Saturday, January 19, 2019

Season 2: Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) vs Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)

Greetings and welcome to my season 2 premiere of my Who would Win Series and it's going to be Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider Franchise vs Jill Valentine from Resident Evil.

With this fight, I will be compositing Lara Croft since her origin story is consistent with her character and her backstory. And I will only use the Tomb Raider games as a source for Lara's Info since they are her most iconic appearances.

As for Jill Valentine, I will do her canonical appearances in the games only since the live action movies of Resident Evil do not connect with the video games' story in any form.

As for the info for this blog, I will be going into the base stats, their weapons, skills and finally, who I personally believe will win this awesome match up

So, without further ado, let's begin

Lara Croft

Lara Croft was born in England to a wealthy family. Her father was Lord Richard Croft (Or Henshingley Croft if you go with the earlier games) and her mother was Lady Amelia Croft. 

Lara had a very well educated life and after graduating from High School, she had a passion for archaeology. Eventually she requested to help her mentor Wener Von Croy to assist him in finding the Iris from Cambodia. The Expedition resulted in Werner taking the Iris, which Lara eventually stole it from him, resulting in a cat and mouse chase that resulted in Lara winning the conflict. 

 Lara eventually resumed her studies and began a new passion for Water Sports, horseback riding, climbing, athletics, archery and even treasure hunting. 

Since then, Lara Croft has a renowned reputation as the most famous treasure hunter in existence. And has traveled around the world in search of ancient artifacts to protect them from getting into the wrong hands. 

That's a brief background for Lara Croft, now, let's see what this treasure hunter is capable of.

Lara Croft, despite being human, has extraordinary strength feats. Here are some of Lara's best strength feats.
  • Pushes Pillars, Large blocks of steel, brick and wood on a regular basis
  • Can overpower Soldiers using her fists
  • Able to throw her climbing axe towards a chopper with just one arm. This resulted in the axe penetrating the fuel pipe, exploding the chopper in the process.
  • With her grappling hook, Lara can pull back pillars
  • Held up a metal gate while underwater.
  • Can kick men a couple of feet into the air.

Lara Croft is very fast for human standards. Infact, she is basically above olympic level in terms of speed. Here are some of her best speed feats.

  •  Can jump across chasms while avoiding falling debris or even falling bridges.
  • Reacts to bullets casually. Lara herself can even dance around bullets
  • Has dodged lighting in mid air
  • Dodged Sum beam attacks.
  • Fast enough to evade deadly traps.
  • Dodge attacks from Tigers, Dinosaurs, Apes and even Yetis.
  • Can draw her weapons quick enough to kill her enemies without any form of retaliation.
  • Quick enough to stop impaling spikes

Lara is very tough in terms of durability. Infact, she is superhumanly tough. Here are some of Lara's feats for durability.

  • Fell 30ft ontop of a metal bar that pierced her abdomen.... Lara eventually cauterized the wound later on with no form of help and had to endure Trinity pursuing her, falling down cliffs and more physically demanding tasks before she treated her wounds.
  • Was knocked back by monsters towards walls and eventually shrugs it off
  • Takes powerful punches from Soldiers
  • Fell 40ft to the ground and is fine. This is significant because this height would kill a human being
  • Has survived a helicopter crash and a plane crash multiple times
  • Tanked a huge explosion and is fine
  • Can shrug off bear traps clamped on her.
  • Survived a missile that destroyed her mansion and was fine. This is a small building level feat 

Skill set

Lara Croft has an extensive knowledge of hand to hand combat. She has been taught by the very best of the world to train her into becoming one of the deadliest martial artists in fiction. Infact, her training is so good she even outclassed well trained soldiers and Black Belt level Martial Artists in terms of skills.  

Hand to hand combat aside, Lara is also a legendary marksman in terms of firearms and other weaponry. She eventually mastered the use of weaponry to the point she literally becomes a force to be reckoned with. 
Another asset to Lara's skillset is her stealth. Lara is incredibly crafty in terms of stealth and has snuck up on enemies with infrared vision by covering herself with mud. Basically, she is the female equivilant of John Rambo in terms of stealth....... What a badass 

But by far her most iconic skill in Tomb Raider has to be Lara's athleticism. An olympic level athlete, Lara has perfected her body to adapt to any situation that comes at her. She is also a gifted Gymnast, being very agile and very unpredictable in combat.


As a treasure hunter, Lara Croft has extensive knowledge of archaeology, history, modern history, ancient cultures and languages. She can even speak numerous languages in their native tongue and translate ancient transcripts. 


