Friday, July 12, 2024

Season 7: Max Rockatansky (Mad Max) vs Aatami Korpi (Sisu)


Greetings and Welcome to another Edition of my Who Would Win Series and it is going to be Max Rockatansky from the Mad Max Franchise vs Aatami Korpi from the Film "Sisu".

This match up is actually quite straightforward, at least with regards to the characters themselves.

Max's Info is a bit complicated but thankfully, his Feats and Equipment are pretty much consistent throughout the films and games

Aatami's Info however is trivial. Only one movie..... That's that :D!!!!!

Stats, Equipment, Skills, Feats, The Fight. 

Let's begin.

Max Rockatansky

In the not too distant future, A World War Event became a cataclysmic Nightmare. This caused massive shortages of Oil, and eventually, creating an Ecocide.

Turns out, Society collapsed and numerous gangs led by Barbaric Warlords rose to the occasion, often fighting for Precious Resources. Thus the world became "Post Apocalyptic"

In the Wasteland of Australia, one Family Man named Max Rockatansky was once a Pursuit Man in the MFP (Main Police Force), one of the very last remnants of Law in the Wasteland.

Max's time in the Wasteland involved key moments.

  • Max watched his family get murdered by Toecutter and his Gang. And then Max Avenged his Family afterwards by defeating Toecutter and his Gang.

  • Max helps out a Group of Survivors who have a huge stockpile of Fuel by fighting off Lord Humungus and his horde of crazies. Even went on a epic chase that became the stuff of Legend.

  • Came to Bartertown to try and find Jedidiah, who stole his vehicle (Not the Interceptor btw), only to then get an opportunity of getting resupplied by the gorgeous Aunty Entity by doing a task.

  • Fought in the Thunderdome, even though Max won against Blaster, he still didn't kill him which is quite honorable.......... until one of Aunty Entity's men finished off Blaster anyway and they punished Max for breaking a Deal by sending him back to the Wasteland....... which then took him to the far reaches of the Dune Sea and.......

Yep. Max meets up with Peter Pan's friends XD!!!!

  • Was wrongly identified as "Captain Walker" and was also wrongfully claimed to be the "Savior" by piloting a Boeing 747, which, well, is actually a crashed plane XD!!!!!

  • Despite that, Max still helped out "Some of the Kids" by returning to Bartertown, Rescuing the Master and his Psychotic friend, and going on a "Train Chase", being pursued by Aunty Entity and her Gang that was both epic and hilarious at times. Eventually. All this led to Max taking the group to Jedidiah and his son, who actually had a working aeroplane. Max did not actually go with them but stayed back. Despite Max being completely defenseless at that point, Aunty Entity Spares his life for his Craftiness.

  • In Mad Max Fury Road (Overrated but decent), Max was held hostage by Immortan Joe's Horde, went into a Sandstorm, was then helping out Immortan Joe's Wives, who are accompanied by Imperator Furiosa, who was trying to go back to her home....... and yet they came back to Immortan Joe's Citadel after they found nothing.......... Boring XD!!!!

  • In the 2015 Video Game, Max helps out Chumbucket with his "Magnum Opus", certain Warlords for Certain Tasks, even helped out Hope and Glory, who at one time tried convince Max to be a part of their family..... Well, let's just say things do not end well. 

That is a basic backdrop of Max's Backstory. Let's Look at the Road Warrior's Capabilities

Physical Stats   

It goes without saying but Max is probably one of the very few characters of my Series that is perfectly human in all regards. However, he does have noteworthy feats that make him extremely tough. 


  • Is strong enough to kick down doors with his "Good Leg"

  • Can hold a full Canister of Fuel with one arm and throw it at over 40ft

  • Held 4 Full Canisters of Fuel on his Shoulders for hours. Didn't even show signs of exhaustion

  • Can break Metal Shields with his Fists alone

  • Can damage Scabrous Scrotus with his Fists, the same guy who took explosions to the face and walk out. That is around house level in terms of power

  • Pulled 4 kids on a rope out of Quicksand. Sadly, a fifth child perished. But, this meant Max is strong enough to pull out people from Quicksand, which is strong enough to pull down cars and other vehicles


  • Can roll out of incoming Cars. Some of which go at 220kmph

  • Avoided Gunfire

  • Reasonably scales to a Furiosa feat, when she shot down a speeding motorcyclist. Max also did an identical feat with his Pistol in the same scene. 

