Saturday, December 10, 2022

Season 6 Penultimate: Hisako (Killer Instinct) vs Noroko (The Black Heart)


Greetings and Welcome to the "Semi Finale" (Penultimate) match up of Season 6's Who Would Win Series and it is going to be Hisako from Killer Instinct vs Noroko from The Black Heart.

Hisako's Information is basically the same from her previous match up "Hisako vs Squigly" Hence. Nothing really has changed since that blog came out. 

Noroko's Info is extremely straightforward since she has only one game to her name and a single canonical Story Arc. 

So, Stats, Weaponry, Abilities, Skills, Feats, Weaknesses are going to be taken into account and of course, in the end I will make my own opinion on who I personally believe will win this match up.

So, let's begin.

Chiharu "Hisako"

"I will Devour You"

The Backstory of Hisako is about family, inspiration and revenge. 

Five Hundred Years ago (1493) A girl named Chiharu was living a life of peace. The daughter of a Ronin (A samurai without a leader), Chiharu had a different kind of life compared to most people around the globe. You see, Chiharu was a descendant of a onna-bugeisha (female samurai) and so her father felt that it was his duty to train his daughter to become a onna-bugeisha herself.

Things went well, Chiharu practiced with her father and was so skilled that she was able to quickly master the sword and bow. However, Chiharu's favorite weapon of choice is the Naginata (Pole Weapon) 

When out of training, Chiharu helped out farmers plough their fields of rice, vegetables, all that good stuff (sadly, no kiwi fruits). What's more, Chiharu helped out with other activities, but all of that is done to help her techniques for combat (cutting down wood is good practice for wielding weapons for instance) And thus, Chiharu became a capable fighter even though she did little to no fighting at all :D!!!! Talk about strange training that works.... I love it!!!!

However, funny times soon became a horrific nightmare when one day, an aristocrat arrived at her village and started to flirt with Chiharu with rude intentions. Even going as far as to ask her to marry him despite not knowing a single detail about her..... What a creep.

Understandably, Chiharu replied "I want to be a samurai, not someone's housekeeper". This stirred up the man, who tried to draw his sword, but, funny enough, Chiharu scared him off by hitting him with her water bucket, forcing him to leave the area on horseback 

A week after her nineteenth birthday, Chiharu was practicing in the bamboo forest, only to realize that the area around her was covered in smoke all of a sudden. As she traveled to the source, she realized, her own village was ransacked by bandits. 

What is worse, Chiharu's family was murdered, and, as it turns out, the same guy who Chiharu scared off earlier was part of the raid. 

Acting out of revenge, Chiharu grabbed her father's Naginata to protect her village. Like a badass, she slew many invaders, even inspired the local populace to fight back. Unfortunately, Chiharu was eventually overwhelmed, and was cut down. However, before she died, she at least killed the aristocrat using her poisonous claw.

The Aftermath of the Raid

After Chiharu's death, the villagers made a shrine dedicated to her. However, funny enough, Chiharu actually never left the village, she became an Onryo (Vengeful Spirit). And this time, her new name became Hisako "The Everlasting Child".

The village eventually became nothing more than a ghost town, Hisako however became it's guardian and over the course of five hundred years to the present time, was left untouched...... then another invasion has occurred.

An evil organization known as "Ultratech" was sent by ARIA to find Hisako's Spirit and bring her for testing. Hisako, seeing the trespassers, went on a warpath and decided to take the fight to Ultratech. Eventually, Hisako defeated numerous Ultratech agents and ARIA herself and has returned to her village to rest and guard for Eternity. 

That is a straightforward background of Hisako. Now, let's see what this badass Onryo is capable of.


Hisako Uppercutting Aganos

For an Onryo, Hisako's Strength is quite amazing. While mainly using her Naginata and her Katana for combat, there are considerable factors to consider with regards to her Strength. Here is a list of feats

  • Can use her hands and feet to damage Fulgore and Kilgore, highly advanced cyborgs covered in dense metal and steel. 

  • Can block and even attack Aganos, who is a huge War Golem. Using real world physics, the total weight of Aganos can range from 40-60 tons.

  • Has penetrated ARIA's cybernetics and her armor.

  • Can slice through Glacius with her strikes, who is made out of the strongest and most durable Ice around.

  • Can uppercut all of her opponents 20 feet into the air

  • Can execute a throw that involves Hisako pushing her opponent towards her Naginata. Funny enough, Aganos is just as easy to push for Hisako compared to the rest of the Killer Instinct Roster. So this feat makes Hisako pretty strong at this point XD!!!!



Speed is particularly high for Hisako. Here is a list of Speed Feats

  • Can dodge laser beams from Fulgore

  • Can surpass ARIA's Nanosecond reactions.

  • Her teleportation can reach from one side of the arena to the other in just a second. 

  • Can react to Riptor's attacks, which are faster than the eye can track.

  • Despite wielding the Naginata, Hisako can swing it with such speed that it is almost impossible to block it while she is on a rampage.

