Saturday, May 8, 2021

Season 5: Katsuki Bakugo (My Hero Academia) vs Mine (Akame Ga Kill)



Greetings and Welcome to another edition of my Who Would Win Series and it is going to be Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia vs Mine from Akame Ga Kill


This blog is going to be pretty straight forward. I will get into the Stats, Abilities, Equipment, Feats and Weaknesses.



Bakugo's Info will be focused on multiple media. Ranging from the Manga, Anime Series and the films. 



Mine's info will virtually be the same from a previous match up "Mine vs Gaige". However, she will get added Feats to make her info more fresh and updated :D!!!!



Finally, I will determine on which Angry and Unstable Combatant is going to Win and finally leave the match "Happy" XD!!!!





So, without further ado, let's begin





Katsuki "Kacchan" Bakugo 

Katsuki Bakugo (Bakugou traditionally) is one of the main characters of the superhero anime series "My Hero Academia" (Boku no Hīrō Akademia).

A very stubborn, selfish and prideful boy from the beginning, Bakugo has a very determined desire to become the Number 1 Hero in the World. 

He is so popular back in his school days, one fellow student known as Izuku Midoriya admired his talents and an ability known as a "Quirk". 

Despite the fans, Bakugo still believes he is better than anyone. While being a powerful individual, Bakugo's Actions are deemed "Unheroic and more Villainous in Nature" which is especially noteworthy throughout his arc in the series.

As Bakugo managed to enroll in U.A Academy, he quickly became one of the schools most talented students. Along the way, Midoriya was also in the same class, and the two of them have a rivalry that would be Bakugo's main driving power to become a better man, or in this case, the better Hero.

Overall, Bakugo's Story eventually reaches new heights and growth. He does become more mature overtime and while he has a long way to go to get "Nice", at least he is still a young man, there is time buddy, there is time :D!!!!

That is a spoiler free background of Bakugo's Background. Now, let's see what this boy with anger issues is capable of.










Being one of the Heroes of the series, Bakugo has a Quirk known as "Explosion".


The Quirk allows Bakugo to secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from the palm of his hands and generate it to, well, check it out



















Yeah......... I am pretty sure we know just how insane Bakugo's Power is XD!!!

Aside from his already powerful Explosive blasts, Bakugo's use of Explosion is still versatile. He can use these blasts to propel himself into the air and fly across. Yeah, Bakugo, a boy who uses Sweat to Generate his Power, is the long lost son of Iron Man......... My is the world of Heroes starting to become the ultimate crossover XD!!!!!

Anyway, Bakugo's use of Explosion gets even more interesting, he can use his Quirk not only for Offense but also Defensively, which is quite impressive, as the heat of his explosions are so powerful they literally block incoming attacks that reach kilotons of power. 




Grenadier Bracers    





The Grenadier Bracers are Bakugo's main equipment. Support Items that literally give Bakugo a monumental level of reliability, the Bracers are designed to give Bakugo the most efficient level of power possible. What happens is that when Bakugo pulls the Pin, he uses sweat that is stored into the bracers to unleash a powerful blast. 


Because the Bracers can amplify Bakugo's Quirk, they also do a very nice trick in that whenever Bakugo uses more of Explosion, he does not suffer any notable drawbacks such as his arms aching with repeated use. However, anyone can use the Bracers, but they need to withstand the recoil in order to use effectively. Otherwise, their arms would be broken. So for Bakugo to use these bracers without suffering any ill effects, shows just how strong he really is :D!!!!!


Explosive Speed


Of course, like all great Heroes, Bakugo has certain Abilities that make him a very versatile and powerful combatant. Here is a list of abilities for Bakugo.




Explosive Speed: As mentioned before, Bakugo can use Explosion to propel himself into the air. This also dramatically increases Bakugo's travel speed. Great for mobility.



Stun Grenade: The Stun Grenade allows Bakugo to emit a sphere of light in front of him, which blinds his opponents. 



