Saturday, May 11, 2024

Season 7: Genos (One Punch Man) vs Fenix (Starcraft)


Greetings and Welcome to another edition of my Who Would Win Series and it is going to feature Genos from One Punch Man and Fenix from Starcraft.

This blog is not very hard to go over. Stats, Weaponry, Abilities, Armor, Feats, and, the Fight Segment :D!!!

Genos' Information is extremely easy to go over because he has one Canonical Story Arc. Thus, the Manga and Anime of One Punch Man can be mixed into one, splendid package :D!!

Fenix's Info is equally simple. He too has a single canonical story, although, as we go into later on, he actually has "Memories of the Past" stuff that pretty much define his character. Still, because Starcraft has one canonical story arc, this is going to be straightforward.

So, without further ado, Let's Begin.


Genos is one of the supporting characters of the Superhero Action Comedy Series, "One Punch Man".

Early in his life, Genos lived a peaceful lifestyle. That was until a tragic event occurred, when a Rampaging Cyborg managed to destroy his hometown and his family.

Miraculously, Genos survived the horrific ordeal and was on the brink of death, until a scientist named "Dr Kuseno" founded Genos while pursuing the Rampaging Cyborg.

Desperate to take action, Genos wanted to become a Cyborg and requested Dr Kuseno to become one. The Doctor accepted, and performed surgery on Genos, thus, transforming him into a badass!

Four Years later, Genos attempted to find the Rampaging Cyborg in a act of revenge, but as of now, was unable to find it.... Instead, he found this guy.......


After a epic battle with "Mosquito Girl", and meeting Saitama, Genos eventually became a major player in the events of "One Punch Man"

Eventually, Genos and Saitama joined the Hero's Assoctiation, Genos being an S-Class Hero due to his exceptional grades (Sadly, Saitama is B Class....... Hah.....Hah...... Huh?)     

After joining the Association, Genos gradually fought numerous Villains and Planetary Threats, all while being a badass Hero in the Process. 

Oh, and Genos is ever loyal to Saitama, what a great Dog...... No, seriously. XD!!!

That's a very simple backdrop for Genos' Story. Let's See what he can do.


Genos is of course a Cyborg. He possesses quite a potent amount of firepower that is outright devastating to anything he faces. He not only has firepower, but great utility. 

Here is a list of what Genos can do with his Cybernetics

Immense Strength

Genos is Strong.... Very Strong. In numerous battles, he is capable of smashing through City Blocks and Causing Craters in the Ground with his Drop Kick. 

In essence, Genos' Strength is around City Level.

Immense Endurance   

As a Cyborg, Genos is one of the most Pain Tolerant combatants of my Series yet. Genos' Body is Purely Artificial, no blood and no sweat. Infact, Genos cannot be fatigued in combat.

This makes Genos one of the hardest characters to put down in terms of attrition. Oh, and if that's not enough, Genos can even fight on whenever he loses a Limb or Two..... But... as we get into later on, he has a work around to that.

Immense Speed (I love using the word Immense hahaha)    

Genos "Teleporting Behind Speed O Sonic"

Genos is also extremely fast. Comparable in Speed to Characters like Speed O Sonic and Blast, Genos can go at Light Speed. Also, his Combat Reflexes are legendary, he is capable of doing "Hundred Crack Fist" Techniques that might as well be A JoJo Reference on it's own, at light speed again :D!!!!!

Also, Genos can use Boosters to boost his Speed up and enable him have limited Flight Speed, which is equal to his already Immense Speed feats of Light Speed :D!!!

Hyper Sensors 

Obviously, as a Cyborg, Genos has Sensors that detect numerous objects and individuals from a great distance. He is also capable of detecting "Sneaky" foes from the shadows and behind walls. Because of this, Genos is impossible to take on with the element of Surprise.

Despite it's tremendous capabilities, the Sensors are also a double edged sword. If Genos scans a large individual such as the Elder Centipede, it would look like multiple Centipedes instead of one. It is literally like a Radar Scrambler to Genos.

But, in this particular match up, this won't be a factor at all :D

Instant Adhesive Gel    

One of the coolest abilities for Genos, Instant Adhesive Gel literally makes his opponent a Statue, to the point that Genos has all the mobility he needs to finish them off. Although never used on Shielded Opponents before, it is still worth noting that walking onto the Gel still makes you a "Sitting Duck"

Detachable Body Parts  


Genos can detach his Body Parts for numerous and tricky tactics. He does run the risk of having one or two less body parts but when done right, he then has a ranged attack that can be quite a potent attack on its own. Attacking from two directions at once? Maybe Three or Four? Yeah, that is pretty cool :D!!

Of course, even if Genos loses those Body Parts, as mentioned before in the Endurance Section, he can still fight on as nothing happened :D!!!

Cyborg Legs

As Mentioned Before with Immense Speed, Genos' is Fast, but, in terms of Attack potency, they are capable of doing some serious firepower. Just a Kick alone can shatter multiple Buildings, even City Blocks. 