  • Has dodged energy attacks on a regular basis


"Excuse me Aganos, I thought we are practicing"

Durability is particularly interesting for Hisako. Here is a list of feats for Durability

  • Took strikes from Fulgore. One particular Fulgore model managed to beat down TJ Combo with just a few strikes. TJ is able to withstand strikes from Orchid, who managed to destroy Fulgore cyborgs like it is a Tuesday. Funny enough, Hisako should actually surpass TJ Combo's durability due to her "Undead" physiology

  • Can take Aganos' powerful strikes. Durability wise, it is worth noting that Aganos can summon a giant pillar of Rock that is over 22cm thick. Hisako ultimately broke through the pillar and the estimated measurement would scale to around 80-120 tons worth of force to achieve. That is damn insane

  • Took attacks from Chief Thunder, a Native American warrior (Cool guy btw :D!!) who can use lightning to amplify his striking power with his tomahawks

  • Funny enough, Hisako can withstand another "Hisako's" Possession ability, which breaks all the bones inside the victim's body.

  • Took multiple energy based attacks from a variety of characters.

  • Took Cinder's Flame attacks, which are hot enough to melt metal.

  • Using her backstory, Hisako took multiple blows and kepts killing the invaders before dying


The Naginata is a Pole Weapon used by the Samurai for generations. One of the most versatile melee weapons, The Naginata is also used by Samurai and other warriors for horseback. In the case of Hisako, her Naginata is her own father's, who was a Ronin. 

Capabilities wise, the Naginata is superb for both Offensive and Defensive combat. It is obvious that the blade of the Naginata is deadly, but you would be surprised that the shaft is also used as a weapon, particularly for Hisako, who uses both sides of the Naginata to maximum effect.

Simply put, the Naginata is badass. 

Move Set

Like all great fighting games. Each combatant in Killer Instinct has a distinct style of combat. Six main types of attacks are used to create Combo Openings and Combo Finishers. They are

  • Light Punch

  • Light Kick

  • Medium Punch

  • Medium Kick

  • Heavy Punch

  • Heavy Kick  

Other strikes are an uppercut, crouching attacks and throws. Some characters however, such as Hisako, add more than just Strikes for their moveset.

Combo Breaker

Combo Breakers are a defensive technique. Whenever the combatant is attacked by a series of combos, they have a chance to break the combo before it reaches a "Combo Finisher". To do this, they must guess the Attack type that the attacker used. For instance, if the attacker uses low kicks, and the defender guessed it correctly, then the combo is broken, and the defender has a chance to retaliate. If they guess poorly, the combo continues. 

However, worst case scenario, even if the Combo Breaker is attempted, there is a chance that a "Counter Breaker" occurs. This means, despite guessing the correct pattern, the attacker can still block the counter by simply pressing the same attack type.

However, Combo Breakers are still an extremely useful technique for all combatants.  


Hisako's "Possession"

Abilities is where Hisako becomes a very dangerous combatant. Here is the standard abilities for Hisako

Possession: Hisako opens her mouth to devour her victims. Once in range, she manifests into an intangible spirit and goes inside her opponent's body. What is awesome however, is that Hisako has complete control of the victim's body for a brief moment, and is able to crush all bones inside before being sent outside and back to her original form. Possession is also used as a Combo Finisher

On Ryo Zan: Hisako Strikes with her Naginata with tremendous power, able to deliver heavy damage. This ability is basically a combo extender, and it is also difficult to counter because it can be mixed with Low, Medium and Heavy attacks.

Air On Ryo Zan: An airborn variant of the standard On Ryo Zan, this ability has varied strength depending on how long the button is pressed. Stronger attacks allow Hisako to recapture Airborne enemies and can cause a knockdown without the use of Wrath

Air On Ryo Zan

Influence: Influence is basically a "Throw". Hisako grabs her opponent, then teleports behind them and pushes them towards her Naginata. Power is determined with the amount of time the button is pressed to execute the move. 


Vengeance: One of the most powerful and simplistic abilities for Hisako, Vengeance is a defensive technique that allows Hisako to retaliate attacks. Once triggered, Hisako can combo her opponents to kingdom come. While very powerful, and a very crucial ability, Vengeance unfortunately does not work with projectiles and unblockable attacks. Thankfully, it is still great to open combos anyway :D!!!! What a nice trade off



Descent: Hisako crawls underneath the ground and teleports behind her opponent, making her invulnerable to High Attacks such as Air strikes and energy projection. This ability can be canceled to execute special attacks.

Descent. First you see me

Now I am here!!!!

Wall Jump: Self explanatory, it is a Wall Jump that allows Hisako to jump from the edge of the screen towards her opponent. This is particularly useful for avoiding straight attacks and for using airborne attacks

Throw: Hisako literally stabs her opponent with her Naginata twice. Unlike Influence, this ability actually can be used to start a Combo.

Shadow Strikes

The Shadow Meter

Hisako can use up her "Shadow" Meter to use, well, Shadow Strikes.

An Influence Shadow Strike

Shadow Strikes are special moves that can be used to increase the damage output for Hisako's combos and finishers. What's more, a Shadow Strike is an extended version of the standard moves, which also means they will land more blows than they normally would. Pretty badass :D!!!!

Special Traits

The Wrath Meter

Hisako's Fighting style is unique in the Killer Instinct Roster. Here is a list of "Special Traits" for Hisako's Fighting style

Wrath: Wrath is an extra meter for Hisako. When the Wrath meter is full, her Medium, Heavy and On Ryo Zan attacks deal more damage, which also partially drains the Wrath Bar overtime.

And, while the Meter is full, Influence and Air On Ryo Zan become Combo Openers.

She can also cancel combos into Descent or Vengeance by using some of the meter. This allows Hisako to create more opportunities to surprise her opponents

In order to fill the Wrath bar once more, Hisako has to Stand still or walking, which is pretty bizarre for a way to refill something that is named "Wrath" XD!!!!!