Like all great combatants, Lara Croft is armed with a wide range of weapons. Here are some of her favorites in combat 

Pistols: Who is Lara Croft without her twin pistols? These pistols have a simple purpose, "Shoot to kill" Though they have been used to solve puzzles also such as shooting at levers and buttons at hard to reach places. Also, Lara can modify other pistols for greater versatility such as giving them a silencer, and even a burst fire mode 

 Shotguns: Lara also uses shotguns in combat. Lara can even modify shotguns by giving them  incendiary rounds, which burn her enemies to a crisp. All of Lara Croft's shotguns pack devastating power.

Assault Rifles: Lara also brings assault rifles for devastating firepower. What's more, she can outfit them with a grenade launcher that can destroy anything in it's blast radius. These rifles are also very accurate in combat.

Bolt Action Rifles: Aside from Assault Rifles, Lara also uses Bolt Action rifles. These rifles pack devastating firepower and are more accurate than the assault rifles though they have a far slower fire rate. 
Rocket Launchers: Lara also uses rocket Launchers. While very slow to fire, they pack massive firepower.


 Bows: Without a doubt the most versatile and deadliest weapon in Lara Croft's arsenal. The bows are simply put, perfect for any situation. Lara can use different types of arrows for her bows. They are:

  • Regular Arrows 
  • Fire Arrows
  • Poison Arrows
  • Hallucinogenic Arrows.
  • Grenade Arrows
  • Rope Arrows

 Explosives: Lara can also use explosives in combat. In fact, Lara can craft shrapnel explosives that pack devastating power and even uses smoke grenades to help her evade combat or for stealth purposes. 

Artifacts: During her travels, Lara has used artifacts to combat her opponents. These include Thor's Hammer Mjonir (Not to be confused with Marvel's Thor) which is capable of destroying a mountain. And Excalibur that is used against Amanda.


As you can see, Lara Croft is a Swiss army knife in terms of weapons. 

Aside from weapons, Lara also brings equipment that help her during exploration. Though some of these gadgets are used for combat, they are mainly used to solve puzzles and traverse dangerous terrain.

Climbing Axe: The Climbing Axe is self explanatory. It is an axe used for climbing up mountains, cliff sides and tombs. It can also be used as a melee weapon to finish off opponents.

Sonar Map: Lara has a sonar map that gives her a perfect picture of her surroundings.

Grappling Hook: Lara Croft's most useful gadget has to be her grappling hook. This Grappling hook is versatile, capable of pulling down stone pillars, grappling onto ledges and rings to allow Lara to swing across chasms and even help Lara wall run to reach far distances.

Traps: Lara can also lay out traps for her enemies. These result in deadly results such as poisonous clouds from dead bodies to explosives triggered.

Bandages: Lara Croft can craft Bandages that heal her during combat. 


Despite Lara Croft's amazing stats and resume as a badass..... Lara herself is simply put, a human. While a very tough human at that, Lara can be killed by normal means. Infact, failing at quick time events or even failing to dodge attacks can instantly kill Lara. Also, Lara can regenerate wounds though she doesn't have a healing factor that is on par with someone like Wolverine and Leone. 

What's more, Lara can be quite over confident with her abilities and this can make her have poor judgement and underestimating her opponent.

Still despite her flaws, Lara Croft is one of the coolest characters in fiction. What's more, she has to be my all time favorite video game character and I do love Lara Croft more than Indiana Jones, Nathan Drake and Rick O'Conell as my all time favorite Treasure Hunter. I love you Lara!!!!

Jill Valentine


Jill Valentine has a interesting backstory. In 1990 she served in the United States Army and eventually caught the attention of Delta Force. Afterwards, Jill, despite being a female, was selected to partake on a 6 month Operator Training Course which made her a very skilled Bomb Disposal agent, a master at lock picking and having a very precise approach to any situation.

Later on, during the mid 90's, Jill Valentine was recruited into S.T.A.R.S (Special Tactics and Rescue Service) by Albert Wesker. S.T.A.R.S is an elite Police Department Force that relied on military veterans, skilled agents and scientists to undertake dangerous operations involving crime and conflict.

After a while, Jill eventually became one of Albert Wesker's members for Alpha Team, which included Chris Redfield, Barry, Brad and other skilled agents. After hearing numerous reports of missing personnel, Alpha Team was sent to investigate, only to be ambushed by terrifying monsters in the process. Despite all this, Jill, Chris, Rebecca Chambers, Barry and Brad eventually escaped the horrific experience.

Since then, Jill has participated in numerous outbreaks during the course of Resident Evil. She has survived the Racoon city Outbreak, fought the Nemesis, numerous zombies, Cerberus and other BOW's (Bio Organic Weapons)  In fact, she has witnessed far more dangerous threats that what most people wouldn't want to experience.

That's a brief  background of Jill Valentine, now, let's see what this chick is capable of.


Despite being peak human, Jill Valentine does have a couple of superhuman feats. these include.

