Friday, February 26, 2021

Season 5: Chris Redfield (Resident Evil) vs Chuck Greene (Dead Rising)



Greetings and Welcome to another edition of my Who Would Win Series and it is going to be Chris Redfield from Resident Evil vs Chuck Greene from Dead Rising



This match up will involve multiple factors that are actually quite unique in a sense that it is a match up where "Special Categories" come into play.



As usual, I will cover the Stats, Weaponry, Skills, Items, Intelligence, Feats, Weaknesses and finally, who I personally believe will win this match up.




So, without further ado, let's begin




Chris Redfield













Chris Redfield is one of the main characters of the series "Resident Evil". An agent of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA). 

Early in his life, Chris and his sister Claire lost their parents and both relied on each other as a family (What a lovely sibling bond). Eventually, Chris joined the the Air Force and met his friend Barry Burton (Funniest marksman ever).

Overtime, Chris managed to become extremely skilled with flying aircraft and helicopters, even undertook extensive training with the use of a variety of weapons.


Redfield has experienced alot of intense moments in his career. He has survived the Spencer Mansion, has taken down Albert Wekser, defeated multiple B.O.W's, even teamed up with Jill Valentine, Rebecca Chambers and Leon Kennedy multiple times in order to keep the world safe from another outbreak.


That is a brief background for Chris Redfield. Let's see what the Boulder Punching badass is capable of



 Physical Capabilities


His punch is more powerful than a shotgun blast









Despite Chris being a "Human", that is where things get hilariously underestimated..... Chris is actually, one of the most powerful human beings in terms of physical stats..... I mean, this guy is a monster in all aspects. Let's look at his Strength, Speed and Durability.













  • The famous Boulder Punch that Chris achieved in Resident Evil 5. What make's it far more impressive is that while Chris did have to punch the boulder 6 times, that meant, his regular punches are able to push at least 1 tons worth of force regularly........ Yes, Chris Redfield, a "Guy", can punch so hard, he can break a car............... That is amazing!!!
  • Able to push back Zombie Grapples both from the front and behind him
  • Can uppercut Executioners, Chainsaw Majini (Leatherface's and Dr Salvador's cousins) and cause knockback..... those guys are durable enough to withstand multiple point blank shotgun blasts but a uppercut from Chris can knock them back..... ok, this guy is just as strong as Yang Xiao Long at this point..... I am dead serious!!!!
  • Can break down doors
  • Lift up heavy doors long enough for partners like Jill and Sheva to pass through




What a dodgy situation XD!!!!

  • Can dodge gunfire
  • Can dodge a RPG blast 
  • Able to keep up with Wesker and an Infected Jill, both of which are around the Hypersonic range.
  • Outrun Zombies and other B.O.W's.
That's a stomp!!!!!!

  • Survived strikes from bladed weaponry. Chris can actually get more durable against them with the melee vest
  • Survived projectiles. Like the previous feat, Chris can wear a bulletproof vest that further increases his durability against ranged attacks
  • Survived strikes from Wesker, who is superior to Chris in all categories. Since we know that Chris can punch a boulder, and the fact that Wesker is above that level of Strength, that means Chris can survive multiple tons of force before dying.
  • Got stomped by Infected Jill, who's physical capabilities got amplified when she was infected by a mind controlling parasite
  • Can survive a Ndesu charge, which is literally a Troll like B.O.W that can smash buildings and is virtually identical to the El Gigante from Resident Evil 4, the same monster that Leon fought and killed.
  • Can survive at least one chainsaw swing. However, this is a feat worth noting in that Chris just barely survived the attack. A regular chainsaw strike can actually kill Chris instantly if it aimed for his head........... Thanos taught you well Chainsaw Majini XD!!!
Locked and Loaded!!