Combo Trait-Wind Up Doubles: Hisako can use Wrath to amplify her strikes to increase the damage output. This occurs after every second hit from her Medium and Heavy strikes. The longer the button is held, the stronger the attack and the longer it is charged. However, unlike most combatants, charging the attack does not leave Hisako vulnerable for the most part because it is part of the combo anyway...... How badass is that!!!!





Hisako unleashing a Wrath empowered attack during a combo

Instinct Mode 

The Instinct Mode Meter, when fully charged, allows Hisako to unleash her  "Tousoushin"

 Hisako’s Wrath Meter remains permanently full for the duration of Instinct Mode, giving her access to all of the Wrath Meter abilities without it draining. Vengeance counters also lose their high/low limitations and can catch all attacks.

But the real trick about Tousoushin is that it can also be used to extend a combo, allowing Hisako to damage her opponent more efficiently and with greater power. 

Health Bar

All Killer Instinct combatants have a health bar. Funny enough, each combatant has two levels of health. The First is a Green Bar that displays, well, your health and the Second is a Red Bar. If both Health bars run out, you will lose the fight. Also worth noting is that should you reach a certain amount of remaining health you will be vulnerable to a Finisher, which also brings up......

Ultra Combo

A Demonstration of an Ultra Combo used by Cinder

The most badass move out of all characters in Killer Instinct, Ultra Combo's are their version of a "Fatality". However, what sets them apart from most fighting games is that Ultra Combo's unleash a devastating combo that can last from 30-35 hits on average. Funny enough, you can use Shadow Strikes while the Ultra Combo is triggered, and you can start all over again, possibly going as far as to do over 100-200 hits :D!!!!!! Here is my record

My personal Record. Not alot but it does get the job done :D!!!


The Start of Hisako's Ultimate

Hisako has the honor of being one of the very few combatants in Killer Instinct to have an "Ultimate". Like the Ultra Combo, Ultimate's require a certain amount of health for Hisako to trigger it. However, the most important rule to remember is that Hisako must still have Green Health left in order to trigger it. Once she triggers it, Hisako does this......


Hisako possessing Sadira, breaking all of her bones and twisting her body

Serves you right you trespasser!!!!

Yikes!!!!! I never knew your so adorable Hisako!!!




So a recap. What happened was that Hisako crawls towards her victim, she goes behind them and uses her Possession to go inside their body, lifts them up in the air and twists their body parts, instantly killing them. And, in the end, Hisako does a jump scare...... But really, it is not scary, it makes Hisako look super adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Shin Hisako

Shin Hisako is another version of, well, Hisako. The "True Everlasting Child", this time, Shin Hisako is the result of Hisako reclaiming her father's Katana. And, she is a full fledged female Samurai. It is also worth noting that Shin Hisako is a "Kami", A Japanese Holy Spirit and Shin Hisako actually smiles when facing danger this time around. All Might would be proud :D!!!

Capabilities for Shin Hisako mainly revolves around her Katana Strikes. For the sake of this Blog, I will do a general run down of Shin Hisako's move set

Main attacks

  • Light Punch

  • Light Kick

  • Medium Punch

  • Medium Kick

  • Heavy Punch

  • Heavy Kick 


Command Attacks 



  • Katana Poke -  Shin Hisako stabs with her katana far in front of her. 

  • Shin Puncture - Shin Hisako stabs angle downwards with her katana. Causes stagger on hit. 

  • Ascension - Shin Hisako's forward dash is replaced with a teleport that moves her diagonally upwards. Can be used midair. Aerial attacks can be performed afterwards. If there is a Spirit Orb on the screen, Ascension will teleport Shin Hisako directly to it. 

  • Throw - Hisako briefly possesses the opponent, contorting their limbs painfully. Summons a Spirit Orb on the opponent that follows their movements.



Special Moves 



Shin Hisako's Spirit Orb's Projectile attack
  • Spirit Orb - Shin Hisako summons a ghastly fireball in front of her. Hold Forward will send the orb slowly traveling forward. If the orb gets hit by any move using Shin Hisako's katana, it will transform into a short-range projectile and travel in the direction the katana was swung. The projectile has high durability and will destroy most other projectiles. If the orb goes off-screen, it will disappear. 

  • Shin On Ryo Zan - Shin Hisako swings her katana wildly, which can be chained into more strikes. Light is a low sweep attack, Medium is an overhead attack, and Heavy is an upward mid attack. At any point on hit, block or whiff, the first or second swing of Shin On Ryo Zan can be canceled into any other special move. 

  • Shin Air On Ryo Zan  - Shin Hisako leaps into the air and swings her katana downward. Hits overhead. Button strength determines speed and distance traveled. Heavy version causes stagger. All versions are punishable by normal attacks. If there is a Spirit Orb on the screen, the Heavy version will track towards the orb. Shadow Shin Air On Ryo Zan is projectile invincible. 

  • Spirit Slice  - Shin Hisako dashes forward extremely quickly with her katana, leaving a slicing blow behind her. Button strength determines speed and distance; Light is fast and unsafe, while Medium and Heavy are slower and launch on hit. If there is a Spirit Orb on the screen, the Heavy version will quickly fly towards it at an upward angle. 

Spirit Slice

  • Awakened Soul  - Shin Hisako performs a rising katana slash. Button strength determines behavior; Light version stays on the ground and launches, Medium launches and also causes a hard knockdown, and Heavy is fully invincible, high damage, far range, and extremely fast. 