Arm Blades   

Genos is also "Armed" with Arm Blades. Easy to describe. They are attached to his Arms, used for Melee. The End. 

Light Speed Reflexes added on, your sliced before you know it. Haha :D!!!

Incineration Cannons

Genos' most iconic Ability, The Incineration Cannon is very much the Pinnacle of Cybernetic Firepower. 

Superb Range but also Scary Power, The Cannons are capable of creating a Canyon in a huge landscape with a Single Blast. So much so, that combining both Arms to Perform One Cannon is powerful enough to level a entire City. Yeah.... BADASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cybernetic Upgrades

Over the course of Genos' Time in One Punch Man, he has gotten numerous Upgrades. So much so, he might as well be a Video Game Character :D!!!

These Upgrades gradually boost Genos' Overall Power, even add more nifty abilities that turn Genos from a Fork into a Switch Army Knife!!!!!

Now, let's look at these upgrades

Anti-Saitama Tactical Arms   

This Upgrade allows Genos to have Beefier Arms and Body Parts, in order to Spar with Saitama. He also gets a Boost of Power with his Incineration Cannons. Which, as mentioned before, can cause massive Craters with a Single Blast. A Combined Blast can create City Level Power.

Arms Mode       

Similar to the Previous Upgrade, Arms Mode now gives Genos not only Beefier Arms and Body Parts, but it is in the form of a Suitcase when inactive. 

Genos can also move his Core into his left arm's bicep to increase his Firepower to Gargantuan Heights (Island Level power? Yikes!)       

Also, Genos' Arms now become more "Black" and Sleek. I love it!!!

Storyline Upgrades 

As Mentioned before, Genos gradually gets more Upgrades. That is because, after certain Battles, Genos does get rebuilt and gets more modifications to further increase his combat capabilities after each encounter. Let's quickly look at the Battles that resulted in Genos becoming the next Shonen Protagonist!!!

  • Deep Sea King: Rocket Punch and Detachable Body Parts

  • Battle with G4: Adhesive Gel, Speed and Power Increase

  • Super Fight Arc: Bladed Arms, Power Increase and Recall Body Parts. Even A Net Ability to Hold Back Foes, like what he did to Garou.

Monster Association Arc

This Upgrade is noteworthy on its own since this time, Genos is granted Protrusions around his arms that resemble blades. Ideal for Melee Combat but also given as a Power Boost.

Genos also becomes more Demonic in Appearance. Not actually evil, just very cool looking :D

However, one of the most significant features of this Upgrade is that Genos' Power now gets ridiculous. He becomes so powerful he is now capable of destroying a Meteor with one Shot, which is already at the Realm of Continent Level. 

However, there is a catch. You see, Genos has to use his Full Power for 10 Second Flat, otherwise, going overboard would destroy his Core, thus, crippling Genos and possibly killing him permanently.

That said, Genos still becomes an absolute Badass :D!!!! Just, do not go over 10 Seconds buddy.

Psychic Sisters Arc Upgrade

Similar to the Previously Mentioned Arms Mode. Genos' Power Core is now at his Chest. However, there are Two more noteworthy Abilities that Genos Gains with this Power Boost.

Lightning Core: Genos produces a Very Bright Light with his Chest and it becomes a blast that is similar to Iron Man's Chest Beam. Awesome :D!!

Scorching Core: Identical to Lightning Core but this time, Produces Extreme Heat and is a much bigger blast. That said, it also runs the risk of Damaging Genos in the Process with prolonged Usage.

And yes, Genos also gets much faster with this Upgrade :D!!!! Light Speed Time!!!!

Supreme Hero Arc Upgrade

After being fully repaired from his fight against the Extended Family of Darkness, Genos once again gets stronger. Now, he is capable of tackling Dragon Level Threats and at one time, was capable of dealing not two, but three Dragon Level Beings in a 30 second time frame. That said, it also shown us the limitations of this upgrade, as Genos had only 6% Power left in the aftermath but wow, this is a whopper of a whopper

The Final Upgrade.......

The Final Upgrade for Genos by Kuseno, Genos now reaches the height of his capabilities. Not only does his Cybernetics capabilities Push to Eleven, but he now can tackle Dragon Level Threats with his Bare Hands. Let's Sink this in, Genos, who once became a City Block level character, can now tackle Continent Level Threats with his Bare Hands at the height of his power. Whatever this amazing character can do, I cannot wait to see if he can go beyond :D!!!!

Skills and Tactics

Genos is one of the most skilled Heroes of One Punch Man. He is so skilled, he claims to have fought countless villains prior to the events of the Story. A claim that holds weight, given his good track record against some of the strongest villains around.

Genos is also quite crafty, although not particularly strategic, he does perform tricks that help him in combat against foes who are not as versatile and mobile as him. 