Chris has used a large variety of weapons over his lifetime. For the sake of the blog, I decided to list them in different groups. Here are the Weapon types that Chris has wielded.
Pistols: Chris can use Pistols for standard combat and for taking down zombies with a well placed head shot, or for targeting weak spots. Pistols can also be upgraded to increase Damage, Ammo Capacity, even Increased Critical Chance. Each pistol is outfitted with a laser sight for improved accuracy

Shotguns: Shotguns are extremely powerful. While slower to fire than a Pistol, they do make up for the drawback with amazing stopping power and a knock back, causing enemies to stagger, giving Chris more time for options. Shotguns can be upgraded to increase Damage, Ammo Capacity and Reload Speed

Assault Rifles: The Assault Rifles have the highest firing rate out of all the weapons in Resident Evil, second only to the Chaingun but that is for another time. Anyway, Assault Rifles are very powerful firearms that deliver tremendous amount of damage and surprisingly, they can be very effective against Stronger B.O.W's. Assault Rifles can be upgraded to increase Damage, Recoil Reduction, Ammo Capacity, Critical Chance and Reload Speed

Sniper Rifles: Possessing the longest range, Sniper Rifles are powerful but also very risky to use in close proximity against charging enemies. Still, Sniper Rifles have powerful stopping power, and when used at long range, can literally shoot down anything with pinpoint accuracy. Sniper Rifles can be upgraded for Ammo Capacity, Damage, Reload Speed and even has a breath control to increase accuracy for a moment
Magnums: Magnums have the highest damage output out of all the firearms. More so than both the Shotgun and the Sniper Rifle. While extremely powerful, they have low ammo and the recoil is strong enough to slow down the fire rate. Still, a well placed Magnum bullet can literally kill anything very quickly. Magnums can be upgraded to increase Damage and Ammo Capacity.
Explosive Ordinance: Chris has used multiple explosives. Ranging from throwable grenades to the lovely RPG and Anti Tank Missiles. Obviously, explosives are extremely powerful and also dangerous. So Chris has to throw/shoot explosives at certain distances, or he too will be damaged by the blast radius.
Flash bang Grenades: Chris can throw Flash Bang Grenades. While it may be just a blinding weapon, the flash can actually kill the parasites inside the zombies, making it extremely effective regardless. Still, Flash Bangs as an option is great for combat, as it can open opportunities for Chris to take advantage of a blinded opponent
Incendiary Grenades: These grenades are actually flammable explosives that are very effective against groups of enemies. However, the worst part is that if Chris gets into the radius of the flames, he gets burnt also!!!!! Yikes!!!!. Still, they are a great alternative to explosives.
Combat Knife: The Knife is hands down, one of the most important weapons in Chris' arsenal. While it may not look impressive, bare in mind that the Knife can be used to finish off opponents and it is essential for destroying crates and boxes to gather ammunition, pick ups and important items, without the risk of losing ammo :D!!!!! 

The Herbs that Chris can mix to increase health

Aside from Weapons, Chris can also use other items that are just as important for combat. Here is a list of Items.
Herbs: Herbs are consumables that can be mixed together for different effects. Two Green Herbs heal you, A Red and Green Herb can fully heal, and a Red, Yellow and Blue Herb can fully heal and increase your health permanently. Using one Green herb is still effective, but it only heals a portion of health. So generally, it is best to mix herbs for better results

First Aid Spray: The First Aid Spray is one of the best consumables in Resident Evil. The only drawback is that it cannot increase Health Permanently, but it guarantees that the consumer is fully healed. Very powerful :D

Melee Vest: The Melee Vest can give Chris a substantial boost of durability against melee strikes. While, well, it is kinda useless because you still get damaged, it's effects are important to keep Chris alive and well..... even though it does not resist chainsaw strikes XD!!!!


Bulletproof Vest: The Bulletproof Vest is simple. It increases Chris' resistance to long ranged attacks. Reduces ranged Damage by 25-50%



Possessing many skills, Chris is actually not just an exceptional marksman and brawler, he is also a very strategic and intelligent fighter. Able to pinpoint enemy weak spots and exploit them, Chris has what it takes to get the job done.
It is also worth noting that Chris is very good at using his team's skills to their maximum potential. Meaning, Chris is a superb leader.
Also, Chris can drive vehicles, fly helicopters and planes, so he is quite impressive in terms of vehicle and aircraft knowledge.
Accomplishments for Chris Redfield

Chris has achieved alot of amazing feats over the course of Resident Evil. Being one of it's main characters, it is obvious that Chris has done so much. Here is a list of feats by the Boulder Puncher.
  • Has officially, and cleanly, defeated Albert Wesker multiple times.
  • Has survived the Spencer Mansion
  • Helped Jill Valentine and Barry Burton escape the Spencer Mansion
  • Rescued Ethan and Mia in Resident Evil 7
  • Defeated so many B.O.W's, it is now a Tuesday for Chris
  • Defeated Alexia Ashford
  • Literally punched that boulder...... hahah
  • Can use Infinite Ammo (Cheat only so it will not factor into the overall outcome)
  • Can shapeshift..... Yes, Chris has the most inconsistent look out of everyone in Resident Evil. So, I say he has shapeshifting abilities!!!!