  • With the Magnum Opus, Max and avoid point blank hazard such as Flame Vents. Going as far as to be very close to Faster than the Eye can track speeds. Just around Speeding Race Car Level and beyond :D

  • Has shot down Speeding Cars with his Boom Stick, which again, go at over 220kmph. However, Max also shot down Boosted Cars, which triple that speed to over 660kmph.

  • Grabbed a Python before it bit him, which can attack at 55 milliseconds 


  • Survived Car Crashes

  • Was shot in the Leg that left him permanently crippled. Although, Max does eventually get a knee brace to restore his movement.

  • Had his hand crushed by one of Immortan Joe's Vehicles. This potentially can break bones but Max's hand was surprisingly fine afterwards

  • Took chainsaw strikes from Scabrous Scrotus.

  • Can reasonably scale to Scabrous Scrotus' Explosion feat. This is even without the Interceptor and Magnum Opus.

  • Was Burned alive but still kicking. Eventually, the Flames go off. Haha!!!

  • Took Thunderpoon Explosions, which can destroy a Car in a single blast. Max is Car Level in terms of Durability!!!!

The Interceptor

The Interceptor is Max's Iconic Car...... Which is also ironic considering he actually loses the Interceptor Multiple Times and even outright never drives it again until the final moments of the films and the game. 

That said, it is still a Car worth mentioning, since it is outfitted with a V8 Engine that puts it's speed at over 220kmph. 

The Car itself is still Durable enough to take a few Explosions, but it is ultimately destroyed during the events of Mad Max 2. Still, its a cool looking Car :D!!!!

Magnum Opus        

The Magnum Opus is Max's Best Car by leaps and bounds. Although Max needs Chumbucket around for most of it's capabilities, it is still a viable vehicle in a random encounter for many reasons. It is also completely customizable that it might as well be a Role Playing character itself. It can be outfitted with

  • Armor

  • Spike Wheels for Damaging Vehicles on the Side of the Car

  • V6 and V8 Engines

  • Boosters that Amplify Speed to be Three Times Faster

  • Thunderpoons (Thundersticks) for Explosive Results

  • A Sniper Rifle for Long Range Sniping

  • Ramming Hoods for Increased Collision Damage

  • Harpoon to pull foes and huge steel buildings and gates.

  • A Trunk for Storing Fuel Canisters

  • Burners on the Sides to burn foes whenever they are beside the Magnum Opus. Ideal for creating crispy chicken XD!!!

  • Hood Ornaments that give Stat Boosts. But nothing extremely overwhelming


Aside from his Combat Vehicles, Max does have his own kit of weapons and items that help him in exploration and Combat.

Sawed-Off Shotgun "Boom Stick"

Max's Iconic Firearm, and packing a punch, The Sawed-Off Shotgun is beautifully nicknamed "Boom Stick". It fires 12 Gauge Shells and is so powerful at close range, it can split a human in half in a single blast. It is also able to destroy Oil Tanks that cause Explosions from Cars and Buildings and Fuel Depots.

The Four Barreled Shotgun (Yes, this is a thing)      

This monster of a Shotgun is absolutely badass. One of the coolest in fiction, the Four Barreled Shotgun not only has incredible firepower, but also having four rounds of thunderous blasts that can clear multiple enemies at once. It is also very fast to reload since it has a flip chamber to make it just as easy as breathing :D!!!

The Shotgun obviously is Four Times the Power of Max's Boom Stick :D!!!!


Shivs are knives..... The End XD!!

Though to be clear, Shivs are actually more of a Finisher than anything else, but when Max uses them, he does so with lethal results. Always resulting in massive Damage or outright Death.  Max can carry 5 Shivs at once. Max can carry 5 Shivs at Most.