Zero Distance Stun Grenade: A more close quarters version of the Stun Grenade, it basically does the same effects with little damage output. Immobilizes and stuns the opponent immediately  

AP Shot: Bakugo stretches out his hand and using his other hand, forms a circle with the palm of his hand. This time, when he fires Explosion, the beam is reduced to a concentrate blast that may reduce it's Area of Effect Damage, but makes up for it with tremendous piercing potential. It is one of Bakugo's Best Ranged Attacks



AP Shot Auto Cannon: A rapid fire version of the original AP shot. Bakugo uses this technique to unleash a blast barrage to deal damage in rapid succession

AP Machine Gun: Virtually identical in terms of purpose with the Auto Cannon, except this time, the blasts are more powerful and faster.

Explode-A-Pult: A rather hilariously over the top move. Bakugo uses this technique while in mid air and grabs his opponent and then uses his free arm to unleash his quirk and spin himself and opponent around. This can cause massive damage once the opponent reaches the ground

Howitzer Impact: This is Bakugo's Signature Move. He propels himself into the air and uses both arms to gain momentum. He then Spins around and after enough momentum is set, he unleashes an explosive tornado in front of him. The blast can unleash a total of 15 kilotons of TNT consistently

Physical Capabilities


I guess Bakugo is Ivan Drago's Son? XD!!!







While Bakugo is already a powerhouse in terms of abilities. We can now look into his Physical Stats that make him even cooler :D!!! Strength, Speed and Durability. Bing Badda Boom!!!!!!


  • Threw a ball that was able to reach over 700 meters. This is because Bakugo used Explosion to amplify the force to generate the throw and velocity.
  • Has pinned down Midoriya in a 1v1 duel.
  • Has superior Arm Strength compared to a normal human. Bakugo is in fact Superhuman since, well, he is a Hero, but the real magic is that since Explosion strains his arms overtime and that Bakugo can still use his quirk for repeated uses, means he is able to withstand both the recoil and ill effects of the blasts :D!!!!
  • Anime logic wise, Bakugo is capable of punching characters at a few feet across with just one punch.



  • Has defeated lightning timing speedsters. He defeated Fumikaga Tokoyami, who managed to react to Denki Kaminari's Lightning, which is actual lightning and not magical in nature. 
  • With Explosive Speed, Bakugo can reach subsonic speeds
  • Is quick enough to avoid Shoto Todoroki's Ice Spikes. Todoroki can cover a huge portion of the Sports Stadium in only 3 seconds. 
  • His combat Speed is able to surpass Ochaco Uraraka's. In fact, The feat alone is more than impressive because Bakugo managed to avoid getting lifted off the ground from just one touch. And he repelled Uraraka to the point she literally gave up entirely.
  • Is scaling to Midoriya, who, when using 5% of his All for One Quirk, is able to speed blitz multiple villains such as Gentle Criminal, Muscular and Nine





  • Has taken multiple strikes from All Might during the Finals Exam Arc. All Might can pretty much destroy anyone with one punch and Bakugo took these hits. Eventually, of course Bakugo did survive since this is only an exam. Why would the Teachers kill their own students anyway? XD!!!!
  • Took attacks from Todoroki's Ice, which are capable of reaching Kiloton's worth of power and force. 
  • Took strikes from an enraged Midoriya, who is capable of beating multiple villains with One for All. 
  • Took blasts from Nine. A Supervillain who can literally use Weather Manipulation to decimate his foes. To date, Nine is Bakugo's greatest threat.





One for All










In the movie "My Hero Academia Heroes Rising", Midoriya gives Bakugo One for All in a final attempt to defeat Nine. Eventually this succeeded and Bakugo manages to become one of the most powerful characters of the series so far......... Unfortunately, this was a temporary power up as Bakugo actually is never seen using the Quirk again, at least as of this blog. Still, the capabilities of One for All is ridiculous. It is so powerful, Bakugo and Midoriya together achieved this.




One of the most amazing moments in an Anime Film :D!!!!



This feat shows that Bakugo and Midoriya produced a blast that managed to destroy the clouds. Reaching over 18 Megatons worth of Energy into the sky. However, because both of them did it at the same time, it needs to be cut in half, meaning, Bakugo produced 9 Megatons on his own. Still, very powerful.



