Sunday, October 20, 2019

Season 3: Ryuko Matoi (Kill La Kill) vs Bayonetta (Bayonetta)

Greetings, and Welcome to another edition of my "Who Would Win Series" and it is going to be Ryuko Matoi from Kill La Kill vs Bayonetta from.... Bayonetta (I might just say Bayonetta alone from now on XD!!!)

For this match up, I will of course cover the base stats for both sides, their weapons, abilities, feats, weaknesses and finally who I personally believe would win this match up.

For Ryuko Matoi, I will use the Anime as the main source of her info, however, the game "Kill La Kill IF" will also have a significant factor coming into play as well, since the game does tie into the events of the anime (Well, there are minor deviations but oh well haha). Ryuko will also be using Senketsu exclusively for this fight. While she has worn Junketsu before, the fact that she reached her maximum potential with Senketsu means that Ryuko will be given Senketsu instead so she can get the highest level of power possible.

As for Bayonetta, her information is virtually unchanged since the previous match up "Wonder Woman vs Bayonetta". That said, I will add more feats and new images to make her information "Familiar and Fresh" :D!!

On a final note, this blog has, well, extremely weird, and revealing moments. Those who do not like that sort of stuff, may need to stop reading it right now. Otherwise, just sit back, relax and enjoy the weird match up (It is weird overall XD!!!)

So, without further ado, let's get this started

Ryuko Matoi

Ryuko Matoi is an interesting character to say the least. Long story short, early in her life, Ryuko spent her time in Elementary School without the guidance of her father, who focused entirely on his studies on "Life Fibers". This also led to Ryuko getting bullied, then bullying the bullies (Hell yeah!!!), even forming a gang of friends for "School dominance"

One day, Ryuko got a message that her house was raided by a mysterious assassin. The assassin took one half of a scissors blade that was previous owned by Ryuko's father, and murdered him in the process. This led to Ryuko getting into a revenge quest and thus, Ryuko was on an epic journey to find and kill the one who murdered her father in cold blood.

Eventually, Ryuko arrived at Honnouji Academy, where, she believed that the School President known as "Lady Satsuki" knew about the murder of her father's death and wanted to know where the other half of the scissor blade was kept. Initially, Ryuko was so outraged to even see Satsuki, she was caught off guard by one of Satsuki's cronies and was beaten to a pulp. 

After retreating back to her home, Ryuko stumbled into a underground spot where, she met Senketsu, a Goku Uniform that is made out of "Life Fibers". After a brief struggle of gaining trust, Ryuko finally wore the uniform and is now able to combat Satsuki's forces to get to the truth.

After numerous conflicts with Satsuki and her super class henchmen known as the "Elite Four", eventually, a strange occurrence happened. You see, while Ryuko was fighting Uzu Sanageyama, a cute, adorable yet cold blooded pink girl interrupted their fight and was revealed to be part of a plot to take control of the world by infecting everyone with Life Fibers, meaning, the organization attempted to make it that everybody was their own puppet.... And, 

Spoiler Alert!!!!!

Their leader was Ryuko's....... and Satsuki's Mother!!!

This in turn changed the game drastically for Ryuko. As, after being captured and controlled by Ragyo by using Junkestu (Satsuki's Kamui). Attempted to put down Satsuki once and for all, ending her attempts to prevent Life Fibers from controlling the world. Thankfully, Satsuki and her allies stopped Ryuko, even rescued her from Ragyo's grasp, and thus, in a feel good moment of the story, Ryuko and Satsuki teamed up to form an alliance to defeat Ragyo once and for all. 

In the end, of course, Ryuko succeeded in killing Ragyo, but at the cost of her own Kamui's Life. Senkestu eventually died by the end of Kill La Kill, but the war was over, the world was saved, thanks to the efforts of Ryuko, Satsuki and their allies.

That is a very straightforward and complicated backstory of Ryuko Matoi and the events of Kill La Kill. Now, let's see what this badass rebellious chick is capable of. 


Ryuko activating Senketsu with "Life Fiber Synchronize"

Ryuko Matoi's signature "Goku Uniform", also known as a "Kamui", Senketsu is a sentient outfit that provides Ryuko Matoi superhuman capabilities and unbelievable powers. 

