Saturday, March 23, 2019

Death Battle Prediction: Captain Marvel (Marvel) vs Shazam (DC)

Greetings and welcome to my first ever Death Battle Prediction blog and it is going to be Captain Marvel from Marvel vs Shazam from DC.

This blog is going to be quite different compared to my "Who Would Win" Series in a sense that this is merely a speculative situation where most of my info I will present will probably be excluded from the official DB. That said, I will cover the base stats, the abilities for both sides, their feats, weaknesses and finally, who I personally believe should win this fight.

For Captain Marvel, it is officially confirmed that Death Battle will be using Carol Danvers. Also, I will focus primarily on the basic rundown of her stats and abilities as a source of info. 

As for Shazam, Death Battle will be using Billy Batson. Like Captain Marvel, I will do a basic rundown on his capabilities and even do the famous "SHAZAM" acronym. 

It is also worth noting that I will be using images of the Captain Marvel film and the upcoming Shazam movie also. I will also include images from the cartoon shows for both sides and a Marvel vs Capcom GIF for Captain Marvel. 

So, without further ado, let's begin.

Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel

Carol Danvers grew up in the late 50's and 60 in the USA and was taught all her life to marry a man and become a housewife.

Understandably, Carol denied this lesson and, at the age of 18, signed up for the American Air Force and became one of the very best pilots in her division. During this time, she has worked as a secret agent and even became the head of the NASA's Security.

During her adventures, Carol eventually teamed up with a guy named "Mar-Vell" who so happens to be a Kree under the guise of a scientist. One day, Carol experienced a strange twist, she became the host of superhuman capabilities and discovered she also possessed powerful abilities.

Eventually, Carol used her abilities to defend Earth from numerous threats such as the Skrulls and The Kree Empire. Overtime, she was named "Ms Marvel" and has teamed up with the Avengers to take down the galaxies most powerful entities. 

Over the years, she was then known as "Captain Marvel". Since then, Carol has vowed to defend Earth from anything that dares to threaten it.

That is a brief backstory of Captain Marvel. Now, let's see what she can do.

In terms of strength, Captain Marvel is one of the strongest female superheroes in the Marvel Universe. She is officially stated to have a maximum strength range of 75-100 tons. However, there are numerous feats that put Captain Marvel at much higher strength levels. Here is a list of Strength feats for Captain Marvel.

  • Punched Kree soldiers through walls. 
  • Has overpowered the Hulk. Hulk is strong enough to lift a 1.5 billion ton mountain. Even better, he can also hold tectonic plates together, which essentially hold the Earth together.
  • Has broken through vibrainium and adamantium, which are the strongest metal in the Marvel Universe.
  • Punched the Sentry with such force, he bled and even flinched. The Sentry is durable enough to survive supernovas and even fought World Breaker Hulk to a Standstill.
  • Tanked a energy blast by Iron Man, who's repulsor blasts can melt through steel and even damage Asgardians.
  • Destroyed the Doomsday Man, who is one of the most durable beings in the Marvel Universe. The Silver Surfer, who is one of the most powerful beings in Marvel, never destroyed the Doomsday Man


In terms of Speed, Captain Marvel is very fast. Here are a couple of feats for Speed
  • Has casually matched Iron Man's flight speed, who can travel faster than sound and even faster than light.
  • Matched Thor's attack speed and even went on to actually match Thor's flight speed. Thor, the God of Thunder, can fly around galaxies in mere seconds.
  • Scales to a feat that Rogue achieved. This also counts as a feat for Captain Marvel because Rogue absorbed Captain Marvel's capabilities permanently. The feat involved Rogue flying from the Moon to Earth in mere seconds after getting upper cutted by Captain Marvel, who turned into Binary at the time.
  • Dodges lightning, energy attacks, Asgardian attacks and even attacks from Celestials.