Awakened Soul


Shadow Moves

  • Shadow Shin On Ryo Zan - Shin Hisako advances, swinging her katana wildly five times. Is not projectile invulnerable, unlike Hisako's On Ryo Zan. 

  • Shadow Shin Air On Ryo Zan  - Shin Hisako leaps into the air and swings her katana downward, hitting five times. Invulnerable to projectiles and can recapture airborne opponents. 

  • Shadow Spirit Slice - Shin Hisako dashes forward extremely quickly with her katana, leaving five slicing blows behind her. Can travel full-screen, but has no invincibility. 

  • Shadow Awakened Soul - Shin Hisako performs a rising katana slash that hits five times. Fully invulnerable. 

 Ultra Combo

Shin Hisako performs a 27-hit combo. Ultra Ender is a ninja-style slash with her katana.

Basically, Shin Hisako uses an emphasis on her Katana and her Spirit Orbs to battle her opponent with deadly efficiency. Stats wise, Shin Hisako is virtually the same as Hisako anyway. XD!!!!

Not a jump scare this time XD!!!




Bottom line, Shin Hisako is a badass female samurai and a joyful spirit. :D!!!!!!!!!

Feats for Hisako

Hisako, despite being in one game, has achieved a notable amount of feats. Here is a list of feats achieved by the Onryo

  • Has officially, and cleanly, defeated ARIA personally. The same Cyborg who is the CEO of Ultratech

  • Defeated Sadira, a leader of a league of assassins who uses Web abilities for combat

  • Defeated Riptor, a cybernetically enhanced Raptor 

  • Defeated Maya, an Amazonian Queen

  •  Defeated Spinal, an Undead Pirate who can Teleport and use Spirit Skulls to devastate his opponents.

  • Defeated Cinder, a human male spliced with Alien DNA who uses Fire that can melt through steel and armor.

  • Has one of the coolest move sets in Killer Instinct

  • While Hisako is suppose to be scary, strangely enough, she actually is much more adorable than you would expect because of this......
    Look at how Hisako stares at the camera!!! Super SUPER Adorable!!!!
  •  Killer Instinct has one of the best soundtracks ever. Hisako's theme, "Village of Whispers" is a great piece of music :D!!!

  • Samurai Lore is just badass stuff.

  • Shin Hisako is just all round, a legit badass who has a smile...... :D!!!!



While Hisako is a total badass, unfortunately, she does have weaknesses.

Hisako has one of the slower walking speeds out of everyone in Killer Instinct. Not that it is actually a bad thing, walking helps Hisako fill up her Wrath meter.... Which also poses a problem. Should Hisako run out of Wrath, she will have to refill it up again by walking or standing still.... This actually opens an opportunity for her opponent to beat her down.

While Hisako is one of the oldest characters in the Killer Instinct roster, the main question about her lifetime is whether or not she spent most of her time as an Onryo fighting bad guys or simply guarding her village. After Hisako died, there was no evidence to suggest she participated in any form of warfare prior to Ultratech's invasion of her village. So while Hisako is old, her combat experience is left to be desired.

Speaking of her story, Hisako started to become weaker the longer she is away from her village. This means, Hisako has to harvest souls in order to replenish her Spirit energy to keep going. In fact, if Hisako stayed out of her village for too long, she would perish

However, despite all of this, Hisako is one badass Onryo. Hisako is cool, adorable, tragic and above all, is just an amazing character








Noroko is one of the playable characters of the Horror Themed Fighting Game "The Black Heart".


Born as a noble Woman in Ancient Japan, Noroko had quite a pleasant lifestyle thanks to her unrivaled Beauty. It was this beauty that truly made Noroko famous........ for the wrong reasons.

Noroko. Damn is she beautiful :D!!!


You see, it was thanks to her beauty that Noroko suddenly became a a subject of a Fertility ritual that required the sacrifice of a woman and fused her Spirit with a Doll, turns out, Noroko "Is" that woman.


Eventually, a Masked man entered her home, and assassinated Noroko. The event also took a horrific twist, when the assailant poured his own blood on a Doll, which completed the Fertility Ritual and Noroko's Vengeful Soul was fused with the doll, this in turn made Noroko's Soul Dormant.


The Blood of the Assailant Poured onto the Doll. The Fertility Ritual is Complete


Over 500 Hundred Years later, The Other World was experiencing events that interrupted Noroko's Slumber. Turns out, the Dark Prince Janos just murdered his own Father by ripping his heart out, this of course is "The Black Heart"


The Effects of the Heart's Power was so immense, it affected the Spirit World. During this time, Noroko's Soul was Still a Doll, until Janos' reign of terror began.  And then, Noroko finally awakened......



 Funny enough, at that exact moment, Noroko, while inside the doll, was purchased by a Collector.




While attempting to collect more items online (I assume from Ebay? XD!!!). The Collector started hearing noises in his own room. Which finally revealed itself as the shadow of a Woman standing in a dark corner. Curious but also astounded, the Collector was actually attempting to start a pleasant conversation with the Woman, only well........



Noroko Sucking The Collector's Blood and Soul all at once.


Noroko, now in physical form, is back in the world of the living. And, was on a quest to get the Black Heart for her own desire: Free herself from her Torment.    

Over the course of the Story, Noroko fought against adversarial foes, eventually defeating Final (That's the actual name of a Creature XD!!!). After beating Final, Noroko finally took a Portion of the Black Heart's Power to achieve her Goal. Thus, ending her years of Torment and finally living in Peace in the Afterlife....... What a lovely ending :D!!!!!