What is sad however is that once Max uses a Shiv, it is immediately destroyed. So they are expendable but also brittle. Still, highly effective :D

Improvised Weapons    

Max can use anything as a Weapon. He has used Axes, Pickaxes, Bladed and Blunt Weapons. However, prolonged usage of these weapons will eventually break them down. So they are about as reliable as a rusty tool XD!!! But, they are still deadly.

Other Firearms  

Max has also used other Firearms in the Past, a Pistol and a Rifle for instance. Giving him great Range.

A Sniper Rifle is also noteworthy, since that let's Max shoot down a foe over 400 yards away.

Water Canister 

Max has a Water Canister that replenishes his Health. When he runs out of Water, he can refill the Canister from Water Sources such as Sinks, Water Pipes, Lakes and Rain :D!!!

Skills and Tactics  

Max is actually extremely crafty. Infact, his Craftiness is the stuff of legend that even Batman and Joseph Joestar would be impressed. The guy has taken on unbelievable odds and survived, has accomplished his intended goals by the end of each of his films and video game.

Also, it is obvious by now, Max is a highly skilled Combatant in Vehicle Combat. He can fire his Shotgun while driving with one arm and using his spare arm for marksmanship. He is so accurate that he can shoot down Car Tires from just 40ft away from his Car with only one arm :D!!!

Max is also skilled in Melee Combat, going so far as to actually defeat gangs of enemies all by himself. Very impressive, considering Max is not much more well trained than a Police Officer at heart. Also, there is the factor of Fury Mode in the Game, when Max becomes stronger for a moment. Which also amplifies his Attack Potency. However, this was only seen in the game and the movies never demonstrated this ability so this ability is situational at best. But still worth noting :D


The Main Character for his Series (Furiosa a Mad Max Saga Aside), Max Rockatansky has alot of legendary feats. Here is a list of feats achieved by the Road Warrior.

  • Has officially, and cleanly, and epically...... defeated Toecutter and his Gang

  • Defeated Lord Humungus and his Gang in the Chase Scene in Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior

  • Outsmarted Aunty Entity to the point that Max eventually rescued the Master, His Psychotic Friend, and Kids from her grasp

  • Helped Furiosa and her fellow friends outsmart and defeat Immortan Joe and his Army.

  • Helped people around the Wasteland multiple Times, often ending in ambigious endings or outright sad moments. Ahhhh Hope and Glory..... What a Sad moment :(

  • Defeated Scabrous Scrotus, Immortan Joe's Son, not once, not twice, but three times!!!!

  • Won Multiple Death Races. (Seriously, those are super fun :D)    

  • Got his Interceptor Back in Fury Road and the Game..... Only for it to be destroyed in Mad Max 2.

  • Portrayed by Mel Gibson and Tom Hardy in the films (Mel Gibson IS Max :D)  

  • Mad Max as a Series is a masterpiece (Minus Fury Road, I did not really like that movie but every other film is fantastic)

  • The Mad Max Video Game, released in 2015, is absolutely awesome :D!!!

  • Inspired Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star, who went on to Inspire the likes of Guts from Berserk and even JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

  • Let's be real, without Mad Max, we would probably never have iconic video games such as Fallout, Borderlands, Wasteland, Rage.

  • And, Without Mad Max, there probably would never be certain aspects in other films such as the Post Apocalyptic War in The Terminator Series (James Cameron himself even said this), and Old Man Logan's Story from the X-Men Comics.

  • Overall, Mad Max as a Series is one of the most influential work of art in history of media. You would think other series left a lasting impact, but Mad Max truly redefined Pop Culture in ways you probably would not know until now :D


As Stated from the beginning, Max is pretty much Human. Infact, he is one of the very few characters in fiction that has Permanent Damage to his own body across his own series. His Leg is permanently damaged, which caused a limp on Max's Leg for Eternity. Max also suffered eye damage in Mad Max 2, which hindered his sight permanently. 

Also worth noting, is that without the help of his allies, Max would have outright died from these events. Just the like time when his Interceptor was destroyed in Mad Max 2, he would have been killed if not for his Gyrocopter Captain Friend that came to the rescue. 

And, if not for the Sandstorm in Mad Max Fury Road, Max would have been a living Blood Transfusion Prisoner for eternity. 

