regain power. It is one of Gamera's coolest abilities in terms of utility and defense, as it also means Gamera is very resistant to Fire attacks



Plasma Blasts










One of Gamera's Signature abilities is his Plasma Blasts. The Plasma is actually superior to his Fire Breath in terms of Damage output, as it literally can one shot Kaiju that are not durable enough to withstand them. Very powerful and Very Fast





It's a Bird, It's A Plane, No, IT'S GAMERA!!!!













As you already knew by now, Gamera can also fly!!!! What is really cool however is that Gamera uses his Flight as a means to attack his foes. He can push them back with his shell and tackle them, delivering powerful attacks, and even use his flight to perform his Seismic Tosses. 



Vanishing Plasma Fist


FALCO PUNCH!!!!!! (Wrong Character XD!!)










The Vanishing Plasma Fist is one of Gamera's Finishing Moves. It is achieved when Gamera uses his plasma breath on his own "Amputated Arm" and the arm is reformed with plasma. Gamera then strike his opponent with the Plasma Fist and it vaporizes the opponent from the inside. This move is so powerful, it literally ends a fight quickly regardless of power levels




 The Ultimate Mana Cannon



The Mana Cannon is hands down, Gamera's most powerful and coolest ability ever. Gamera, when running low on Mana reserves, will absorb Mana around the Earth for a final, finishing blast that literally vaporizes anything that stands in it's way. It is badass, awesome, and one of my favorite finishers in all of fiction.

Fireball Ejection Suicide

When all else fails for Gamera, he has one last ability that is crazy, but very effective. The Fireball Ejection Suicide is used as a last resort and while very powerful, it also guarantees Gamera's demise. The blast itself is powerful enough to level cities and multiple Kaiju at once. Making it comparable to a Nuclear Bomb.




Mana Reserves










Gamera relies on Mana in order to fuel his power and overall capabilities. Mana is a life force around all living things. Basically, it is similar to the Force in Star Wars, but in the world of Gamera, Mana is basically like a "Mana Pool" for the Kaiju to exploit for combat. 

Gamera's Shell



As it is already obvious at this point, Gamera uses his Shell to protect him from harm. While the underbelly is an obvious weak spot, his backside is quite durable. While not indestructible, the backside of Gamera's Shell is strong enough to block many powerful attacks from Kaiju. Gamera's Shell is also used as a ramming weapon whenever he flies (Mentioned above)

Some hilarious facts



...................... Eat your heart out Olympians








Now, Gamera is by far, one of the funniest Kaiju I ever known. You see, while he is a Guardian of the Universe, he is actually a "Guardian of Humor". Here is a quick rundown on how Gamera is funny  


  • Has fought Kaiju with weird names like Guiron and Gyaos........ Might as well fight someone named "Heilow" or even "Chodo" XD!!!
  • Managed to repair a spacecraft by simply putting it together with the funniest expression possible XD!!  
Masterfully done :D!!!!
  • Can use gymnastics during combat. 
  • Has his own Song. I even made up the lyrics!!!

"Gamera!! Gamera!!!!!! He loves children with respect, you won't find a better friend, please do not hurt Gamera!!!!!!"

  • Was rumored to run for Prime Minister of Japan.
Feats for Gamera


Being the main character of his own Series, Gamera has quite a resume to behold. Here is a list of achievements done by the Guardian of Earth
  • Has officially, and cleanly, became Godzilla's Biggest Rival in terms of popularity in Japan.
  •  Has defeated Guiron
  • Defeated Gyaos not once, not twice, but multiple times. To the point it is now considered a tradition for Gamera to beat Gyaos
  • Defeated Viras
  • Defeated The Legion Queen
  • Defeated Iris
  • Has one of the coolest roars in fiction
  • Gamera may not be as popular as Godzilla, but he sure has his own charm :D!!!
  • His Heisei Era Movies are amazing. Like, woah!!! You have to watch them :D