And, Genos.... is a master of house chores.... Detachable Body Parts for multi tasking such as Kitchen Cleaning, Cooking, Washing Clothes etc. Yeah, Genos is a perfect butler :D!!!

Feats for Genos  

As one of the Main Supporting Characters of One Punch Man, Genos has achieved quite alot of Feats over the course of his Series. Let's look at his Resume.

  • Has Officially, and Cleanly, defeated Mosquito Girl, this also resulted in Genos and Saitama forming a Buddy relationship

  • Defeated Planetary Threats that threaten, well, Earth XD!!!

  • Has fought Foes alongside Saitama that otherwise would have killed him but yet he prevails.............. (Coming up later)

  • Become one of the Top Graded Heroes of his Time because he is "S Class"

  • Fully Upgraded, can now take on Dragen Level Threats with no issues

  • Is just extremely Cool. Both as a Character and as A Hero :)

  • Voiced by Zach Aguilar (English) and Kaito Ishikawa (Japanese)

  • One Punch Man as a Series deserves the Praise it gets. So much fun and So much Laughter and sometimes, So much Drama....... What a nice blend :D


Despite Genos possessing a powerful set of Stats and Abilities, he isn't entirely invincible. While in a Series about a Guy who can do wonders with One Punch, Sadly, Genos is Far from that level of Power to begin with.

Sufficient Damage to Genos, while he is still pain tolerant, can overcome him. Simply Crushing his Head would do the trick but one of the absolute biggest weaknesses for Genos is his Internal Power Core.

Should someone be strong enough to destroy the Core, and also endure the blast, Genos is completely crippled and destroyed, Permanently. It is also quite easy to locate because the Core Glows whenever Genos performs one of his Stronger Attacks. 

Also, Genos is not necessarily the strongest character of his series. He had victories against foes well above his power but mainly because he had help from the likes of Saitama, Blast, Tatsumaki, and Bang. 

Saitama in Particular actually saved Genos numerous times, to the point that it is actually a fact that if not for Saitama, Genos would have been dead on the spot.

Still, it goes without saying that Genos is an all round Badass character. I enjoyed researching this Hero :D!!!

Fenix  (Story Spoilers)

Fenix is one of the Main Supporting Characters of the Epic Military Science Fiction Real Time Strategy Game Series "Starcraft"

In the Koprulu Sector, the Galaxy is a Battlefield of Epic Proportions. Three Races became the Main Players of the War, they were the Resilient Terrans, the Nightmarish Zerg and of course, the Highly Advanced Protoss.

Fenix, who at the time is "Praetor Fenix" was a Zealot that defended the Protoss Homeworld known as Aiur against the Zerg, who strangely enough, also had a long lasting history with the Protoss.

Fenix!!! :D

The Protoss and Zerg were created by the Xel'Naga, with the Zerg being created as the Purity of Essence and the Protoss as the Purity of Form.

This became a catalyst towards the events of Starcraft (Too bad Terrans are not special hahaha)

Anyway, back to Fenix, he fought numerous Zerg Swarms during the invasion of Aiur, and held on against their onslaught for a moment. Unfortunately, Fenix was slain by the Zerg while he was at Antioch, thus. His "First" Story Ends 

A Protoss Warrior Recovering Fenix's Body

After the Fall of Antioch, Fenix's Body was Recovered, and.... With some cool Protoss Technology, became a Cybernetic Warrior known as a Dragoon

Fenix now a Dragoon

As a Dragoon, Fenix, now with a Nice Power Boost and Armed with Advanced Protoss Technology, became a badass. 

He eventually assisted the Outcast Tassadar's Plan of Destroying the Zerg Overmind, while fighting the Protoss Conclave. Fenix then met Terran Leader James Raynor, who at that point, just left the Sons of Korhal and Befriended Tassadar's Forces to fighting the Zerg.

After Tassadar's Sacrifice that destroyed the Overmind, Fenix, The Conclave, Zeratul and Raynor, Escaped a War Ravaged Aiur. However, while the Conclave and Zeratul escaped Aiur to the Dark Templar Homeworld of Shakuras, Raynor and Fenix actually stayed back and even managed to Escape  Aiur through a different route...... But then, things got into a twist, when the United Earth Directorate suddenly took matters into their own hands and attempted to capture a Second Overmind. And, with this ordeal, Fenix and Raynor ultimately joined forces with an unlikely ally....

Its Kerrigan!!!!

Yep, despite Fenix and Raynor's Strong Distrust of Kerrigan, they had no choice but to join forces with not just her, but also, the Leader of the Sons of Korhal Arcturus Mengsk.

Fenix eventually did help out, but was betrayed by Kerrigan after the Alliance Captured Korhal. In this same battle, Edmund Duke, one of Mengsk's Generals, was assassinated by Kerrigan's Forces and ultimately, Fenix as well.

Fenix's Corpse

After the events of the battle, Fenix finally found his place with the Khala "The Path of Ascension".....