So yes, Max is as vulnerable as a Human. But, he still achieved unbelievable feats that make him a Legend. 

The Road Warrior is on your side........ Remember that :D!!!

Aatami Korpi   

Aatami Korpi, also known as "Koshchei" (The Immortal) by the Russians, is the main character of the Action Thriller Film "Sisu".

The year is 1944, World War 2 has ravaged across Europe and especially in Finland, where the Lapland War is set in motion. 

During all of this however, one lone Prospector named Aatami Korpi is simply living the life of a lone man. Eventually, he finds a huge chunk of Gold that is worth millions of currency, so, he embarks on a quest to go to the nearest Bank and take those Gold Pieces with him.........

Hah..... Hah.... If only it was that easy.

You see, along the way, Aatami had to deal with a Battalion of Nazis Led by Bruno Helldorf, and was on a Chase that ultimately resulted in Aatami prevailing...... Yes, that is a Chuck Norris styled feat.

Wait, Just One Man took on a Nazi Battalion and Won in the End? Give this guy the Medal of Honor!!!!

Eventually, Aatami reached the Bank and Wala, became a millionaire Overnight.

That's the Basic Backdrop of the story of Sisu... Yes, it was brief but because it's one movie, that's basically the whole package right there. XD!!!

Let's Look at the capabilities of one of the coolest characters of Fiction.

Physical Stats  

By all intents and purposes, Aatami is not much more Stronger or Faster than a Human is......... Hah...... Until you get more ridiculous in terms of Durability. But, I will list noteworthy feats that make him a Legend. 


  • Held two or three dead Nazi's on his Back and Sprinted over a hill while taking Machine Gun Fire from a Tank. That's Right, we already established Aatami as borderline Superhuman XD!!! And this is also more badass as we go later on with Durability

  • Able to Pierce the Plating of a German Plane. Oh, did I mention that Aatami was hanging onto the Plane with no Harness whatsoever? Yep :D!!! He literally was doing this

What???? He did this while the Plane was Airborne? 

  • Threw A Mine at a Nazi Soldier at over 40ft and caused an explosion on Contact

  • Can Carry over 12 Firearms at once. But, he is also carrying Gold Nuggets and his backpack full of items as well. 

  • Stabbed a Nazi Soldier through the Skull with his Combat Knife.  


  • Outran Gunfire, even avoided Well Aimed Gunfire outright

  • Was able to go under a Transport Truck without being seen, while crouched. And the Truck was moving forward and was followed by another group of Nazis not far from sight.

  • Has......... Caught the German Plane taking off with his Pickaxe.............. 

Ok. Let me get this straight. Your telling me, that Aatami, an Average Human Being............ Managed to Use his Pickaxe and latch onto a German Plane Taking off and somehow stuck to it like Glue and even went inside the Plane from the outside...........

If this is not going to make anyone think that Aatami is a legit Badass, I don't think anything wil- (There is more coming up) Oh...... XD!!!!

  • Has Killed A Nazi Soldier at Faster than the Eye Can Track Speed. The Same Soldier who was stabbed through the Head with the Combat Knife


Durability (Here we go!!!!!!!)

  • Has Survived Gunfire. One of which had a Sniper Rifle hit Aatami in the Leg. But, he still ran away at full speed!!!!!!!! Oh right, this also involved the Strength Feat when he was carrying two or three Nazi Soldiers and was defending himself from Machine Gun Fire from a Tank. Badass :D

  • Has, I kid you not, ignited himself on Fire so the Dogs lose his scent. Yes, Aatami, burned himself after being coated by Fuel from a Transport Truck and using a Match Stick.......... Legendary :D!!

  • Survived getting hanged for Minutes....... Even had to use an open wound to actually stick himself to a rusty rebar that was attached to the hangman's Post............ Aatami survived getting hanged?????? What?????

  • Took 16 lashes from Bruno Helldorf's Strikes from a Harness Clip. The Same Lashes that can cause lacerations.

  • Can swim underwater for minutes before needing to breathe. However, as we get into later on, Aatami did do a notable moment that prolonged his time underwater.