While Gamera is powerful, he is actually, one of the easiest Kaiju to put down. You see, as mentioned before, while Gamera's Shell is durable, his underbelly has been exploited as a weak spot time and time again. This is especially notable when Guiron and Viras managed to pierced Gamera's underbelly, doing significant damage to Gamera. While Gamera did win against them, there is a major detail to consider
You see, Gamera wins his fight with prep time. And in almost all of his first encounters, he generally goes for an analytical approach and then retreats to fight another day with knowledge of his opponents. While this sounds marvelous, unfortunately, there is a workaround. You see, when a foe is able to catch Gamera while he retreats, he is going to get clobbered and eventually overpowered to the point that Gamera will die if things get too much for him to handle. In a random encounter, Gamera would be at a disadvantage against any kaiju since his main strategy would be thrown out of the window, if, again, they are quick enough to catch him.
And finally, Gamera's Mana Pool is limited. Should he run out, he will have to hibernate and rest in order to regain it once more. Also, many of Gamera's fights involve him getting power by, get this, having support from children............. Sounds amazing right? No. You see, again, Random Encounters in the middle of nowhere is where this power is nullified entirely. So Gamera only has to use his own instincts and his own capabilities to win fights.
 Despite his major flaws, Gamera is still one of the coolest Kaiju in existence and one of my favorite monsters in fiction.
King Ghidorah

The background for Ghidorah has been retconned time and time again. So, in the general sense of things. Here is a very brief but straightforward take.
King Ghidorah, also known as "Kaiser Ghidorah", "Monster Zero" or even "Monster X" is a Three Headed Dragon of immense power. His origins range from being an Alien life form that attacked the Moon, to this.....
Looks like my friend Jamie from work XD!!!!

 Yeah, this version of Ghidorah is actually a baby creature that had two other siblings that were transported into the past in order to replace Godzilla's position in the world, which actually backfired because logic states that Godzilla is STILL AROUND!!!!! XD!!!!

Of course, Ghidorah eventually had another background. He became an Alien Life Form that managed to be in cased in Ice and was released by an eco-terrorist group in order to destroy all humans and Kaiju to balance the life cycle

Finally, Ghidorah also became Monster X and fought Godzilla in the movie "Godzilla Final Wars".......
Okay, time to move out of some confusing backgrounds XD!!!!
Let's see what this Three Headed Dragon can do
Physical Capabilities


Ghidorah is one of the most powerful Kaiju in existence with regards to Physical Capabilities. Standing at 158.8 meters tall and weighing a colossal 141 056 tons, Ghidorah is a Super Heavyweight Kaiju.
Here is a list of Physical Capabilities for Strength, Speed and Durability for the Legendary Dragon
  • Has lifted Godzilla multiple times. In the Legendary Series, Ghidorah lifted Godzilla to the upper Atmosphere and managed to drop him back to Boston. This version of Godzilla weighed 99,634 tons. 
  • Lifted himself and Anguirius, who was biting down on one of the Heads of Ghidorah while he was flying. Angurius weighs over 30,000 tons in the film "Destroy all Monsters"
  • Has superior strength to Rodan, who can lift Godzilla and glide across the ground
  • Squeezed Godzilla so tightly, it actually almost choked him to death


  •  Generally reaches over Mach 10 Speed whenever Ghidorah wants to reach the objective quickly
  • Is comparable to Mothra, who achieved a FTL feat by traveling around Galaxies. Since Ghidorah himself has fought and even defeated Mothra, he can scale to the feat because Ghidorah did fight Mothra using Speed as one of his main assets
  • Is consistently faster than Godzilla. Especially with regards to flight speed. Godzilla has fought many Kaiju that reach over the Super sonic to FTL Speeds and for Ghidorah to be quicker shows how fast he really is.
  • In Godzilla King of the Monsters, Ghidorah is capable of traveling around the planet in a timespan of around 2-3 days.