Captain Marvel is tough, really really tough. Here is a list of durability feats for Captain Marvel.
  • As said before, she can scale to the same Rogue feat that resulted in rogue getting upper cutted towards the Moon. Durability wise, this is impressive since Rogue didn't actually suffer severe injuries from that attack.
  • Took massive punches from The Hulk and Thor
  • The Sentry punched Captain Marvel multiple times, which actually didn't severely hurt her for a moment.
  • Took energy blasts from Thanos. Thanos' energy blasts are powerful enough to melt through Asgardian Armour.
  •  Has tanked attacks from her rival Moonstone, who is virtually identical to Captain Marvel in terms of stats and abilities

Carol Danvers is a skilled pilot, had numerous training in hand to hand combat by the military and skilled fighters like Wolverine and Captain America, a superb marksman and a journalist 


This is where the fun begins. Captain Marvel is an extraordinarily powerful combatant in terms of abilities. Infact, she has one of the most straightforward yet effective methods of attack with regards to what she can do. Here is a rundown of her Powers and abilities

  • Super Strength
  • Super Speed
  • Super Durability
  • Flight/Space Flight 

  • Energy Blasts: The signature ability of Captain Marvel. These energy blasts are very powerful. At base power, they can destroy star ships and even damage Asgardians. She can also emit energy blasts in a vertical line, creating a slicing beam.

  • Energy Absorption: Captain Marvel can absorb energy to boost her already impressive capabilities. It also allows her to redirect back that energy with greater force. At one time, she absorbed the energy of a light bulb and unleashed a blast that is the size of a nuclear explosion.
  • Hyper Cosmic Awareness: Captain Marvel can anticipate the attacks and abilities of her opponents. Although, this ability is usually activated randomly and sometimes, is not reliable enough to even help her. Still, it does give Carol an advantage over her opponent should it work.
  • Regenerative Manipulation: Captain Marvel has a healing factor. This is even more impressive that the energy she absorbs can boost the healing factor to greater heights. It allows Carol to heal from life threatening wounds in battle.
  • Energy Manipulation: Captain Marvel can use her energy for multiple purposes. She can even use it to change her own clothing for disguise purposes, create barriers to protect her from harm and create blade like energy made weapons for combat. 


Binary is the result of Captain Marvel absorbing enough energy to the point that she becomes............ amazing. This state allows Captain Marvel to boost her stats by 11, and she becomes so powerful, she can destroy planets. It is also worth noting that Binary also boosts her powers to greater levels and even her Energy absorption can multiple her energy attacks to god like levels. In a sense, Binary is game over to those who would dare to face Captain Marvel.


Despite her Power, Captain Marvel is far from invincible. She has lost multiple times to a number of below planet level characters such as Rogue and even Iron Man. It is also worth noting that she has lost to Moonstone in a fight that Carol herself was fighting at her very best.

It is also worth noting that while Captain Marvel absorbs energy, should she take too much, she will eventually succumb to the point that the more energy is stored, her body begins to break down. 

Another weakness is that Binary, while insanely powerful, doesn't last forever. Infact, should Captain Marvel expend too much energy, she will revert back into her base form, and, she will be exhausted afterwards.

Still, despite her flaws, Captain Marvel is a force to be reckoned with.

Captain Marvel/Shazam


Billy Batson is a kid with an incredible fate bestowed upon him. After meeting with the powerful wizard known as "Shazam", Billy was granted the power of 6 gods (It is actually 2 gods and 4 demi gods hahaha). The Wizard told Billy that the power of those 6 gods will be in his possession if he could say "SHAZAM". After saying the word, Billy transformed into the mighty hero known as Captain Marvel....... However, eventually, over the course of his comic book life time, Billy became better known as just Shazam.

During his adventures, Billy has tackled the likes of Superman, Black Adam, Darkseid, The Spectre and even Wonder Woman. What's more, Billy himself became a member of the Justice League and, eventually became a vital member of the team due to his legendary powers. 

That is a brief backstory of Shazam. Now, let's see what this badass superhero can do.

The Acronym of "SHAZAM"

Before we look into Shazam's stats. We must understand what kind of powers he is granted first. Shazam, says, well, "SHAZAM" to trigger a transformation that gives him god like capabilities. The name is an Acronym that symbolizes the Gods that bestow Shazam's powers and abilities.

The Wisdom of Solomon "S": The Wisdom of Solomon gives Shazam the mind of a genius level intellect. It allows Shazam to have perfect photographic memory, an analytical mind that surpasses even the likes of Batman at times. And even allows him to hypnotize people with just a thought. 