  • Holding back Zombies, infected dogs and Nemesis
  • Can push large crates
  • Pushed large statues 
  • Can Kick Zombies hard enough to send them flying backwards 
  • Matched Chris Redfield's strength. Chris is strong enough to punch a boulder multiple times to eventually push it down.


Jill's Speed is interesting. What is important here is she is still peak human though she is capable of doing some crazy things in terms of speed. These include

  • Has evaded moving lasers  
  • Shot down a group of zombies using her pistols in quick succession in a small time span
  • Able to push Chris from a Steel Gate trap fast enough for him to evade the spikes
  • Can outrun rolling boulders.
  • Can evade attacks from Tyrant, Nemesis, the Yawn, Black Tiger and Plant 42  

Jill Valentine is a durable human. She is alot tougher than a normal human would dream to be. Here are some of her feats for durability

  • Was poisoned in the past yet she still fights on, giving her amazing willpower and resilience
  • Took swipes from Tyrant, who has sharp claws
  • Was impaled by Nemesis, eventually, Jill managed to defeat Nemesis though this also resulted in her fainting afterwards 
  • Tanked point blank explosions. 
  • Took a hit from Wesker who punched her with such force she crashed against a wall that created a huge dent.

Skill set
Being a military trained combatant, Jill Valentine is a very skilled hand to hand combatant and a superb marksman. She can also utilize attacks that can instantly incapacitate or even kill her opponents like breaking necks of zombies with her thighs or flying kick their heads off.

Also of note, Jill is a very skilled Bomb Disposal agent. And another aspect to her skill is her experience with lock picks that made her a valuable member of her team. 

Simply put, Jill is very skilled in terms of combat and for quick analysis of the situation.

As you expect from someone from Resident Evil, Jill Valentine is armed with numerous weapons. These include.

Pistols: The standard issue pistol that is used for dispatching enemies. While very fast in terms of fire rate, they lack the firepower of other weapons. Still, their light weight makes them very easy to handle.


Shotguns: Jill has used numerous shotguns. The common Pump Action shotgun packs devastating firepower at close range and the Assault Shotgun packs better firepower and a faster fire rate. 

Sub machine Guns: Jill also uses Sub Machine guns in combat. These weapons are very versatile, with great close range and long range capabilities. 

 Grenade Launchers: One of Jill's most powerful and versatile weapons, The grenade Launcher is capable of firing shells that produce devastating power. Jill can use different types of ammunition for the Grenade Launcher. These are:

  •  Grenade Shells


  • Acid Shells 


  • Incendiary Shells

  •  Freeze Rounds


Rocket Launchers: Jill has used Rocket Launchers for devastating results. Usually during a boss fight to end it very quickly. Still, Rocket Launchers pack massive amounts of damage, capable of one shotting alot of enemies.

Knives and Daggers: Never underestimate the capabilities of knives and daggers. These weapons are used by Jill with tremendous skill and have helped Jill escape from certain death against Zombies, Cerberus' and even Giant spiders.

Stun Gun: Like Daggers, Stun Guns are used by Jill to help her escape from enemy grasps. They are, as the name suggests, capable of stunning her opponent for a brief moment.

Self Defense Pistol: A powerful pistol that only has one shot. It does have it's use as a finisher against Jill's enemies.

Magnums: Powerful handguns that can explode enemies heads once fired. They also are superior to Handguns in terms of stopping power and sheer force alone. They are extremely dangerous.


 Grenades: Jill is also equipped with a number of grenades. They come in different types. They are:

  • Hand Grenades
  • Flash Grenades
  • Incendiary Grenades 

 Aside from weaponry, Jill does have a couple of 
useful gadgets. These are.

Lockpick: Used by Jill to unlock doors and chests. Jill is highly skilled with lock picking.

First Aid Sprays: These sprays can instantly heal Jill Valentine should she take too much damage

Herbs: Jill can carry herbs that give her healing properties and also cure her of poisons. Some herbs are combined to make them even more powerful like increasing Jill's health permanently. 

Radio: For intel data and communication.

Genesis Device: Jill carries around a Genesis device. This device allows Jill to scan the area for analysis of enemies, Items and even Traps. A percentage count indicates the amount of data has been transferred. Should Jill achieve 100% data with the device, she is granted a healing herb and the percentage is then automatically reduced back to 0.

Mind Controlled Jill

This form of Jill is the result of Wesker controlling Jill with a parasite lodged to her chest. It grants her superhuman stats and even improves her combat effectiveness. While Jill is incredibly powerful during this state, she no longer has the effects of the parasite and therefore, is only having her regular form for combat. Still, it is worth mentioning that Mind Controlled Jill has a couple of awesome feats.

  • Overpowered Chris and Sheva
  • Exceeded Chris' strength.
  • Can dodge bullets very quickly.
  • Durable enough to take more shots than she normally would.