Skills and Intellect

While Bakugo may seem like a reckless combatant, he is actually, by all logic, one of the smarter characters in My Hero Academia. He is quite proficient with Strategic Combat and while he has made mistakes in the past, he learns overtime and eventually overcomes them with flying colors.


In terms of school smarts, Bakugo is still impressive. One of the higher tier students in class, he has great knowledge of Quirks and an understanding of the weaknesses of the enemies he faces and exploits them. He is however, not a very good leader..... XD!!!!!! Oh well, Bakugo is still an intelligent guy.




Feats for Bakugo









Being one of the most prominent characters of My Hero Academia, Bakugo has achieved quite alot of feats that make him a badass :D!!!! Here is a handful of notable feats achieved by the hotheaded male version of Yang Xiao Long



  • Has officially, and cleanly, defeated Midoriya in a 1v1 Duel 
  • Won the Sports Festival and became the Champion
  • Redeemed himself by passing the Provisional Exam after failing the first time
  • Is statistically, one of the strongest students in Class 1-A. This is impressive considering that we have Shoto Todoroki, Fumikage Tokoyami and Izuku Midoriya, all of which have done incredible feats of power  
  • Despite his hatred towards Midoriya, Bakugo did co operate with him multiple times to achieve success. 
  • Is one of my favorite characters in the Series :D!!! Such a badass :D!!!
  • He does have one of the best character arcs in the series. Bakugo will get more mature overtime ;)
  • Pretty much helped the Heroes defeat multiple villains regularly.















Despite Bakugo's amazing power set and incredible versatility with his Explosion Quirk, this guy has serious issues. 


Firstly, he is one of the few characters in My Hero Academia who charges head on without a plan. This is especially problematic when Bakugo not only endangers himself, but his team as well. However, things get worse 


See, Bakugo's Temper has been taken advantage of time and time again. In the Sports Festival Arc, he literally lost focus for a moment and had to revise a plan in order to make a comeback. Thankfully, Bakugo did succeed in climbing back to the game and eventually, as mentioned before, won the tournament anyway. But, the issue here is that Bakugo is still prone to make mistakes


Also, Bakugo's Explosion Quirk may be powerful, but it will strain his body to the point that if he over uses it, it is going to injure him severely. While the Grenadier Bracers do reduce the strain, here is the dark magic that makes it a drawback.... The Bracers have been destroyed multiple times before. So really, Bakugo may be powerful, but he has to be careful that the enemy does not have the power output to overpower the Bracers to "Breaking Point". Which would prove devastating.



Finally, similar to the first flaw, Bakugo's tactics are not exactly the most creative. He is very easy to predict because his fighting style mainly involves Offensive and Rushing. While he can switch on the fly with defensive techniques, Bakugo's game plan is still consistently a Offensive Overdrive. Sounds Great, but if Bakugo get's caught and overpowered, he will be defeated cleanly. 




Still, despite all the issues, Bakugo is one of the most powerful characters and Heroes in My Hero Academia. He is Explosive, Scary and Funny :D!!!





Mine "Mein"

Born and raised in the Western Borders of the Empire, Mine, (also spelt as "Mein") experienced a cruel and miserable childhood, often ridiculed for being a Half blood foreigner. Eventually, she joined a military organization known as the Revolutionary Army after realizing that it's purpose was to make  alliances with countries from the West. With a promise for a new country where diplomatic relations with the people from the West would improve, Mine participates in numerous conflicts to ensure that people of her race would be treated equally and that the next generation would not suffer the same experience as what Mine experienced during her childhood.

Eventually, Mine joined Najenda's band of assassins named "Night Raid" and from then on, she has fought the Empire and the Jaegers led by General Esdeath, and vows to bring peace and justice to the people. After the War ended, Mine eventually married Tatsumi and began a family with him. 

That's a brief background of Mine's backstory. Now, let's see what this cute little girl can do.


In terms of strength, Mine is lacking any notable strength feats that are above peak human. That said, she does have a couple of moments that display how strong she is for human standards.