The most important thing to remember is that Senketsu requires blood to be used at full effect. Overtime however, both Ryuko and Senketsu required less blood to achieve this, and can now be made as one with fewer requirements. 

It is worth noting that after Ryuko wins a fight against another Kamui wearer, Senketsu absorbs the Life Fibers of their uniform, making it more powerful overtime.

Senketsu can even speak to Ryuko Matoi, even help her in dire situations by giving her advice. Thus, when Ryuko wears Senketsu and transforms, she is literally a two person army. 

Senketsu's Forms

There is also a trick for Senketsu. You see, when the situation demands it, Senketsu can transform into different forms, giving it great versatility. Here is a list of different Forms for Senketsu

Senketsu Shippu

Senketsu Shippu: This form allows Ryuko to have the ability of flight. It also gives Ryuko a huge level of mobility.

Senketsu Senjin
Senketsu Senjin: This Form makes Senketsu protrude blades from all over it's body. It is both incredible at offense, as it allows Ryuko to use claws made out of her own blood for combat, and for defense, as a foolish enemy would be pricked, or even sawed by the blades should they try to touch Ryuko and Senketsu

Senketsu Mubyoshi: Used during the fight against Nonon Jakuzure, this form allows Senketsu to resist Jakuzure's Sound attacks from "Symphony Regalia Grave"

Senjin Shippu

Senjin Shippu: A combination of Senketsu Shippu and Senjin, this form is basically a two form combo that also gives Ryuko greater offensive capabilities while in the air.

Berserker Mode
Berserker Mode: This terrifying form is a result of Ryuko Matoi becoming so enraged that her blood boils to the point that Senketsu cannot control her. It turns Ryuko into a green monster, which vastly increases her strength levels at a cost of reduced intellect. 

Senketsu Kisaragi
Senketsu Kisaragi: The Ultimate Form of Senketsu, this form makes Ryuko Matoi turn into a powerhouse of unbelievable power. It vastly increases all of her stats by up to eleven. This form combines the power of Satsuki's Junketsu and other Goku Uniforms. 

However, in the game "Kill La Kill IF", Ryuko can activate this without absorbing Junkestu and other Goku Uniforms at once.

Rending Scissor Blade


The signature weapon of Ryuko Matoi, and, as we get into later on, is one half of a pair of Scissors known as "Rending Scissors". Ryuko's single bladed Scissor is a sword length blade that is extremely durable and exceptionally sharp, capable of severing Life Fibers from Kamui Uniforms. 

Dual Blades/Sword Scissors

Overtime, Ryuko eventually had both parts of the Rending Scissors and made them an even deadlier weapon for combat. Of course, Ryuko can use the Rending Scissors to cut her foes in a Scissor like manner (No pun intended)

Kisaragi Form Rending Scissors

Kisaragi's "Pincer" Rending Scissors

 After transforming into her Kisaragi form, Ryuko wielded her Rending Scissors. This time, they are attached to multiple screws from thin air and are much longer and wider than before. It can be used like a Pincer for attacks.

Now we've seen Ryuko's equipment, let's see her Stats. What is important here, all of Ryuko's best feats required Senketsu to be activated. So, for starters, let's go look at Ryuko's Strength first.


  •  Can pierce through Kamui Life Fibers. By laws of Kill La Kill, those who wear Kamui are virtually indestructible to inferior classed uniforms or from an outside source.
  •  Once clashed with Satsuki's Bakuzan during their fight. This clash caused a massive shockwave that literally destroyed the arena, even pushing (and oddly enough, pull the audience at one time) with town level power.
  • With Decapitation Mode, while attempting to slice at Satsuki, Ryuko did miss but she caused a huge crack into the ground. The Force to achieve this is equal to that of an earthquake.
  • Has deadlocked against Nui Harime's "Scissor Blade", who is equal to Ryuko in terms of Strength.
  • Has sliced through Uzu Sanageyama with such force, he actually lost the fight. Sanageyama wears Blade Regalia, which is a thick Kamui Armor for protection.
  • Ryuko's Scissor Blade turning into a skyscraper size weapon
  • In the special OVA episode, Ryuko can wield a skyscraper sized Scissor Blade and swing it with such speed that it broke the sound barrier 



Speed is a huge factor for Ryuko Matoi. There is alot of speed feats for the rebellious chick, so here is a list of feats for Speed

  • Before having Senketsu, Ryuko slapped a group of boys in a time span of a second.
  • Is equal to Satsuki Kiryuin's Attack Speed, who can reach above Lightning level.
  • Has blocked and deflected attacks from multiple Goku Uniform wearers. All of them can casually reach super sonic speeds.
  • Fought Ragyo in space with her Kisaragi Form. This puts Ryuko at borderline Faster than Light Speeds. Judging from the speed of both Ryuko and Ragyo's attacks, both of them are attacking with such speed, they would surpass a space shuttle's speed by over thirty times more.