Jill Valentine, while great for human standards, is a human being for logic purposes. As such, she has the vulnerabilities of a human being and has been quite helpless in certain situations that would have resulted in her death if not for the help of others. Also of note, her feat against Nemesis did involve help from Carlos and Nikolai and her time with Tyrant involved Chris Redfield and Barry. So, Jill's more dangerous feats required help in order to achieve victory and successful results. 

Also of note, during her Mind Controlled State, Jill lost her sanity and become more reckless in combat. While she has shown that she is tactical in this state, for the most part, it can result in her being more predictable to the point that someone can take the opportunity to remove the parasite from her chest, removing Jill from this state.

Still, despite all of her flaws, Jill is a real badass. She has endured so much stuff in Resident Evil that it would be foolish to underestimate Jill. On a personal Note, I love Jill Valentine, she is easily my favorite Resident Evil character ever!!!!!

Lara Croft


  • Has the substantial stats advantage
  • Superior hand to hand skills
  • More intelligent than Jill Valentine
  • More experienced
  • Has taken down more powerful enemies than what Jill handled.
  • Took down armies of soldiers, most of which are exactly like Jill in terms of skills and stats
  • Weaponry is way more versatile with more options for combat
  • Lara's Bow outclasses all of Jill's weaponry in terms of versatility. 
  • Capable of one shotting Jill with her poison arrow.
  • Solved more dangerous puzzles
  • Slightly sexier than Jill Valentine.
  • Better rack
  • Her voice is soothing to listen to


  • Can still be killed by Jill with normal means of attacks
  • Her overconfidence can lead to her downfall if Lara isn't careful against Jill
  • Rarely wears body armor, which can result in Lara taking more force than Jill.
  • Jill has fought monsters that are more powerful than Lara in terms of firepower. 
  • Not as cute as Jill Valentine

Jill Valentine

  • Has fought monsters that are more powerful than Lara in terms of firepower
  • Can take advantage of Lara's overconfidence should she underestimate Jill.
  • Wears body armor than can prevent a couple of bullets from killing her. 
  • Can kill Lara via normal means of attacks
  • Cuter than Lara Croft
  • Arguably has better eyes than Lara
  • Has a soothing voice to listen to

  • Outright crushed in terms of stats
  • Her weaponry, while powerful, lacks the versatility of Lara Croft's arsenal.
  • While smart, Lara is still smarter than Jill
  • Hand to hand combat skill is laughable compared to Lara, who is trained by the very best. 
  • Less experienced
  • Lara's Bow will be Jill's worst nightmare in the fight
  • No counter to Lara's Poison arrow.
  • While Jill has solved puzzles before, they pale in comparison to Lara's resume, which involved deadlier traps.
  • Her more impressive feats, like taking down Nemesis and Tyrant usually required help to achieve them.
  • Slightly less sexier than Lara Croft.


Oooh I love this match up. This is simply put, one of the most exciting match ups I have analyzed. What is interesting here is we have Lara Croft vs Jill Valentine. Two ladies that actually do look very similar in terms of appearance and costumes. 

Similarities aside, this match up is actually close. Though honestly, Lara wins this for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, Lara Croft has better stats than Jill. Jill, while very impressive, doesn't quite have the same level as Lara Croft in terms of strength, speed and durability. While Jill has fought monsters, survived Racoon city, numerous outbreaks and experienced terrifying events, Lara herself has defeated Yetis, Frost Giants, Dinosaurs, The Deathless, and Gods. What is interesting here is Lara has Jill beat in the rogue gallery department. Surely Jill's body armor would help her survive some of Lara attacks right? Well, it is true but the one thing we need to mention is this.

This is the bow, Lara's best weapon in this fight. While it does look archaic at a first glance, it actually packs more firepower than what Jill brings to the table. In fact, this screenshot shows Lara using her poison arrow to kill a bear...... Jill, has never shown us that she can be immune to poisons. While Jill can cure herself with antidotes, the power of Lara's poison is too great that Jill would be dead before she could do anything.

Another factor to consider here is that Lara Croft is simply more experienced than Jill and is the far superior hand to hand combatant. What's worse for Jill, Lara herself has defeated foes that also wore body armor and were very well trained. So Lara not only beats Jill in terms of stats, but Lara has the superior weapons, fought more powerful enemies and took down enemies who have the same capabilities as what Jill has.

What Jill can do is get a lucky shot on Lara and eventually take advantage of the situation and finish Lara off.... But due to Lara's speed advantage, it is highly unlikely that would happen anytime soon.

Sorry Jill, your amazing and all, but Lara Croft just beat you here. At least you would put up a great fight.

The Winner is Lara Croft 

Next time on Who Would Win.........

Mine (Akame Ga Kill) vs Gaige (Borderlands)

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