Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Yang Xiao Long (RWBY) vs Joseph Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency)

Greetings and welcome to my new edition of my Who would win series and it is going to be Yang Xiao Long from RWBY vs Joseph Joestar from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

For this fight, I will only use Joseph Joestar from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2 Battle Tendency since it is his own story arc and Joseph has more feats in that arc than he did with the other chapters of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

As for Yang, her info will be virtually unchanged since Yang Xiao Long vs Leone. But I will use different visuals for Yang's information.

So, without further ado. Let's begin

Yang Xiao Long

Yang Xiao Long is the half sister of Ruby Rose and the daughter of Raven Branwen and Taiyang Xiao Long. An energetic, upbeat and cheerful girl since childhood, Yang always wanted to have the thrill of adventure which is the sole reason why she became a huntress. Eventually, Yang and Ruby were enrolled to Beacon Academy and eventually met Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna, and together, they became a team named "RWBY". Since then, Yang is now a more matured teenager who loves nothing more than the protection of Ruby Rose and her friends.

That's a brief summary of Yang's backstory, now lets see what she can do.


Yang at her base strength is a very strong combatant. Infact, she is one of the strongest characters in RWBY in terms of physical strength. Here are some of Yang's best feats for strength


  • Punching Junior so hard he flew to the other side of the bar. Mind you this was when Yang didn't even use Ember Celica.
  • She is able to knock down 10 ft tall Grimm Beasts
  • Punch the floor of a bar so hard it created a shockwave that sent everyone surrounding it flying into the air.
  • Has lifted a henchman wearing a teddy bear mask and not only did Yang blast the guy, his mask came off also
  • Upper cutted Lie ren using Turkey gloves
  • Punched a White Fang soldier through a train hatch.
  • Has knocked out a team of guys who were facing Team RWBY in the Vale Tournament
  • Overpowers groups of enemies without activating her semblance 
  • Held up the mouth of a giant bird. 
  • Stalemated Nora Valkyrie in a arm wrestling contest. Nora is strong enough to puncture a Giant Scorpion's carapace with Magnhild. 


Yang Xiao Long is a particularly underrated character in the speed department. She can scale to characters like Ruby Rose, Lie Ren, Mercury, Emerald and even Blake Belladonna, all of whom are hyper sonic to massively hyper sonic at best. Some of Yang's impressive speed feats are:

  • Gaining momentum from using her Ember Celica for more power and speed to her attacks
  • Reacted to Ruby Rose's attacks in a sparring contest
  • Equaled or surpassed Lie Ren in hand to hand combat speed
  • Matched Blake's speed when running.
  • Can easily dodge, deflect and even see the trajectory of bullets
  • Can surpass Flynt Coal's sound wave. Yang eventually clapped her hands on Flynt's trmped, knocking him out of the fight.
  • Attack speed equals to the likes of Mercury, Emerald, Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna and Pyrrha Nikos.


Yang is surrounded by an aura that protects her from massive amounts of damage. This aura can heal minor wounds like scratch marks and bruises. It comes to no surprise that Yang Xiao Long is known to be one of the toughest characters of the RWBY universe. Her durability feats include

  • Surviving multiple Grimm attacks, some Grimm are capable of breaking trees casually
  • Endured heavy hits from Junior, who was carrying a rocket launcher and swung it at Yang multiple times
  • Was uppercutted by Nora into the air. This also resulted in Yang falling from kilometers high later on, and when she landed, not only was Yang fine, she got back up like nothing happened.
  •  Tanked a punch from a Paladin Mech piloted by Roman through a concrete pillar
  • Endured Flynt's Sound wave
  • Endured attacks from a 15 ft tall Grimm beast, even ended up getting chewed by it and wasn't even scratched. 

Skill set

Yang is a very skilled combatant, matching most of the characters in RWBY in terms of skill level. Her move set involves the use of boxing, kickboxing, brawling and high flying techniques. She is also a very skilled ranged combatant.


Yang's signature weapons are the Ember Celica. The Ember Celica are two yellow gauntlets that are very versatile in both close range and long ranged combat. In close range, the Ember Celica's power is so devastating that at base power, they have the power of a shotgun blast. At Long Range, Yang fires rockets from the gauntlets which are both powerful and very fast. 