Durability is where Ryuko Matoi becomes a badass. She has endured so much punishment that it would be foolish to underestimate her when she is up against unbelievable odds. Here is a list of durability feats for Ryuko Matoi.

  • Has took a massive beating from one of Satsuki's Henchmen at the start of the series and still got back up. The guy was using a Goku Uniform that has boxing gloves as it's weapon.
  • Was unphased by the same guy's attack when wearing Senketsu. Infact, Ryuko got her revenge and defeated him brutally.
  • Took attacks from the Elite Four and still mustered the willpower to eventually prevail.
  • Has taken blows from Satsuki, who is vastly superior to Ryuko Matoi in their early encounters.
  • Once had her heart ripped out from her chest and was still alive.
  • Took a massive beating from Ira Gamagoori. Who is the muscle of Satsuki's Elite Four.

Ryuko Matoi and Senketsu are able to regenerate from damage very quickly. It gives Ryuko Matoi an extra layer of durability that makes her an extremely difficult opponent to put down for good. In her Kisaragi form, the Regeneration is tripled in power, making Ryuko almost impossible to stop.



Over the course of Kill La Kill, Ryuko grew her skills to become the best fighter she could possibly be. While not technically a trained combatant, her experience and creativity makes her quite a dangerous foe to tackle. 

Ryuko is a highly skilled blade wielder, and her attacks can be considered straightforward to an extent, though she can be unpredictable when the situation demands it.

It is worth noting that Ryuko is pretty good at learning her opponent's attacks overtime. Even without Senketsu's guidance, Ryuko alone is more than capable of accomplishing wonders with her mind.

Finally, Ryuko, in the later episodes, became more tactical and more independent, even tricking Nui Harime and Ragyo in combat, who are vastly superior to Ryuko in terms of skills and experience.


Ryuko throwing her Rending Scissors while it is attached to Senketsu

Ryuko has a variety of attacks with her Rending Scissors that mainly involve sword like strikes and piercing attacks. However, she is also able to finish off her opponents with devastating strikes. Here is a list of notable moves by Ryuko.

Sen-I-Soshitsu (Fiber Lost): This ability allows Ryuko to finish off her opponent with a single, powerful strike from her rending scissors. This move always guarantees a victory for Ryuko, if she can connect the strike perfectly 

Decapitation Mode

Decapitation Mode:  Decapitation Mode allows Ryuko to extend the Rending Scissors to twice the length. It also gives her a far greater reach and packs serious power.

Scissor Blade Waves: For Long range, Ryuko can project blade waves by swinging her Rending Scissors. These waves are also strong enough to create long rows of craters into the ground. Ryuko can also achieve this while flying in mid air.

Feats and Accomplishments

Before we end Ryuko's Info, we must look at her Resume. Turns out, she achieved a great deal of feats. Here is a list of Ryuko's accomplishments

  • Has officially, and cleanly, and finally, defeated Ragyo
  • Overpowered Nui Harime, which I count as a win because Nui did back off
  • Stalemated Satsuki Kiryuin multiple times, which is a feat on it's own because Satsuki is virtually superior to Ryuko Matoi in terms of Skills with equal level of stats
  • Defeated the Elite Four
  • Saved the world from Ragyo's ambition
  • Became friends with one of Kill La Kill's best characters..... Mako
  • Voiced by Erica Mendez
  • Kill La Kill's "Dont Lose Your Way" is a masterpiece
  • Finally came to terms with Satsuki by the end of the series.
  • Avenged her father's death.



Despite Ryuko Matoi's insane level of power (she is considered to be one of anime's/mangas strongest characters), unfortunately, she is beatable.