Fenix is Back??

Yes, four years after the events of Brood War, The Protoss, now more divided than ever before, eventually rallied up as one Force to tackle the Galactic Threat known as "Amon". 

During the Events of Starcraft 2, Legacy of the Void, The Protoss, now led by Artanis, at one point went to the planet Glacius and found a Prototype Warrior. They eventually found out it was Fenix, although, with a twist. This Warrior possesses Fenix's Past Memories to the "99th Percentage", which not only holds those memories, but battlefield Experience and Personality to a Near Perfect T.

It is also worth noting that Fenix at this point is now a Purifier.

Purifiers are an ancient but highly advanced Protoss Society that has a much stronger emphasis on Cybernetics and Robotics.

Fenix (I guess) then joined Artanis and his Protoss Warriors to help against Amon, and, at one point, was able to piece together his memories of the Past as the Story moved forward.

Ultimately, The Warrior then decided to rename himself, as Talandar "One who Bears a Strong Heart"   

Indeed, Talandar (Which this blog will now call him from this point on), is not only a badass, but a Brave Warrior (I love Starcraft's Story)

Anyways, in the end, Talandar and allies defeated Amon's Forces and ultimately, they formed an Avenger's Styled Team up with Kerrigan's Swarm (Who now became more heroic than villainous) and Raynor's Raiders, to defeat Amon himself. 

The Aftermath of this Epic War had Talandar and the Purifiers helping Artanis' Forces rebuild Aiur in a beautiful ending to an epic saga :)

That's a General Background for Talandar, let's look at this Legendary Warrior's Capabilities

Memories of the Past   

Fenix as a Zealot

Fenix as a Dragoon

Talandar possesses the Memories of Fenix, thus, because of all the Memories he has contained in his Data Core, he now has centuries worth of Experience in Combat. It also adds to his skills since Fenix is one of the most skilled warriors of Starcraft, a claim very much not to be sneezed at, considering we have characters like Nova Terra, Zeratul, Kerrigan, Samir Duran and James Raynor, all of whom accomplished brilliant Tactical Victories and Combat Feats.

However, despite having these Memories, Talandar cannot actually possess the previous Forms of Fenix's "Forms" (Huh, that is funny in a sentence haha)

Although, I will mention the First two Forms just for the sake of Giving Talandar some nice History :D!!!


Fenix as a Zealot was a Monster for his time. He is capable of destroying Zerg Hive Clusters in minutes, Clusters that are the size of large Stadiums and a single Zerg Colony is the Size of a City itself and yet Fenix can decimate them with ease. Although he does need help from Protoss Warriors to achieve this, Fenix's Psi Blades, as shown in the Image, cut through everything like butter. Added that Fenix has Light Speed Feats, he is fully capable of simply atomizing anyone that he fights. And again, this is Fenix's First Form.

Oh, and as a Zealot, he posseses Plasma Shields For Defense, Protoss Armor that is tough enough to withstand Battlecruiser Blasts (That can level buildings in a second) and Leg Enhancements that boost Speeds to around Super Sonic. First Form? I love it :D!!!


In his Second Form, Fenix became a Dragoon. Not only is a Dragoon Stronger than a Zealot, they now have a Range Attack with the Disruption Cannon, which in Fenix's Case, can destroy Airborne Units.

It is also extremely difficult to avoid a Dragoon's Attack because they have laser like precision. Meaning, they never missed their intended Target. The Disruption Cannon can also Atomize anyone in a Single Blast into ashes. No joke, the Dragoon is extremely powerful.

Also, it has the same Upgrades as the Zealot. Armor, Shields, but instead of Leg Enhancements, it has a Singularity Charge, which increases the Disruption Cannon's Range Capabilities. Very powerful :D!!!

Now, Talandar's Current Form  

Talandar is the Prototype Purifier Templar Warrior. Possessing Advanced Weapons, Armor and Technology, He is now a Legendary Badass. 

He is armed with Blades on his Wrists, that are comparable to Psi Blades used by The Zealots and the Dark Templar, only the Blades are created with physical Material instead of Energy, but here's a twist, While unable to Cut through everything like the Psi Blades, the Wrist Blades do have a trick in that because Talandar is Much Much Much Much Much Much (Goes on for a Minute) Much Stronger, he now has the Force of over 100 Wrecking Balls in one Strike. That's Right, Talandar is powerful enough to level Buildings in a second 

Talandar also has Thunderous Charge which is comparable to a Speeding Bullet Train, only.... The Impact can cause a Stun for 2 Seconds but, since Talandar has the Power to level a Building in Seconds with his 100x Wrecking Ball Power with just one Strike, he is perfectly capable of finishing off his opponent quickly.