  • Survived a Mine blast. Unfortunately, his horse did not :(

  • Survived a Dynamite Explosion point blank, the same Dynamite that was attached to his dog. Thankfully, Both Aatami and the Dog Survived. Infact, the Dog wasn't even injured at all.

Survived a Plane Crash............

Yep........ This guy, Survived a flat out Plane Crash with nothing more than strapping himself with Harnesses as the plane went down but even then, he took the crash flat out..... And, he got up and acted like nothing, and I mean NOTHING!!!!!!!! Ever happened to him........

This Puts this "Immortal" at around City Block Level Bar None. 

Aatami Korpi, already, one of the most legendary characters of all time :D!!! And I haven't finished his info yet XD!!!

Horse and Vehicles   

Aatami did use at least Three Different Means of Transportation. Although Briefly, still noticeable for Key moments in the Film.

Aatami once had a lovely Horse. Very simple. It is used for riding, carrying capacity increased, and is...... dead :(

 Yep, That Minefield is nasty.

Thankfully, Aatami did also use a German Plane he stole very briefly that was used to reach the Nazi Battalion that left him for dead by Hanging on the Post. But he never used it again nor even used it for Combat so that is a mute Vehicle, it is also hilarious that Aatami had to use a German Pilot he actually held hostage to pilot the Plane. 

However, the final Vehicle that Aatami used is a Military Bike. This Vehicle is actually a Two Man Bike that has a Mounted Gun on the Passenger's Seat and the Driver Seat is used for Driving :D!!!!

Aatami on the Military Bike


Aatami surprisingly only has two mainstay weapons. But, he is actually very skilled with those weapons, and even weapons used by the Nazis outright. 

Let's take a look :D!!!


Aatami's Pickaxe is a Tool for Digging and Piercing Foes. Yep, a Versatile Tool :D!!!!

This is also ideal for Climbing and Latching onto vehicles. Just like how he did so with the Plane. 

Combat Knife  

The Deadliest Melee Weapon in his Arsenal, Aatami's Combat Knife is that, a Combat Knife. He is so skilled with the Knife that he is able to strike in stealth and combat with amazing and bloody results. He also can use it to puncture fuel tanks in vehicles so they cannot move.


Aatami is also highly skilled with Firearms. All sorts infact, since, as we get into very soon, he is a Finnish Commando :D!!! 

Aatami has used Pistols and Assault Rifles. Assault Rifles in Particular can be very handy while on a Military Bike, just like Aatami's time with the Plane before Take Off Scene.

Throwable Mines 

While technically situational, It is also worth noting that Aatami can use a land mine and throw it towards his enemy, causing an explosion that outright turns them into a red mist. Very Dangerous!!!!


Using his Prospector Bowl, Aatami can use it as a Shield, this gave him protection from firearms and the Tank's Machine Gun Turret. 

Skills and Tactics   

By virtue of being a badass, Aatami is actually a Finnish Commando, and is so feared by the Russians, he is claimed to have killed over a hundred, if not even three hundred Russians in the War. So much so, they nicknamed him "Koshchei", The Immortal.

Aatami is also a "One Man Death Squad" This is obviously true since by the end of the movie, Aatami killed a Battalion of Nazis, highly trained soldiers who outmanned and outgunned Aatami and yet all of them lost. That's right, some Finnish Commando defeated Germany's Talented Battalion of Nazis!!!!!

But of course, Digging is Aatami's leisure time. He is also very lucky. What? You mean he has no luck? He found Chunks of Gold, Survived and killed Nazis and Actually got the job done by getting the Chunks of Gold to the Bank :D!!!!

Aatami is very Stealthy and Extremely Crafty. He is so Crafty, that outsmarting Well Trained Nazis is already a claim since those guys are Trained to take on any form of situation at hand. 

Finally, Aatami is one of the most courageous and determined characters I've known. The Word "Sisu" partly describes someone with indomitable Will, Courage And Determination.


Aatami Korpi is hands down, one of the coolest characters I've known. He may have one movie (for now, there is a sequel coming soon :D), but this guy is extraordinary. 

Let's look at Aatami's Feats.