The Aftermath of Noroko's Successful Quest.




The Doll's Face finally loses, well, its face XD!!








Noroko's Faceless Face (Why am I saying Face twice? Oh make that Three times now haha)





Noroko's Face is finally back in her original state :D!!!






Noroko is finally at peace. The Last Image of her Story.






That was basically a very simple but very easy story of Noroko. It wasn't very long but it sure was impactful :D!!!! Now, let's look at this terrifying but sympathetic Onryo is capable of.







Physical Stats        


Noroko's Throw









It goes without saying but being a Supernatural Entity, Noroko may seem like some sort of frail and defenseless Spirit at a glance.............. You know, whenever Onryo's ever come up in a Battle, people always underestimate them ahahahhahaha. 


Noroko is actually EXTREMELY POWERFUL!!!!! Turns out, this Onryo is capable of very impressive feats for Strength, Speed and Durability. Here are notable feats Achieved by Noroko.







Noroko Uppercutting Shar-Makai

  • Can uppercut her foes that send them 5ft-10 feet into the Air. A Notable Combatant would be Shar-Makai, who is a Gigantic Monstrosity that has a limitless amount of "Smaller Shar-Makai" inside it's body. Calculating the Size of Shar-Makai and the smaller Monstrosities, Noroko is pretty much generating nearly 60 tons of Force with just an Uppercut


  • Using her "Face Throw", Noroko can push her opponent at around 10 feet backwards. This also causes damage.
  • Her backward flips can knock back her opponents. This can also cause Noroko to do Toon Force Level of Insanity (Coming up)     
  • Can reasonably scale to Hashi, who uses an Ability that involves a Tree Stump as a Club that is capable of delivering immense Damage. The Fact he also pushes the opponent back 10 feet backwards is also noteworthy (12 tons per hit). But, the real deal is that Hashi is also able to completely smash Giant Watermelons, delivering around 10 tons of Force.
  • Noroko can block attacks that are capable of delivering 50--100 tons of force. As mentioned before, Hashi's Tree Stump and Watermelon Smashes, there is also Shar-Makai's Bites, which are comparable in Bite force to a Tyrannosaurus Rex, that can generate 6 tons (12 000 pounds per square inch). And Final's Powerful Eye Ray's, which can Vaporize his opponents to the point of "Being Erased from Existence"..... That's right, Noroko is strong enough to block this attack........ Damn is she already the Strongest Onryo I ever known XD!!!!

  • Can of course attack with such force, she can overpower her combatants with her Claws, Underling Strikes from under her Kimono (Seriously, there is actually another being under Noroko's............ Private Parts XD!!!), even her hair is used as a weapon....... Ok. Strength is already very much legendary for Noroko. Moving on :D!!!      

  • In her Doll Form (Killer Mode), Noroko's Dash attacks are comparable with the Force of a Speeding Car.


  • Can travel quickly with her Dashing Techniques. She can also Dash in mid air :D!!!!! Levitation and Flight is one of Noroko's Bread and Butter for Combat
  • Can Teleport. That's right, Noroko can teleport to any desired location. Provided in gameplay, she has to go to the edge of the screen to then teleport right behind her opponent but lore wise, there is no limitation to it's potential.
  • Her Attack Speed is Faster than the Eye can Track. 
  • Scales to Peketo, who attacks with Teleportation techniques.
  • Can Dodge Final's Eye Ray's. Speed Wise they are clearly light Speed and Noroko dodges them....... FTL Noroko aye? I am seeing a pattern now.
  • Casually makes After Images when she performs stronger Abilities. This cements Noroko's Speed to FTL. Confirmed :D!!!!

Shar-Makai doing some magic here. Oof XD!!!







  • Took all forms of damage and still lived. Provided Noroko has enough Health Left XD!!!
  • Did take Final's Eye Ray which- Yeah, at this point, Erasure Capabilities can be blocked by Noroko XD!!!
  •  Took the full power of Gustavo's..... Secret Weapon and Survive :D!!!! Ooof 
  • Did take........... Animus'.............. Sexual Assault stuff.... Don't Ask how XD!!!!  
  • Was Crunched by Ananzi's Giant Spider. With proper timing, the Spider can Decapitate her Opponents as a Fatality.
  •  Took blows from Hashi who again, can crush Giant Watermelons and Generate 12 tons per hit with his Tree Stump Club.
  • Took a Full bite Force form Shar-Makai. 12 000 pounds per square inch, T-Rex Scaling. It is devastating 
The Move list of Noroko


Noroko is a versatile Onryo in terms of all forms of combat such as Melee, Ranged and even "Abilities". Here is the full list of Abilities of the Vengeful Onryo.
Bloody End: Noroko cuts her wrist to unleash a Stream of Cursed Blood that is ideal for Ranged Combat. Nezuko's Long lost Sister!!!!!! Tanjiro may have to find Noroko to do another Demon Slayer Arc XD!!!
Bloody End

Okiku's Cry: ............ Let me show you this......
Nawwwww..... Noroko is crying..... Hashi. Do something!!!!

Attack her? Well that is smar-

HOLY MACRAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Yeah ummmm, can you give me a moment for a second.