  • Is immune to all military firepower
  • Took Godzilla's Atomic Breath Blasts like it is a Tuesday. Sometimes, they merely just push Ghidorah back without any sort of serious injury.
  • Has taken attacks from Mothra, Rodan, Anguirus, Gorosaurus, Kumonga and Godzilla all at once. While Ghidorah did lose the battle, he managed to at least live long enough take the feat into consideration
  • Pretty much endured his own Storm, which is capable of Multi-Continental level of power because the Storm itself covered huge parts of Earth. 

Ghidorah may be a powerful Kaiju in terms of Physical Stats, but he is also a juggernaut in terms of abilities. 
Here is a list of Ghidorah's Abilities. 
Gravity Beams "Lightning Breath": Ghidorah has one of the most impressive Breath Attacks in all of fiction. You see, he uses Lightning to blast at anything with tremendous power and what is very cool, Ghidorah's Gravity Beams is also very precise. Pretty simple, he emits Lightning, it can shock you, your dead, game over :D!!!!!
Flight: As a Dragon, what can Ghidorah do? Well, HE CAN FLY!!!!!! Ghidorah's Flight is one of his best assets in battle, and he uses his flight for a mobility advantage against his opponents. Ghidorah is also very fast at flying, in terms of Combat Flight, he generally goes at Mach 10, still, very impressive
Electrical Absorption
So basically Thor is screwed XD!!!!

Ghidorah can absorb electricity to increase his power to further heights. A simple power plant is enough to re energize him and make him virtually unstoppable. The process can electrocute anything around Ghidorah.
 Weather Manipulation: Ghidorah can manipulate Weather to create a massive storm that is able to cover large portions of the Earth. It also can attack anything in it's vicinity due to the lightning storms and gusts of wind being too powerful. 
Three Headed Strikes: Ghidorah has Three Heads (Larry Curly and Moe) and these heads are used to attack his opponents with strikes, bites and constriction. Oh, and all three heads can emit lightning as well. That is rad :D!!!
 Regeneration: Ghidorah can regenerate from severe levels of injury, even decapitation, by regrowing his own head and lost parts of his body. While the effects are powerful, it takes time. Still, it gets the job done :D!!!
Feats  for Ghidorah


Ghidorah is Godzilla's ultimate rival, so he actually has quite a resume to behold. Here is a list of feats and, a cool bonus fact, for the legendary Dragon
  • Is one of the very few Kaiju that goes toe to toe with Godzilla on equal footing. Cleanly and officially :D.
  • Has killed Mothra
  • Overpowered Rodan
  • Did survive against both Godzilla and Rodan in a 1v2 match, or in this case, a 3v2 fight.
  • Defeated Godzilla as, THIS!!!!

 Yeah, that's Mecha-King Ghidorah!!!!
  • All of Ghidorah's film appearances are awesome. I never thought of a single bad Kaiju movie that has featured Ghidorah. 
  • Is my favorite Dragon in fiction. More so than Smaug and Deathwing
3,2,1, BLAST OFF!!!!!

 While Ghidorah is a whopper of a whopper, unfortunately, there are very major drawbacks to consider
Ghidorah has no arms, so, he is no boxer and no brawler in terms of close quarters combat. So Ghidorah has to rely on his three heads in order to be efficient in melee combat, which is also a huge problem because Ghidorah's Heads can be removed if given the chance. If Ghidorah loses a head, he either has to retreat and regrow it back, or he will lose it entirely and hopefully finishes off his opponent with his remaining heads. 
Now this sounds troubling but it also gets worse, you see, Ghidorah has actually a pretty mediocre record against Godzilla, and while Ghidorah certainly is Godzilla's Ultimate Rival, he actually loses to the King of the Monsters most of the time. 
It is also worth noting that while Ghidorah can regenerate, the healing process takes time, so if he takes too much damage, it will overtax his regeneration to the point that Ghidorah would simply break down and die.
And finally, while Ghidorah is indeed very fast, the most interesting take here is that Ghidorah generally fights while standing still against an opponent who cannot fly. So really, Ghidorah in a sense is quite honorable to his foes...... which can be troubling for him because if he is not as powerful as his opponent, he will be overwhelmed and while he can fly away, it is entirely possible for the enemy to chase down and finish off Ghidorah whenever he retreats, which Ghidorah has done before multiple times.
However, despite the drawbacks, Ghidorah is still a badass Dragon and one of my favorite Kaiju ever :D!!!!! 