It is also worth noting that Talandar has the Shield Capacitor, which fully regenerates his shields instantly, resuming his already immense endurance. While the abiltiy has a 45 Second Cooldown, the fact that Talandar is so Durable, plus his already powerful shields, makes the drawback kinda pointless, if the opponent isn't powerful enough to overcome the shields and damage Taladar's Physical Body, which is also very durable (Coming Up later) 

Talandar also has "Whirlwind", the most hilarious but POWERFUL!!! Ability in his Arsenal. Whirlwind turns Talandar into a, well, Whirlwind. With his already 100x Wrecking Ball Damage Output now multiplied to around, say, 100000x more since he is spinning at the Speed of Light, Talandar's Power Cap is................. Multi-Continent Level....... Hah.... Hah......... Even though the time limit is only three seconds, the fact Talandar moves while doing this also gives him a very scary level of power. It also has a 20 second Cooldown, which again, is not really that much of a difference since Talandar is too durable to be taken down anyway. So he can spam this as much as he wanted to.

Seriously, One Single Ability can change the Course of a Character's Power set. Wow. 

Physical Stats   

We already established Talandar's Strength as around Multi-Continent Level, (Though, its only because he is hitting with the Speed and Force of that Power thanks to Whirlwind), but there are other feats worth noting that make Talandar a very powerful adversary to anyone.


  • Can compare to Reaver Scarab Bombs, which can destroy armies of Terrans, Zerg and Protoss in a Single Blast, this goes to around City Block Level

  • Zealots and Dark Templar are capable of slicing up Buildings with Psi Blades, As established previously, Talandar's Wrist Blades, plus his Purifier Exoskeleton's Strength, multiplies his Strength above a Zealot and Templar to gargantuan heights

  • Surpasses an Ultralisk's Strength, which can level Buildings and Slice Mutiple foes at once with it's Kaiser Blades. 

  • Can compare to the likes of Kerrigan, who can use her Claws to one shot Terran Marines, who have Armor that is literally as durable as a Car and able to take numerous Zealot Blade Strikes

  • More powerful than a Archon.............. Yep, Talandar is more powerful than an entity, that has a Psionic Shockwave that can decimate entire armies in a minute...........


  • Surpasses the likes of Zealots and Dark Templar, who Fight at Super Sonic Speeds. Dark Templar however "Teleport" to their intended targets. Dark Templars can also do "Shadow Fury", which lets them attack Five Enemies in only 2 Seconds. That alone is impressive, but considering Talandar is much faster than Dark Templar in terms of reflexes, this is a basic backdrop for his Speed

  • Intercepted Laser Beams. Light Speed Casually 

  • Whirlwind puts Talandar at Multiple Times the Speed of Light for Three Seconds

  • Can leap over long distances at the same speed as a Teleporter. Yep. Teleport Speed :D!!!


  • Withstood Hybrid Attacks, which  can casually destroy Cities and Islands

  • Protoss Armor can endure Battlecruiser Cannon Blasts, the same Cannons that one shot Terran Marines and Firebats, which again, they are as durable as a Car. But, Protoss Armor is much more advanced and more Durable all round.

  • Ironically, more Durable than Protoss Carriers. Warships that are literally the Size of a moon.

  • More Durable than Ultralisks, which are capable of enduring blasts from Siege Tank Crucio Shock Cannons/Arclite Cannons. These Cannons are capable of creating blasts that can level a City but in a combined attack, can go to Island Level.

  • If allowed, (coming up later), Talandar can theoretically scale to the Protoss Warriors who fought in the final battle against Amon. The aftermath of the Battle resulted in a Universal Level Power Blast.

Oh, and this is not counting Talandar's Shields, which doubles his Durability. Haha!!!!!

Talandar's "New Forms"

We already know of Talandar's Past as a Zealot and Dragoon. Now, let's look at his New Forms that, ironically, he can call upon at will since Talandar is essentially, an AI. 

Solarite Dragoon Suit   

Identical to Fenix's Dragoon Suit. This is Essentially Talandar's Form as a Dragoon. Disruption Cannons, Shields, Armor. You Name it before, You got it. 

However, Arsenal Overcharge Nullifies Cooldown Periods for Offensive Abilities for 10 Seconds, so this form can let Talandar Spam his Cannon Abilities Nonstop. Thus, dealing Armor Piercing Damage in 10 Seconds Flat with the Power to Vaporize a single target with Pinpoint accuracy, I think this Form kicks ass!!! That is not even mentioning Akhundelar, an upgrade that boosts Power at the cost of increased Cooldown.

Cybros Arbiter Suit   

Without a doubt, the single most Haxy Suit that Talandar Has, The Cybros Arbiter Suit gives him a very versatile skillset that is literally "Game Ending". Armed with a Warspace Cannon, It also enables Talandar to Fly.

The Abilities for the Arbiter are.