In almost every encounter with her opponents, Ryuko struggled HARD!!!!! What's more, while Senkestu makes her "Indestructible to non Goku Uniform wearers", it is worth noting that this rule only works in the Kill La Kill World. Thus, Ryuko has yet to demostrate any form of feat that makes Senketsu resistant to other attacks such as Magic.

It is also worth noting that Ryuko basically had a pretty poor record against Satsuki Kiryuin, infact, Satsuki cleanly beat her using her skills and superior mindset. Meaning, Ryuko would lose to someone who is smarter and more skilled in combat overtime.

What's more, while Senketsu's regeneration is powerful, there are a couple of drawbacks to consider. The more damage Ryuko takes, eventually, her regeneration will crack open, leaving her vulnerable in the long run. It is also worth noting that sufficient force can still knock back Ryuko hard. And she has felt tremendous pain while wearing Senketsu before.

And finally, Ryuko, as said before, is pretty creative, but she is not a well trained combatant. She mainly uses straight up strikes for combat, making her very predictable as a result. This can be taken advantage of, leaving Ryuko very easy to take out if given the chance.

Still, there is one more thing to remember, by the end of the series, Senketsu actually dies. However, since Ryuko is still able to produce wonders without Senketsu, she reached the peak of her powers because of Senketsu. 

However, despite all of her flaws, Ryuko Matoi is a powerhouse in combat. On a side note, Ryuko has possibly the coolest look out all the characters in Kill La Kill. I mean, look at this

Bottom line, Ryuko is a badass, a feisty chick and all round, a great character.


Cereza, also known as Bayonetta, was born to a Lumen Sage named Balder and an Umbran Witch named Rosa. Cereza was the forbidden child that caused a conflict between the Lumen Sages and the Umbran Witches. Thus, this resulted in her father being exiled and her mother imprisoned. This all started the clan wars, when a great war between the Lumen Sages and The Umbran Witches erupted. 

Cereza was prohibited to learn the magical arts of the Umbran Witches but, against that rule, she was taught to use them anyway. During her time in training she met her best friend Jeanne. Both Cereza and Jeanne ended up being so close they regarded themselves as sisters. Eventually, with Both Cereza and Jeanne growing their skills in combat overtime, Jeanne was selected to become the leader of the Umbran Witches, for her final test she chose to face Cereza in a duel due to the fact that Cereza is seen to be the most powerful witch of the clan despite the fact that Jeanne's wishes were forbidden.

 Their battle was interrupted as the angels attacked. Unaware of the source of this attack, the Umbra Witches, including Cereza, were led to believe that her father, Balder, was the cause of the Witch Hunts. After seeing her deceased mother, Cereza lost her will to fight. With Jeanne understanding the plot of Balder towards resurrecting Jubileus, she instead seals away Cereza in a special ritual which imparts her into the Umbran Watch's red jewel and hides her under the bottom of a lake.

 Five hundred years later, she is promptly found by Antonio Redgrave who was hired by Balder to investigate her whereabouts. Shortly after being found, he is killed by Balder and his angels. His son, Luka, looks beyond and due to being unable to see into Purgatorio mistakes her for being the one that killed his father. Unable to remember much of her life, she retains that she is one of the last surviving Umbra Witches and dedicates her life to killing angels and regaining her memories.

Since then Bayonetta has fought countless waves of Angels, Demons, Jeanne herself, Balder, Rodin and Gods.  

That's a detailed summary of Bayonetta's background, now, let's see what this badass witch is capable of


Despite her appearance, Bayonetta is extraordinarily strong. Infact, she is so strong that a simple kick from her can crush cars instantly. Some of her most legendary strength feats are:

  • Using her weapons to block attacks from Giant Angels and Demons
  • Kicked a Jet that was flying towards her.
  • Strong enough to wield Lt. Col. Kilgore on her legs. Lt. Col. Kilgore are a pair of rocket launchers.
  • Can wield giant weapons with ease. 
  • Can head butt skyscrapers
  • Can throw Giant Angels and Demons easily
  • Kicks with such force that her enemies fly up into the air
  • Has used her legs to throw a satellite towards Aesir.
  • Held back Valor's Sword. The Sword is so strong it can cut through bricks with ease



The pinnacle of Bayonetta's stats involve her speed. She is so fast that she can even fly around space. Here are some of Bayonetta's best speed feats

  • Dodges attacks from her enemies
  • Can use her butterfly wings for flight and gliding
  • Reacts to bullets, sword swings and lightning. 
  • Can dodge Faster than Light attacks from Jubileus and Aesir. Jubileus is the Creator of the Universe.
  • Dodge Meteors from Aesir.
  • Dodges attacks from Balder. Balder can reach FTL speeds in space.