  • Is Smarter than Ghidorah
  • Has more abilities
  • Has Arms......... Nice :D!!!!
  • Literally cannot match Ghidorah's Physical Capabilities. Like, 10 000 tons vs 141,056 tons? There is no comparison 
  • While Gamera has more abilities, none of them are as powerful and destructive as Ghidorah's. 
  • The Vanishing Plasma Fist may help, but since Ghidorah is constantly flying, Gamera will have very problematic chances to pull it off
  • His Mana Cannon will be easily dodged by Ghidorah due to his superior speed. Even if it hits Ghidorah, he will still survive since Ghidorah is already more durable and far heavier than Gamera
King Ghidorah

  •  Is simply too heavy and too powerful in terms of Physical capabilities compared to Gamera
  • Has more destructive abilities
  • Will avoid, if not, endure the Mana Cannon
  • Since Ghidorah is constantly flying, he is going to nullify Gamera's Melee combat entirely. Especially since Ghidorah is faster
  • Not as Smart as Gamera
  • No Arms..... Very disappointing XD!!!
  • Less Versatile

The Verdict

Gamera vs Ghidorah is a match up I always thought about since I started watching Kaiju films. While I do think it is a very cool idea, unfortunately, this is a literal stomp.
To cut it short, Gamera is the smartest of the two, or in this case, ''four", and he has more abilities to keep him in the game....... unfortunately, those are literally it for Gamera....... Yeah, Ghidorah wrecks hard!!!!
Firstly, Gamera Weighs 10 000 and stands at 60-80 meters tall. Sounds impressive, however, Ghidorah stands at 158.8 meters and weighs a colossal 141,056 tons.......... That means Ghidorah is almost three times as tall as Gamera and is 14x heavier...... Yeah, that alone paints a clear picture on who is going to win in a Kaiju fight.
Even worse, while Gamera has more abilities, Ghidorah's Abilities are simply deadlier and more destructive. However, here is the magic of why Ghidorah wins.
If Gamera and Ghidorah had a deadlock with their Breath Attacks. You would think it is a close call right? No way.
You see, Gamera's Fire and Plasma Breath are literally "Heat Based" and Ghidorah's Breath is Electricity. 
In science, Fire and Heat is a conductor for Electricity, which means, not only does Ghidorah win the deadlock, his electricity would simply travel inside Gamera's mouth and eventually towards his stomach, causing a monumental level of damage that will indeed kill Gamera because Ghidorah's Breath attacks are simply too powerful for Gamera to handle 
A Candle light conducting electricity. Notice how both sides simply pass through.

Simply put, Gamera is already at a major disadvantage, so in order for him to win this fight, he will have to resort to his retreat and fight another day tactic for a better shot........ Well, no. Again, Ghidorah has the edge because:
1. Ghidorah can simply chase down Gamera as he flies away, and since Ghidorah is already faster, he can catch him, kill him, and then end the fight
2. Even if Gamera managed to escape Ghidorah, he is still not going to be big enough and strong enough to do anything to the Three Headed Kaiju. The Size and Weight difference is simply over the limit for Gamera.
Finally, Gamera's Shell, while durable, is not going to be too much trouble for Ghidorah to handle. If he can simply use his size to crush the shell, the defense factor for Gamera is literally nullified and outright removed entirely. 
So, thanks to his Stats, Overwhelming Power and Destructive Abilities, I believe that King Ghidorah will "Crush" Gamera, the Guardian of the Universe. Looks like Ghidorah defeated Gamera in an electrifying fight that puts him in living shell.......... XD!!!
The Winner is King Ghidorah


Next Time on Who Would Win..............


Chris Redfield (Resident Evil) vs Chuck Greene (Dead Rising)