  • Carries Pumpkin around on a regular basis
  • Even with her right arm broken by Hekatonheires, nicknamed "Koro", Mine still carried Pumpkin with just one hand
  • Stomped on Tatsumi multiple times that caused great pain to him
  • Slapped Tatsumi with such force, it created a large bruise on his cheek.



Unlike strength, Mine's speed is actually very solid. Here are a couple of speed feats for Mine.






  • Dodges bullets and even dodged bullets from a skilled marksman that was close to her position
  • Reacted and shot down Seryu Ubiquitous' missile  
  • Blocked bullets from Seryu's mouth. For reference, Seryu Ubiquitous is an Imperial Guard who joined the Jaegers who's body is armed with weaponry. 
  • Dodged General Budo's lightning in a attempt to rescue Tatsumi
  • Able to run fast enough from Seryu, Koro and a group of Imperial soldiers while having her right arm broken.
  • Managed to go on par with Esdeath. Esdeath is above lightning level in overall speed



In terms of durability, despite being human, Mine is incredibly tough. Here are some of Mine's best durability feats

  • Was crushed by Hekatonheires, whose trump card allows him to go berserk and transform in a huge monster. Though she survived, Mine only had her arm broken in the process.
  • Was devoured by Kurome's Giant Toad. Mine was eventually inside the Toad's stomach, which contains hydrocloric acid. Not only did Mine survive, she escaped the Toad's stomach by blasting holes from the inside, killing the Giant Toad in the process and escaped with only her outfit being torn apart.
  • Was injured by Seryu Ubiquitous yet kept fighting.

  • While fighting Seryu, Mine took a point blank explosion and survived, though she did feel the effects of the blast.
  • Took a Punch rush from Seryu Ubiquitous. Mine eventually got back up but was still injured in the process.

Imperial Arms




Mine's Imperial Arms is "Roman Artillery" better known as "Pumpkin". This legendary weapon is a firearm that generates more power the more dangerous Mine's situation is. It also increases it's capabilities the more emotional Mine becomes. This is achieved by channeling the user's spirit energy, providing it with ammunition. That's right, Pumpkin is using Mine's spirit as it's energy supply.

Pumpkin has three modes for combat, providing it with supreme versatility. The three modes for Pumpkin are:




Sniper Mode: This mode allows Mine to use Pumpkin to fire projectiles at her target from very long distances. More impressively, Pumpkin is capable of hitting Mine's target that are kilometers away from her position. 

Rapid Fire Mode: This mode allows Mine to use Pumpkin to fire projectiles at her target in a close quarters fight. This time, Pumpkin fires rapid projectiles like an automatic assault rifle.  

Trump Card: Cut Down Shot "Gun Blade" Mode: This is Pumpkin's Trump card. It allows Pumpkin to emit a beam blade that is capable of cutting through everything it comes in contact with. Basically this mode turns Pumpkin into a lightsaber.... a very long and very large lightsaber 

Feats for Pumpkin
While Mine herself is just a peak human being, Pumpkin on the other hand does amazing feats, capable of producing extraordinary power. Here are the feats for Pumpkin

  • Regular shots can blast holes through humans 
  • Pumpkin can shoot Pinch Shots. Pinch shots are the standard shots of Pumpkin.
  • A "Weak" Pinch shot is capable of disintegrating human beings and create long craters to the ground and even destroy the surrounding area in the process
  • Blasted Dr Stylish's Giant trump Card to the ground. The Giant is the size of a mountain.
  • Obliterated Esdeath's Weissschnabel. Weisschnabel is a volley of icicles that Esdeath conjures. For reference, the icicles are powerful enough to hold back a mountain sized Danger beast
  • Destroyed Esdeath's Huge version of Hagelsprung. This also counts as a speed feat because Hagelsprung is an ability that caught Akame off guard for a moment, and Akame is a lightning level character in terms of speed. The Amount of Force to Generate the Pinch Shot requires 1 Petaton. As the blast did not just destroy the Ice Meteor, it obliterated it entirely.
  • A Pinch shot destroyed Seryu's missile.
  • With Rapid Fire Mode, Pumpkin blasted massive holes through Koro's thick hide.
  • Pumpkin's Pinch shot managed to disintegrate Kaku. Kaku is durable enough to destroy Tatsumi's sword when it came in contact with his body.