  • In Bloody Fate, Bayonetta fought Jubileus across the Solar System in mere minutes. This puts her speed to Massively FTL capabilities   


Witch Time
Another addition to Bayonetta's speed is her Witch time. Witch time is activated whenever Bayonetta perfectly dodges her opponents. Whenever Bayonetta dodges her opponents attacks, she slows down time and will always be faster than her opponents. This allows Bayonetta to completely dominate the battlefield for a brief moment. Witch Time can be used repeatedly so long as Bayonetta can dodge attacks again.
Witch Time Activated
In Addition to it's already powerful capabilities, Witch time can also be used at any time at will. It is even activated during certain levels of the game when Bayonetta didn't even dodge any attacks.

Bayonetta has endured alot of punishment over the course of her series. Here are some feats:
  • Can take blows from enemies that are country level on a regular basis. 
  • Can take hits from Temperantia, Fortutido, Valor, Aesir and Jubileus.
  • Tanks attacks from Jeanne, Jeanne is equal to Bayonetta's strength level.
  • Tanks hits from Balder, who destroyed the Moon.

Bayonetta is not just an extraordinary witch, she is also a swiss army knife when it comes to weapons. This list is the complete list of weapons used by Bayonetta.

Scarborough Fair: Bayonetta's Iconic Pistols, capable of massively hyper sonic speeds. These pistols also can summon Madama Butterfly in battle to crush enemies. Can be used in both hands and feet

Love is Blue: Bayonetta's other Iconic Pistols. Virtually Identical to Scarborough Fair. This time the attacks are blue with Madama Butterfly's attacks being blue also. Can be used in both hands and feet

Shuraba: Bayonetta's single sword that is capable of reaching great distances. It is one of Bayonetta's most versatile weapons 

    Rakasha: Two pair of Swords that can be used on Bayonetta's hands and feet. They allow Bayonetta to use spinning attacks and piercing stabs. These weapons are so deadly, they can penetrate Angel and Demon Armour.
      Klushedra: A Whip in the form of a snake that is capable of grabbing Bayonetta's opponent's. She can use it to grab enemies and swing them to the ground

    Durga: Two pairs of claws that can use Fire based attacks and Lightning based attacks. Can be used on hands and feet
     Oddette: A pair of skaters that are ice based. Used on feet only, they are capable of freezing enemies whenever Bayonetta kicks them. If she jabs her opponent multiple times with Oddette, the chances of them being frozen increase.
     Sai Fung: Nun-chucks that are wielded with such speed that Gods cannot react to them. 

    Pillow Talk: A Lightsaber used by Bayonetta that increases it's cutting power and length after Bayonetta charges up her sheath attack.

     Rodin: A set of rings that allows Bayonetta to use any Angel and Demon Weapon she wishes to use. These include a spear that allows her to use spinning kick attacks (Matrix Style), dual swords, a Demonic Gear that can crush her enemies and even a Trumpet that creates a laser.

    Alruna: A pair of whips that are used to grapple Bayonetta's opponents. When sprung around, their range is drastically increased and their damage output is higher than normal

     Kafka: A magical bow, capable of shooting massively hyper sonic arrows. However, the speed of these arrows could reach FTL speeds since Bayonetta can fire them in space.

     Chernobog: A Giant Scythe like weapon that deals massive damage. It is also swung around for greater reach. It also can blast off enemies with it's blast shot (Ruby Rose anyone?)

      Salamandra: A pair of chainsaws used by Bayonetta to cut through anything she desired. These chainsaws are powerful enough to finish off Aesir in minutes

    Undine: Two powerful weapons that can use Fire based and Ice Based attacks. Their Fire Based attacks melt through Angel and Demon armour and their Ice Attacks can freeze enemies in place







        Takemikazuchi: A Giant Hammer that deals massive damage to Bayonetta's enemies

         Chain Chomp: Yes, this is real....... A weapon from the Mario Universe that Bayonetta uses to chomp on her foes.