 Arm Shotgun

However, Yang unfortunately lost her right arm and eventually replaced the missing limb with a robotic arm. The Robotic arm is outfitted with a shotgun function that has the same capabilities as what the Ember Celica gauntlet had

Some of Yang's impressive feats with the Ember Celica an her robotic arm are:


  • Blasting 10 ft Grimm backwards
  • While opening the Giant Birds mouth, she continuously fired rockets inside it's innards, severely damaging it.
  • Stalemated Junior's Rockets, which were fired in rapid succession
  • Knocked out Nyan with her rockets
  • Used her Ember Celica to propel herself into the air for greater mobility and for flying techniques in combat
  • By using the gauntlets she can land safely after flying for a couple of kilometers in the air.
  • Defeated a group of Raven Branwen's henchmen/hencwoman without activating her semblance. Yang did all of that with very little effort



Yang's Semblance is an ability that allows her to absorb all the damage she takes and redirect it back with greater force. While the ability is extremely powerful, it can result in Yang tanking too much damage, eventually hurting her if she is not careful. Some of Yang's best feats while using her semblance are.

  •  After seeing pieces of her hair in Junior's hand, Yang activated her semblance and resulted in Yang punching Junior so hard, the entire building exploded from the inside, which also resulted with glass shattering and Junior flying outside of the building
  • After getting smashed through a concrete pillar, Yang got back up and activated her semblance and completely destroyed the Paladin Mech.
  • Very rarely misses a punch once her semblance is activated.
  • Her semblance also increases her base strength gargantually. Even reaching Multi Building to small town level


Despite Yang's incredible skills and stats, her main weaknesses involve her being predictable in fights against an opponent who is clever enough to outsmart her at times. She also tends to be very overconfident with her abilities that can result in her getting into trouble.
Also, her moment with Adam resulted in Yang losing her arm by trying to save Blake without thinking.

Despite this however, Yang will eventually grow her skills and even become a more mature fighter.

In a nutshell, Yang Xiao Long is a very versatile, very powerful combatant who is suited to any sort of situation that comes at her. And also. She is essentially my fictional wife and my all time favorite character in fiction. Yang is love, Yang is life!!!

Joseph Joestar

Joseph Joestar is the Grandson of Jonathan Joestar and Holly Joestar. Born to George Joestar 2 and Elizabeth. When Elizabeth was forced to go out into hiding after murdering her husband's killer, who is one of Dio Brando's zombies, Joseph's grandmother Erina, thought that it would be best for Joseph to know that his parent's have died while he was still young to remember, out of fear that he would end up suffering the same situation that his Father and Grandfather endured before him. Erina and Robert E.O. Speedwagon eventually took care of Joseph for the rest of his childhood days. The young Joseph developed an ability to use the Ripple inherited from his grandfather, first displaying it when Speedwagon was being kidnapped.

Eventually, Joseph and Erina were invited by Speedwagon to visit New York. During his time in New York, Joseph met a African American boy named Smokey who was abused by corrupted cops. Displaying his skills with the Ripple, Joseph saved Smokey from further harm, eventually becoming good friends. 

Later on, Joseph eventually encountered Straizo, who was a former friend of Jonathan Joestar who also happens to be turned into a vampire. After a wild encounter with Straizo, Joseph was warned by the vampire of the power that the three Pillar men will unleash upon the world. Since then, Joseph has done everything he can to stop the three Pillar Men, ancient humanoids who are vastly more powerful and smarter than humans, from achieving their goal.

That's a brief backstory of Joseph Joestar. Now, let's see his stats.

Joeseph Joestar may be human but he does have a couple of great strength feats. Some of his strength feats are:

  • With just the flick of his thumb, Joseph managed to open a bottle that broke the fingers of a corrupted cop.
  • Can hold himself up with just two fingers
  • Climbs 24 meters of an oily wall for over 60 hours  
  • Using wire, he can slice off Esidisi's arm off, who is one of the Three Pillar men

Joseph Joestar is an exceptional combatant in terms of speed. Some of his best speed feats are.