Mine Blasting Kaku to Smithereens






  • Pumpkin's Trump Card managed to neutralize and overpower Grand Chariot's "Grand Fall". Grand Chariot's kicks are powerful, and Tatsumi, who endured these kicks, stated that the kicks from Grand Chariot are lethal to him. Tatsumi was wearing Incursio 1 armor at the time of his encounter with Grand Chariot.
  •  A Powerful Pinch shot blasted General Budo through the Coliseum Walls.
  • With Gun blade Mode, Pumpkin destroyed both Seryu and Koro. Koro is a living Imperial Arms who can regenerate wounds instantly. Pumpkin dealt so much damage to Koro, he couldn't regenerate the lower half of his body because his core was damaged.
  • At full power, Pumpkin emitted a powerful, huge Pinch shot that deadlocked with General Budo's "Solid Shooter", which is a highly concentrated Electrical Beam. Eventually, Mine And Pumpkin won the deadlock and killed Budo in the process. What happened was that Pumpkin's power was so devastating. it blasted Budo through the clouds and reached the stratosphere. This also resulted in the blast creating a massive hole through Budo's chest, who wore armor that Tatsumi's Incursio Armor couldn't even crack. The feat alone goes to around 2-3 Petatons worth of Power. And this is not counting the fact that the Blast literally destroyed the Clouds and even overpower Budo's Lightning Storm.





Skill set

Being a very well trained marksman, it comes to no surprise that Mine is very skilled with Pumpkin. In fact, she is a self proclaimed "Genius Sniper", a title she holds with alot of weight considering that her Sniper Skills are unrivaled. Sniper skills aside, Mine is dead on accurate with Pumpkin in any situation, whether it is long range or close range, Mine has the skills to take down her opponents using precision and power. Aside from her use of Pumpkin, Mine is also a skilled hand to hand combatant and a brilliant tactician. Mine herself analyzes her opponent with intuition and craftiness. Mine is also an experienced combatant, and claims to have achieve countless assassinations and even fought in numerous battles as a member of Night Raid.





While Mine and her skills with Pumpkin are amazing, Mine is just a human. In fact, Mine is susceptible to normal means of attacks. A well placed head shot will instantly kill Mine for instance.

Also, while Pumpkin is ridiculously powerful, Pumpkin has drawbacks. The more spirit energy it consumes from Mine, the results will be lethal to Mine. In fact, in the anime, Mine's victory over General Budo came at a cost. Mine was exhausted and in a critical state because Pumpkin absorbed too much of her emotions and spirit energy. This resulted in Mine's eventual death. 

Another flaw for Pumpkin, should it emit attacks repeatedly, it will eventually overheat, leaving Mine completely helpless against her opponent should Pumpkin be unusable. Also of note, Pumpkin is far from indestructible. In fact, in the same encounter with General Budo, during the deadlock, the tip of Pumpkin's barrel was broken off, indicating that sufficient force can break it.

Still, despite all the flaws, Mine is without a doubt one of Night Raids deadliest assassins. Mine is also adorable, feisty, hot tempered yet caring to her friends and above all, a true badass!!!! 
Katsuki Bakugo

  • Does have Superior Strength
  • Explosion does not need the Grenadier Bracers in order to be used. Since Mine Relies Solely on Pumpkin to do wonders, Bakugo can use is own palms and Sweat to unleash explosive blasts anyway
  • Is more mobile than Mine, especially with Explosive Speed
  • Because of his hot headed approach to combat, Bakugo is most likely gonna make a mistake for Mine to capitalize on
  • Should Bakugo get any closer to Mine, this ends his life, because the more danger Mine experiences, the more powerful Pumpkin becomes and since Mine has the reaction speed to spot and hit Bakugo with Pumpkin, she is going to surprise him with a Pinch Shot.
  • In a Deadlock, Bakugo, while very impressive, even with the One for All Power Up..... Does not compare to Mine's Pumpkin Blasts when reaching the Petaton Range
  • Despite being more Mobile, Mine has defeated Seryu and Koro, in fact, Seryu is basically Bakugo all over again for Mine and Koro is a regenerating Organic Teigu. Both of whom were more mobile than Mine but still lost to her
  • Is not even close to as skilled as Mine in terms of Ranged combat
  • The Manga version of Mine would decimate any version of Bakugo in terms of overall power.
  • Let's be real, Bakugo is nowhere near as adorable as Mine