  • Has Officially, and Cleanly, Defeated Bruno Helldorf by strapping his Harness to a Bomb and then pressed the release button to send Helldorf to his death in a explosion.

  • Killed 90% of the Nazis in the movie. 4% were killed by the Female Prisoners and 1% just ran away from Aatami because of his reputation as "Koshchei"

  • Stated to have killed a Hundred, if not Three Hundred Soviet Soldiers in his lifetime

  • The Fact he caught a German Plane on Take Off and Latch onto it with just a Pickaxe is just timeless. One of the most Epic Feats of all time

  • Killed Two Nazis while underwater, even had to suck out their Air bubbles to stay in water longer....... by sucking them from their own organs!!!

  • Survived getting hanged far longer than a regular human would, even outright survive the whole ordeal!!! 

  • That Plane Crash Feat...... City Block Level....... Nothing happened....... Aatami Potentially Town Level? haha!!!!

  • Finally took his gold to the Bank :D!!

  • Portrayed by Jorma Tommila

  • Sisu is a masterpiece. One of the best movies ever :D


Aatami may be legendary, but he did have the vulnerabilities of a human being at the end of the day.

Yes, he did survive many moments of ridiculous heights, but the fact is, it leaves Aatami injury prone. He was so badly injured at one point, he had to resort to using his own medical skills to heal himself. Very painful indeed. 

Also, Aatami is kinda basic in terms of equipment. Even though he is highly skilled, what we seen of Aatami is very much limited to his Pickaxe, Knife, Pistols, Assault Rifles and the Military Bike. That's pretty much it. Granted, he is still more than capable of taking someone with more weapons than what he has, it's just that in terms of options, Aatami has questionable reliability.

However, despite all that, its pretty much it for Aatami. He may have human capabilities in terms of Damage Threshold but the fact that this guy survived unbelievable odds solidified him as a Badass by all means.

Aatami Korpi, A War Hero and a Cinematic Masterclass :D

The Fight  

(Aatami and his Dog are having a lovely sit down time)

Dog: Roof!!!! Roof!!!

(The Night is finished, Aatami and his Dog are then sleeping)  


(Max Rockatansky just destroyed a Psycho's Car from a distance while in his Interceptor)  

The Next Day.....

(Aatami digs up some dirt, but finds a chunk of gold)

(Very satisfied, Aatami attempts to collect the Chunks of Gold and puts them in his bag.... but then)

(Max, while on the road, creates a huge noise thanks to the V8 Engine on the Interceptor. This greatly unsettles Aatami's Dog)

Dog: ROOF!!!! ROOF!!!!

(Aatami goes out of the dug up hole and sees Max and the Interceptor coming near him and his dog, Aatami then shoos his Dog away for safety and attempts to go towards Max with his equipment)

(Max then tries to stop the Interceptor, but is suddenly astounded to see Aatami still unphased. Eventually, Max goes out of the Interceptor)

Max: Who are you?????

(Angered by Max's Intrusion, Aatami then tries to run towards Max)


(Max then goes back to his Interceptor and tries to get his Boom Stick. However, Aatami is nowhere to be seen)

(Max surveys the surrounding area, he cannot see Aatami at all. He then tries to get back into the Interceptor and drive off. However, the Interceptor's Fuel tank is empty. Max, now very frustrated, goes out of the Interceptor and then uses a Flare Gun)

Max: (In his mind) Son of a Bitch, where are you?

(Aatami, in the meantime, just crawled out from the Interceptor and then gathers some of Max's own supplies of Thundersticks and Shivs)

And then.....

(Max's Magnum Opus Arrives, thanks to Chumbucket Driving the Car)

Chumbucket: My Friend!!!! I am here!!! Let's bring our Angel to glory!!!

Max: I am having issues with someone right now. 

Chumbucket: Well then jump in, we shall take him on together!!! Let the Angel Fly!!!!!

(Max then takes the Wheel of the Magnum Opus, but then..... The Car is out of Fuel???)  

Chumbucket: What is the matter? I filled this Angel to the brim before I got here!!!!!

Max: Looks like this guy loves to take out Fuel tanks, I gotta take him out.