(Goes out and then came back after 2 hours of just doing nothing)
Ahhhh, now I am back. Okiku's Cry literally is a defensive technique that allows Noroko to scream with such force, it is comparable to a Truck's Ramming Force. Even more powerful since Shar-Makai also suffers the same effects with equal distance pushed back. So...... it means, Noroko's Scream can generate enough force to smash apart a Armored tank............... ok...... this is out of hand XD!!!!

Okiku's Cry is a Counter technique that literally has only one limitation. It cannot counter Ranged Attacks and Unblockable Attacks.
Kwaidan: A Dashing Technique that, when Noroko successfully pulls it off, can lift her Opponent into the Air with her Telekinetic Power. It also damages the Soul of her Victim.
Snow Woman: Ok...... let's look at this......
Snow Woman..... Wait.... What is up? (Ironic Pun)

Yep, Noroko can use this technique to climb onto a Ceiling..... Beautiful way to avoid Ground Attacks. It also can be used as defensive coutner strike since Noroko first uses a backflip to knock her opponent back to reach the ceiling and even do a downard Charge........ Ceilings...... (Remembers that some of the levels in the Black Heart do not have a Ceiling at all) 
Seriously, the fact Noroko doesn't require a physical ceiling to actually pull off this technique means she is borderline Toon Force Level. That is literally impossible to pull off, except for Noroko...... :D!!!!
Super Attacks     
Ritual Mask: An Amped up version of Bloody End. Only this time, instead of Gothic Emo styled preparation, Noroko uses a Ritual Mask to unleash a Barrage of Souls that attack her opponents. This is a Ranged Technique that can be quite a kicker as a Combo finisher.
Ritual Mask in Action


Soul Punishment: One of the deadliest techniques in The Black Heart. Soul Punishment completely damages the opponents Soul and, under specific circumstances, is a Fatality, leaving behind a Lifeless Corpse as the Soul is finally vanquished.
Soul Punishment.


Hey, that's Noroko's Underling!!!! (Top Left)




Noroko finally killing Shar-Makai by "Killing the Soul"........ Legendary

Obon: The Crazy version of the already Crazy Toon Force Snow Woman. It actually unleashes a Charging Attack from mid air and the impact is capable of creating funeral Lanterns.... Hah...... What an epic ability.
The Ultimate Abilities       

Well, Noroko of course has Two Noteworthy Abilities. Here they are.

Onryo: Let me show you this to explain how on earth this happened.........

Animus is..... wait. What?

"I Gotta Check her out!!!"

Nawww this is sad..... Very.... Very.....-




Fatality...... Noroko is now Elastic? Oh, right. That's coming up :D!!!!

Onryo basically is a Soul Killing Fatality that when Noroko Dashes at her opponent and, if unblocked, will trigger a sequence that involves the Victim being entranced by her Crying. Turns out, Noroko is luring them into a trap that kills their Soul entirely. 
There is an alternative version of the technique with a different twist but the results are the same. Noroko actually has a eyeless and nose less face with only her mouth. Here is the alternative image.
A Faceless Spirit....... Scary


Noroko actually resides inside the Doll that was used for the Ritual of Fertility. This actually gives her a very cool twist for her combat potential because once Possession is triggered, Noroko's Form is then transported into the Doll and she becomes the most adorable fighter of all time...............
Then this happens.

Noroko's Killer Mode. How adorable!!!! And..... TERRIFYING!!!!!!
Just to give you a summary of her capabilities as the Doll, Noroko can:

  • Project Huge Spirit Masks to overpower her foes. Using her Energy Bar, she can amp up this technique and fire multiple Masks at once for tremendous damage.
  •  Has her own dash Attack. Noroko cannot Jump however. The Dash Attack can trip her opponents off guard and is FTL.
  • Finally. My personal favorite that does give me JoJo Vibes.....
Noroko summoning arms to clamp downward onto Peketo.


Yep. Noroko can summon spiritual Arms that can clamp down on her foes. Lore Wise, this is suppose to drag them down to hell but in the game, it is just a force attack that can actually prove lethal when done effectively.

Skills and Other Combat techniques 
Noroko is already looking like a powerhouse. But she also shines in relatively interesting Factors in terms of Skills and other Techniques. Here are the list of notable, key factors for Noroko.
  • Melee Skills with use of her Claws, Hair, even her "Underling" under her kimono XD!!!! The Underling serves as her Kick Attacks by the way.
  • Ranged techniques with Bloody End and Ritual Mask. Even in Killer Mode as the Doll with her Spirit Masks and Spiritual Arms
  • Intangibility at Will. Able to Phase through Matter and Objects
  • Soul Manipulation and Soul Killing Techniques
  • Levitation and Flight
  • Telekinesis. Since Noroko can use a Throw that ragdolls her opponent
  • Blood Magic for, well, manipulation of Blood such as Sucking Blood out of her Victims and of course, Bloody End for Ranged Combat
  • Shapeshifting. Noroko is by all means, a Shapeshifter and her physical body isn't exactly human nor humanoid. It is actually just a Shape that Noroko's Spirit Manipulates at will. It is with Shapeshifting that she can extend her Neck (Seen above) and even her Underling is literally her Kick attack XD!!!!! Overall, Noroko's Shapeshifting works to her advantage in terms of Combat.
  • 4th wall awareness. Well it means Noroko has Toon Force level of awareness and even power and you might as well get ready for some jump scare at you for real since this happens......


Yep...... Noroko knows your watching her......... Do not panic, she is already redeemed in the story. Which ultimately means........