  • Is far more Calm and level headed than Bakugo, who is prone to make mistakes 
  • More Skilled and More Experienced
  • If Bakugo gets closer to Mine, she wins because the more danger she experiences, the more powerful Pumpkin becomes and since a single pinch shot can level a mountain sized Teigu, Mine is simply gonna overpower Bakugo to the point that the fight ended with him getting disintegrated  by a standard Pinch Shot
  • Should Bakugo and Mine have a deadlock, Mine's most powerful blast with Pumpkin will ultimately win due to having Petatons worth of power versus Kilotons and maybe Megatons worth of Power. The Difference is Astronomical.
  • Even if you give Bakugo One for All, Mine is still far more powerful with her Pumpkin Pinch Shots. The Manga Version manages to use Petatons worth of Power to overcome Esdeath's Hagelsprung, a frozen Meteor that literally contains 1-2 Petatons worth of energy.
  • Has fought and defeated characters who are more mobile than her anyway. Meaning, Bakugo's Mobility Edge only prolongs the fight to a degree.
  • Is leaps and bounds more adorable than Bakugo
  • Relies solely on Pumpkin in order to win fights. Should it be destroyed by Bakugo, Mine is defenseless
  • Not as Strong as Bakugo Physically
  • Less Mobile since Mine cannot fly and such 


The Verdict



Bakugo vs Mine is actually a pretty interesting match up but ultimately, this is a pretty one sided affair.



Firstly, this is one of the few times when Stats actually do not come into play as much. The Abilities however are what makes it interesting but in the end, Mine simply outclasses Bakugo in most categories.


As mentioned before, Stats are not the factor, reason being is because no matter how physically capable Bakugo is, those factors are not helping him against someone who can produce Petatons worth of Energy exploding at his face.......... Yeah, this is not going to be a good one for Bakugo.


Mine, at her very best, is able to go toe to toe with Esdeath, who contains Petatons worth of power on a daily basis. In fact, it is more impressive that Mine destroyed both Weissschnabel and Hagelsprung, two of Esdeath's most powerful Ice abilities and they actually do drain Esdeath's Energy Reserves so they must contain a portion of her power to be unleashed anyway. Since Mine is capable of decimating those attacks, I see no reason that Mine can simply overpower Bakugo's Explosion Quirk in a Deadlock, which she is fully capable of winning it anyway and blow Bakugo to kingdom come. 


 While Bakugo is more mobile and versatile, well, guess what? Mine has fought and defeated Seryu and Koro, both of whom were more mobile and more versatile than Mine....... and the fact that Seryu is literally similar to Bakugo and that Koro has an extremely powerful regeneration, Mine has the experience to take on foes who have Mobility edges against her and prevail anyway. So really, Bakugo's Advantages are simply nullified by Mine's Experience and Power.



But despite all that, even if you include Bakugo's One for all Power Up, Mine still wins.......  I mean, look at this feat carefully





Now, let's look at Mine's most powerful Pinch Shot






So, as you can see, both feats are fairly comparable right? yes......But, who did their feat on their own? Yeah, Mine. 



See, Bakugo only achieved the Blast because Midoriya combined his power with his own for a combo blast. Mine on the other hand achieved her own blast by herself....... That's right, Mine's Power is more powerful than Bakugo's Temporary Power Up. And since Mine's Pinch Shot is consistent with her capabilities while One for All is simply a Temporary Power Up, the most likely outcome is that Mine is just gonna blast Bakugo and then it is "Sayonara".




So, thanks to her Power, Pumpkin, Experience, Skill and Cuteness, I believe that Mine has what it takes to put Bakugo down and be the most emotionally dangerous combatant of this match up.






The Winner is Mine






Next Time on Who Would Win.........




































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