Chumbucket: Careful out there!!!

(Max goes out of the Magnum Opus and attempts to find Aatami, however, as he goes further away, Chumbucket screams from a distance and Max attempts to return to the car, only to find Chumbucket, with his throat slit and outside of the Magnum Opus)

Max: Shit, who the fuck is this guy????

(Max then took out his best gear from the Magnum Opus such as his Armor, Four Barreled Shotgun and Shivs)

Max: (In his mind) I have to get to the bottom of this. I am sick of this guy already!!!

(Max then sees the Dug up hole that Aatami created earlier, he then investigates and sees a pile of Gold Chunks that were already dug up recently)


(Aatami, now on a Military Bike, is shooting at Max from a distance. He eventually hits Max on the left foot, crippling him. Eventually, Max goes behind his Magnum Opus and attempts to grab a Thunderstick. Max then proceeds to throw the Thunderstick at Aatami, destroying the bike and sending Aatami flying 7 ft upwards and then falling down. Max then goes out and readies his Shotgun and aimed at Aatami, but then, Aatami lifts his Prospector Bowl and blocks the incoming firepower of the Shotgun. Aatami then throws the Bowl at Max, interrupting his reload time for the Shotgun, so much so, Max is effectively disarmed of his shotgun. Aatami then grabs onto Max and pulls out his Combat knife) 

It was a brutal moment

(Max however managed to hold back Aatami's Knife Strike and twists his arm, disarming Aatami from his Knife, Max then pulls out his Shiv and attempts to finish off Aatami, but Aatami then shoots at Max's Foot with Max's Own Pistol, severely injuring Max. The Fight then goes into Melee, as Max then punches at Aatami, while Aatami also Punches away at Max)

(Eventually, Max almost overpowers Aatami, but, Aatami's craftiness allows him to kick Max towards the Magnum Opus, which results with one of the Spikes piercing through Max's Body Armor, but Max is unphased, as he then moves out of the spike and then punches at Aatami's Jaw, pushing him away)

Max: Fuck, who the hell are you?

(Aatami then plays dead, Max is surprised and gets closer)

(Max then attempts to finish off Aatami with a Shiv but......)


(Turns out, Aatami stole Max's Four Barreled Shotgun and shoots at Max's Head, instantly blowing it off, killing him)  

It's Over.

(Afterwards, Aatami then calls back his dog, and then they continue their leisure time with Gold Digging). 

(Later, Aatami then fixes the Interceptor's Fuel Tank, fills it up and drives off into the Distance.........) 


This was a very interesting Match up. However, Aatami Korpi was simply far too unpredictable for Max Rockatansky to handle.

Literally, The fact that Max has never in his life ever fought anyone who came close to Aatami's Skillset is already a clear picture, considering that Aatami is a Finnish Commando and a One Man Death Squad who took on Specially Trained Soldiers while Max fought mainly Thugs and Gangsters with very limited training. Granted, Max did fight some skilled characters but none of them are Highly trained or outright Impressive.

Also didn't help that Max cannot overcome Aatami's Physical Stats, especially his City Block level feat of surviving a Plane Crash while Max barely survived a Car Crash. The Difference in Durability Alone is Astronomical. 

Finally, it is important to note that Aatami's Stealth Skills nullified any chance for Max to use his Cars for Combat considering Aatami can puncture their fuel tanks, causing them to be immobile and out of fuel entirely. So Max had to rely on Ground Combat to keep going and as stated before he was on a Suicide Mission against someone with City Block Level Durability.

Max Rockatansky

+ Vehicles Helped out..........

- Outright Crushed in Stats

- Laughably incomparable in terms of Combat Experience

Aatami Korpi

+ Vastly outstats Max 

+ Highly Skilled and More Experienced

- Less Vehicles to go with

Thanks to his Stats, Stealth, Combat Experience and Being a Badass outright, Aatami Korpi Left Max "Mad" in this thrilling match up.

The Winner is Aatami Korpi

Next Time on Who Would Win.....


Yennefer of Vengerberg (The Witcher) vs Shadowheart (Baldur's Gate)