Chris Redfield may be a beast, but by no means is he invincible..... Not even close XD!!
As mentioned multiple times, a very well placed Chainsaw Strike can kill Chris, no matter how durable he is, if someone wielding a Chainsaw gets close and hits him with it, Chris is dead immediately. 
Also, sufficient damage to Chris can still kill him. Despite the effects of his bulletproof and melee vests, Chris can still feel the damage. So really, Chris is vulnerable to all matter of harm, no matter how well armored he is..... 
Finally, all of Chris' firearms run on ammunition. So if he runs out of ammo, he will have to resort on using his fists to do much, which severely limits his Ranged options substantially. 
Still, despite his drawbacks, Chris Redfield is a force to be reckoned with. The Boulder Punching guy literally is that, The Boulder Punch man!!!!
Chuck Greene  

Chuck Greene is a professional Motorcyclist with a background that certifies him as "Best Dad Ever".
In the year 2008 a zombie outbreak occurred in Las Vegas, which unfortunately, Chuck's wife was infected and eventually, was turned into a Zombie. During this time, Chuck's Daughter Katey was bitten by her mother, eventually, both Chuck and Katey left Las Vegas and arrived at Fortune City, where Chuck earned a living as a contestant for the popular show "Terror is Reality" run by Tyrone King, also known as T.K.
Using his well earned cash, Chuck has spent the money for a medical drug that helps prevent Katey from turning into a Zombie known as ''Zombrex"

All went well in Fortune City until one moment, a serious incident occurred that literally caused the zombies to break out and caused another outbreak of epic proportions. What is worse, while Chuck and Katey eventually found safe haven in a bunker, it turns out, the media has branded Chuck as the culprit that caused the incident. 
In an attempt to prove his innocence, Chuck embarked on an epic quest, ranging from saving a very attractive journalist,  to finally killing off a traitor and eventually, saved Katey and fellow friend Stacey from T.K, all to prove his innocence and even make him a better person :D!!!!
Ten Years later, Chuck eventually got more desperate and eventually, became a mob boss in order to gain access to more zombrex in hopes to keep Katey alive and well. Because of that burden, Katey left Chuck in order to try and keep him off from stress. This however made Chuck more persistent in finding her, and thankfully, Chuck and Katey did reunite, of course, Katey had a boyfriend named Nick Ramos, who Chuck eventually warmed up to and knew that Nick would be protective of Katey anyway...... What a very understanding guy :D!!!
That is a straightforward background for Chuck. Let's see what Best Dad is capable of.
Physical Capabilities


It is very inconsistent for Chuck in terms of physical stats because generally, he is just as strong as a human. However, what really helps him is that his attack potency drastically increases depending on the weapons he uses. What is cool however is that Chuck's Stats do increase with the help of mixed drinks (Coming up shortly) and certain weapons do make him quite a badass :D!!!! Here is a list of Feats achieved for Strength, Speed and Durability
  • Can crush Zombies with one haymaker. Chuck can do so with such force, even the zombie's heads explode. That means, Chuck's Haymaker is like a shotgun blast to the head
  • Can swing his weapons through multiple zombies at once. Which also means, Chuck can even cleave through Zombies like butter
  • Can lift zombies above his shoulders and throw them away
  • His power bomb against Zombies is deadlier than the Undertaker's Last Ride....... I am serious, it literally squashes the Zombie's skull
  • Crushed a Armored Van. What is cool here though is that the Van is far more durable than a regular van. A Grenade blast can damage it but Chuck's Fists and even the Bat are sufficient enough to make it explode anyway....... Impressive!!!
  • Can hold up Stone Statues and wield them like weapons. Even Chuck can throw them at long distances. The statue itself could weigh around 2 tons. Though, this is where it gets inconsistent, because it is unclear if these statues are entirely made of stone, or simply plastic replicas. Still, they are huge and for Chuck to even lift one is impressive anyway 

  • Can bulldoze zombies with a cart, even a wheelchair XD!!!!
  • Can dodge a bullet
  • Outrun Zombies........ Not very hard but then you factor in the "Super Zombies"...... Ahhhhh XD!!!
  • Can avoid explosives by simply jumping and leaping forward
  • Avoided Leon's Chainsaw Bike.
  • Can dodge Chef Antoine's Frying Pan throws 
  • Able to dodge gunfire shot at him from multiple angles by simply leaping forward