  • Stasis Field: Completely Freezes Foes and sometimes Allies in a single spot for 15 Seconds. They cannot attack, move and do anything. But, the cool part is that no one can attack them as well, that said, Hit and Run Tactics are ideal with this ability. Oh, and 15 Seconds of nothing is perfect for Talandar to have Cooldown Periods reduced for his abilities :D!! Granted, Stasis Field has a cost of 50 Energy Points but its still quite amazing.

  • Cloaking Field: One of the coolest Abilities of the Arbiter is the Usage of Cloaking. While the Arbiter Cannot Cloak, Allies are instead Cloaked around it so they can remain undetected and fight at the same time. If Two Arbiters are together, then both Arbiters, plus an army of allies, are cloaked. Making it a very advantageous edge in terms of Ambush and Surprise. 

Although, if you have detection, you can spot them anyway. Nullifying Cloaking Entirely.

  • Recall: Talandar can now Recall a group of Protoss Warriors at his side (Yes, he can do this in a random Encounter, if he uses the Arbiter Suit). That includes the Following

1. Legionnaires (Powerful Zealots)

2. Conservators (Protective Field for Reduced Ranged Damage and A Portable Pylon Field)

3. Immortals (Durable Shields that Withstand Heavy Punishment)

4. Colossi: Walkers that can traverse Cliffs. They are the Size of Skyscrapers

5. Adepts: Ranged Warriors that have Psionic Projection. Which lets them teleport to the Projection's Last Location.

6. Disruptors: Creates a Purification Nova that damages foes 

7. Observer: Detects Cloaked Units. Is also Cloaked by itself

8. Scout: Can Attack Ground and Air Units. Has Photon Blaster for Ground Units and Anti-Matter Missiles for Air Combat (Yep, Anti-Matter Missiles)  

9. Carriers: Contains 8 Interceptors that are capable of chasing down foes. They are also quite deadly in that they are both very fast and numerous all at once.

And this is all not even mentioning Talandar's AI Allies that can boost the capabilities of these Protoss Units with greater capabilities. The most significant Ability However is the Avenging Protocool

Avenging Protocool is simple. The More Allies die, the Stronger the Individual AI controlled Warrior becomes in terms of Power and Speed. This means, if there is a group of Carriers, and one of them was controlled by AI, the Avenging Protocol sets in when one of the Carrier's Is Destroyed, Triggering a Power Boost to the AI Controlled Carrier. 

Now that is what I call Revenge is a Dish best Served Cold!!! 

Skills and Tactics  

If it isn't obvious by now, Talandar is a Legendary Warrior. He posseses the Memories of Fenix, thus, multiplying his Experience and Skills to a T, and is also a Skilled Warrior on his own right, even in the Events of Starcraft 2, Talandar alone is capable of doing tremendous Tactical maneuvers that make him very strategic.

Protoss are also generally very well trained Warriors. Because of their Culture, they are willing to die for their Homeworld and Race, going so far to sacrifice themselves in order to achieve victory for their Belief's.

Feats for Talandar  

Talandar on the Far Left with his Protoss Friends

Talandar has a list of feats that are quite substantial. Although, not as much as a Goosebumps book, the fact that he has Centuries worth of Experience alone puts him at a badass level :D!!!

Here is a List for the Purifier Warrior

  • Has officially, and cleanly, and hilariously made a iconic tactical suggestion to Artanis "We must Tighten it's Defenses" (During the Battle of Cybros against the Zerg)  

  • Helped Artanis defeat The Forces of Amon across the Koprulu Sector

  • Memories of Fenix let Talandar experience events such as the Defense of Aiur, the Destruction of Antioch, the Battle to Retake Aiur, The Raid of Moria, the Capture of Arcturus Mengsk, the Battle of Korhal and the Betrayal of Kerrigan

  • Can now control his own Protoss Purifiers as a Commander 

  • Is quite literally, one of the bravest characters of my Series :D!!!!

  • Voiced by Marc Graue, who made Talandar sound like a War Veteran :)

  • Starcraft is simply put, a Masterpiece. God, I love Legacy of the Void's Ending.


While Talandar is indeed a very powerful Warrior, he does have notable drawbacks.

Firstly, Protoss Shields are susceptible to Disruption Attacks, but especially vulnerable to EMP Blasts. Infact, One Terran Ghost EMP Blast is enough to completely deplete the Shield, however, Talandar's Shield Capacitor fully heals the Shield so that is countered for a moment.

But then, a Powerful Enemy can still overcome Talandar in terms of sheer power. Those who can match or even surpass Talandar, can simply bypass his shields and Armor, destroying him. However, because Talandar is actually "AI" his physical Body is not really the end of his lifespan. He actually Is essentially, Immortal. 

That is, if the enemy is smart enough to hack into his AI and then control him, then yes, it ends Talandar's time right and there. But that would take a ridiculous amount of time because Protoss Technology is simply far more advanced than anything that even Terran scientists cannot comprehend. That said, it is still possible, but very hard to achieve (Why is this a weakness? haha)

It is also worth noting that Talandar did have "Gaps" in his Memories of the Past. Though, to be clear, he still retains the Combat Skills of Fenix, and he did eventually recollect those Memories through the Protoss Archives. So it is entirely possible that by the end of the story, Talandar fully collected the events that led to Fenix's Second Death.