        Fighting Skills

        Bayonetta's fighting skill is very unique in that she utilizes both her hands and feet to wield her weaponry. She is highly skilled with the use of firearms, swords, chainswords and whips using her feet. Infact, she even fires heavy weapons such as Undine and rocket launchers with her feet with unrivaled mastery. Her attacks are very graceful, very unpredictable and even very sexy..... oooh yeah!!!

         Hair Demons

        Bayonetta can summon hair demons using..... well, her hair, to assist her in the battlefield. Infact, she summons them to finish off her opponents. These Demons are:

        • Madama Butterfly "Mistress of Atrocity": This is Bayonetta's most powerful demon. She is strong enough to casually head butt meteors to the face without a flinch and even overpowered Balder's Temperantia in a fist fight.
        •  Gomorrah: A Giant Monster that eats Bayonetta's enemies like snacks

        • Malphas: A Giant Raven that can move so fast it can reach it's prey within seconds. It also can pluck the eyes out of Giant Angels and Demons


          • Hekatonocheir: Giant set of hands that are capable of crushing Bayonetta's enemies to death. They even play volleyball XD!!!
          •  Scolopendra: A Giant Serpant like Demon that can coil around Bayonetta's enemies squeezing them to death.
          •  Phantasmaraneae: A Giant Spider summoned by Bayonetta to catch her enemies in a web and finally devouring them
          •  Labolas: A Three headed Saber toothed Demon that can devour Bayonetta's opponents and even go to a stand still with Balder's Temperantia

          • Mictlantecuhtli: A Giant Bat Demon than spins towards it's enemies with a piercing attack
          • Baal: A Giant Demonic Toad summoned by Bayonetta to devour her foes. It's tongue can also flail around as a weapon.

            • Hydra: Hydra takes the form of a Gorgon-like head, with multiple snake-like appendages acting as her hair. The multiple heads snake out and hit their target or lash out and bite the enemy; if the enemy is in the air the head will maul them in the air.

            • Dimoedes: A Unicorn Demon that is equipped with an extremely sharp blade as it's horn. It also can be used by Bayonetta for transportation.

            • Carnage: Carnage is a green demon summoned by Bayonetta whenever she uses Kafka's final attack. They are extremely poisonous  

            As you can see, Bayonetta's Demon gallery is massive. She can summon any demon for any situation. They can also be used whenever she finishes off her combos or even use her Umbran Climax to boost her standard attacks to greater heights.

             There are two more Demons, Queen Sheba and Omne though, while those two demons are limitless in power, they can only be summoned by combining the power of two Umbra Witches or an Umbran Witch and a Lumen Sage.

            Bayonetta uses accessories to enhance her combat potential these include

            •  Polley's Butterfly: Allows Bayonetta to summon Butterflies to surround herself in a shield. If Bayonetta is attacked, The butterflies take the damage and die.
            • Gaze of Despair: Causes all enemies to go crazy, allowing Bayonetta to gain more magical power whenever she attacks them. The drawback is that they do double damage on bayonetta if they strike her
            • Earring of Ruin: Allows Bayonetta to use the Umbran armour instead of using Umbran Climax. This Armour is powerful enough to shatter Moon level Angels. It is also armed with twin gattling cannons and two powerful Shotgun weapons in it's feet
            • Evil Harvest Rosary: Whenever this is equipped, whenever Bayonetta dodges her opponent, instead of activating witch time, Bayonetta produces a ball that explodes. The ball is powerful enough to send Giant angels and demons backwards
            • Selene's Light: When equipped, if Bayonetta is struck, Witch time is immediately activated
            • Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa: When equipped, Bayonetta blocks any attack with the bracelets. This also allows Bayonetta to headbutt her opponent and also activates Witch time. It also heals Bayonetta.
            • Eternal Testimony: Whenever bayonetta is out of magical orbs, when this item is equipped, she immediately restores 2 orbs.
            • Immortal Marionette: When equipped, Bayonetta uses all combos at random with just a single button press.
            • Mallet of Rewards: When equipped, Bayonetta gets more halos and rings if she kills her opponents
            • Infernal Communicator: Once activated, the Infernal Communicator will summon a small group of floating skeletal demons that will attack Bayonetta's enemies and add to her combo score. Though their damage is low, they have a decent stagger rate and can keep smaller angels off-balance, allowing more extended combos. While active, the Little Devils slowly drain the magic gauge.
            • Climax Brace: Gives Bayonetta unlimited magic power, allowing her to use Torture Attacks and Umbran Climax whenever the players desire
            • Climax Brace 2: Allows Umbran Climax to drastically increase in strength whenever it is activated. However, Bayonetta will take more damage from enemies when it is in use
            Torture Attacks