Crouching Tiger Hidden Daddy


  • Survived getting mauled by Snowflake, a fully grown Tiger
  • Literally takes Zombie bites regularly. What is really bizarre though, Chuck never gets infected at all. Meaning... HE IS IMMUNE TO THE ZOMBIE VIRUS!!!!
  • Can tank multiple gunshots. Far more so than a human, because Chuck takes Shotgun blasts and still keep going. What is really interesting is that sometimes, Chuck doesn't wear armor so he is already highly resistant to gunfire physically XD!!!
  • Can survive alot of Chainsaw Strikes from Randall. 
  • Managed to get explosive ordinance thrown at him by Carl and still survive..... At this point, I think Chuck is superhuman now hahahah

Chuck can use..... Anything as a weapon. Ranging from Baseball bats, Steel Bats, Guns, Kitchen Knives, Chairs, Katanas, Kid Toys, Teddy Bears, Water Guns, George Hancock (Ok I am kidding about the last bit haha), Chuck is incredibly crafty. However!!!! Another cool trick for Chuck is.....
Combo Weapons!!!!!!  
Beautiful.... Absolutely Beautiful!

The coolest part about Chuck Greene is his immense creativity with the weapons and items he combines. These are called "Combo Weapons" and in Dead Rising, they are the coolest and most entertaining aspect that makes the series sooooo enjoyable :D!!!
Now, this list is going to include all Combo weapons. Thankfully, the screen shots I took will provide detailed capabilities for all types. Here are the list of Combo Weapons used by Chuck


 And of course, the lovely Blambow!!!

Now that is out of the way, let's look at some hilarious and cool screenshots of some of the Combo Weapons in action :D!!!

Laser Sword


Power Guitar

But my personal Favorite!!!!!
Hey let's go for a ride!!!!

Overall, Chuck's Combo Weapons give him a level of unpredictability and improves his combat potential substantially. It makes Chuck, one of the deadliest zombie killers in fiction

Wheels of Death....... I love it!!!

 Chuck is a motorcyclist. What are they known for? Motor coasters? Close but no, MOTORCYCLES!!!!!

Chuck can drive multiple vehicles, but his most standard and popular choice is the motorcycle. When driven, Chuck's Speed skyrockets and he is now able to crush multiple zombies at once by simply running over them..... However, like Combo Weapons, the Bike can also be combined with certain weapons. However, Chuck's most popular choice is the Chainsaw Combo
Terror is Reality!!!! For the Zombies!!!!

It is worth noting, one of the combinations with the Bike is also the most powerful. Chuck can outfit Rockets with his bike and when fired, can unleash a barrage of rockets that are able to, well, destroy anything in it's path........ Yes, Chuck on his own bike is extremely dangerous. 
There is one more thing to remember, Chuck in Dead Rising 2 Off the Record uses molotovs while riding his bike and combined it with Chainsaws. This makes Chuck more versatile than ever before :D!!!

Chuck is by all means of logic, one of the smartest characters in fiction. At least in terms of creativity. While not really academically brilliant, since we do not know exactly how his education life was like, Chuck still has the creativity that rivals Joseph Joestar. 
Also, Chuck is a skilled Motorcyclist, obviously, and being a two time champion already makes him quite a badass :D!!!
It is worth nothing that Chuck is not just great at killing zombies, but also Psychopaths, who are crazed humans with delusions of, well, stupid stuff like rotten food being 5 stars, signing a contract to have Zombrex, killing innocent people in the name of justice and the death of a fellow mascot XD!!!!!! Yeah, strange times indeed
Chuck can eat, drink and well, consume anything to survive. He can mix two different types of drinks with some really beneficial power ups like.
  • Increased movement speed
  • Increased Durability
  • Increased Damage
  • Randomized Effects.... Though it often results in Chuck vomiting....
Accomplishments for Chuck Greene
The Champ is here!!!

 Chuck has quite a resume that makes him an absolute badass. As the main character of Dead Rising 2, he has a chunk load of amazing accomplishments. Here is a list of achievements by the best dad :D!!!