That's...... Pretty much it for Talandar. He is actually not weak, just that if your powerful enough in terms of Stats, you can overcome him, but it's gonna take a alot of effort to do so.

But Wait, What about the Legacy of the Void Universal Feat?

Oh yes, that. 

Now, in the end of the Legacy of the Void Campaign, Kerrigan, who became a Xel'Naga, used a Celestial Beam Blast that Killed Amon. Why is this important, because the Blast created a large light that was seen from the Void's Endless Space zone, thus, can be seen as Universal Level.

This is where it gets Questionable, The Alliance of The Protoss, Zerg and Terrans were in the vincinity of the blast and yet, none of them were killed by this blast at all. If they were killed, how come Raynor, Artanis, Talandar and others survive the moment? Well. Simple, They Escaped the blast so Universal Talandar? Probably Not. Galaxy Talandar? YES!!!!!!!!

So, not Universal level, but Talandar is Galaxy Level by the fact this blast happened :)

Raynor is now Galaxy Level? Well, It is still a bit questionable but given he too was in the Vicinity of the Blast, he likely can be Galaxy Level (Looks like I have to redo Raynor vs Isaac Clarke again hahahahha)    

This.... is the first time I mentioned a Positive Feat for Weaknesses in my Series XD!!!     

In the End, Talandar is not just an amazing Character, but a Brave, Badass and Legendary Warrior. "One Who Bears a Strong Heart" Well, I cannot think of a More Fitting Name :D

The Fight   

Overlooking Earth, The Protoss Leaders Gather Up

Artanis: I hear that this is the home world of the Terrans

Alarak: We are wasting time here, we should be gathering more slaves to my will instead of looking at pitiful worlds

Vorazun: No, there is something amiss in this world, maybe something more powerful than we have fought until now

Karax: Hierarch, I believe we can learn more from this World should we send one of ours to observe the culture and technology of the Terrans.

Artanis: Very well, Talandar, may I ask that you go to the Terran Homeworld and see what they are capable of?

Talandar: It would be my Honor Artanis. For Zeratul.

(The Protoss send down a Probe and then it creates a Pylon, eventually, Talandar is Warped down)

Talandar: This world is..... Fascinating. Almost as if nothing has happened. Outside of the reach of Conflict

(Suddenly, the Probe and the Pylon are destroyed by a Blast)

Talandar: What could that be?????

Genos: You there!!!! What are you doing here?

Talandar: I see we have a Terran with Immense Power. 

Genos: Answer the Question Jerk, Get out of here!!!

Talandar: A Rude Gesture by you is the end of your life, fool


(Genos immediately attempts to charge at Talandar, but suddenly, Talandar quickly Holds Genos' Left Arm and Completely severs it)

Genos: What?

Talandar: I warned you, now give up!

Genos: Give up? Never!!!

(Genos then quickly uses his Right Palm and blasts at Talandar, point Blank with an Incinerator Cannon. Talandar loses grip of Genos' Left Arm, and Genos Immediately reattaches it)

Genos: Looks like I will have to kill you to keep this world Safe!!

(Genos then jumps back and then unleashes his twin cannon strike)

(The Blast creates a huge Crater and the terrain is completely blasted...... But then...)

Talandar: Well now. May you be crushed by the Might of the Purifiers!!!

(Talandar then immediately uses Thunderous Charge and successfully hits Genos. He then smashes at Genos and crushes his left leg)

Talandar: Only a Fool would face me head on

Genos: No, you are the Fool.....

(Regaining his senses, Genos finally goes to Arms Mode and then quickly moves back)

Genos: Now, Die already!!!

(Genos then attempts another Twin Blast, only this time, the blast is Amplified thanks to his Upgraded Form)

Talandar: Impressive, but sti-

(The Second Blast finally does more damage. But then.....)


Talandar: This is tiresome. Prepare to Die!

(Talandar then Surprises Genos with his Thunderous Charge, and uses his Whirlwind. This time, Talandar Shreds Genos' Body to multiple Pieces)

Talandar: So, who is the Fool again?

Genos: Go to hell......

(In a miraculous twist, Genos actually had one arm remaining, plus his Boosters that made him move around. He quickly grabs his remaining Limbs and then reaches a building in the Distance)

Talandar: Did this Warrior actually flee? What a Coward

(Suddenly, Genos comes back and....)

Genos: This ends now, Robot. Get out of my Planet!!!!

(Genos, now in his Final Form, Goes towards Talandar and Punches him so hard, the Shield Breaks) 

Talandar: What!? How can this be!!!!

(Genos then Proceeds to Punch through Talandar's Exoskeleton and Deactivates it) 

Genos: Finally....... That's the end of you.