          Aside from Bayonetta's moveset, she can finish off her opponents using torture attacks. These include decapitation, squishing opponents using machines, summoning torture devices to crush her enemies and even split bodies in half 
           Image result for bayonetta torture

          Magical Gauge

           The main source of Bayonetta's power. Bayonetta replenishes magic whenever she attacks her enemies or uses her purple lollipops. If Bayonetta runs out of magic, she cannot use Umbran Climax, Umbran Armor and Torture Attacks.


          Lollipops are Bayonetta's consumables that allow her to replensish Health (Green), Her Magic (Purple) Increase her attack power (Red) and allow her to become invulnerable (Yellow)


          Shape shifting
          Bayonetta can also shapeshift into three different types of animals

          Image result for Bayonetta Transform
          Bayonetta's Panther Form

          Image result for Bayonetta Raven form
          Bayonetta's Raven Form used for flight and projecting sharp feathers
          Image result for Bayonetta Snake form
          Bayonetta's Snake Form used for underwater travel

          Feats and Accomplishments

          Being the titular protagonist of, well, Bayonetta, Cereza has achieved a chunk load of feats that make her a powerful witch. Here is a list of accomplishments for Bayonetta.
          • Has officially, and cleanly, defeated Jubileus
          • Has defeated Aesir
          • Fought and defeated Jeanne, who is equal to Bayonetta in virtually every category
          • Defeated multiple Bulding sized Angels and Demons on a regular basis and doesn't give a damn XD!!!
          • Defeated Balder Three times
          • Has defeated Rodin Twice, who is the most powerful foe Bayonetta has ever fought
          • Somehow, Bayonetta made Enzo ride with her on a plane to Fimbleventer, even though Enzo cannot fly the plane on his own. What is hilarious, Bayonetta was ontop of the plane looking like a badass and eventually jumped off and wanted Enzo to say hello for the wife and kids........ What? XD!!
          • Voiced by Hellena Taylor
          • Is my all time favorite video game character.
          • Bayonetta 2 is the best game ever made. 


           Image result for bayonetta dead gif

          Despite Bayonetta's legendary stats and weapons, her weakness is not really hard to explain.... She is human and can die from normal means of attacks. Another flaw for Bayonetta is that she doesn't have a regeneration factor. Although her green lollipops help her out, if she runs out of them, she cannot regain vitality and eventually will die. 

          However, despite that, she has accomplished everything that a human would dream of. As said before, Bayonetta is my favorite character in video games.  Bayonetta is badass, sexy and above all, legendary.

          Ryuko Matoi



          • Far better Regeneration than Bayonetta
          • Senketsu will help Ryuko Matoi against Bayonetta's attacks by giving her options for tactical maneuvers
          • Faster flight speed
          • Comeback potential is huge against Bayonetta
          • Should Ryuko manage to land her Sen-I-Soshitsu on Bayonetta, it will most certainly severely damage Bayonetta, even kill her 
          • Because the Rending Scissors can cut through Life Fibers, which are extremely durable against Non Fiber materials, they are certainly capable of slicing through Bayonetta's Hair Demons like Butter
          • Senketsu Kisaragi Form is when Ryuko Matoi has a huge shot at winning......