  • Has officially, and cleanly, defeated T.K to save both Katey and Stacey
  • Finally proved his innocence
  • Defeated fellow Terror is Reality contestant Leon
  • Defeated Brandon
  • Defeated Chef Antoine. A chef that can regenerate health by simply eating his own rotten food
  • Defeated Sheriff Seymour
  • Defeated Carl
  • Defeated Randall
  • Defeated Slappy (No, not the Goosebumps Slappy)
  • Defeated Two Maniacal Magicians 
  • Defeated The Twins. Highly skilled fighters
  • Defeated Special Forces. Yes, Chuck did kill well trained soldiers.
  • Defeated Sullivan, a traitor!!!!
  • Is quite literally, the best Dad ever. 
  • Saved multiple Survivors before the army arrived
  • Had to save Europa, a naked lady by, well, being almost naked himself............

You see, Chuck can only save her if he was naked because Europa was too nervous to go anywhere unless someone else was naked with her....................... What? XD!!!

  • Dead Rising 2 is my favorite Zombie Game :D!!!
  • Listen to the soundtrack for Dead Rising 2, it is amazing!!!
  • His boss theme in Dead Rising 2 Off the Record is badass!!!!
  • Is actually, a very likable and well written character.
Despite Chuck's amazing capabilities, he is by all means of logic only a human being. While his Combo Weapons do make him extremely dangerous, here is the where it gets very interesting, they have very low durability.
If Chuck overuses his Combo Weapons, they will eventually break down and he must make another one in order to use it once more. While this sounds like a nice solution, here is the problem, Chuck needs a workbench in order to make Combo Weapons. However, for the sake of "Skill Scaling", we can give Chuck the same ability that Nick and Frank West have, which is making Combo weapons without a workbench. Well, this is a huge plus side, but remember, it takes time for Chuck to make those weapons anyway, leaving him perfectly open to a counter strike.
Chuck is also, not a well trained fighter. While he knows alot of wrestling and brawling skills, he has never been battle hardened to the point that he is considered a well trained combatant. Yes he is efficient, but a master of no combat skills.
Also, while Chuck rides his motorcycle to gain a substantial Speed boost, he can still be shot off his own bike, losing the momentum and Speed Boost against his opponent entirely. So really, Chuck is impressive, but he has alot of faults that stop him from being, well, unstoppable
Still, despite the faults, Chuck is a real badass. He is a loving father to Katey, is a kind man to those who are not psychopaths, and overall, Chuck is one of the best protagonists in gaming :D!!!!!
Chris Redfield



  • Is physically superior to Chuck in all categories
  • Far more Skilled and Experienced
  • While Chris does not have the same creativity as Chuck, he counters it with having the Strategic mindset and Intuition to counter all of Chuck's Unpredictability
  • His standard weapons can be upgraded to have more Damage and Ammo, Chuck on the other hand may have Combo Weapons, but they lack the durability to simply compete against Chris' arsenal in the long run
  • Chris has fought multiple B.O.W's and other Zombie types that are simply far more powerful than anything Chuck has ever faced
  • If Chuck uses his motorcycle, Chris loses his speed edge and will have to try and stop Chuck by shooting him off the bike, which can be tricky to achieve
  • Has far less weapons to rely upon.
  • Less Hax.
  • If Chuck used a Chainsaw or a Paddlesaw, and managed to land a strike on Chris, the fight is over. Because Chris can die from a regular chainsaw strike, imagine the Paddlesaw slicing him down, it's overkill
  • Chuck's Laser Sword will instantly kill Chris, if he can get close.
  • The Rockets on Chuck's Bike will indeed be a hurdle for Chris to overcome. If one of them hits Chris, he is done for
  • While Chris is well trained, Chuck is far more unpredictable
Chuck Greene


  • Is more unpredictable
  • Does have more weapons and consumables, his mixed drinks can help Chuck prolong the fight against Chris
  • If Chuck rides his bike, he has the substantial Speed Edge and since he can outfit it with Chainsaws and Rockets, its going to be a tall order for Chris to handle
  • Should Chuck get in close and slices at Chris with the Paddlesaw, Laser Sword, or simply a chainsaw, Chuck wins the fight
  • Chuck has more Hax with the Electric Rake, Electric Wheel Chair and the Infernal Arms.
  • Chuck is a far better character 