Feats and Accomplishments for Noroko


Despite appearing in one game, Noroko is by all intents and purposes, one of the strongest characters of my series yet. This is astonishing since this Onryo does pack a whopper for Feats. Here is a list of Achievements by the Vengeful Spirit

  • Has officially, and cleanly, completed her quest of redemption and releasing herself from her torment by using a Portion of the Black Heart's Power.
  • Defeated the entire cast of characters that were 
  1. Hashi the Tree Planting Scarecrow with a Mexican Accent
  2. Ananzi, The Daughter of Janos
  3. Shar-Makai, Janos' Minion, or in a realistic case, Minions
  4. Peketo, Michael Myers's Long lost Brother 
  5. Animus, the most ridiculous "Guy/Girl" I ever known in a fighting game that is transgender at will
  6. Noroko..... That's right, Noroko also defeated Noroko........... Which, by and large is now a confirmed blog for another time XD!!!!!
  7. Defeated Final
  8. Defeated Janos
  9. And Finally, Defeated Gustavo.........
The hell is this? Oh it's Gustavo......

  •  Has a very simple but tragic and sympathetic story.
  • Is one of the Strongest characters in the Black Heart both Literally and Figuratively
  • Has to be one of my all time favorite fighting game characters :D
  • The Black Heart is a masterpiece. Strongly Recommend it. It is Fun, Bloody, lore is simple but also well realized and all round, a worthwhile experience.
  • Noroko's Killer Mode as a Doll needs to be a Plush Toy on its own XD!!!!!

While Noroko is looking extremely powerful due to her Soul Crushing techniques and versatile moveset. There are some weaknesses to pin point.
The most obvious factor here is her timing of Okiku's Cry. While it is almost perfect, that's the key difference between Absolutely perfect and almost perfect. You see, if a clever enough opponent uses Ranged Attacks, The Cry Counter is nullified since it never can counter Ranged Attacks. A purely melee Striker will have to also wait out for the Cry to end to attack Noroko again. 
Which is certainly achievable and can cause alot of problems for Noroko if she doesn't come up with a Counter Strike from an onslaught. Luckily, she can use Teleportation and a Backward Dash to swiftly move out of Melee Reach :D!!!
Actually speaking, that is literally her only major weakness. There is the issue with Health and Energy that can be a factor since without Health, Noroko is finished while Energy is used for her Stronger Abilities and her Killer Mode does have a Time Limit. However, Energy can even be refilled by doing attacks and even, I kid you not, just swinging Noroko's Arms and Underling strikes refil her energy without even touching her opponent. So this is Renewable Energy no matter what. It also means that Noroko can revert into a Doll once more with her renewed energy.
So.... the last Paragraph is a Weakness? I guess not XD!!!!
Well, despite her teenie tiny flaws, Noroko is a badass and amazing as a character :D!!!!!! The Onryo's Spirit is strong with this one.


  • More Experience
  • Does have counters to Noroko's Soul Killing Techniques since Hisako does have Teleportation and her own Soul Manipulation
  • Blood Magic doesn't quite work on Hisako since she is already Dead.
  • Naginata provides longer Melee Reach. Shin Hisako's Katana also is a double punch.
  • Shin Hisako actually has a very, very slight overall edge over Noroko thanks to having more Ranged Options that Counter Okiku's Cry
  • Less Versatile moveset
  • Hisako does not actually have a sure fire counter to Noroko's Telekinesis and Soul Manipulation techniques, that is, if Noroko can pull it off
  • Soul Punishment, if successfully triggered, will end up damaging Hisako, even kill her should she lose enough health.
  • Shin Hisako does eventually help out, until you factor in Noroko's Ranged techniques that can counter the Spirit Orbs.
  • Vengeance is actually not as reliable as Okiku's Cry in terms of versatility. Hisako's Vengeance relies on Specific Attack types while Noroko is much more generalized and can only be countered by Ranged or Unblockable Attacks. 

  • Versatile Moveset
  • Noroko'a Soul Manipulation and Telekinesis are good Counters, if not outright game changing against Hisako
  • If Noroko can successfully trigger Soul Punishment, she would severely damage, if not outright kill Hisako by directly attacking Hisako's Soul
  • Has Ranged Techniques that can even match Shin Hisako's Spirit Orbs
  • Okiku's Cry is more versatile and more reliable than Hisako's Vengeance. 
  • Less Experienced
  • Hisako can counter some of Noroko's Soul Manipulation and Soul Killing Techniques thanks to her own Teleportation.
  • Noroko's Cursed Blood and Blood Magic simply isn't effective against Hisako
  • Noroko's Arms and Underling vs Hisako's Naginata and Shin Hisako's Katana....... Yeah, no contest XD!!! 
  • Despite Noroko's Power, Shin Hisako can actually beat Noroko provided she has more Ranged capabilities than Hisako's Original State 
The Verdict         