The Strength of Hercules "H": The Strength of Hercules is the most straight forward power that Shazam is granted. It allows Shazam to possess superhuman strength

The Stamina of Atlas "A": The Stamina of Atlas grants Shazam limitless endurance. Meaning, Shazam can never go tired and doesn't have to eat, drink and sleep for long periods of time.  And, it also allows Shazam to breathe in space and water.

The Power of Zeus "Z": The Power of Zeus grants Shazam the ability to manipulate lightning. What's more, Shazam can also channel magical abilities that are not just electrical based. It is also worth noting that the Power of Zeus grants Shazam more defensive capabilities such as Magical resistance, Advanced healing by calling down lightning and even inter dimensional travel.

The Courage of Achilles "A": The Courage of Achilles grants Shazam the willpower to fight on for the greater good. What's more, he is granted invulnerability. And, it allows Shazam to tackle threats with no fear and will not stop until the conflict is resolved. Essentially, the Courage of Achilles turns Shazam in a "Boy Scout".

The Speed of Mercury "M": The Speed of Mercury grants Shazam the ability to fly and travel at god like speeds. It also allows Shazam to fly around space at Faster than light capabilities. What's more, the Speed of Mercury also boosts Shazam's reflexes, combat speed and even his running speed.



Shazam, believe it or not, is possibly the strongest member of the Justice League in terms of physical strength. He is virtually dead even with Superman and has done a mountain load of strength feats that make him a monster. Here is a list of some of his best feats for strength.

  • Evenly matched with Superman. Superman is a multi galaxy level being and has infinite strength.
  • Helped Superman lift the Book of Infinite Pages.
  • Punched Superman multiple times, even going as far as to actually severely hurt him. 
  • Shazam can punch with such power, he creates black holes. 
  • Has hurt Wonder Woman through physical strength. Wonder Woman is highly resistant to physical attacks.
  • Managed to once punch Doomsday that sent him flying backwards. Doomsday stands still whenever Superman tries punching him.


In terms of Speed, Shazam is amazing. Here is a list of surprising speed feats for Shazam

  • With very little effort, Shazam can dodge energy attacks from the likes of Superman, Black Adam, Darkseid, and The Spectre.
  • Is officially stated to be faster than Superman. Superman is fast enough to travel around galaxies in less than a minute.
  • Is just a tad slower than the Flash. This is significant for Shazam, because the Flash himself has limitless levels of Speed that allow him to go beyond the boundaries of logic. The Flash himself said Shazam is still able to keep up with him even at full speed. 
  • Flew around the Solar System in mere seconds.  


Shazam, in terms of Durability, is a badass. Infact, it is already established that he is granted invulnerability and god like endurance. Here is a list of some of his best durability feats

  • Equal to Superman in terms of durability and endurance. What is more, Shazam does not have the same weaknesses as what Superman has to Kryptonite.
  • Took punches from Black Adam, who is equal to Shazam in terms of strength
  • Took multiple attacks from Superman's attacks such as his heat vision, freeze breath and his fists
  • Is virtually immune to physical attacks
  • Highly resistant to Magic



As mentioned before, Shazam has been given the Power of 6 Gods. He possess a vast array of abilities that are outright ridiculous and electrifying....... no pun intended XD!!! Here is a list of his abilities.

Super Strength
Super Speed
Perfect Vision

Lightning Manipulation: Shazam's signature ability. It allows him to channel lightning to attack his opponents in combat. He can even use lightning for defensive purposes such as a shield barrier and even a power boost to his physical stats. 

Electrical Fists: Shazam emits electricity through his hands and can amplify his attack power with electrical attacks. He can use it for close quarters combat, or even emit a lighting ball that can knock back his opponent.

Electrical Healing: In what has to be one of my favorite healing effects in fiction, Shazam uses lighting to heal himself from life threatening injuries. This ability is legendary, and it can make Shazam almost impossible to beat if he is not overwhelmed.

Electricity Absorption: Shazam can absorb electricity to help fuel his power. He can also absorb lighting that he himself created during combat.


Sadly, as much of a badass Shazam is, he is far from perfect. Infact, Shazam himself has lost numerous times in combat. Even Superman has won more matches against Shazam. And, Shazam himself lost to Wonder Woman, who actually did not require alot of prep time to defeat him. 