  • While Chuck is Unpredictable, Chris' training and experience means he has the tactics and skills to counter his unpredictable weapons and attacks
  • Is not really as physically impressive as Chris
  • While Chuck's Motorcycle is a huge plus, should Chris knock him down, Chuck loses the Speed Edge entirely.
  • All of Chuck's Combo Weapons have far less durability and reliability than Chris' arsenal. Heck, they can't be upgraded for increased damage or ammo capacity, limiting their versatility and reliability substantially
  • While Chuck has a good resume, he has never fought anything like the B.O.W's that Chris has fought, most of which would clean sweep everything Chuck has fought in his lifetime
The Verdict

Chris Redfield vs Chuck Greene is one of the closest and most exciting match ups I ever researched. This fight is soooooo close, I actually really do think the winner of this match up depends on sooooo many factors. While I do think there are many consistent factors, there are certain aspects that make the match up very interesting. 
In terms of physical capabilities, Chris wins this category hands down. While Chuck may be impressive for human standards, by destroying an Armored Van physically and lifting Stone Statues, even throwing them at far distances, cleaving Zombies and such, Chris...... punched a boulder.......... That is more impressive than all of Chuck's Strength capabilities by a landslide. The Boulder itself would weigh at around 9 tons, and Chris simply punched it 6 times, so really, Chris' punches are going to overpower Chuck's Haymakers, and this is going to be huge!!!!................. But then things start to get far more interesting
Speed Wise, I say Chris still has the edge, by tagging Wesker and Infected Jill, I do believe Chris can take on Chuck without too much trouble.... Unfortunately, once Chuck rides his Motorcycle, Chris loses the speed edge and Chuck get's the edge immediately :D!!!!
So things are looking quite impressive, Chris is Stronger and Physically Faster while Chuck is actually faster with his bike. So how about Durability?
Believe it or not, I say Durability is a very solid edge for Chris Redfield. While Chuck can withstand far more chainsaw strikes than Chris, Chris has a bulletproof Vest and a Melee Vest that reduces incoming damage. So really, all of Chuck's Physical attacks are going to be weak against Chris....... But, this is where the real fight begins... WEAPONRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In terms of Weapons, oh my, this is where the outcome is truly decided. Both Chris and Chuck use dangerous weapons, but Chris has Standard weaponry like Pistols, Shotguns etc.......... Chuck? He has his arsenal of Combo Weapons that make him very unpredictable. Especially with regards to his creativity and Hax capabilities.
Chuck's weapons are so powerful, I do think they can match all of Chris' weapons blow for blow, even surpass them. While this sounds like Chuck wins this fight, actually.... The Real Winner here is Chris Redfield
So, if I said Chuck's Weapons are the deciding factor of the fight, how come I say Chris Redfield wins? Simple, while Chuck's Combo Weapons are game changing, they simply lack the ammo and durability to keep up with Chris' Upgraded weaponry. Chris can use his Pistol, and when fully upgraded, it can hold 100 ammo. Chuck on the other hand has ranged weaponry that generally lasts for about 20 shots at most, yeah, that is a monumental difference in terms of longevity
Also, Chuck's Melee weapons? Nothing that Chris has experienced before. The Paddlesaw is just that, a Paddlesaw, and Chris has killed Chainsaw Majini multiple Times. Even weapons like the Electric Wheel Chair are easily countered by simply shooting Chuck backwards. Chris also can counter all of the Combo Weapons using his strategic mind and combat skills anyway. He has fought B.O.W's that can deliver more powerful strikes than what Chuck can do.
The Motorcycle. while it does become problematic for Chris due to the Speed edge, and the fact it can be outfitted with Rockets and Chainsaws, here is the thing. Chris can simply shoot down Chuck from the bike and wala, Chuck loses the speed edge entirely, enabling Chris to simply run up to a downed Chuck and beat him down to death.
While Chuck can use Mixed Drinks they all run on a timed limit and really, they are not very game changing aside from healing Chuck and some stat boosts.... Well, Chris can fully heal himself with a First Aid Spray and Mixed Herbs. So it is an even playing field.
So really, Chuck may be very unpredictable, but Chris has the Skills, Weapons, Physical capabilities to keep Chuck from "Rising from the Dead"........... XD!!!
The Winner is Chris Redfield

A Special Thanks

I would like to thank my great friend Marty. Thank you very much for your wonderful help on this awesome match up. Especially with regards to the Resident Evil and Dead Rising lore :D!!!!! 
Thank you very much and remember, George Hancock is out there ;)   
Next time on Who Would Win.......
All Hail!!!!!!




 Lelouch (Code Geass) vs Kane (Command and Conquer)

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