  • Can lay out traps with such speed, even the Three Pillar Men never noticed him doing so
  • Dodged an eye fluid attack by Straizo, putting Joseph at massively hyper sonic speeds
  • Reacted to attacks from Straizo, Santana, Caesar and the Three Pillar Men.
  • Can Run away very fast..... Best tactic ever XD!!!    

Joseph is a tough combatant in terms of durability. He has endured quite alot of stuff over the course of his story arc. Some of his feats for durability are

  • Allowed himself to be absorbed by Santana, who can absorb his victims on a cellular level. Joseph survived the ordeal
  • In the same encounter with Santana, Joseph was thrown to the ceiling of the Nazi research facility, this resulted in a huge dent for the ceiling.
  • Has been stabbed, pierced and even bruised by Satana and the Three Pillar Men 
  • A stick grenade exploded at point blank range from Joseph. Not only did Joseph survive, he walk away unscathed.
  • Took a blast of Wamuu's Divine Sandstorm. While the ability was not yet at full power, Joseph's situation is still amazing considering that the same ability can casually destroy pillars.
  • Piloted a warplane that was missing a windshield. At a speed of 240mph, the cold air would have stung Joseph's skin. He was un phased by the situation 
  • Stood very close to an erupting volcano.
  • His arm was severed by Kars, Joseph continued fighting (Badass)
  • Tanked an Ultimate Kars Harmon technique to the knee, the temperature of the attack is comparable to that of the sun
  • Both Joseph and Kars were eventually on a platform that was erupted by the volcano, they reached the upper limits of the atmosphere, eventually, Joseph prevailed over Kars but then the more impressive part of this feat was that after Kars was blasted to space by Joseph's severed hand, the platform that Joseph was on eventually started falling back to Earth...... Joseph survived this. 

Easily the most significant stat for Joseph Joestar is his amazing intellect in combat. While it is true he isn't a well educated man in terms of academic excellence, Joseph makes up for it with his legendary craftiness in combat. Some feats displaying his intelligence are.

  • Outsmarted all of his opponents. In fact, Kars, who is the most intelligent of the Three Pillar Men, eventually fell for Joseph's Trickery. The Pillar Men are a race of ancient humanoids who are vastly more powerful and smarter than humans.
  • Can predict the actions of his opponents on the fly. 
  • His sleight of hand is his bread in butter for his tricks
  • Has slipped several grenades on Straizo's back without him noticing.
  • Is a master of disguise......... Not really hahahaha
  • Plays dead so he can see an opening to catch his opponents off guard.
  • Can use the environment to his advantage
  • He made Wamuu suck gasoline from a fire bomb and made it explode
  • Used Wamuu's crossbow ball trick against him
  • Used his severed hand to push Kars into space. Kars did not expect Joseph to use the hand for the situation.
  • Always says "Your Probably about to say ???" And those who listened to Joseph always said exactly what he said.

Ripple, also known as Harmon, is the main source of Joseph's power. Inherited from his Grandfather Jonathan Joestar and trained by Lisa Lisa (Spoiler alert: His Mother), Ripple energy is used by regulating breathing and project sunlight. It is used to combat the Forces of evil Joseph can use an amazing variety of techniques using the Ripple. These techniques include:

  •  Ripple Hair Attack: Joseph grabs hair from either himself or his opponent and channel Ripple energy to it to create a barrier. Joseph used this technique to deflect projectiles that Santana absorbed by using Stroheim's hair 
  • Overdrive: Overdrive is a technique that allows Joseph to channel Ripple energy into his Clackers or anything he wields to amplify their attack potency and even destroy the bodies of Esidisi and Wamuu 
  •  Rebuff Overdrive: Joseph channels Ripple energy into his elbows, unleashing a devastating attack using his elbow.
  • Zoom Punch: Like his Grandfather before him, Joseph uses this technique to dislocate his shoulder and arm to attack his opponents with longer range....... This is called JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for a reason XD
  •  Ripple Beat: Joseph channels Ripple into his hand for a hand chop. The damage doesn't affect Joseph's hand because he is using the technique alone. Making this a very "Handy" move.