It is also worth noting that Shazam himself can be harmed by lightning that he himself never created. At one time, Zatanna actually used a lightning spell to revert Shazam back into Billy Batson.

Also, since Billy himself is a kid, he has the mentality of a kid, and Shazam does tend to have alot of reckless decisions that would have resulted in his demise if not for his friends helping him.

It is also worth noting that Shazam himself can revert back into Billy if he accidentally says "SHAZAM", leaving him very vulnerable to all means of attacks for a moment. A clever enough opponent can exploit this weakness, giving them a huge leg up against Shazam

Still, despite his flaws, Shazam is a badass and one of my favorite superheroes. I also cannot wait for the upcoming "Shazam" film which looks to be quite a treat :D!!!!


Captain Marvel


  • Energy Absorption can allow her to absorb Shazam's electricity since it is a form of energy. Once she tags Shazam with it, he will revert back into Billy Batson.
  • Arguably more skilled in combat due to more training 
  • Can kill Shazam if he accidentally said "SHAZAM", which results in him reverting back into Billy.
  • Once she reaches Binary, Shazam could be in trouble due to the significant stat boost.
  • Is more likely going to take the fight seriously.
  • Has a decent movie that came out recently. 


  • Is utterly crushed in terms of the stats trinity 
  • Less hax than Shazam
  • Cannot bypass Shazam's invulnerability to physical attacks
  • Once Binary is timed out, she is exhausted, giving Shazam the perfect opportunity to finish her off
  • Not as badass as Shazam
  • Zachary Levi>Brie Larson.



  • Destroys Captain Marvel in the stats trinity
  • More hax thanks to his superior lightning manipulation abilities
  • Due to being invulnerable to physical attacks, Shazam will never be harmed by Captain Marvel's melee based attacks. Even better, since Carol possesses energy based attacks, it is unlikely that Shazam would even be harmed severely
  • Can finish off Captain Marvel once Binary is timed out.
  • Is more badass than Captain Marvel
  • Zachary Levi is just awesome.
  • Raises his eyebrow like Dwayne Johnson. Why is he not playing Shazam????????


  • Shazam's lightning attacks could be absorbed by Captain Marvel, who will redirect it back at Shazam with greater power. This can actually revert Shazam back into Billy Batson
  • Should Shazam accidentally say "SHAZAM", he will revert back into Billy and be vulnerable to death should Captain Marvel blast him
  • Not likely going to be as serious as Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers.
  • Binary could be a hindrance to Shazam.

This match up is particularly interesting to analyze. However, in terms of the overall outcome, Shazam edges out in almost every category.

Firstly, while Captain Marvel is powerful, Shazam himself......... Is just way too much. Infact, he is regularly depicted as Superman's equal in terms of stats, which already cements his power to far greater heights. 

What's more, Shazam himself has more powerful abilities than Captain Marvel herself. It is also worth noting that Shazam's lightning manipulation is way more versatile than Captain Marvel's manipulation of Energy because he can use electricity both offensively and defensively. Captain Marvel's energy manipulation only really kicks in once Binary comes.

Binary is indeed Captain Marvel's only real chance to tackle Shazam. While this is indeed going to give Shazam a fight, it ultimately would not actually matter because Shazam's speed would allow him to avoid all of Binary's attacks. Even better, Shazam could simply break Binary's body to the point that she cannot keep up with him and revert herself back into her base form.

And lastly, weaknesses. While Shazam is vulnerable to very high levels of magic, and the fact that he would revert back into Billy Batson should he be struck by lightning, Captain Marvel on the other hand is more susceptible to damage from all means of attacks. In fact, Shazam is invulnerable to physical attacks...... Captain Marvel is not. What's more, Carol has been harmed by characters who are not even planet busters. Shazam on the other hand doesn't share that same Achilles heel.

And finally, the real question. Would Shazam be silly enough to say the magic word to revert to Billy? Well, it is possible, however, since Shazam would be blood lusted in the match up, it is highly unlikely he would be foolish enough to say the word in order for Captain Marvel to take advantage of.

So, we have a situation where Shazam literally can't lose this fight. While Captain Marvel will put up a fight, she is fighting someone who is too strong, too fast, too durable and too badass.

The Winner is Shazam

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