Talandar's AI: I believe we are not Done yet.

Genos: What???

(Turns out, Talandar's Purifier Warrior Armor is destroyed, but his AI is still around and kicking)

Talandar's AI: Let me show you the might of the Protoss.

(A Second Protoss Probe is then sent down to Earth, this time, it creates another Pylon and Summons Talandar again, who is now....)

Talandar: So, surrender now, and I may spare your life

Genos: No, you invaded Earth and now must be dealt with Accordingly. Go to Hell!!!!

(Genos then attempts another Charge but this time, Talandar's Disruption Cannon hits one of his Arms..... Atomizing it entirely)

Genos: What?????

Talandar: As I wanted this to be dealt with peacefully, you bought this on yourself.

(Talandar then fires another Disruption Cannon, this time, it hit's Genos' Left leg, melting it entirely)

Talandar: And now. You can be with the Khala. Warrior

Genos: Not yet...... We are Not Done!!!!!!

(Genos finally jumps up into the air and uses his Dropkick)

Genos: That was rough. 

(Genos retreats back to Kuseno's Lab and, miraculously, still sees another Arm and Leg that Kuseno left behind in his lab. He then reattaches himself with both Limbs but as he walks out....)

Talandar: Well, do you really need to be this annoying?

Genos: Ugh!!!!! What the hell are you!!???

Talandar: I am Talandar, and that will be the last name you will ever hear......

(Talandar then shuts down his Solarite Dragoon Suit and, is then summoned back at the Pylon as......)

Genos: Oh Come on!!!!!!

Talandar: Your life ends now.....

(Genos then attempts a twin blast with his amped Incinerator Cannons)

Genos: Go.... to....... hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Genos attempts another Blast and this not only destroyed the Second Pylon and Probe, it now made a Terrain Changing Blast that then destroyed an entire city)

(After the blast, nothing is seen......)

Genos: Phew...... What???

(Despite Genos' Blast, Talandar is still around.....)

Genos: Come on!! Die Already.

Talandar: Warrior.......... Farewell

(Turns out, Talandar not only Withstood the Blast, he also has....)

Protoss Warriors: We Stand as One!!! FOR AIUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Genos: What?

Talandar: You now meet the Khala in Death.... Farewell

(Talandar and his Recalled Protoss Warriors all attack Genos from different directions. The Protoss Carriers then unleash Interceptors around Genos. Genos tries to fight back, but is ultimately overwhelmed and lost his legs and arms from the ongoing onslaught)

Genos: No, this cannot be!!!

Talandar: You fought well, Warrior. Now you deserve a Warrior's Death

(A Legionnaire then crushes Genos' Head. He then proceeds to throw the Cyborg's Body into the Ground)

Talandar: That is the end of this Warrior's Story. What is this?

(Talandar sees Genos' Core on the decapitated body of Genos)

Talandar: I will have to give this to Karax for further Study. Friends We have accomplished our mission!!!!!

Protoss Warriors and Talandar

FOR AIUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Genos may be one of the best Heroes of One Punch Man, but Talandar is simply too powerful for him to handle

Talandar is much more experienced and more advanced in terms of Technology, added that he already has a Personal Shield puts his durability well above Genos' league. Even if Genos is more Versatile, his power output simply cannot stop Talandar in the long run.

While Genos' Final Upgrade can surpass Talandar's Purifier Form and match the Solarite Dragoon, he is ultimately outmatched by The Cybros Arbiter's Hax Capabilities. It is also unfortunate that Talandar can use Recall to summon more Protoss Warriors to help him in the fight. This may sound cheap, but this is what the capabilities are here for. In character for Talandar? Yes!!!!

Even without the Cybros Suit, Talandar's Whirlwind can simply shred Genos into pieces, it also helps that Talandar is also much faster in terms of reflexes, after all, this is a Protoss Warrior that is faster than Dark Templar, who can slice up Five Enemies in 2 seconds flat with teleportation.



-Technologically Inferior

-Much Weaker even with the Final Upgrade

-Not even close to Talandar's Experience

-Cybros Arbiter Suit is simply far too overwhelming


+ Much more Powerful 

+ Centuries Worth of Experience

+ Impossible to Kill thanks to being an AI outright

+ More Advanced in terms of Technology

+Cybros Arbiter Suit Alone Ended the Fight Due to Stasis Field and Recall

- Less Versatile 

In the End, Talandar simply had all the Advantages in his favor to give Genos the "One Death to the Path of Ascension". The Khala Awaits you Genos.

The Winner is Talandar (Fenix)

A Special Thanks to a Great Friend of Mine

Thank you Alexander Chen for sharing info for Genos' Side of the Match up. Your help has been invaluable and thanks to you, my time researching Genos vs Fenix was cut in half :D!!!

One again, Thank you and Watch out for George Hancock.

Next Time on Who Would Win.......


Knuckles (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Lucario (Pokemon)

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