Joseph Joestar wields only a few weapons. these are:
  • Clackers: Joseph's signature weapons. They are extremely versatile in terms of combat, trickery and even amplify Joseph's Ripple effects. Joseph wields the Clackers with such mastery that nobody expects where and when he will strike.

  •   Tommy Gun: While not used as much as the Clackers, Joseph used the Tommy Gun as a surprise weapon against Straizo. It is basically the exactly same weapon as a regular Thompson Sub machine Gun

  • Yarn of a Wool Hat: A long thread of string that Joseph used for a trap against Esidisi. 

  • Sledgehammer: Joseph used a slegehammer during his battle with Wamuu in a chariot race. Joseph slathered the sledgehammer with oil to improve its conduction of Ripple effects. 

  • Heavy Crossbow: In the same encounter with Wamuu, Joseph used a Heavy Crossbow to fire a Ripple-charged iron ball at the wall of the arena, where it rode around the entire wall before launching off and hitting Wamuu from behind. 


Fighting Style

As stated before, Joseph is all about tricks. He very rarely, if ever at all, engages in combat using brute force. The interesting part about Joseph Joestar is that he is the polar opposite of what Jonathan Joestar once was, who was always solving his battles using powerful techniques and having a code of honor that made his fighting style predictable. Joseph on the other hand never plays fair, and the main driving power of his approach to combat is simple: He does whatever it takes to survive. Joseph is, simply put, one of the most unpredictable combatants in fiction.



While Joseph Joestar's encounters with vastly superior foes resulted in him never losing a single battle cleanly, he is, and by all logic..... human. Infact, Joseph himself almost died in numerous encounters against the Three Pillar Men. At one time, he was defeated by Wamuu without any form of prep time and had to train harder to eventually match and even exceed Wamuu's power. Even worse, Kars severing Joseph's arm is an indication that Joseph can still be harmed by all means of attacks.

If not for Joseph's intellect, he would surely wouldn't beat his opponents in a 1v1 fist fight even with the use of the Ripple. The Ripple, while very powerful for what it is, doesn't make Joseph and other users invulnerable to attacks. Infact, sufficient damage to the user will eventually deplete Ripple energy, weakening the user.

Still, despite his flaws. Joseph Joestar is simply put, an extremely competent, unpredictable, trickster who always has the situation under control using his brains.


Ummm I might just take that last statement back XD!!!!

Bottom Line: Joseph is a true badass for what he achieved. 

Yang Xiao Long

  • Literally crushes Joseph Joestar in terms of stats.
  • Her Aura tanks all of Joseph's attacks with almost no effort
  • The Ember Celica and her Robotic Arm provides superior versatility and firepower for Yang.
  • Once Yang activates her semblance, there is no way Joseph would survive a punch from Yang
  • Has fought characters who are either stronger, faster and more durable than Joseph
  • In every way, Yang is sexier, more beautiful and adorable than Joseph.

  • Doesn't have the same craftiness as Joseph
  • While Yang is superior to Joseph in terms of stats, Joseph has defeated opponents who were superior to him in terms of stats. So the stats advantage could not matter to Joseph
  • Doesn't have bigger muscles than Joseph
  • Will fall to Joseph's "Your probably about to say" taunt
  • Isn't as smart as Joseph in terms of tricks

 Joseph Joestar




  • His intellect will keep him in the fight against Yang
  • While statistically outclassed, Joseph has defeated foes who were superior to him in every stat. So his experience with overcoming unbelievable odds will help him in the fight 
  • Is much more unpredictable to Yang, who would fall for some of Joseph's tricks
  • His signature taunt is just priceless
  • Has bigger muscles than Yang
  • More numerous equipment than Yang


  • Literally destroyed in terms of stats
  • While he has achieved impossible victories against those he has fought, the fact that they actually required some prep time does hinder Joseph's chances against Yang, who Joseph wouldn't know what Yang is capable of before the fight begins
  • If Yang activates her semblance, Joseph may as well be with Jonathan Joestar in Heaven.
  • His weapons lack the firepower and versatility of Yang's Ember Celica and Robotic arm.
  • Should Joseph take too much damage, he will lose control of his ripple, eventually depleting it. 
  • Not as sexy and Adorable as Yang.