Let me be perfectly clear....... Hisako vs Noroko is hands down, the closest match up I have ever researched. Yes, this dethroned Tyris vs Vivian as the most evenly matched fight I ever known. For starters. The reason why I did not mention the stats for both characters in the Summary Section proves that this was Super Close. Both are relatively even in everything with regards to Stats. While Noroko did sound like she won the Stat Comparison, Hisako surprisingly does hold on her own with her own Stats with Strength, Speed and Durability.
I guess the only thing that Hisako doesn't have is resistant to Erasure capabilities just like how Noroko survived Final's Eye Ray but the fact that Hisako's Durability is good enough to keep up such as getting clobbered by Aganos and Fulgore proves she is no pushover. However, Durability is where this ultimately came down to but not terms of physical force. But rather, "Soulful Fury" XD!!!
Both Hisako and Noroko can actually damage souls of their victims. Both can even do Possession techniques that manipulate their victim's body and ragdoll/break them at will. The question is, who is superior. Well, this is actually the reason why it became too close to call.
Hisako's Possession is more about Manipulating the body of her Victims while Noroko's Possession (Not mistaken for her killer mode) targets the Soul of her Victims. So in theory. A Body Possession vs Soul Manipulation is a comparison here...... Noroko edges out.
I mean, what is a Body good for without a Soul right? Oh wait, Hisako is already Dead.
You see, you would think the Soul Manipulation would work quite well on Hisako but she is already dead right? Actually, Noroko did face another "Noroko" in the past that was also Dead and Possessed a Soul and yet, Noroko killed Noroko (Ok, let me show you my point)
Noroko vs Noroko. There is the proof XD!!!!

So what does this all mean? Well for starters, Noroko fought another Onryo that had Soul Manipulation and Equal stuff in all categories with regards to combat against Noroko. So really, to Noroko, Hisako is no different......... Though Hisako does have that impressive Teleportation that evens the playing field.
With Teleportation, Hisako can avoid Noroko's Soul Manipulation techniques and keep Noroko at bay. Sounds great, until you realize that Noroko ALSO!!!! Can Teleport. So that is equalized already.
Well, I guess this is still a tie? What about their counter techniques?
Hisako's Vengeance is actually quite devastating given that she can counter Noroko's High And Low Attacks. It cannot counter Ranged Attacks however..... Noroko has Bloody End and Ritual Mask........ Two Attacks that can overpower Vengeance. And, Noroko's Okiku's Cry is also superior since she doesn't have to rely on high or low attacks. The Scream pretty much works on all types of attacks aside from Ranged and Unblockable attacks. 
While Hisako lacks Ranged, She can overpower Okiku's Cry with her  Possession, though Noroko's Teleportation and backward dash can avoid Possession entirely.
So...... I guess, that based on Okiku's Cry being better than Hisako's Vengeance, Noroko does eventually wi-------- 
Excuse me...........

Ahhh that's right. It's Shin Hisako. Well, things do seem like they are now leaning towards Shin Hisako. Why? Well because Shin Hisako does have Ranged Techniques this time round with her Spirit Orbs. Noroko's Okiku's Cry can finally be reliably matched.
So, I guess this means it is a win for Shin Hisako? Nope..... Noroko actually still takes this
Awww man, didn't you say Shin Hisako slightly edged out Noroko???????? XD!!!!          
Now, hold on. Shin Hisako is very powerful. Hisako in her original state is also very powerful. But, the only thing that kept them both from actually winning this is Noroko's greater Versatility and her Soul Killing Techniques such as Soul Punishment and finally........
Say Hello to my Little Friend!!!!!

I mean, if your gonna give Hisako her final State that is Shin Hisako, you gotta give Noroko her Doll Form. Which ironically, was kept secret from the Summary Section because......... This is part of Noroko's Versatile Moveset. Also, The Killer Mode (Doll Form) boosts Noroko's Power Substantially and while it is on a time limit, is more than enough to overpower Hisako. The Doll can just Trip Hisako at FTL speeds that Hisako cannot keep up and eventually trip down, leaving her open to a Spirit Barrage and Spiritual Hands clamping down on Hisako for massive Damage.
With regards to the Time Limit, Well, Noroko's Energy Can still be renewed after simply attacking her opponent but she can also attack at nothing just to replenish energy. It is actually quicker than it sounds and Noroko can finally come back into her Doll Form again......... That's how crazy Noroko's Moveset and Style is. She can literally do anything to just put Hisako 6ft under.
Admittedly, Hisako is more Experienced but she cannot match Noroko's Sheer Power. And finally, Soul Punishment is the final nail in the coffin. While "Onryo" is Noroko's True Fatality, the fact it just leaves the victim's body Grey won't actually work well against Hisako but thankfully, Noroko's Soul Punishment can kill the soul of her victims if they lost enough health. 
So really, can Noroko finally end the tie break with Soul Punishment? Yes. 
Because Noroko can counter Hisako's techniques with her Teleportation, Superior Range and her Versatility, I believe she just clinched a astronimically close match by ending Hisako's life with Soul Punishment to the point that Hisako can finally "Rest in Peace". Provided that Noroko's Cursed Blood and telekinesis overpowers Hisako's Vengeance adds icing on the cake. 
Truth be told, I can't really tell if I am actually right on this one hahahahahahahahhah. This is so evenly matched, I can see Hisako pull it off using her Possession techniques to break Noroko's Body and even the Doll if given the circumstances. However, the fact she had just one Major Win Con vs another Major Win Con that Noroko possessed with greater reliability made this very close, but Noroko just edged out in a 50-50 fight.
Ultimately, I think Noroko just had the Versatility, Soul Killing Techniques and Soul Punishment Fatality to take the Victory.
The Winner is Noroko

And now. The Season Finale!!!!!! 
But before we go there........ 
"The World has witnessed many events. The Dawn of Time, Evolution, Extinctions. Throughout history, there came a time when only two kings ruled their domain. For years, many people attempted to find the answer on who shall win and be the True King of their realm.............."
The Finale of Season 6 is.......


Behold the Kings..... The Kings of the Sea. There can be only One...........

Megalodon vs Livyatan


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