          • Is literally destroyed in the Stats Trinity
          • Has no counter to Witch Time, leaving Ryuko completely open to a killshot if Bayonetta can achieve it.
          • Far less weapons  
          • Almost no equipment to counter Bayonetta's own equipment such as Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa
          • Bayonetta's Hair Demons are more versatile and more destructive than anything Ryuko and Senketsu have achieved
          • Should Ryuko get too mad, she will have her blood boil to the point she will go into a berserker state, which makes her far more predictable in combat.
          • While Ryuko is extremely durable, she has yet to demonstrate that she is capable of withstanding magical attacks. Which Bayonetta can use.
          • Not even close to Bayonetta's skill
          • Far less experienced than Bayonetta
          • Not as cool as Bayonetta 



          • Crushes Ryuko and Senketsu in the Stats Trinity
          • Far more versatile thanks to her weapons and equipment
          • Is much more experienced than Ryuko
          • Much more skilled
          • Has enough firepower to overtax Ryuko Matoi's Regeneration
          • Witch Time is the showstopper
          • Bayonetta's Hair demons will give Bayonneta an advantage in terms of Numbers and Destructive Capability 
          • Can actually harm Ryuko Matoi with her magic capabilities
          • Can be invulnerable to Ryuko's Attacks thanks to her Yellow Lollipops.
          • While Bayonetta has no regeneration, she can use Green Lollipops to replenish her health.
          • Is cooler than Ryuko Matoi
          • Bayonetta games are simply much better in terms of overall action and style


          • No regeneration capabilities compared to Ryuko
          • While Bayonetta is the more experienced and skilled of the two, Ryuko has shown she can take down foes that have the same advantage before. So Bayonetta would need to be careful, other wise she would utterly die.
          • Ryuko's Rending Scissors will slice through Bayonetta's demons 
          • While very fast in the air, Ryuko edges out Bayonetta in terms of flight speed
          • Once Senketsu Kisaragi comes into play, Bayonetta may be fighting the most difficult opponent she will ever face that is not Jubileus and Aesir.
          • Unlike Ryuko Matoi, who has Senketsu giving her advice, Bayonetta is literally fighting with her own instincts. 

          The Verdict


          Ryuko Matoi vs Bayonetta is a very interesting and exciting match up. At first, I thought this was a literal stomp for Bayonetta to win, however, researching it further, while it did close the gap, I still believe that Bayonetta edges out in the long run.

          Firstly, with regards to stats, Bayonetta is just way too powerful for Ryuko Matoi. While Ryuko is superhumanly tough with Senketsu, Bayonetta not only is superhuman also, she has defeated Gods. Ryuko has never in her life achieved anything that makes her capable of beating a god.

          Skill wise, Bayonetta crushes Ryuko Matoi. While a straight forward attack from Ryuko is good, Bayonetta is simply too unpredictable for Ryuko to take advantage of. Firstly, this is where things get interesting, Ryuko has defeated foes who were more skilled than her before, so you would think she can beat Bayonetta here. Unfortunately, that is not the case because none of those foes had a certain trump card: Witch Time

          Because of Bayonetta's Witch Time, Ryuko would be as slow as a turtle to Bayonetta, leaving her open to multiple strikes that would utterly destroy her.

          "But wait, isn't Ryuko Matoi indestructible thanks to Senketsu?". Well, actually, while this is true, considering that Goku Uniforms can be unbreakable to Non Life Fiber Materials, they never shown any demonstration that they can withstand magical weapons and magic in general, which Bayonetta has.

          But what about Ryuko Matoi's Regeneration? Well, because Bayonetta would simply dodge Ryuko multiple times and strike her while in Witch Time, it is very likely that Bayonetta would overtax Ryuko's healing factor to the point that it would take a huge toll on her and Senketsu overtime.

          And finally, Bayonetta's Hair Demons, would utterly destroy Ryuko very efficiently. While Ryuko could kill at least 2-3 demons, I highly doubt she can take down Madama Butterfly or even Diomedes, who can simply pierce through Ryuko and Senketsu like a needle in a haystack.

          Then there is the situation with "Senketsu Kisaragi" which is Ryuko's Ultimate Form. While this does even the playing field, again, Witch Time is where things turn out for the worst. So not only is Ryuko Matoi facing someone who is simply too powerful, she is also taking a huge clobbering thanks to Witch Time, putting her in an uphill battle in the long run against Bayonetta

          So, thanks to her Superior Stats, Experience, Skills, Witch Time and her Hair Demons, I believe Bayonetta would win this exciting match up.

          The Winner is Bayonetta

          Next Time on Who Would Win............ 

          Gimli (The Lord of the Rings) vs Gilius (Golden Axe)

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