Yang Xiao Long vs Joseph Joestar is one of my favorite match ups to date.This match up is particularly interesting because of how different both combatants are. We have Yang Xiao Long, who fights with overwhelming force and power against Joseph Joestar, who uses his brains to keep his opponent on the loop. This is easily, one of the most exciting match ups I ever had to research.

A couple of factors into the fight do play a large role here. In terms of Stats, Yang clearly destroys Joseph here. We are comparing a combatant who can strike with tons of force casually against a peak human combatant. However, power is not what Joseph is all about. Joseph uses his brain to accomplish wonders in his battles. He never tries to play his opponent's game, Joseph IS the game. 

What puts Joseph in a pretty comfortable position over Yang is simple, he has defeated foes who are vastly superior to him in terms of stats, and even uses the environment to his advantage. Kars literally is immortal yet Joseph defeated Kars. That alone sounds legendary.

However, there is a problem here, Joseph had prep time to tackle his opponents. In fact, he knew of his opponents weaknesses beforehand so in this fight, Joseph literally doesn't know Yang's weaknesses aside from her being more predictable as the fight goes on. So the question is, can Joseph still defeat Yang without prep time? 

The Answer........


Sadly, without prep time, Joseph literally can't beat Yang in a straight up fight.  Going back to stats, Yang's speed is far above Joseph's speed. Joseph has dodged an eye fluid attack from Straizo at point blank range though Yang has deflected bullets and even seen their trajectory. So Joseph isn't as fast as Yang nor he is able to keep up with Yang's speed while planning his next move..... Which Yang would be too fast for Joseph to take advantage of.

As for Durability, Joseph again loses to Yang. Yang is protected by an aura that protects her from harm. What's more, she has survived a fall from the sky after being whacked to the air by Nora Valkyrie and when she landed, it didn't phased Yang at all. Joseph on the other hand was bruised by the Three Pillar Men and almost died against Kars, who overpowered Joseph if not for Joseph using the  Red Stone of Aja to stop Kars from killing Joseph and eventually, caused the eruption of the volcano.

So, in a nutshell, the only way for Joseph to beat Yang is to bypass her aura...... and that is literally impossible for him to do so because Yang's aura tanked so much damage that Joseph's damage output means nothing if he cannot bypass the aura anytime soon.

And finally, weapons. While Joseph does have more weapons, Yang's Ember Celica and robotic arm are leagues more versatile and powerful. At base, they pack the firepower of a shotgun blast..... Joseph cannot survive that. And, should Yang activate her semblance, her power level is vastly increased and spells doom for Joseph Joestar. Joseph may have the Ripple but if Joseph takes too much damage, the Ripple will eventually deplete, leaving Joseph completely powerless.

So, in a nutshell, Yang Xiao Long simply wins against Joseph Joestar due to her stats, superior weapons and her semblance.

The Winner is Yang Xiao Long



  1. Josuke avenges his father and destroys her. Lel

  2. I think the outcome of this fight was both of them finding eachother to be ridiculously hot and Joseph gets killed by Suzi Q because he got Yang pregnant or something. Either way Yang still won

  3. Just to be clear, if anyone hasn't noticed by now. This blog used Joseph specifically from Battle Tendency. He DID NOT!!!! Have a Stand in that part of the story.

    If I want to be honest, yes, Joseph with Hermit Purple will indeed beat Yang pretty easily because she cannot Harm Hermit Purple nor can she even see it because she is no Stand User. Ok,that's that..... But the blog was never about a "Unfair Fight". This is a more comparable version of Joseph for Yang to fight. And I still stand by my claim that Yang wins via Stats and Versatility. The Only thing Joseph has is his intellect. Do not try and assume I made him a fool, he is not even close to being a fool at all, but, how is Joseph gonna do anything to Yang's Aura without any form of prep time?

    Anyone who gives me one more negative comment, I will permanently delete them and block them entirely. I make these blogs just for fun, I never intended to cause any form of harassment or biased actions.
